The Game Plan (10 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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Bryon chuckled.
I keep telling you people. 
m a jock, but
m not stupid.  H
s always been over-protective of her and
ve been watching how he started looking at her these last few years.  Have
t you noticed how much h
s here now?  Or that he really has
t tried to date anyone

How do you think Po
s gonna take this
Glenn asked quietly. 

Bryon shrugged.
Pop loves them both and he knows Cass needs someone like Rob to keep her in line.  I think h
s been secretly hoping something like this would happen.  Now, le
s get this little thing to bed and w
ll pound some sense into our big bro tomorrow, okay

ll get her
Glenn agreed, easily lifting Cass into his arms.  Murmuring, she wrapped her hands around his neck and rested her head on his chest as he carried her upstairs.  The brothers tucked her in and then headed towards their own rooms.


* * *


Rob paced the floors of his newly renovated farm house, located just outside Miami in the center of a small avocado grove on the edge of a spring-fed lake.  He glared at everything that met his eye, knowing he had messed things up with Cassie and had likely destroyed what little trust she had in him. 
What an idiot
, he berated himself.  It frustrated him, this sense of powerlessness.  It was
t at all like him.  What was she doing to him?

He plopped on a stool in the kitchen, elbows on the marble island.  He had no idea the girl liked to cook.  If he had showed genuine interest in her life, he would have at least known what she was majoring in!  She would love this kitche
no, he blew it.  She needed him to be consistent.  Her big, mean, asshole brother.  Ok, then tha
s what sh
ll get.  No way would he let himself, or her, be hurt again by rejection.  Maybe he should ask Bry to handle thing

Are you kidding
Bryon questioned, yawning as he spoke with his brother the next morning on the phone.
ve never known you to run from a fight.  Wha
s with you

I just think things would be better right now if I made myself scarce.  I fucked up bad last night
Rob said, absently stirring his coffee as he sat on his large couch.

re a grown adult, so start acting like one.  I know what happened

You do?  How

Glenn told me.  Hey, before you pop an artery, hear me out. 
ve seen how she affects you.  She needs you in her life and, Rob, you need her.  Do
t hide from this

What she needs is a good paddling

I do
t disagree.  But she also needs the kind of love and attention you can give her.  A strong hand and an open heart.  Listen carefull
if she did
t feel something for you, she would
t have been so upset with you storming out of here.  Right

She probably felt abandoned again, like what her asshole father did
Rob said quietly, feeling guilty.

but think this out.  She needs you.  Her asshole father never came back for her.  You will.  And yo
ll win her over.  Give it a chance.  You trust my judgment, right


t change anything.  Be firm, be consistent, and just watch your words.  You know where I stand with you two and that
ll be there to support you like I always have.  Now, change the subject.  When do the rest of us get to see your new place?  Are you done with the renovations

Rob happily described the changes he had made, promising to have the family over as soon as the dock was finished.  The brothers chatted for a while longer and then Bryon had to excuse himself to go to work.  He ended with a suggestion.
Why do
t you pick up Cass and bring her over there?  Let her be the first.  It would make her feel special

I owe her a serious hiding for this weekend, Br
I do
t thin

No, do
t think.  Just do it.  It will make you both feel better
Bryon ordered.  Rob sighed, promising to think about the suggestion.  Satisfied, Bryon said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Cassie was still in bed when Rob showed up.  He marched upstairs, turned on her lights and opened the curtains.

Huh?  Rob?  You okay?  I
s early
she groaned, hiding her head under the pillow.

s not early, i
s 9:30.  Get up and get dressed.  W
re going out
he commanded. 

Cassie sat up, rubbing her eyes.
I thought you were mad.  Why would you want to go anywhere with me

Rob muttered something and left the room abruptly.  Thinking better than to test him while he was in this mood, Cassie showered and dressed in jeans and a light green sweater.  It was a gloomy, damp mid-October day, promising rain.  She sighed, pulling on her Uggs.  The bed looked more and more inviting and she put her head back down on the pillow.

