The Game Plan (19 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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But I do
t want to do my homework.  I
Cassie grumbled. 

Bryon beckoned to her and she approached slowly, covering her bottom with her hands.  Once again, he kissed her forehead.
I know i
s boring, but you need to do it. 
m here to help if you have any problems

Oh, okay
came the sullen response.

Cassie sat uncomfortably at the kitchen table with her French book, working on the assignment as Bryon started lunch.  Her nose wrinkled.
What are you burning

Grilled cheese

I could make lunch.  It would..

You are too young to be near a hot stove.  Finish your homework
Bryon ordered. 

Cassie started to argue, then stopped upon seeing the look on his handsome face.  He insisted that she maintain the responsibilities of a child no older than 6 and, even though homework was college level, he still viewed it as part of her responsibilities as a school age child.  Sighing, Cassie returned to her work, kicking the table impatiently.

Bryon started to get annoyed at the constant thumping of her foot and gave her a stern look that made her think twice.  Her bottom wasn't ready for another spanking; it was still way too sore.  Biting back an exasperated tear, Cassie struggled to finish.

Bryon placed the plates on the table with a glass of milk for both of them, then sat across from her.

Put that aside and eat.  I did
t burn it that bad

You keep the flame too high.  It does
t cook any faster and just gets burned.  And if you put some mayo on the inside next to the cheese and butter both outside parts, it would be much more palatabl
grown-up Cassie informed him, grimacing as she bit into the sandwich.  Bryon wrinkled his nose as he tasted his.

Okay, I need to take some cooking lessons.  W
ll talk to Rob and see if h
ll allow you to teach me

I could do it now

You know the deal.  When we are together, you are my young lady.  When Rob is around, you are his toy.  He makes the decision regarding how much he wants you to do

s ridiculous.  I ca

You agreed to this.  No arguments. 
ll call out for pizza for dinner

Cassie nodded, knowing better than to cross that tone of voice, and picked at her meal.  Bryon rolled his eyes.
Okay, you can talk me through it.  Le
s try this again. 
m hungry

Twenty minutes later they feasted on edible grilled cheese sandwiches.  Cassie giggled, once again in a good mood after seeing how proud Bryon was of himself for not destroying the food.  He kissed the top of her head.
You weasel.  Are you done with your homework

Check this. 
m not good at conjugating

What makes you think I am

re an English teacher

This is French

Oh, yea


* * *


Saturday night, Bryon announced that Miss Suzanne was coming over to visit and that she was bringing food.  Cassie sighed in relief; the grilled cheesed sandwiches were getting old.  He told her to sit at the kitchen table and color while he straightened up the house and got his room ready for his lady friend.  Cassie heard the car pull up and ran to the window to get a peak.  Suzanne was on her phon

Honey, I hear you.  Listen to me.  H
s a nice boy.  H
s very young and I adore him, but that little bitch is going to suck the life out of him.  We need to figure a way to get rid of her.  Sh
s not a baby and we need to quickly get her out of here and find her something else to terrorize

Cassie was appalled.  That old biddy does
t even know me!  Why would she want to take Daddy away from me?  What did I do that was so bad to make her hate me?

Cassie felt tears running down her face and raced back to the kitchen table to pretend to color.  She was lost and did
t know what to do.  She wanted Rob here so bad.  He would fix things.  He always did.

Bryon answered the knock on the door, embracing the elegant, beautiful woman.  At
.  she was nearly as tall as he was, athletic with chiseled features.  Her grey eyes were intelligent and sharp, and her dark blonde hair was pulled back into a casual ponytail.

Come in, Suz! 
m so glad you made it.  Food

t you ever stop eating
Suzanne laughed, pointing to the car
In the trunk.  Where can I put this stuff

Let me show you.  Cass is in the kitchen coloring

Good.  I ca
t wait to meet her.  I brought her some presents
s eyes glittered.  Bryon kissed her soundly on the lips.

I hope the two of you hit it off.  She means the world to me

I hope so too. 
ve always wanted an adult young lady.  Is she a good child

She has her moments.  Let me get that
Bryon took the groceries in both arms.  They entered the kitchen to find Cassie obediently sitting at the table, coloring in her My Little Pony coloring book.

Cass?  This is Miss Suzanne

Hello, Cassie.  I
s so good to meet you
Suzanne said, sitting across from her.  Cassie did
t look up.

she said quietly.

What are you doing?  Oh, tha
s very pretty.  I like ponies
Suzanne said, eyeing Bryon.  He shrugged.

Good for you

Cassandra Lynn!  You know better than to be rude
Bryon barked.  Cassie cringed.

May I be excused?  I do
t feel good
the girl said, running out as quickly as she could.

That did
t go too well
Suzanne sighed. 

Bryon picked up the book and crayons, putting them away.
s not like her to act that pouty. 
ll go talk to her

s probably jealous.  This is new for her

No excuse for rudeness.  Do
t worry,
m not going to punish her
Bryon said, leaning to kiss the woma
s lips as he made his way upstairs to find his errant young lady.

He came down several minutes later, shaking his head.

Is she alright

She took off.  Do
t worry, I know her hiding places.  Make yourself comfortable, okay? 
ll be back in a few

s eyes skimmed the yard, looking for tell-tale signs of where the girl had run off to.  H
d start in her favorite place, the boat house.  Sure enough.

You better have a good explanation, young lady
he said, sitting on the ground next to her.  She had been crying. 

You wo
t believe me
she cried out, hiding her face in her hands.  Bryon wrapped his arm around her tiny shoulders, pulling her against his chest.

Try me

I heard her say she wanted to get rid of me.  She called me a bitch and that you were a nice boy but I would suck the life out of you and that I was
t a baby and needed to go find someone else to terrorize

Why would she say anything like that?  Cassandr
We talked about lying

I TOLD you that you would
t believe me.  She wants to take me away from you

I would never allow that to happen.  If I ever end up with someone, even a good friend, they need to want you as much as I do.  You will always be my young lady.  Rob promised that, too, remember?  This has got to be a misunderstanding

Although, he could
t understand how a conversation so detailed could be interpreted differently.

I hate her, Daddy

Now, now, Cassandra.  Hate is a very big word.  Le
s go inside and find out what happened

What if she lies and tells you she did
t say it

You know I can sniff out a lie. 
m not giving you up, okay?  You need to trust me

s that trust thing again.  Bryon took her hand and led her back to the house, praying that it really wasn't what it sounded like.

Cassie, honey?  Are you okay
Suzanne asked, quickly kneeling in front of the petite girl, hands on her arms.  Cassie glared at her, pulling away.

I hate you, you old fucking witch!  Yo
re mean and old and ugly

Cassandra!  Apologize this instant
Bryon ordered.  He was furious!

She refused.
No!  I hate her, Daddy

Bryon, wai

Suzanne said, halting him from removing his belt.
Please give me a minute.  Cassie?  Why do you hate me

You know!  You want to get rid of me
Cassie retorted.  Suzanne looked confused.

No, I do
t.  What made you think that

I heard yo
on the phone..
Cassie started to sob
Telling someone that I was a bitch, and would suck the life out of Bryon...  Why are you laughing at me

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