The Game Plan (18 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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She looked innocent, blinking her big eyes as Bryon beckoned to her and pointed to his lap.  Sighing, she obeyed, placing herself with her bottom upturned and sit spot accessible.  Cassie yelped loudly when five sharps smacks landed on her bottom.  Bryon stood her back up, shaking his finger.

You best be nice.  Suzanne is wicked with a hairbrush

I will, Daddy. 
m sorry I was bad

You were
t bad.  Kiss me and go love on Robby
He smiled warmly.  Cassie obeyed and climbed onto Ro
s lap for hugs and very grown-up caresses.  They heard the front door open.

Glenn?  W
re in the kitchen
Rob called, sliding Cassie off his lap so she could warm some dinner up for the youngest brother.  He walked in, looking dejected.  Cassie put the plate down before him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

m so sorry I hurt you.  I did
t realize how much you would miss me if I wasn't around so much

You guys leave me out of everything
he pouted, stuffing the food into his mouth without really tasting it. 

Rob patted his arm.
m sorry, too, Glennster.  None of us thought twice about how selfish we were being.  Forgive us

Me, too, little brother.  I never meant to hurt you.  We want to be up front with you.  Yo
re our brother and yo
re an adult.  We trust you and respect you

You do

We do
Bryon kicked Rob under the table, and he nodded.

s start from the beginning.  You said you knew about us?  What do you know and how did you find out
Rob asked carefully.

You guys go to that gay bar in South Bay where the Leathermen hang.  My friend saw you there a couple of times.  I know yo
re not gay, which means you are into leather.  Simple deduction.  Whips and chain stuff

What made you think Cassie was screwing us
Rob frowned. 

Glen shrugged.
I was just being mean.  Sorry Cass.  I know you hate Judy, but she seems to really like me

Glenn, she might like you but we love you.  Sh
s not a safe person for you to be around.  Sh
s unscrupulous and will hurt the family if she gets a chance
Cassie said softly, her eyes concerned.

Glenn shook his head.
You know I would
t let anyone hurt my family.  Besides, ther
s nothing wrong with being Leathermen and I know you and Rob have a thing going. 
m okay with that..

We are
t into leather, Glenn
Rob said firmly. 

Bryon eyed his elder brother, who nodded.
And we are
t gay.  We have other interests
Bryon said.

Like what?  Cass?  You too

Yes, bu

Glenn, I want to invite you to either go with me to Las Vegas this weekend or spend the weekend on my farm with Cass and Bry.  Either way, yo
ll get a better understanding.  You just have to swear not to ever tell Pop.  H
d have a heart attack

If I go to Vegas, will you pay
Glenn asked slyly.  Rob smiled, nodding.

We have
t had a trip together in a long time.  When we get back,
ll take you over to the farm.  Deal

Deal.  When do we leave

ll get you a ticket right now.  Can you be ready at 7

Hell yeah.  Let me go pack
Glenn said excitedly, rushing from the table.  He kissed Cassi
s cheek, thanking her for dinner.

Well, that went better than I thought it would.  Leathermen?  We could have gotten away with letting him believe that, you know
Bryon said, nibbling on a roll. 

Cassie frowned, hands on her hips.
s not nice to lie, Daddy. 
d be spanked hard for even thinking that
she scolded quietly.

Yeah, Bad Daddy
Rob teased. 

Bryon shot them both the bird.


* * *


Glenn sat quietly next to his older brother as they started the long trip to Vegas.  Not much was said, both of them were tired from the early morning flight.  He eyed Rob.

ve changed


re happier.  Is it because of Cass

Most of it, yes

Do you swear to me that yo
ll tell me the truth if I ask

I swear.  I
s exhausting to keep secrets from the people you love

Okay, then tell me about your kicks.  And where Cassie fits in

Sighing, and keeping his voice low, Rob explained. 

s eyes widened.
You share her?  Tha
s gross

We are
t sexually involved.  At least she and I are not yet and Bryon wo
t be.  H
s got a lady friend who might be joining our little family

Is she bi-sexual

m not sure, I have
t met her yet.  The
re just friends with, uh, benefits.  But she has the same interests as Bry with wanting to care for an adult child.  You know how Br
s always been the nurturer.  This is natural for him, and Cassie being so tiny and always into mischief allows him to indulge his need

What if he has his own kids

He does
t want the responsibility of raising children, just the pleasure of caring for them.  I
s hard to explain.  H
s also into older and more mature women, many have already had kids and are ready to live life without the responsibility

You guys are total nutcases
Glenn grunted, thinking about it.  He never considered the advantage of having an older woma
It appealed to him.

