The Irresistible Bundle (14 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Carina gritted her teeth as he rubbed the head of his shaft against her front teeth. She felt him tense at the contact and it took all her self control to not open her mouth and let him all the way in. She moved her head slightly causing more friction.

"Behave belleza" he chided. Carina struggled against the tie. "So impatient" he cooed making her scowl. Just as he chuckled she opened her mouth and devoured him. "Fuck" he cried out. She sucked hard and fast. Payback was a glorious bitch. Jaxon swiftly pulled out before she could do anything more. "That's why I tied you up." He admonished.

"Jaxon" She growled. She pulled on the necktie but only met firm resistance. He knelt on the bed. He raised her waist to meet his. She arched her back using her feet to stay elevated. He watched his dick slowly penetrate her exquisite pussy. His grip tightened on her waist as he inched his way in.

"Damn I've missed this" he rasped.

She moaned with pleasure as her muscles tightened around him. Jaxon hissed through his teeth. He slowly thrust in and out. Her muscles clenched as she watched him lasciviously watching their strokes. He lifted her off the bed with every lengthening stroke. She propped her heels on his hips giving him better access. Each stroke pulsated throughout her body. She dug her heels and thrust against him. Her body pulsated with pleasure as he swiveled his hips. The friction set her entire body on fire.

"Fuck" He cried out. He couldn't hold out any longer. He relentlessly pounded into her. He pressed three fingers against her clit trying to get her to catch up with him. His toes curled and his balls tightened. He roared his release as Carina milked him dry. Jaxon collapsed onto her. They continued to shudder with pleasure for several minutes. He untied her hands holding her close. He knew he should massage her arms but he couldn't move.

Carina inhaled deeply enjoying the mixed scent of Jaxon and sex. Her arms tingled with a thousand needles pricking at her skin but she was too exhausted to do anything about it. They fell asleep in each other's arms exhausted from their physical and emotional night.

She fell into a restful sleep void of any erotic or upsetting dreams. She woke the next morning to bright sunlight spilling into the window. Jaxon was still asleep but her bladder screamed at her. She crept out of bed and into his private bathroom.

Carina flinched as she sat on the toilet reminding herself of how well endowed Jaxon really was. She'd feel sore for the rest of the day. She stepped into the shower allowing the hot water to wash away all of the previous nights excursions and tension. She turned off the water only to hear Jaxon's steady stream. She grabbed the towel and patted herself dry sneaking a peek at him; even peeing Jaxon was glorious.

"I was going to join you" He complained as he washed his hands.

"Didn't hear you until now" She stated as she ogled his toned body. She might've been sore but it didn't diminish her insatiable appetite. "Don't you have rowing today?"

"Coach gave us the day off" He replied following her gaze. They watched his erection came to life.

"Jaxon" she warned. He was already proving her right. They'd had sex almost half a dozen times in a matter of hours.

"I'm making up for lost time" He replied in a husky voice. He yanked the towel off her and propped her onto the bathroom sink. He spread her legs staring at the apex between her thighs.

She leaned back relishing his hooded gaze. She shivered at the sound of his sharp inhalation. He always made her feel so beautiful and wanted. She tried to ignore the little voice in her mind that taunted her; he probably made everyone feel this way. Otherwise why did he have so many girls flocking to him? He was great in bed but she couldn't imagine that his one-night stands were as memorable. Carina swallowed her insecurities. She was going to give Jaxon the opportunity to prove that he could be something more than just great sex.

Jaxon's groan as he slid into her banished all other thoughts. "
" he breathed nuzzling her neck and shoulder. She shivered with pleasure. He stroked away her insecurities. She got lost in a tsunami of passion that could only be Jaxon Wright.

Chapter Twelve

Jaxon knew Carina was still skittish. She hadn't contacted her roommate and her agitation became more apparent as they dressed to leave for breakfast. "You wanna go to our old place for breakfast?' He optimistically asked. They'd been "together" only a short time before but he'd taken her to his favorite hole-in-the-wall on more than one occasion.

Carina bit the inside of her cheek. She shrugged indifferently. Even back then they'd been on different pages. She'd enjoyed every minute with Jaxon but she'd kept a wall between them. The moment other students had gotten word that she was with him, they'd all been eager to share their stories and opinions.

She vividly remembered the day she decided to walk away from Jaxon and all his deliciousness. A group of girls from a sorority all decided to take turns sharing sexually explicit stories about him. And to prove that they weren't making things up some showed pictures while others told of very intimate markings on his body. They'd acted like it was a badge of honor to be inducted into the:
we've fucked Jaxon Wright club
. There'd been at least six girls there and they'd applauded the little freshman who'd captured his dick for the moment. It'd somehow earned her the right to pledge at their sorority.

"Do you prefer to go somewhere else?" He tentatively asked. He swallowed the rock in his throat as he watched her brows furrow with a series of emotions flittering across her face. "You said you'd give us a chance" he gruffly pleaded. He sensed her inner struggle. He knew he couldn't hold onto her if she didn't want to stay, not even with sex.