I told you to get up, Cassandra.  I did
t mean tomorrow
Rob said gruffly.

m tired.  I got dresse
Cassie yelped as his large hand cracked the back of her jean-clad thigh.  She sat up quickly, glaring at him.
How dare you!  Why are you being such a fucking asshole
she hissed, her green eyes flashing from under strands of loose, blond hair.

Rob pointed at her.
Watch your mouth, young lady, or I swear, you will be eating soap.  Now stop stalling and get your little butt downstairs.  W
re leaving in ten minutes

I do
t want to go anywhere with you
Cassie yelled, hugging her pillow. 

Rob stood with his hands on his hips.
I did
t ask you.  Ten minutes.  Do
t make me come back up here
he growled, leaving the room.

Cassie glowered.  That was more like the Rob she knew.  In a way, it was comforting, but it was also disconcerting.  How far did she dare push him?  Well, after last night, she would dare quite a bit.  She flipped him off, unseen of course, then climbed back into bed.  Fuck him, anyway.

True to his word, Rob returned in exactly ten minutes to find her sound asleep.  Snarling, he grabbed her mattress and effortlessly lifted it from the bed, dumping her unceremoniously on the hard floor.

You son of a bitch
Cassie yelled, glaring at him with hate in her eyes. 

Rob pointed at her again.
I warned you about your mouth.  You have the choice.  You get soaped now or when you get spanked.  Answer me

I am NOT a child!  You ca
stop it
she shrieked, kicking at him as, with one arm, he lifted her off the ground and held her by the waist at his hip.  She found herself dangling as he placed his left foot on the frame of her bed and held her across his thigh.

You will NO


speak to m


or anyone els


like tha


He punctuated each word with a sharp, heavy smack across her sit spot.  Cassie wailed, unable to escape and fearful of being dropped on her head.
You are a rude, obnoxious little brat and tha


will sto



s hand repeatedly found its target; he landed spank after spank on the tender crease where her bottom met her thighs.  He longed to see the redness, but that would have to wait.  Right now, she needed to see that he was in charge and would tolerate no further defiance from her.

Cassie struggled not to cry.  She was angrier than hell and felt nothing but hatred for this man who treated her so carelessly.  How dare he!  She kicked and twisted, but the spanking only grew in intensity.  What made it worse was that his spanks never once left her sit spot.  Finally, she could no longer hold back, and a loud cry unwillingly escaped her lips.  Her bottom felt seared and her emotions raw.

m sooooorrrry!  Robby, pleas
m so sorry
she bawled. 

With three final spanks, Rob stopped and stood her up before him.
Wipe your face and get downstairs this minute
he ordered, turning on his heel and leaving her room.

Cassie fled to obey his instructions, perplexed.  Why did
t he hold her?  He had comforted her after the last spanking he had administered.  He must really be mad, she concluded.  Her mind went even farther.  He does
t love me anymore!  How could I ever hope he would?  Cassie realized that she would have done anything to get him to love her and believed she had somehow destroyed her one chance.

Depression set in immediately and Cassie felt broken, hopeless.  Rob noticed her pathetic slouching but said nothing as he held the front door open for her.  He assumed it was because she had finally yielded to her punishment.

Get in the truck and put on your seatbelt
he commanded softly, watching her demeanor.  Had he gone too far?  No, it was just a little spanking.

Nothing was said as he drove towards his place, which was about 40 minutes from his fathe
s house.  He had wanted to bring her there on better terms, but she had set the play in motion.  Tired of the silence, he spoke up.

Are you hungry?  I know a great place for breakfast

Cassie shook her head, squirming on the seat.  She could not get comfortable and sure as hell did not want to sit at a restaurant on a hard bench.  Especially with him.

Okay, well,
m hungry and
m stopping.  You will be joining me, got it

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