The Game Plan (17 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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m going to shave every piece of fuzz off this beautiful mound so nothing gets in my way.  Plus, your Daddy thinks young ladies should look like young ladies
Rob commented. 

Cassie blushed again, breathing hard as he shaved her mound bald while studying every intimate detail in the light that he shone upon her.  He rinsed the soap off well and applied lotion.

Much better.  Now, ho
s that plug feeling

Weird.  It does
t hurt but i
s definitely there.  I fee

Good.  I remind you that this one is for pleasure.  Le
s see how you feel now
Rob said, his lips nibbling down her thighs and along her bikini line.  His hot breath against her newly shaved pubes made her squirm and tremble and before long, she was once again oozing with desire.  Ron was pleased about her responsiveness.  He pressed the plug with his finger, making her groan.

His lips sucked her folds, pulling them into his mouth and stroking them with his tongue.  Long, thick fingers were gently inserted inside her; there was resistance and surprise that she was still intact.  With the activities of women in this day and age, an unbroken hymen was a rare find.

Cass yipped as he started to suck on her tiny bud, pulling it into his mouth and pressing with his tongue as he flicked it gently.  Bryon stroked her breasts, playing with her nipples as she started to writhe from Ro
s touch, the waves of deep, intense pleasure touching every nerve of her body.  He knew women well, and Cassie was easy to read.  He brought her to the peak then withdrew, teasing and taunting her with his mouth and tongue.


Cassie begged
Stop torturing me

Rob chuckled, seeing Bryon wink.  He made his final dive, sucking her clit between his tongue and the back of his front teeth and pressing his fingers deep inside her virgin hole.  He could feel the plug against his knuckles adding to her pain and pleasure.

Cassie screamed, arching off the bed in spectacular spasms.  Her head swung back against Bryo
s broad chest, her neck pulsing as he sunk his teeth into it gentl
catching that special, sweet spot that caused her to spasm once again.

And the vampire strikes
Rob teased, watching Cass shiver from Bryo
special skil
.  He always seemed to know where to find that place and could reduce a woman to a puddle when he bit it.  She fell back against him, exhausted.  Slowly he unwrapped his ankles from around her legs, releasing her.

She panted, trying to catch her breath and unable to move.  Bryon rolled her onto the bed to sit himself up and stretch his back.

Well, that was fun.  Whe
s dinner

You certainly know how to spoil a moment
Rob laughed, also stretching. 

Cassie could barely open her eyes, let alone add a remark.  Not one part of her body had been untouched and she still tingled from the multiple orgasms she had experienced.  She started to purr happily.  She bet no other woman had ever had the same first experience she just did!

Sounds like sh
s content.  Le
s go get some food
Bryon urged.  Rob leaned over to kiss Cassi
s lips.

Rest up.  W
ll come get you when i
s ready

May I please take this thing out
Cassie whispered. 

ll do it.  You are
t being punished with it
Rob flipped her onto her stomach and gently slid out the plug before following Bryan down to the kitchen.  Cassie was surprised; she felt empty and wondered how it would feel to have Ro
s cock fill that space instead.


* * *


The thunder continued to rumble through the house as the three sat for the evening meal.  Cassie had come downstairs dressed despite Ro
s request to see her naked while at home, and earned herself a playful spanking from both Robby and her new Daddy.  After being sat in the corner for 15 minutes, she was released with permission to keep her pajamas on because she was chilly. 

The three sat in front of the TV, Cassie nestled between the brothers, as they watched
Tough Love. 
Of course, both men had their own solution as to how the host, Steve, should deal with the obnoxious, overindulged women on the show, and they informed Cassie of their opinion that he needed to man up and redden each of those wome
s bottoms.

Cassie giggled, feeling content.  In just two days, her life had turned around and now felt right.  For the first time, she knew for certain that she was wanted, desired, loved and needed.  Not by just one but by two men, in two completely different ways.  She knew her love for Rob went deep and well beyond the play they had engaged in.  He would be her absolute future.  He owned her now and she truly felt like his possession as intimately as she had felt his lips make love to her earlier. 

As for Bryon, it was wonderfully special that he took the place of her Daddy.  She desperately wanted to make them both happy.

What are you thinking about so deeply, Hot Pocket
Bryon asked.  She snuggled against his arm.