We all have fantasies and desires that no one should judge.  Wha
s yours

To roll naked in a pool of money

Be serious. 
m treating you as an equal and really trusting you with my secrets

m sorry.  I guess
ve never really thought about it.  Maybe
m boring.  I want a nice, pretty wife, a house with a white picket fence, a decent car, and two and a half kids

s not boring.  I
s what Pop has.  And h
s a content man.  You could do far worse than to pattern yourself off him.  Give him grandkids and h
d be in heaven

Do you want kids

I have one
Rob grinned.

I thought Bry was the daddy

All tops view their girls as a child of sorts.  I just want to make love to mine one day.  And marry her
Rob sighed.

m glad sh
s made you happy.  I really am.  Do you think sh
s happy, too

I think she found what she wanted and needed from both of us.  Sh
s allowed to be a young, carefree child with Bryon and a woman with me.  Although she does have her moments where she reverts to her brat mode and I have to take a daddy positio

Rob chuckled.

The trip to Vegas was an eye-opening experience for Glenn.  Although he found it strangely fascinating, the Club was not his thing.  But it helped him better understand his eldest brothe
s need for seclusion and privacy, as well as the myriad of dynamics in the D&S world.  He even witnessed some age-play scenarios, showing him yet another aspect of the scene he had
t previously understood.  With a deeper respect for each other, they started home.




Chapter Nine



Ready to go, kiddo
Bryon asked after tossing her things into his jeep. 

Cassie nodded.
Am I going to meet Miss Suzanne this weekend
she asked, climbing in.  He reached across to buckle her seat belt.

Maybe.  I wanted to spend some time with you, first.  Ready to go

Cassie fidgeted restlessly in her seat about 15 minutes into the drive.  Bryon frowned.
Did you go potty before we left

Cassie bit her lip, shaking her head.  She knew Bryon hated to stop once he was on his way and she had been so excited to leave that it slipped her mind.  She noticed that things seemed to slip her mind a lot when she was in her
young lady role.

t I tell you to go?  And did
t you say you did

Yes, Daddy
she said quietly. 

Bryon sighed, pulling into a Denn
Hurry up and go.  We will deal with your lying to me when we get home
he said, escorting her to the ladies room and waiting outside the door.

Did you wash your hands

Yes, sir
Cassie whispered, showing him and hoping no one saw them.  He nodded, holding the door for her to leave and then loading her back into the vehicle.  She could tell he was unhappy with her.  Daddy hated being lied to, even about silly things.  He had no tolerance and was very strict about that.  She wiggled, knowing her little bottom would be very, very sore this afternoon.

She held her teddy bear tightly as she looked out the window.  Even though it rarely helped, she usually could run to Rob and get some sympathy when Daddy was annoyed.  A tear dripped down her nose.  Bryon saw it.

Why are you crying, Cassandra

I do
t like it when yo
re mad at me
she sniffed. 

He reached across to squeeze her hand.
I do
t like being mad at you.  But you lied to me.  If I did
t care, then I would
t be upset

m sorry, Daddy

I know.  But I still have to punish you.  You know my feelings about lying

You wanted to lie to Glenn

And it was wrong.  We chose not to, and tha
s the thing you have to learn.  Wanting to do something bad is not the same thing as doing it

I wo
t do it again.  I promise
she whined.

s what you said the last time you lied to me, young lady.  W
re home.  Get your stuff and go up to your room and wait for me

Cassie held her breath as she ran up the stairs to her and Ro
s bedroom.  Bryon had taken over the larger guest room for his frequent visits, although there were still times that the three would just pass out in the giant king sized bed with Cassie between them.  She loved those times; she felt so protected and overwhelmed by two beautiful, strong and dominant male bodies.  Nothing could touch her then.

She sat on the edge of the bed swinging her feet and clutching her favorite bear.  It was the first one Bryon had given her as a present to his
young lady and had become her confidant.  She heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and looked up at him through blurry, tear filled eyes.

He was dressed in old Lev
s that clung to him like a second skin.  His black, long sleeved shirt was snug, stretching across the span of his chest and accenting his huge, bulging arm muscles and neck.  Like Rob, he was drop-dead gorgeous, but had a softer, gentler way about him.  Until now.  He was angry with his young ladyand it showed clearly on his rugged face.  He sat down next to her.
You know wha
s going to happen, do
t you Cassandra Lynn

re going to give me a spanking
the girl whimpered, as Bryon lifted her chin to face him.

Yes, I am.  A severe one this time.  We will go out to the yard and cut a switch.  I will not tolerate my baby behaving like this.  No lying, ever.  Come now, no dawdling

Cassie could not escape his hold on her no matter how hard she tried.  She was practically dragged down the stairs and into the back yard near the lake where a large willow tree stood gracefully. 

Bryon looked at her firmly.
You know you deserve this for lying to me, do
t you

Yes, Daddy. 
m sorry
she started to cry fearfully.  She had not been switched before and she was frightened.  Bryon sighed, cutting a branch the thickness of a pencil and about 2 feet long.  He whipped it through the air to make sure it did
t snap.  Cassie gulped as he started to strip it.

