The Irresistible Bundle (4 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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In the morning he started all over again.

Carina sat at the table waiting for Desirae to arrive. They always ate dinner together at the student union. It had become their ritual from the first week of school and she intended to keep it as long as they remained roommates. She sighed as she looked down at her phone. She fought the temptation to text Jaxon. They hadn't gone out on any formals dates in the three weeks they'd been together. She sure as hell didn't count the times they'd gone to parties or clubs with Desirae.

Hell she didn't even know what Jaxon considered them. She harshly swallowed that last bit. It was her fault just as much as it was his. She'd easily jumped into his bed without identifying what they were looking for outside of the bedroom. She was okay with just being friends with benefits but she needed to know where they stood. She didn't like simmering in
what if's

A girl's squeal captured her attention. She looked out the panoramic windows and watched as several girls sauntered up to Jaxon. One already had her hand on his chest while another blatantly leaned forward giving him a full view of her tits. Jaxon smirked as his eyes devoured every inch of her silicone breasts. Carina's stomach tightened. As much as the sight unnerved her what could she do? If she stormed out there and laid a claim on him, only to discover that he'd been fucking around with some of them too... She swallowed the bile that threatened to come up. What did she really know? Outside of sex what did they really have?

Her jaw dropped as she watched Jaxon pocket a phone number. That fucking sucked ass to witness.

"What's that face for" Desirae laughed at her roommate. Carina's puckered expression was priceless.

"Nothing" she sighed. She turned away from the vulgar scene. She'd heard the not-so-discreet whispers over the last two weeks but she'd managed to ignore them. Jaxon sought her out almost every day and she spent several nights a week over at his place.... If anything, he had gotten so comfy with their sexual relationship that he'd practically begged her to go without a rubber. There was no way in hell she was even considering that.

Carina watched from the corner of her eye hoping that he'd realize she was there but Jaxon never made it into the student union. A group of guys called him away. She could only be grateful... She didn't want to have to deal with him at the moment.

"Didn't look like nothing" Desirae challenged.

"Girls can be so desperate" Carina replied in disgust. "Seriously, why throw yourself at every guy. That's just gross."

Desirae cackled with delight. "I missed the skank show! What a shame!"

She rolled her eyes at Desirae's sarcastic tone. She welcomed her roommate's distractions.

"I think we're going to be best friends roomy" Desirae declared. "Nobody puts up with me the way you do!"

Carina genuinely smiled. They got along fabulously. "Thinking you may be right" She winked at Desirae.

They ate in silence for the next few minutes. Carina casually looked outside but never caught another glimpse of Jaxon. She hated the thoughts that flittered across her mind now. She wasn't the type of girl who needed to know where her guy was at all times. But he wasn't really her guy. She was sleeping with him but did that give her any claim on him. He waited for her between some of their classes but it was usually to cop a cheap feel or chance a quickie. Jaxon didn't eat lunch or dinner with her. The most he offered was for her to spend the weekend locked up in his apartment having a 72-hour fuck fest. She knew she was worth more than that. Why was she allowing this?

Because the man was fucking phenomenal in bed.... That's why!

"Did you even hear me" Desirae snapped her fingers. Carina blinked a few times. She'd been so lost in her thoughts she'd completely tuned her out.

"What did you say?" She tried to clear her head.

"Sorority party tonight" Desirae annunciated each word slowly. She didn't know where Carina's head was at the moment but a party was a great way to forget about things.

"Didn't we decide not to join one" Carina sighed with exasperation.

"It doesn't mean we can't go" Desirae retorted. She dragged Carina out of the student union and toward their dorm room. They needed to change before heading to the party. Desirae knew Carina had seen the group of girls draped all over Jaxon. Desirae didn't know what the fuck was going on between those two. All she knew was that the man could fuck and Carina was the one beneath him. Desirae was no fool and neither was Carina. They'd both heard girls whisper about Jaxon's man-whore reputation. The man never pretended to be a saint.

