The Irresistible Bundle (7 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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His hands drifted down her back settling around her waist. Her body tingled with anticipation. She stiffened knowing that things couldn't go further. Jaxon was a man-whore and she couldn't forget that. No matter what her body wanted her mind needed to keep all of her in check.

"Give me another chance" He whispered nuzzling her neck. She shivered with pleasure. His touch ignited her obliterating all common sense. The flagrant bulge in his pants was her humble reminder. She sighed in defeat. The man was potent; lethal in large doses. It was impossible to resist him when he acted like this.

"You'll never change Jaxon. I won't be the laughing stock of the student body." She admitted. She'd already been there and done that in high school. She'd learned hard lessons early on. Sex didn't equate to love. Love resided in one's heart, not in one's pussy.

Jaxon stiffened as two groups came into view. His entourage gleefully approached. They eagerly watched as she hastily pulled away. His erection was glaringly obvious to all. Yesterday, before the party, that sight would've made her womb clench. Today it was just another painful reminder of what he was.

Carina took the opportunity to get as far away from him as possible. She knew he wouldn't chase her right now. He had too much pride and dignity to chase a lowly freshman. She jogged to the food court. She refused to look anywhere else but forward. She sighed in relief at the sight of Desirae at the entrance.

Desirae ran and embraced her. "They said you were summoned to the Dean's office."

"Yeah but I don't want to talk about it right now. Can we get something to eat?"

Desirae nodded and led the way. Carina kept her eyes on the floor. She was self-consciously aware of the stares and snickers. Desirae headed to their usual table only to find it occupied. They'd arrived too late. Frustrated, Carina bit her inner cheek and looked around. Andrea frantically waved them over. Desirae looked at Carina for approval. She shrugged knowing that their only options were to sit there or look like bitches by going back to their room.

"You bolted out of class today" Andrea scolded Desirae.

"Sorry" Desirae muttered as she glanced at her roommate. Carina suspected it was because of her. Her chest warmed at Desirae's concern. For as nonchalant as her roommate acted they'd become incredibly close these last few weeks. Any another person could've relished in this drama and watched from the sidelines. Instead, Desirae championed Carina and protected her as much as possible.

Andrea introduced the others at the table. Carina didn't care to listen this time. Maybe she'd go away for the weekend. She couldn't fathom hanging around campus and enduring more of this torture for the next few days.

"What are we doing tonight?" Andrea asked the table. Several people tossed around ideas. The conversation froze as the group who entered the food court made their presence known. Desirae squeezed Carina's hand in silent support. Carina looked down knowing that Jaxon needed no excuse to approach her.

"I'll cuss him out if he comes over here" Desirae hissed.

"He won't come." She quietly replied hoping that would make it true. She'd been able to stay away from Jaxon since she'd walked away from him at that sorority party. Now in the past 72 hours she'd seen more of him than in the last few weeks.

From across the room Pete froze and faced her. "Sweetness" he called out. He applauded as Jaxon scowled at him. "Heard about you and Catherine... You ever want to make it a threesome baby let me know."

Jaxon lunged but Pete anticipated it. He took off laughing. Jaxon looked at Carina and mouthed an apology. She shook her head in disgust. This wasn't going to get any easier.

"What the hell was that about?" Andrea demanded. "Isn't that the asshole that put you front and center last night?"

the one everyone's talking about." A blond with balloon-like breasts and too much makeup asked. She sat across from Andrea and had been one of the unimportant names being rattled off earlier.

Just then Fabien and Emile approach the table. "We see our seats have been taken." Emile sneered. Carina could tell he was pissed about Biology and her ignoring him.

She abruptly stood up. "It's all yours."

"Stop being a dick!" Fabien hissed at his friend.

"She didn't even acknowledge me this morning!" Emile protested. "We were her support group last night and then I'm dismissed this morning."

"You and I never even talked in class before this!" Carina snapped.

