The Irresistible Bundle (17 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Diego looked at her confused and concerned. She was nowhere in this video. Why was she panicking?

"Oh shit" Pete's voice hissed, catching the camera's attention. "This is about to get good. Get ready man." The picture revealed Pete pushing past the front row of spectators grabbing someone in the hallway. Carina already knew the rest of this story but to watch it unfold was like reliving a nightmare.

"This show's just for you sweetness." The video captured Pete snickering at someone. Carina finally came into the camera's view. Diego and the others in the room gasped. The girls quickly registered what was about to unfold looking at Carina with pity and understanding in their eyes. She gritted her teeth waiting for her brother's reaction; his eyes never left the TV screen.

She watched herself onscreen. The Carina on the footage stood frozen in the doorway staring. The sidekick recording the whole thing ensured to angle the footage to simultaneously capture them. Everyone in the room watched the scene unfold as Jaxon thrust into Catherine. He appeared disinterested his hips slapping against her ass. Carina's onscreen face morphed from irritation to horror to disgust. The video showed her about to turn away just as Pete reached out to caress her.

Carina shuddered with disgust remembering that pig's touch. She looked around and noticed her brother trembling with barely contained rage. Should she tell them to stop? If he was still going to watch this she wanted to be present. She swallowed, her heart hammering in her chest, knowing Pete's best line was about to be revealed.

"Too bad it's not you performing sweetness. Jaxon said you're the best pussy he's ever had... and that's saying a lot." Pete's infamous line was now viral.

Everyone in the room froze turning to Carina. Diego bolted from his seat. "Turn it the fuck off" he bellowed.

"Don't" Carina quietly replied. "It's almost over." She stared at Griffin but he didn't budge. "If you fucking plan to watch this you'll do it with me here."

Griffin looked at Diego who still hadn't moved from his spot, silently raging. "Fine" Diego hissed. Griffin clicked the screen. The tension in the room built, everyone dreading as to where this scene was heading. No one had ever seen Diego like this.

Carina smirked knowing what was next. Griffin looked at her puzzled before turning back to the screen. The room roared with approval as they watched Carina backhand Pete. The footage shook a little as the person behind the phone debated whether to step in or not.

"Fuck" Jaxon hissed as he turned to the commotion in the doorway. He pulled out of the girl and shoved her aside. The onscreen Carina turned to look at him blatantly staring at his impressive manhood. The girls in the room muttered "hot damn" watching as Jaxon stroked his glorious erection.

The footage captured the moment perfectly. Carina imagined how riveting this unfolding scene appeared... now that she could see it without being so emotionally attached it was pretty fucking amazing. Onscreen Carina stood stoically in the doorway as Catherine lay in a discarded heap on the floor. Jaxon stroked his erection; no one could miss his lust-filled expression and rapid breathing. He chanted her name as he stepped towards her. There was no mistaking the spray of semen in all directions as his undivided attention remained fixated on her.

"No fucking way" a male voice in the room cried out.

"That's disgusting" someone else retorted.

"That's fucking hot" one of the girls swooned.

Their commentary ceased with Catherine's shrieking voice, "You came for her?"

"You couldn't get the job done" Jaxon snarled turning to look at the girl with disgust. She at least had enough sense to look humiliated. The room watched with their mouths hanging open. Suddenly the onscreen Carina was snatched from the doorway. The camera caught a glimpse of a furious Desirae. Just as quickly the camera fell from steady hands as Jaxon's voice called Pete a fucking prick and the sound of a fist connected with a face. The video ended there. But the commentary was at least 100 opinions long. Griffin had the decency to not read through them.

"Any questions boys and girls" Carina flatly stated. She asked the question loud enough for everyone to hear but her eyes never left her brother. He still hadn't faced her.

Chapter Seventeen

Carina's phone broke the silence. She squeezed her eyes shut praying that Jaxon wasn't the name on the other line. Diego practically sprinted grabbing her phone. She didn't even get to see who was calling.