Carina wasn't sure what she was doing. She'd had sex with Jaxon so many times that she could still feel him inside her. If he'd only wanted to get her in bed again he'd succeeded but the desperation in his voice revealed that he genuinely wanted something more out of this. "It's been a while" she agreed with a half smile. "Let's go." She grabbed her purse before heading to the door.

His body slumped in relief. He grabbed her hand as they exited his apartment. She kept her head down while they exited the building. Jaxon bristled with irritation at her hiding her face but he chided himself to be more patient with her. His reputation was a major issue they would have to overcome. He'd given her little reason to trust him. He had to earn it although it wasn't going to be easy.

They spent the day away from campus. Away from prying eyes and malicious whispers, Carina was relaxed and carefree. He loved this side of her. Jaxon was thrilled to learn that they shared a lot in common. They talked throughout breakfast. She continuously challenged him. Jaxon was surprised by how refreshing it all felt. He constantly had girls begging to be with him and guys always agreeing to whatever he wanted. He liked the uncertainty Carina plagued him with. He couldn't be complacent with her. He wouldn't take her for granted.

The moment they headed back, her demeanor changed. He felt the wall she built around herself. Carina prepared herself for a difficult evening. Their world was easy and perfect away from campus. Jaxon needed to find that same comfort for them on school grounds.

There were things they needed to do first. Carina needed to talk to Desirae and Jaxon needed to address his group of Neanderthals. She knew she'd have to endure the rumors and insidious whispers. The universe seemed against them wanting to work things out.

"Do you want to eat something before getting back?" He inquired. He was still full from their scrumptious breakfast but he wanted to savor these last moments before facing the world again.

"It's too early and Des and I have a Sunday ritual." She quietly replied.

Jaxon nodded looking away. He didn't want Carina to see his disappointment. He felt like if she left tonight she wouldn't be back. Someone would manage to convince her to stay away. He swallowed his insecurities trusting that she would continue giving them a chance. He was Jaxon Wright after all. He could have anyone but the one girl he wanted most wouldn't give herself completely to him. They walked to her dorm and he kissed her goodbye. His chest tightened as he stood on the step watching her walk into the building hoping that she would be back in his arms in no time.


Carina opened the door to her dorm room and braced herself. Desirae rarely let something go. She dropped the bag on her bed and stared at her roommate. "Hi Des" she warily greeted.

"You could've been dead, or worse off, eloped or something." Desirae retorted.

Carina smiled. Desirae's tone was still one notch beneath frigid. She hadn't called her best friend in 18 hours. She was ashamed at her selfishness. Desirae appeared genuinely relieved to see her as if she'd been worried during her absence.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the club" She lamely began.

"Are you?" Desirae challenged. She paced the floor as Carina flopped onto her bed.

"I could've handled it better." She sighed. "But I'm not sorry that I went with Jaxon. There's just been too much baggage between us. We needed to air things out."

"And how many times did that include his dick being inside of you?"

"Too many" She winced at her friend's cutting remark. Jaxon had a reputation, but a well earned one. Was she kidding herself to think that he could change his ways? The female student body knew of his promiscuity yet it didn't deter them. In fact it seemed to be more of an aphrodisiac.

"Carina... don't become
that girl
" Desirae pleaded with her friend.

"What kind of girl is that" She said between clenched teeth, attempting to reign in her temper.

"The one who gets bent over in front of everyone and fucked.... I mean metaphorically not like that dumb bitch at the party the other night. You're treading dangerous waters and things will get rougher before they'll ever get calm. Are you prepared for it?"

Carina bit her lower lip. Desirae had the best intentions and she brought up valid points. It was easy to be with Jaxon behind closed doors. Being with him with others around would be far more challenging. Would he be willing to drop his group of lackeys to help her feel at ease? Was it fair of Carina to ask him of that?

"I know we'll have to work at it. We talked quite a bit and I was clear about the group of assholes he hangs out with. I'm not putting up with it."

"Is it fair to ask him to give up his friends?" Desirae quietly asked. She hoped Jaxon didn't expect the same of Carina.

"Des, can they even be considered friends?" She retorted. Jaxon was so much better than them yet he couldn't distance himself from them.

"To Jaxon they are" Desirae replied. "Don't you have homework to get done before dinner?" She didn't dare ask if Jaxon was taking over their Sunday evening ritual.

"Right, let me get a few things done and then we can head out."


Desirae breathed a sigh of relief heading off to the gym. She didn't want to be a distraction to Carina so that she could get her assignments completed faster. Desirae attended her Sunday spinning class and cooled down with a yoga session. She headed back to the dorm refreshed and refocused. Carina wasn't the type of girl to fall head over heels with a guy.

Desirae groaned as she caught the unwelcome sight of Emile. She prepared herself for the inquisition knowing that it was more than just Emile interested in knowing Carina's whereabouts.

"Roomy still MIA" He taunted.

"Nope she's back and wrapping up some assignments. I just got back from the gym. You heading to get Andrea" Desirae attempted to change the topic before it even got there.

"Yep, we still on for dinner right?"

Desirae nodded as she climbed the steps to her building. Andrea and the guys were now a part of their evening ritual. It was nice sitting in a small group eating dinner with friends. She'd never had a home with family dinners but she supposed that it felt something like what Carina and Andrea made her feel.