They wore strapless dresses to the party. They joined a group of girls from their dorm to the sorority party. Excitement and anticipation hummed throughout the group. Carina couldn't avoid becoming infected with the same energy. She smiled and laughed with the other girls as they made their way to the party. She checked her phone several times before tucking it into her clutch purse. Apparently Jaxon had other plans for the evening.

Carina fought through the throng of bodies making her way to the kitchen. It was always one of the first places Desirae visited at a party. They grabbed drinks and scouted the place out. She still didn't know most of her classmates but it was nice to see a familiar face here and there. She watched couples on the dance floor. She wanted to shake her despondent mood but it hung over her like a black cloud. She closed her eyes remembering the last time Jaxon played his guitar for her. She'd been impressed by his talent. It was the only time in three weeks that they hadn't spent the night going at it like animals. He'd played his guitar while she had sung.

"Your stud is here" Desirae announced at her side. Carina looked around until she saw a familiar head of ash blond hair. She recognized her body's reaction to him. Her womb clenched. Her pupils dilated. Hell she even panted like a bitch in heat.

Jaxon turned his head as if he could feel the intensity of her gaze. His brilliant smile even took Desirae's breath away. He sauntered over to them. Carina didn't run into his arms. She felt too many eyes watching them. Some were curious. Others were spiteful.

"Belleza" Jaxon greeted. "My night just got better."

Desirae smirked. "I'm sure it did" she teased. "See you two later."

"All you had to do was call" Carina shrugged. She felt off balance since her meal with Desirae. Her thoughts and emotions were all over the place.

"Even better to be surprised" He purred. His chest brushed against her breasts. She held her breath knowing he was making his moves. "I want to show you how much I've missed you" He whispered into her neck.

Carina shivered under his attention. Her mind screamed to slow the fuck down and talk while her body cheered him on. Jaxon licked her neck and boldly cupped her ass. There was no mistaking who Carina was with at this party.

"Your place" She whimpered. Jaxon ground his hips against her.

"Too far" he panted. He yanked her out of the kitchen. He pulled her up the stairs away from the sea of people on the main floor. She stumbled after him wondering if he'd been like this all night. Did her presence cause the intense reaction in him or was she Jaxon's guaranteed easy lay?

In the end it didn't really matter. Jaxon's need was infectious. She squeezed her thighs as he checked each room.

"Fuck" Jaxon cursed. The rooms were all occupied. Carina squirmed beneath his hungry gaze. She whimpered as he palmed his erection through his jeans.

"Sorry belleza" Jaxon growled, "But this is happening here and now."

Before she could respond, he flipped her around. She glimpsed people coming up the stairs but her lust-addled brain couldn't focus on anything but Jaxon's commands. She threw her hands out to catch herself before she smacked into the wall. He gripped her waist letting her know that he didn't want her to move. She panted loudly at the sound of his zipper. He hadn't touched her yet but she could feel his heat. Her pebbled nipples ached to be touched. She spread her legs knowing what he intended. She dug her fingers into the wall as Jaxon pulled her dress above her hips and yanked her panties aside. Somewhere she recognized that they were in the hallway of a sorority house but another part reasoned that at least she was fully dressed.

He impaled himself into her soaking wet pussy. Nearby voices let him know they weren't alone but his need wouldn't let him care enough to stop. He hammered into her as they listened to others having sex behind closed doors. The desire to come was overwhelming for them both. Carina panted and pleaded with Jaxon as he pistoned into her.

"Jaxon, I need... I need..." She couldn't form a coherent sentence but Jaxon knew what she was asking for. He reached around her and applied pressure to her sensitive nub. Carina tensed before biting back a scream. Her orgasm tightened her walls in a death grip making him further swell. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her. The orgasm ripped from his spine and shot through his dick. Jaxon slumped into her and groaned his release. Murmurs and whistles made them aware that a small audience had indeed gathered. Carina's orgasmic high didn't allow her to be embarrassed or ashamed.