"Because you're too damn stuck up" Emile replied hotly. "What because you bang upper classmen it makes you better than us?"

"That's low" Andrea spat; the other occupants at the table sat gawking at the group. Carina could feel Jaxon watching from a distance.

"Let's clear the air here Emile. I fucked Jaxon and Jaxon only. I'm not going to upper class parties finding my next round of dick. Thanks to Jaxon and skanky Catherine everyone knows about who I slept with. Nothing more, nothing less"

"But it's deemed quite an accomplishment to be titled Jaxon's best. He's been around the block and back so he knows what he's talking about. That little performance he put on last night shows that you can make him come without even touching him. That's impressive!"

The table gasped at Emile's rant. Carina could hear those who didn't know about last night's scandal ask questions for clarification.

"How many people here have slept with Jaxon Wright?" Desirae asked the nosy group. She looked at the girls and guys seated at the table. No one answered. They all looked at each other seeing if anyone had been lucky enough to bed the highly sought-after junior and captain of the rowing team. Girls whispered about his dick and sexual appetite. His conquests boasted about his sexual prowess. Jaxon might be a man-whore but he was particular. "Thought so" Desirae hissed.

"What the hell does that prove?" Emile demanded.

"That Jaxon may have quite a few notches under his belt but it's with high standards... Well except slutty Catherine. I heard she walked up to him butt-ass naked and opened up right there." Desirae glared at the group silently challenging them to refute her statement.

Carina closed her eyes to the visual reminder of what she saw the night before and how she imagined Catherine presented herself to Jaxon. She was equally disgusted with Jaxon. She was a sexual person but it didn't mean she'd give head to every guy who pulled it out and asked her to.

"I thought you were different" Emile muttered. Disappointment and bitterness emanated from him. "The girl I see in class and the girl here are two different people."

"That's where you're wrong Emile. I'm Carina everywhere I go. Because I had sex with Jaxon doesn't make me stupid or a whore. I made an adult decision. I'm still on the Dean's list for my grades and I'm here on an all-academic scholarship. Does that make me unworthy or too stuck-up in some aspects but not others?"

She was beyond irritated with Emile and every other judgmental bastard out there. What the hell was his problem anyways? She walked towards the doors leading back to her dorm. She'd lost her appetite and desire to hang out with any of them. She sensed his presence. From her peripheral, Carina could already see Jaxon mirroring her movements. There was no way he was following her back. She was over hiding from everyone.

"Say whatever you've got to say here and now" she demanded.

Jaxon's jaw tightened as he looked around. Carina could see Catherine in the corner fuming. Students whispered and gawked at them.

"When I step through these doors don't even look my way" She hissed.

"Wait" Jaxon pleaded. He grabbed her arm waiting for her to make eye contact with him. Carina didn't look up. She couldn't. Not in a room full of people watching them.

Jaxon was just as aware of everyone and this time he didn't want the audience. "I want to talk to you some more. We weren't done earlier."

"You were because your entourage arrived." She replied bitterly. His image was more important than their conversation.

Jaxon stood over her. He could never get close enough. Her scent drove him crazy. Her curves blinded him to everything else around him. All he wanted was a few minutes alone with her. They had plenty to talk about. He bent to whisper in her ear. "Spend the weekend with me. We can work this out."

Carina could hear Desirae and Andrea loudly whisper
hell no.
She looked up at him. His eyes flared with hope. She didn't understand his persistence with her, "Why me Jax?"

"Give me the chance to explain this weekend." He replied, caressing her collarbone as part of his answer. His touch ignited her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes trying to fight her body's automatic reaction. Her nipples tightened into twin peaks. Jaxon inhaled sharply and tightened his grip on her arms. They still had that affect on each other.

"Let's go" Desirae yanked Carina away from his grasp. He stood there frozen but not before they noted his full body reaction. His eyes glazed with desire, his breathing became shallow, and his jeans bared a distinct bulge.