Desirae waved goodbye and hastily stepped into the building. Emile stood awkwardly at the door but she didn't care. She'd already seen his mouth opening for another question. Carina could deal with the interrogation. She wasn't going to make up excuses for her. If Carina wanted to star in the Jaxon Wright saga then so be it.

Desirae swallowed the bitter taste in her mouth. She knew how the story would end. Hell, Carina knew how the story would end but she still decided to take the leading role. Desirae couldn't understand how sex made people so stupid. She had plenty of sex but she kept her head on straight.

Desirae walked into her roommate putting away her books looking refreshed and content. She grabbed fresh clothes and toiletries and headed to take a shower. She'd skipped the shower at the gym to ensure that Jaxon wasn't in the dorm. She shook her head in disappointment. It already felt like she was either babysitting Carina or trying to catch her before she royally fucked up. Either way didn't bode well and it irritated her.

They met up with Andrea, Emile, and Fabien at their usual table. Carina took a deep breath approaching the trio knowing that they would start as soon as they sat down. She contemplated just telling them what happened but she didn't really owe them that. Desirae was her closest friend and roommate and she'd bared it all to her. Carina could tell that Desirae was battling with wanting to be happy for her while being leery of the whole situation. She couldn't blame Des; she was in the same predicament.

The group grabbed their meals before sitting down at the table. Carina cut up her meatloaf waiting for someone to ask. She wasn't going to offer up anything. She took her first bite glancing at Fabien. His face held the most emotion. Fabien's jaw twitched. He rigidly sat with stiff shoulders. Carina aggressively chewed the meatloaf. She felt indignant. Why the hell was he so angry? Who the hell did he think he was? They hung out but she wasn't dating him.

"So...." Andrea pressed. She raised her eyebrows at Carina in expectation.

"So...." Carina drawled. She took another bite of her meatloaf. Andrea's mouth fell open.

Jaxon walked into the Student Union with two rowing buddies. His entourage was nowhere to be found. He approached Carina's table and kissed her on the temple. "Call me later" he whispered in her ear. She nodded but didn't turn her head. Her skin flushed as the entire room's gaze shifted to them. Jaxon sauntered off to get dinner well aware that he'd staked his claim for everyone to see. There'd be no drama but he ensured there was no doubt as to who he was with.

A couple of girls approached but Jaxon brushed them off. He kept his eyes toward Carina who kept her head down. He longed to sit at her table but knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. He'd brushed off Pete and the guys tonight but he needed to sit down with them for sure. He knew he couldn't have a real relationship with Carina if they continued to hang around.

"Care to elaborate" Melissa demanded from the other end of the table. She could tell Carina was uncomfortable with the entire situation but the last she recalled she'd rebuffed his attention.

Carina shrugged. "Jaxon and I agreed to try. We've set up some expectations. I'm just taking it one day at a time."

"He's a dog Carina" Fabien hissed. "After everything he's done to you"

"What exactly is that Fabien?" She challenged. She hated that everyone acted like they knew her personal business.

"Carina you were upset when you found him at the party" Andrea gently replied.

"I was pissed that Pete put me in that position, Andrea. I was appalled for that girl. I was even disgusted with Jaxon... But I wasn't heartbroken. Jaxon and I weren't together and there's very little he does that surprises me."

"What makes it different this time" Fabien snapped. He couldn't believe that Carina was giving Jaxon another shot but she wouldn't give him the time of day. They'd had a great time together. He couldn't understand why Carina would risk being with someone like Jaxon when he could give her everything she needed and wanted.

"We're actually trying for a relationship this time" Carina bit out. "Last time it was physical. No ties and I walked away. I think everyone is forgetting that I
walked away
and he came looking for me."

"Now that he has you there's no more excitement in the game. He'll tire of you like he does with everyone else." Fabien petulantly replied. Andrea elbowed him in protest.

"Chill out dawg" Emile protested.

Fabien got up disgusted with the group and stalked off. Carina bit her lip and looked down at her half eaten meal. She couldn't eat another bite. Would she become the outcast?

"I'm sorry about Fabien" Andrea whispered. "He really likes you. He thought he had a chance but with Jaxon in the picture he knows there's no way."

"Why the hell would Carina want to be with someone like that" Desirae admonished. She glared at Emile.

"I'm not Fabien" Emile barked.

"Some of your recent behavior has been pretty damn close" Desirae frigidly replied.

Emile contritely nodded his acknowledgment but said nothing more. He knew he'd been a dick to Carina but Fabien really liked her and it killed him to see his friend so distraught. The table sat in an awkward silence.

Jaxon watched from his seat. He could sense the growing tension at Carina's table. One of the guys were royally pissed. It took everything he possessed to just sit down and let her handle things. Carina was holding her own, but he still wanted to go over there and cuss the jackass out. More than anything he wanted her sitting with him during meals but he knew he hadn't earned that privilege yet. As much as he wanted to just insert himself in every facet of her life he knew he needed to take baby steps with her. Carina needed to know that she could trust him and he needed to find a way to prove it to her.

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