The Game Plan (15 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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s not too bad, is it?  Now, relax.  I
s just the thermometer.  I
s a lot smaller than my finger, but
m going to put it in all the way.  You need to stay still for about five minutes

Cassie moaned with embarrassment as she felt the cold, glass rod slide deep into her bottom, and Bryo
s hand lying on top of her upturned bare buns to hold it in place.

s not too difficult
Rob announced.

Bryon chuckled.
Nah, and
m willing to bet someone might be a little turned on by this, too
Bryon commented, turning his body towards Rob.  Rob stroked the back of Cassi
s thighs and then gently parted her legs to dip his fingers into her hot, very wet pussy.

I ca
t believe you are doing this
Cassie groaned, feeling Ro
s fingers tease her clit.

You said you wanted to pursue this
Rob corrected her, licking his fingers.
Damn, you taste wonderful

With you.  I did
t know Bry would be doing this.  Please stop that
she begged as he continued to play with her moist folds.  It was the longest five minutes of her life.

Bry is here helping out.  Plan on him doing that a lot now.  Yo
re mine, Cass, but I would never refuse my brother if he wants to share in some things.  Neither of us will go all the way with you unless you want it, but there are plenty of other things we can do with you together

You would
Cassie gasped, feeling a second set of hands rub her ass cheeks as Rob stroked her inner thighs.

Not up to me.  Bry?  Whatcha think?  W
ve shared before.  I told Cassie

I think we need to let Cassie think about it.  I have no objections, but I do
t want Pop hearing a word of this

Cass?  We talked about this earlier.  Have you changed your mind

No...  I
s just weir
and really humiliating

Take it slowly, okay?  100.2.  Yeah, w
re running a bit high here, but not bad.  You were a good girl
Bryon said, removing the thermometer and patting her bottom.  He lifted her and put her back into bed, covering her with the blankets.  Rob handed her some Tylenol and a glass of water.

Take these and go back to sleep.  W
ll talk more later, okay
He kissed her forehead and followed his brother out.


* * *


The two men sat on the large sofa, sipping cognacs and enjoying a sweet Cuban cigar, which was a rare luxury since Bill forbade any type of tobacco in the house.

Mmmm, nice pull.  Where did you get it
Bryon asked, sniffing the fragrant smoke.

Gift from the account I just worked on.  My thanks to you for coming over to help

s freaking out
Bryon informed him. 

Rob nodded.
Give her some time.  Ho
s Eva

We broke it off.  She was too vanilla for me
Bryon smiled, sipping his drink.
I need a more mature, secure gal to do my bidding

You need to find you a cougar

Sounds like it.  Were you serious about sharing Cass

Yep, just do
t fall in love with her.  Sh
s mine
Rob grinned. 

Bryon shrugged.
I told you I tend to sway toward older, more mature women, and you know what type of relationship I want.  Cass would be fun to teach some things to, but I would
t want to make a habit of her.  Sh
s too young for my tastes. 
d definitely consider her for another purpose on a more permanent basis. 
m a Daddy at heart

You and your old sou
s already aware of it.  She picked up on some of your comments.  She seems to be amenable to it, even a bit curious

She does
t know what it entails yet.  Le
s worry about that when the time comes.  Right now, just get her feeling better.  Why do
t you whip up some soup or something

I bought pork tenderloin for dinner.  How about that

The two chatted in the kitchen as Rob cooked.  Cassie padded downstairs, barefoot, in the t-shirt and wrapped in a light blanket.  Both roared when they saw her out of bed.
What are you doing up?  Get your little bottom back in bed
Rob ordered, shaking a spoon at her. 

Bryon looked down at her.
You are obviously feeling better.  March back upstairs and stay there until we tell you otherwise
he said, touching her forehead.

Cassie whined. 

Rob frowned.
You have until the count of three to get your bottom back up those stairs.  One...  Tw

Rob began.

m going
Cassie stomped, turning to run back up.  The two men suppressed their laughter.