Chapter Three

Whispers flurried throughout the food court. Carina could only imagine what everyone had to say. Jaxon obviously reacted to her in a way that no other female had mastered. She should feel some sort of accomplishment but it only made her feel dirty. Like what they'd done together no other girl would've attempted.

"He has got it bad for you girl" Desirae crowed as they marched back to the dorm.

"I'd gladly pass on the torch to someone else." She muttered.

"Well, let's have a good night!" Desirae suggested.

"Can we go somewhere off campus?" She didn't want to chance upon Jaxon, no matter how public the venue. Desirae nodded her agreement and began texting friends. It was Halloween weekend and there were plenty of parties to choose from.

"Club 69 is having a major Halloween bash. Free admission if you dress up; prizes for different categories, with food and drink specials!" Desirae squealed. Carina nodded in agreement as they marched back to their room. It sounded like something completely different than what they usually did. She hoped to get lost in a sea of disguised faces. Desirae called around to get a group of girls together.

"What are we going to wear?" She wondered aloud. Desirae opened the door without responding. Andrea and a few dorm mates were in the hallway. Desirae spoke with them, making plans. Carina should've felt irritated or left out but at that moment she didn't care. It'd been a shitty week and she just wanted to enjoy this weekend.

"Let's get going!" Desirae gushed motioning to her roommate. Carina furrowed her brows as the assembled group spoke excitedly about costumes and categories. She silently followed the group. She sat in the back of Andrea's car not wanting to ride with people she didn't know. Carina was able to gather that everyone was costume hunting. Originality was out the window if everyone was going together. She listened as girls talked about naughty maid costumes, Wonder Woman outfits, and even stripper get ups.

"What are the categories we're competing for?" Andrea asked. Desirae's fingers quickly tapped her smart phone screen as she went onto Club 69's website.

"Best couple... Most original... Sexiest... Historically accurate... Most wicked... wait can't that be interpreted in various ways?!" Desirae scoffed as she continued naming the categories. "Crowd favorite... Best male costume... Best female costume... Weirdest... and Naughtiest..."

"Is it me or are they making the categories to see how many females they can get into the club dressed like skanks?" Andrea bitched. "I mean what differentiates sexiest to naughtiest?"

"Level of skankiness" Carina offered. The girls laughed as they pulled into a costume shop. "What is the prize for each category Des?"

Desirae tapped the phone's screen again. "Free admission just for dressing up and getting past the bouncer. Word is they're selective. If the staff likes your costume you can earn a wristband for free drinks all night."

"Fuck me are you for real?" One of Andrea's friends asked.

"Yep" Desirae affirmed. "If the staff likes the entire party you can get free appetizers. For each costume category you win the $500 prize... crowd favorite wins $1000 and free admission to the club for the rest of the year."

"That last part is a little lame" Andrea retorted.

"It costs $20 to enter on any normal night" Desirae scoffed, "More on special events! And don't forget that ridiculous line everyone has to stand in to gain admittance!"

"Let's go see what they have" Carina suggested as everyone piled out of the cars. The prizes wouldn't even matter if they couldn't get admission into the club.

The group of girls walked into the shop. Halloween wasn't until Monday but most places had their parties this weekend. Carina looked around in dismay. Many of the good costumes were already gone. The shop owner approached the girls as they searched the racks in obvious disappointment.

"What can I help you ladies with today?"

"We plan on attending the Club 69 Halloween party tonight but have no costumes." Desirae pouted. Carina wanted to laugh but held back. The night would really suck if they had to wear homemade costumes. Knowing Desirae, Carina suspected she'd go naked and claim it to be her costume.

"Is everyone here in college?" The shop owner asked as she eyed the group.

"Yes ma'am" Andrea proudly replied. "Do you have naughty school girl outfits?"