"Did you know about the video" Diego barked at the person on the other line. Carina breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Desirae's voice. "Not that one. The one with her and that fucking asshole Jaxon" He growled. Carina stared at her brother. He didn't care about his audience continuing with his interrogation. "Why didn't you pull her out sooner?"

The room was quiet enough for everyone to hear Desirae scream at him. "Did you not see the footage asshat?! I had to wrestle my way through to get to her. I ended up with a busted lip trying to get her out."

"That's true Diego. This isn't her fault." Carina tried to console him. She took the phone from him. "I'll talk to you later Des, okay?" She hung up the phone and embraced her brother. "I'm sorry you had to see that." She whispered in his ear.

Diego pulled back looking appalled. "What" he spluttered. "I want to kill both those assholes. The one named Jaxon and the one you backhanded. You did nothing wrong." He was determined to spend a few days with her on campus now. There was no way in hell that he wasn't going to meet these fuck wads.

"Is there anything more that has me linked with Jaxon" Carina asked Griffin. She needed to know what all was out there. This garbage could impact her professional future if it got too out of hand. Social networking was a blessing and a curse. She needed to check and see if some asshole had tagged the video to her page.

"No... nothing else" Griffin assured her. It was already late afternoon; the mood definitely altered. No one would look at Diego's little sister the same way again. Fortunately these guys were more respectful or at least had a healthy dose of fear with Diego present. No one made snide or inappropriate comments. One of the girls jumped up and took suggestions on what to order everyone to eat. Carina was grateful that the focus shifted away from her. She wasn't sure whether to stay or go. She'd never intentionally put Diego in this kind of predicament.

"Let's take a walk" Diego quietly offered. She nodded fighting the tightness in her chest. Her brother was too quiet. The rage passed but she dreaded disappointing him. That video was a bitter reminder of why she hadn't wanted a relationship with Jaxon. It was easy to be with him when it was just the two of them. But it was hard when reality slapped them in the face.

They walked the back of the spacious property hand-in-hand. The meticulously trimmed gardens made it easy to choose a less traveled path. Not as many flowers bloomed this time of year but everything still looked nice. It helped to bring a sense of peace before their discussion. Carina wasn't sure if she should just offer information or wait for Diego.

They stopped at a beautiful koi pond. "Who is he muñeca?"

Carina stared at the orange and white fish as they swam about their pond. This conversation could go in so many directions. Nothing was sure regarding her relationship with Jaxon. But she didn't want to belittle it either and it seemed to be like that was what she'd been doing the last few weeks. Jaxon begged her to give their relationship a chance yet she acted indifferent to it. She wanted to protect her heart but at what cost. She knew Jaxon had a history and willingly went into the relationship. How could she explain all that to her brother? She knew if he learned everything he'd blow up. But he already knew some rather unpleasant details and he was obviously trying to understand.

"Jaxon Wright is a junior. He's the captain of the rowing team. We met at the beginning of the school year. He's adored by all but he's not perfect. He's managed to fuck half the female student population but somehow he's still the most revered man-whore on campus."

"Including you..." Diego hesitantly added.

"Yep, including me; I got to 'know' Jaxon the first few weeks of school. But let me be clear Diego. I had a good time with him and I was the one who walked away. Jaxon pursued me for weeks after that begging for a more meaningful relationship. In the meantime he still bedded someone different at the drop of a hat."

"You weren't seeing him during Halloween right?" Diego cautiously asked. Carina knew what he was asking without directly saying it.

"No, Jaxon and I had been over for weeks. It didn't mean that he didn't try that night. What happened between Sati and Valentino was the first time I'd ever done something like that."

"Why am I discussing my sister's sex life" Diego groaned. He flushed bright red making her giggle. She appreciated that he wasn't being an ass about all of this.

"I just want to be honest with you big brother. There are few people in this world that I make this kind of effort with and you're one of them." She leaned into his warmth, grateful for his understanding.

"It doesn't mean I like it" he growled. "Do you love him?"