"You need to pull out" She mumbled against the wall. "And keep my ass covered in the process."

He grunted. She waited as he slowly slid out of her. He kept his body pressed against her while he tucked himself in and pulled down her dress. She slowly straightened trying to regain her composure. Couples exited the rooms while others took their place.

"Bathroom's at the end of this hall if you need to use it" Jaxon whispered into her ear. "I'll meet you downstairs."

She nodded but didn't turn around. She sensed several people in the hallway with them. They whispered and cooed to Jaxon as he headed downstairs. Carina needed to clean herself up. Her thighs were wet and sticky. Ugh, he'd gone bareback.

"Welcome to the club little sister" a foreign voice praised. Carina turned around to see six smug faces beaming at her. She tried to comprehend what they were saying but her mind was still sluggish from the fucktastic orgasm.

"You must be the freshman all the boys are talking about" another one said.

Carina stilled. She hadn't slept with anyone but Jaxon. "I don't know what you mean" She croaked. She couldn't just let their comments slide without clarification.

"They've been talking about some freshman that Jaxon was banging. It's not usually like him to stick just to one pussy for an extended period of time."

Carina tried not to gawk. Three weeks was nothing. These girls made it sound like this was a feat for Jaxon.

"Jaxon's had each of us" one of the girls preened.

"Sometimes one right after the other" another boasted. "I just love watching him fuck other people."

"But if we're good girls he fucks us too" another voice proudly added.

Carina blanched. She couldn't envision what they were bragging about. What did Jaxon intend to do with her? She'd wanted answers tonight; instead she'd leaned against a wall and given it up to him.

"Jaxon is the fuck 'em, then leave 'em kind of guy. He doesn't do relationships. I hope you weren't delusional or anything sweetie." The same foreign voice feigned concern for her.

"We totally enjoyed the show though! Jaxon's always at his best when people are watching. We'll gladly clear the floor downstairs if you want to show everyone your mad oral skills. Jaxon doesn't mind whipping it out for everyone to see. It's not like he hasn't slept with half the girls at this party."

The six giggled in unison as Carina squashed the nausea and panic. She wasn't a skank like they appeared to be. The comparison left a sour taste in her mouth. Was she any better though? She lost all good sense when he was around. She didn't want to be like the slutty bunch before her. She needed to regain control and she couldn't do it with Jaxon making her into his next favorite sex toy.

"Sorry girls" Carina calmly stated. She wanted to give herself a high-five for the false confidence. "No shows starring me tonight." She walked down the stairs aware of the eyes that followed her. She'd rather be the invisible freshman than the one with the sordid reputation; even if she'd only been with one guy...

She numbly walked around the dance floor. Her eyes locked onto Jaxon. It was amazing how easily it was for her to find him within the crowd. He was like a magnet that both attracted and repelled her. Jaxon was on the dance floor getting fondled and dry humped by several girls. He never turned away their advances. If anything he encouraged the especially attractive ones to continue with their brazen ways.

She didn't like the tightness in her chest. Her supposed relationship with Jaxon didn't merit any kind of feeling between her ribs. Jaxon came with orgasms and drama. She liked the orgasms but she didn't want the drama.

Carina found Desirae across the room. She caught her roommate's attention and motioned to the exit. Desirae looked at Jaxon before nodding. Her roommate must've witnessed something that didn't even make her question her silent request.

This day had gone from bad to worse in a matter of a few short hours. Carina didn't want to believe what that group of skanks had said but it was really hard to ignore. She'd heard too many whispered rumors from various sources all saying the same thing. She'd witnessed his flagrant interactions from a distance without batting an eyelash. Did she really want to have an in-depth conversation with him? What did one fuck buddy say to the next?
Hey what are you doing messing around with her? I thought I was the only one
. What a crock of shit... She knew better. They'd had their fun. Jaxon was already looking for his next good lay... That meant it was time for her to go.

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