Andrea's friends choked with laughter as the shop owner smiled. "Perhaps that and more... Let me have my assistant watch over the store as I show you ladies my special collection. Your choice if you'd like to purchase or rent.... I warn you some outfits are to purchase only though. Verify before you fall in love with it."

The shop owner walked off to get her assistant. The girls eagerly whispered with anticipation. Carina looked around the shop. It appeared larger from the outside. She couldn't imagine how many costumes were in this place when at capacity. The shop owner waved them over to a far corner. She pushed a curtain aside and opened a well hidden pocket door.

"Wow" the group breathed as they stepped inside. This part of the store was open; more organized and had mirrors and fitting rooms throughout.

"What were you ladies thinking of? I heard Valentino has some interesting categories this year." The shop owner walked toward the center of the hidden room.

"Do you have a dominatrix costume" Desirae hopefully asked. Carina chuckled at her friend. Desirae left no doubt in anyone's mind that she intended to win a category tonight.

"Look at this mermaid costume!" One of the girls shrilled. She scurried off to a fitting room while Desirae followed the shop owner to a rack full of leather.

"Ladies once you've found the costume you like, AND tried it on, please keep it on so that I can see you all as a group." The shop owner called out.

Andrea and Carina walked down the aisles together. Desirae perused the black leather rack looking for just the right costume.

Another girl squealed, "Found a naughty Mrs. Clause that is SO me. Trying it on! No one can get something like this!"

Carina rolled her eyes and smiled. They acted like a bunch of little kids about to go trick or treating for the first time. She looked around the spacious area. The room had various sections with many unique themes. It was easy to head directly to your area of choice, if you knew what you wanted to wear. She wondered if Club 69 got their category ideas from this shop. The selection of costumes and organization were impressive.

"What do you think about this?" Andrea asked Carina. She pulled out what appeared to be a Goddess costume along with matching gold arm bands and sandals.

"Try it on. You could get historically accurate since there are no stilettos to this set." Carina smiled. She could already tell that it would look gorgeous on Andrea. The flowing white material would contrast beautifully with her gorgeous dark skin.

Desirae jumped up and down as she found her costume. Everyone stopped and laughed at her over eagerness.

"Wait... let me call Valentino. I don't know if you can bring the whip." The shop owner cautioned. Desirae pouted; she remained by her side as she made the call. The group held their breath as the store owner called Club 69's owner.

"Valentino... this is Yvette. I have a group of girls coming tonight.... Yes, all being dressed by me. What? There are
(counting softly)
eight girls." She paused listening to the club owner on the line. "You would do that? Wonderful! I will let them know... but I called with a purpose love. One of them will be dressed accordingly and I want to know if she can bring some toys along... close... more like a flogger or whip. No cat, I promise."

Yvette said a few more things and hung up the phone. "We can do the flogger but not the whip. This one will match your outfit and attach easily to the costume."

Desirae practically sprinted to the fitting room as the girl dressed like a mermaid stepped out. Carina's jaw dropped. The sequin portion was gorgeous and form fitting. The mermaid tail began low on her hips and hugged her thighs and calves. The material ended at her ankles and flared out to look like fins. It had slippers that matched the tail. Her breasts were covered with a starfish shaped bra that covered her nipples and provided a tantalizing peek at her beautiful breasts.

"Delightful" Yvette praised. She walked around the mermaid around. The material showed off beautiful dimples on her lower back.

"I agree" Carina acquiesced. The outfit suited her body and personality perfectly. "What about your hair?"

Yvette hurried off. She grabbed seashell barrettes to complement the outfit. She looked the mermaid over one more time and nodded her final approval. The mermaid scurried off, immensely pleased with the finishing touches.

Andrea and Desirae stepped out together. Carina grinned from ear to ear wondering how she was going to compete with this group. She stared in awe as Desirae stepped forward in leather that fit her like a second skin. The top crisscrossed over her generous breasts allowing just enough to be seen while leaving her mid section bare to all. Desirae chose a mini leather skirt that allowed her garter and stockings to showcase her shapely legs. Her stilettos were dangerously high.