Ordinarily, Daddies will send their children out to cut their own switches.  I do
t want you touching my knife.  I
s too sharp and I do
t want you to cut yourself
he said, eyeing his work.  He held out his hand and, trembling, Cassie took it.

The walk back up to her room seemed to take forever.  Her knees were quaking by then and she felt sick to her stomach.  Bryon closed the door behind him and sat on the straight backe
spanking chai

Come here to me, Cassandra.  Yo
ve been a very naughty young lady
he said as she reluctantly obeyed him, letting him lift her easily over his knees and slowly pull her sweats and panties away from her bottom.
m so disappointed in you.  There was no reason to lie.  I would have waited five minutes for you to go potty if you had forgotten.  Now look at what it earned you

With that, he raised the switch and struck it sharply against Cassi
s bare, pale bottom.  She screeched painfully.  It felt like he had sliced her with a hot knife!  The switch cut across her sit-spot, leaving her bottom feeling like she had sat on a horne
s nest.  The third stroke crossed her thighs and she let out with a loud, high pitched howl.  Bryon did not permit kicking, but Cassie forgot all of his rules as she tried desperately to escape this horrible punishment.

Thwick!  Thwick!  Thwick!  The tortuous piece of wood repeatedly found its delicate target, leaving Cassie feeling like she would be reduced to pulp before he finished with her.  She sobbed loudly, kicking and twisting, screaming each time the switch visited her poor, defenseless bum.

After six sharp lashes, Bryon tossed the switch on the bed, eyeing the little backside that was now covered with tiny cross hatched red marks.  He was
t finished.  Grimly, he lifted his hand and proceeded to thoroughly spank every area that he had missed, ensuring that his young lady had a very red and very tender behind to remind her to never again lie to her Daddy.  Soon no white was left to be seen and an angry heat rose from her well-punished bottom.

Cassie had already made the promise to herself never to lie again as she bawled helplessly in his grasp.  Lying was not worth this pain!  Bryon finished off with four smacks to her upper thighs and then sat her up on his lap, her bare bottom sizzling against his legs.  He stroked her hair as she cried into his shirt, clinging to him like she would never let go.

No more lying
he asked gently.

No more lying, Daddy
Cassie promised, shaking her head. 

He rocked her tenderly, his huge arms engulfing her tiny frame.  After a few more minutes of cuddling, Bryon stood her up.
He held a tissue to her nose.  She obeyed, then reached for another hug.  He squeezed her lovingly.

I got you a present
he announced, reaching under the bed and handing her a box. 

It was chock full of new clothes; and it looked like he had gone to the
young ladie
department to buy them!  All in pretty pastels, with flowers or cartoon characters on them.  Jumpers, dresses and even sparkly sneakers.  Cassie laughed, clapping her hands merrily.

Do you really want me to wear these

Of course.  Some you can even wear outside when we go somewhere.  I also got you these.  Pick something out and le
s get you changed
He handed her hair ribbons and a little purse.  Cassie giggled.  Sh
d never even worn this stuff when she really was a child.  But Bryon looked pleased with himself, and she could
t disappoint him again.

Smiling, she picked out a yellow jumper with a bib on the front and tiny flowers embroidered around the edge.  She handed the clothes to Bryon, who nodded.

Too cute.  Lift your arms
he said, undressing her slowly.  His hands stroked her hip as he looked at her stinging bottom.
Hurt still

A lot, Daddy

Good, maybe yo
ll learn your lesson
He slipped a white undershirt over her head and had her step int
hello kitt
panties.  She giggled as he carefully slipped them over her throbbing, reddened bottom.

s so funny
he asked, buttoning the jumper.

Picturing you buying this stuff.  I ca
t imagine it without laughing

Cassie giggled again as he knelt to pull Hello Kitty socks onto her slender feet and started to tie her sneakers.  He grinned, looking up at her as she held the tops of his broad shoulders to balance herself as she lifted her foot for him.

I took Miss Suzanne with me.  I had no idea what size to get a grown up young lady.  There, how does everything fit

She twirled in front of him, feeling even more th
young lad
in the outfit. 

Bryon nodded, happy to see Cassie finally discovering her inner child.  He and Rob had discussed the issue at length away from her nosy ears.  She had been locked up inside herself with mistrust for so long because of the abandonment from her father that neither felt she would ever be able to pursue a committed relationship until she could know what parental trust felt like.  Wanting the best for the young woman, both agreed to continue this unique relationship on a permanent basis and even share in
dual dadd
manner.  She was blooming because of it.

re so pretty
Bryan said proudly as he pulled her hair into a high ponytail and tied a ribbon to it.  Kissing her forehead, he hugged her again.
Okay, le
s get downstairs and have some lunch, then you have homework to do before you can play

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