Carina laughed at the preposterous notion. "No Diego. I like him. I like his company. If there's anything to love about Jaxon Wright it's his bedroom skills. I don't know him enough or trust him enough with my heart to give him my love."

Diego exhaled loudly. "Aside from loving his dick, I like the rest of your answer..." He looked at his sister nibbling his lip. Did he really want to go further with his questioning? "Are you two involved right now?"

Carina tilted her head back and looked to the dreary sky. She should've known that Diego would continue to push. He sounded understanding right now but his fuse would blow if she told him the absolute truth. She bit her cheek pondering how to communicate this.

"It's complicated. Jaxon wants more; I don't know if I do. He's too set in his ways for me to entirely give myself to him. But I've told him that I'll try. We've actually gone out on dates and he separates that God-awful hyena pack from us when we're together. Do we have a lot to work on? Yes. Am I trying? Yes."

"Are you giving it your all though?" Diego asked. His sister's indifference was unsettling. She was such a loving and passionate person that it surprised him to see her keeping someone at arm's length.

"Sure" she shrugged. Diego scoffed. "Let me explain!" She huffed. "I already knew about Jaxon's reputation as a brand new freshman barely three weeks into the school year. I enjoyed my time with him and cut ties before things got hairy. Now, Jaxon and I are trying for something more.... But I'm still leery.

"Let's talk about this week. He begged me to stay with him rather than visit my family. It rubbed me the wrong way that somehow his family was more important than mine. I'm not setting that kind of precedent. Add to that he's voiced how he isn't thrilled about having to abstain from sex for nine days....

"We've now moved the same argument to winter break and Jaxon thinks that somehow he'll get me for a full two weeks. Now that he hasn't had his way I can't help but wonder if he's fucking around on me. We're supposed to be exclusive but I don't honestly know what's the longest he's been without being buried in a warm hole. It's thoughts like those that keep me humbly reminded of who I'm with."

Diego tilted his head. He was simultaneously proud of his sister while being disappointed in her. She was strong enough to not allow a man to define her or mistreat her but at the same time she didn't risk anything because she refused to give him a piece of her heart.

"He doesn't have a chance does he?"

"I'm just taking it one day at a time Diego. I plan to bring him to meet the family during spring break, if we make it that far. We see each other all the time. Obviously we don't have the same classes. I spend the night at his place every weekend. I think I'm conceding quite a bit."

"Ah, muñeca..." Diego sighed. "You willingly give him your time and your body but not your heart. How will you know if he's worthy if you don't give him a chance?" He sure as hell wasn't defending this philandering motherfucker but Carina wasn't being fair either. Their relationship was already doomed to fail. "You're just waiting for him to fuck up."

"This week is a test for us Diego. I'm not deluding myself or anything. And I am giving him a chance. I'm just not ready to give him my heart until he proves himself more trustworthy."

"What will that entail muñeca?" He kissed her forehead before leading them back to the house. There was still so much to talk about but they were both starving. "Where does Valentino fit in all of this?"

"He doesn't" She shook her head. "Halloween was the last time I saw or spoke to him. I was completely surprised about the flowers and the phone call."

"Interesting that he did that and not Jaxon" Diego mused. Maybe this club owner would be a good ingredient in the mix. She needed to see what a real man, a gentleman, was capable of. But Diego wasn't jumping on anyone's band wagon, as of yet. "Just slow down muñeca... you won't find love by opening your legs." He cringed at his attempt for good advice.

Carina laughed, "Learned that a long time ago big brother... but thank you for loving me enough and having the balls to say it aloud."

"How long ago" He croaked. The more they talked the more he realized that his little sister wasn't so innocent.

"Uh-uh" She adamantly responded. "Only those that are actively involved in my sex life need to know that."

Diego spluttered in disbelief. "And your little BFF's don't know the sordid details?!"

"Semantics" Carina scoffed as they entered the glass doors. The house permeated with the wondrous smells of Chinese food. The group reticently looked at the brother and sister pair, and then sighed with relief as they realized that all was well with the Lobos siblings.

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