"Why only one glove" Andrea inquired. Carina only then noticed that Desirae was indeed missing the other glove.

"Like the effect." Desirae shrugged as she stroked the glove from her wrist to above her elbow. The effect was erotic. She walked beside the mermaid as Yvette added a chain to Desirae's waist and tied her hair with a sex toy.

"Is that a cock ring?" Carina blurted out. The others rushed over to Desirae and peered at her hair.

"Damn girl... what have you and Jaxon done together?" Andrea teased. Carina rolled her eyes at the group. Wouldn't they like to know?!

"This outfit is for purchase" Yvette gently reminded. Yvette winked at Carina, silently confirming her inquiry.

"Of course" Desirae agreed. She could wear the skirt any time she wanted and the top only needed a jacket to be worn elsewhere.

Andrea stepped forward as Yvette moved onto her. The gold band around her arm made the sleeveless gown all the more appealing. The soft white material flowed from her figure. The top part of her gown gaped open in a v-neck that went from her shoulders down to her navel leaving half her breasts open for all to see. A gold belt rested on her hips. The flowing material opened to provide glimpses of her legs as she walked.

"Andrea you have to change your panties" Desirae admonished.

"Here" Yvette handed her a thong that matched her skin tone. Andrea shrugged and changed right there in front of the group.

"You also need these" Yvette said as she pulled the gown open and bared her breasts to everyone. Andrea's eyes widened as the woman stuck pasties over her nipples as if she did it to random strangers all the time.

"Carina, have you found anything?" Desirae asked indifferent to Yvette molesting Andrea. Carina shook her head. There wasn't enough time to thoroughly go through Yvette's selection. She watched as Yvette placed a crown on Andrea's head and fixed her hair around it.

"Melissa I found your costume!" Mermaid girl crowed. The group looked as an all-too-familiar school girl outfit was pulled from a nearby rack. The girl named Melissa grabbed it and ran into the closest dressing room.

"Fuck me" another voice squealed. Yvette clucked her tongue at the language but nodded her approval of the costume choice. Carina only saw pink as the girl scurried into the adjoining fitting room.

"C'mon roomy...." Desirae flicked her flogger at her. The small crack in the air made the other girls flinch. Carina jumped at the contact against her skin. She rubbed the red spot on her thigh. "Let's see what we can find."

Carina narrowed her eyes at her roommate. She was having too much fun with her costume. Desirae held up a beautiful angel costume. The wings were silver and white and the gown was elegant and gorgeous.

"I love it" Carina confessed. "But those wings will be a bitch in the club."

Desirae pouted. "Damn-it you're right." She continued onto another rack. "Flapper girl?" She suggested. The dress was short and reminiscent of the right era. "You could win
historically accurate

Carina winced. The costume was okay but she wanted something more fun. That kind of costume was as predictable as the French maid ones.

The girl named Melissa stepped out of the dressing room. She had on the all-too-predictable plaid skirt that barely covered her ass. She wore a matching plaid bra and necktie with a navy blazer that was left unbuttoned. The plain white knee-high stockings, along with the Mary Janes on her feet gave just the right effect of naughty and innocent.

"Hell ya!" The group approved. Yvette quickly tied her hair into pigtails and loosened the tie enough to give the overall outfit a cute but sexy look. Yvette nodded with approval at the four girls dressed and ready to party. Carina swallowed hard as she watched the fifth girl exit her dressing room.

This girl wore a pink and black corset top that pushed up her breasts so high they damn near reached her chin. The black tool material underneath represented the "skirt". Carina rolled her eyes as the girl turned around and bent down just enough for viewers to get an eyeful of her thong and tiny rabbit tail. The stilettos were also pink and black. The finishing touches were the matching bunny ears and bow tie choker around her neck.

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