She wanted to hear our conversation, you know
Bry said, tasting the soup.
More garlic

Probably.  You know, I think you have a good idea and, after this little display,
m willing to bet sh
d respond well to i
Let this simmer for a while
Rob said, washing his hands and starting up the stairs.

Cassie was in the bed, arms crossed and looking very ornery.  Rob leaned over to kiss her lips, and then he felt her forehead.

Feels cooler.  Whatcha think, Bro

Yep.  Le
s check.  Your turn
Bryon grinned, handing Rob the jar of Vaseline. 

Cassie could not believe this was happening again.

Oh, hush


* * *


Cassie slept warmly between both their huge, hot bodies that night.  She woke with Ro
s arm wrapped protectively around her and smiled, snuggling into his chest.  Bryon, on her other side, had his hand on her hip.  Sighing, she settled in between them, knowing that she was where she belonged.

The next morning, the two men woke early, starting the day by fussing over her.  Her fever had broken, but she was still achy and not at all cooperative in their efforts to make her comfortable.  She was irritable, refused breakfast and just stomped around the house with a scowl on her face.

By mid-afternoon, her attitude started to annoy the both of them.  Bryon insisted she had to still b
under the weathe
to be behaving so poorly; however, Rob countered with his opinion that she was just being a brat and needed more reminders regarding keeping promises.  A compromise was reached.

Rob said with displeasure, once again holding the thermometer firmly between Cassi
s protesting cheeks
You mentioned something about an enema?  You did
t happen to pick up a kit, did you

Why, as a matter of fact, I did.  Wha
s wrong, Cass


Tsk, tsk...  Good, no fever.  Bryon, please do the honors as I get this prepped.  We are to have no more swearing from this young lady.  I
s not ladylike and
ve already discussed this with her

God, NO!  Bryon, please put me down!  No!  OOOOOWWWWW!  That hurt
Cassie bellowed as Bryo
s left hand splatted right at the center of her bottom cheeks, leaving a glowing imprint over the feint purple bruises from the previous day. 

His hand was enormous and easily covered her entire backside.  She felt like she was the size of a two-year old compared to this giant of a man.  Bryon placed a volley of hard spanks over her sit spot and raised globes, bringing hot tears to the surface as Cassie begged and promised to be good.  Bryon stopped after two dozen, still holding her firmly across his knees.

Here, put this towel under her so you do
t get wet
Rob said, bringing in the enema kit and handing Bryon a thick towel.  He stroked Cassi
s reddened backside before leaning over to kiss it softly.  Cassie just cried, knowing the degree of humiliation was about to rise significantly.

Did you drain the air from the hose
Bryon asked, feeling the temperature of the bag.  Rob nodded.

Yep.  Look, this hook is at just the right height.  Almost like it was designed for this
Rob winked, hanging the bag on the bed post.  Bryon grinned.

ll show you how this time and then you do it on your own
Bryon announced to Cassi
s horror.  She could not escape the confines of his hold and colored profusely as Bryon nudged her thighs apart.  She felt Rob spread them even farther before holding them in place, then jumped as his lips kissed her most private and hidden parts and his teeth grazed her swelling nub.  She felt dizzy, intoxicated with need.

Now, now, Rob.  Sh
s sick and being a little monster.  We need to focus
Bryon scolded good-naturedly, ignoring Cassi
s heated objections.  Rob sighed, nodding.  Bryon lubed his finger again, this time gently inserting it to the knuckle and hearing the girl grunt.  He laughed, gently sliding it in and out.
s so tight.  You are going to be one lucky man

I sure will be.  One day
Rob chuckled, matching his strokes with Bryo
s as he played with her pussy.  Cassie was soaking wet and aching.

Just a little pressure..
Bryon said, gently easing the nozzle into the gir
s rectum, hearing her yelp as he watched it being swallowed up once the wide end was accepted.
This is an inflation bulb.  It helps keep the solution in place for as long as you want it.  It can be a very effective punishment, needless to say.  Especially when our girl is in a nasty mood like she is today

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