You make a good Daddy.  I never really had one before, you know

Pop tried to be a father to you.  You would
t let him
Bryan reminded her. 

She nodded.
I know. 
ll make things right when he gets home.  But, I would
t let him be the kind of Daddy you are
she giggled.

Should I be jealous
Rob asked in good-humor. 

Cassie turned to kiss him soundly on the lips.
I do
t do this to my Daddy
Cassie whispered, her tongue deep in his mouth.  Ro
s cock started to swell.

You could if you wanted too
Rob caught his breath.
I just want your heart belonging only to me

You have it.  I love you
she whispered, climbing onto his lap. 

Rob wrapped his arms around her.
Good.  I love you, too.  Do you mind if we share you and let Bryon stay on as your Daddy until he finds himself an old lady

No.  I think I might like it
Cassie giggled.
But what if I want to keep him as my Daddy even after he finds an old lady

We could hook the two of you u

Bryon started.

both Rob and Cassie said.

Bryon laughed.
Okay, no girl-on-girl.  Gee, and I thought
was the conservative one



Chapter Eight



Cassie leaned back happily on the over-stuffed couch in the family living room, working on her homework and waiting until he
got home.  Dinner was in the oven and starting to smell really good.  The one month winter break began next week and Bill was due home after New Years.  Things were finally going well for her.  The court issue was over with no ill-effects, she was doing better in school and, for once, there was no conflict at home.

Until Judy walked in with Glenn at her side.

What are you doing here
Cassie asked, glaring at Glenn. 

Judy smiled sweetly.
Hello to
, Cass.  Glenn and I have been dating

What?  You never told me

I knew you two did
t get along very well so I thought it would be better to keep quiet until I knew where things were heading.  Cas

Oh shit.  Excuse me
he said to Judy as he raced up the stairs behind Cassie.

Chili Pepper?  Hey, do
t be mad.  Yo
re never home to play with and well, Judy likes me

She likes you because she hates me.  Glenn, do
t you see?  Sh
s a slut!  The whole campus knows it.  If you fuck her then your dick will fall off from something she gave you

Judy is my girlfriend and you are not to say another nasty thing about her
Glenn suddenly shouted in her face.
You, of all people have no right to judge who is a slut.  You!  Do you think I do
t know that yo
ve been fucking both my brothers at the same time

Cassie stared at him opened mouthed in shock, tears springing to her eyes.

I am not screwing either of them
she whispered tearfully.
m in love with Rob

Yeah, right.  They think
m stupid, but I know what sick shit they are into.  Of course,
m not good enough to be invited.  Not even to the house, let alone to get a piece of you, too

Oh my God!  Glen
wait.  Please

The door slammed shut behind him.  He was jealous.  For all those years, he had been the closest to her, a playmate at only one year apart.  They grew up together and he was what she really considered more a brother than just a friend.  She had neglected him in the excitement of her new life with Rob and, subsequently, Bryon.  Cassie felt terrible.  She knew his words were spoken only out of hurt and years of pent up jealousy over his brother

Bryon came home early to find her curled up in bed, staring at the wall.

Hey, baby, wha
s wrong
he asked softly.  She shook her head.  He stretched out next to her.
You can tell Daddy.  Talk to me

Cassie broke out in tears, telling him everything that had happened. 

He paled slightly.
How did he find out about us

I do
t know.  It wasn't me.  You wo
t get in trouble at your job, will you
she suddenly sat up, grabbing his arm.  He shook his head.

Nah, w
re all adults and in a very unique living situation. 
m more worried about Pop finding out

He thought I was fucking both of you.  He called me a slut

Watch your mouth, young lad
He called you a

ll kill him

I kind of provoked it.  I told him Judy is a slut.  She hates me and is going to hurt him to get to me

Glenn is an adult; granted, h
s very immature but he still needs to learn his own way, just like the rest of us.  Please do
t let what he said bother you.  H
s hurting right now.  Come here and give your Daddy luv

Bryon said, pulling her up onto his lap and rocking her like an infant.

He and Rob had decided that Bryon would use Cassie for his age-play fix.  He had been excited because Rob was going away for another trip for three days and Bryon would be taking Cassie to the farm for a whole weekend to be his
young lady.  But now, with Glen
s accusatio

Did he give you any idea of what he thinks he knows
Bryon asked, kissing the gir
s cheek as he cradled her in his arms like a baby.  He had threatened recently that he was going to find a bottle one day and maybe put her in diapers if she was particularly naughty.  She had adamantly refused but also suspected that she might have to endure some such treatment during that upcoming weekend whether she liked it or not.

No, Daddy.  He just yelled at me and was real mean
she sniffed, letting her voice drop to sound like a child.  Bryon liked when she regressed, and she liked to please him.  She hated making Daddy upset; young lady spankings hurt as bad as big girl ones!

Rob and I will talk with him tonight.  Now, tell me about this girl h
s with.  Will she cause problems

Yes, Daddy.  Sh
s a liar and a manipulative bitch

Must I wash your mouth out with soap for using bad words, young lady?  Do you need to be told again
Bryon scolded.  Cassie put her hands over her mouth, eyes wide and shaking her head. 

He frowned.
No more of that, then.  How can we keep her quiet? 
m sure she overheard Glen
s comment to you

s probably already started spreading it.  It will get back to Glenn and h
ll know wh
s trying to hurt his family.  I ca
t see him letting anyone do that, no matter how mad he is at us

s jealous, love.  He feels left out.  We need to bring him to the farm with us this weekend

But our time togethe

s our brother.  We need to do wha
s right for him, okay?  Be a good girl and
ll get you something special.  Maybe a new Teddy Bear

s eyes shone as she nodded.  Her new daddy loved to buy her Teddy bears after he had discovered the story from the first one she had at eight years old.  She had tossed that old one away and now had her very special bears given to her by a daddy who really loved her.  She loved them almost as much as the crystal and glass fairies that Robby started collecting for her.

Glenn still had
t come home by the time she, Bryon and Rob had sat down together for dinner.  Cassie had made a cranberry apricot glazed lamb roll with seasoned cornbread stuffing  and asparagus with

arnaise sauce. 

Rob groaned with delight.
You are a magician in the kitchen, my love.  Thank you for dinner.  So, what should we do about the little brother

Bryon suggested a gentle talk and inviting him to the farm with him and Cassie while Rob was gone.  Rob thought about it.
You could do that.  I could also invite him to come to Las Vegas with me.  I have some meetings, but plenty of time to go around with him.  I could even take him to the Club

Are you sure you want to expose him to so much

We need to find out how much he knows first.  If he really knows the scoop then it would be smarter to include him, not exclude him.  If h
s interested, then at least we can guide him.  If not, then he knows enough to make a different choice

If he comes to the farm, should we keep it straight

If he really knows, then i
s up to you and Cass.  What do you think, honey

He misses me badly.  I think h
d be even more jealous if h
s not part of what we do.  H
ll know we do
t hang out at the farm to watch TV, either.  I told him I was
t screwing both of you

s the truth.  Although, I do
t know how much longer I can wait
Rob whispered into her ear.  She shivered with delight. 

Bryon patted her bottom.
What if he tells Pop
he asked. 

Rob sighed.
Then we tell him the truth.  He might hand us our heads on a platter, but h
s still our father.  He wants us all to be happy

I was thinking about tha
What would you say if I brought you home a mommy, Cass

Are you dating someone
her eyes brightened.  No wonder he wasn't as interested in sex!  Bryon shrugged.

Not really.  W
re just friends with benefits.  Her name is Suzanne and sh
s a teacher.  I met her during one of our games

Why did
t you say something to me?  Rob?  Did you know

We did
t want you to get jealous.  I
s not serious
Bryon said softly.

Tell me about her.  Will she let you share me with Rob

she wants to be a mommy to an adult young lady.  Unfortunately, she had no interest whatsoever in being cared for as an adult young lady.  You know tha
s what I really want.  I told her about my young ladyand she is very eager to meet you.  Sh
s interested in being either your mommy or an aunt

Does she have any kids of her own
Cassie asked, her voice small.  It was so easy for Bryon to put her into that role. 

He nodded his head.
Two daughters.  They are both a little younger than you and live with their father in Orlando

Wow!  She must be OLD!  Like 40!  You found your cougar, huh
Cassie teased. 

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