It Is What It Is (Short Story)

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Authors: Manswell Peterson

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It Is What It Is (Short Story)

Brenda Stokes Lee & Manswell T. Peterson

Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

Charlotte, NC 28269

Copyright © Brenda Stokes Lee & Manswell Peterson 2013

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Chapter 1

Mykal Roman took one final look at his Miami home. Boxes were stacked neatly waiting for the movers to load them in the Pod shipper and ship them to Atlanta the following morning. He sighed deeply, as he remembered the fantastic times he had in Miami. Now it was off to Atlanta, where his dream of owning his own limo company would finally become a reality.

A devilish smile tugged at the corners of his sexy mouth as he considered the amazing woman who dared him to dream it was possible, Victoria Dickerson. His dick stiffened at just the thought of her name.

Mykal chuckled, “Victoria Dickerson, woman you are one hell of a ride. I’ll miss you most of all.”

“Sure, that’s what you say now. I bet you’ll have some pretty blonde on her knees, sucking this big, hard mahogany dick within one hour after you land at Hartsfield- Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Hell, you’ll probably find some horny little stewardess to do it for you before you even land.” Victoria whined as she hugged his waist from the rear and coyly slid her hands along the front of his slacks. “Oh, Rome why do you have to go? Why can’t you just start your business, here in Florida?”

Mykal did not answer her immediately. Victoria’s nimble, long fingers had worked his zipper and relieved his large, swollen manhood from the restraints of his pants. It was hard, it was menacing and it wanted a taste of pussy.  His eyes closed slowly as her soft hand slowly traveled up and down the length of his very impressive dick. It felt wonderful and Mykal had to admit that he hated leaving her behind.

Now, Victoria and Mykal loved each other, but they were not what you would call in love. In fact, they weren’t even a couple. They were very good friends with extremely rewarding benefits. Victoria was a free spirit who refused to be tied down or control by any man, not even her insanely rich husband Richard Dickerson, or Tricky Dick as Mykal often referred to him.

Victoria met Mykal five years earlier and fell head over ass in love with his ten and a half inch rock solid, always hard dick. Their brief one night affair turned into a mutually beneficial friendship that they both enjoyed to this very day. She never promised Mykal more than an eager pussy and a hungry mouth and he never wanted it.

Victoria was slightly older than Mykal, had married twice for money and as far as he knew didn’t have any kids and didn’t want any. Mykal, who was now thirty two, was tired of chasing tail. His friends with benefits relationship with Victoria had allowed him to virtually OD on Miami pussy. He was sick of the chase and just wanted to be called, dad.

Victoria neither shared his values or his dreams of starting a family. Mykal knew that even if he managed to convince Victoria to leave her rich husband and move to Atlanta with him it would never work. Mykal was ready to start a family and Victoria was just ready to start a party. Nothing about her screamed soccer mom and that was what Mykal was looking for.

Like it or not, the handsome young bachelor had to admit that his biological clock was ticking loud and fast. Mykal longed for a son and a daughter and he was prepared to give up his hoeing ways to get them. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that in Miami.

Mykal had blown through a small arena of Miami women and there was nowhere he could go were his name and reputation did not preceded him. Sadly, his time in Miami was officially up. It was time to shred his pro-players card and allow himself to fall in love for the first time in his life.

Mykal loved Victoria, she was good to him and brought him any and everything his heart fancied. He just wasn’t in love with her. She was one of his best friends, but that was far as it went. Somewhere in her thirty nine years of life, Victoria had been damaged and Mykal instinctively knew he didn’t have the time or the patience to repair her. Besides, she was already on rich husband number two and travelling two hundred miles and hours headed to divorce court. Mykal would be damned if he was number three.

“So, you’re not going to answer me?” Victoria asked as she slid around to the front of him and squatted before him as she continued to slowly stroke his veiny manhood.

“Woman you know I can’t even remember my name when you’re handling my dick.” He groaned as he watched her work. 

Victoria’s position revealed she wasn’t wearing panties beneath her short, form fitting black dress. Her pussy glistened with her juices and invited Mykal’s touch, he didn’t decline the invitation. His thick fingers slid along her tight wet slit before disappearing between the plump lips of her shaved mound.

A snake like hiss escaped Victoria’s lips as Mykal’s slow hand pleasured her. Her big hazel eyes met his briefly before rolling to the back of her head like tiger eye marbles. Mykal smiled as he marveled how exceptionally beautiful Victoria was.

Extraordinarily long, loosely curled blonde highlighted hair frame her attractive, tanned face. Big expressive, doe like eyes, thin, but seductive lips and a pointed, upturned nose blended seamlessly to create the face of this stunning white woman. Although she was almost forty, Victoria was well preserved and possessed a natural body that would make any twenty five year old woman run to the gym to step up their game.

Sensational, perky full breast, a gift from her first husband and a perfect round onion booty, a gift from her second husband where put to shame by her rock hard six pac abs. Victoria worshipped her body like it was a shrine and she lived at the gym. Training with two of Miami’s best fitness trainers, Victoria refused to grow old gracefully. She was in peak health and easily mistaken to be in her mid- twenties.

“Tell me you’re going to miss this.” She pleaded after licking the bead of pre-cum which had formed at the tip of Mykal’s throbbing manhood.

Compassion for her plight touched Mykal. It was no secret that he was Victoria’s only real friend. He hated to leave her, but he had to go, destiny had wrapped a tight noose around his neck and was pulling him to Atlanta. Naturally, he’d miss her, they were good friends and phenomenal lovers.

“Tori, you already know the answer to that question.” He sighed.

“Maybe, but I need to hear the words from your mouth. I need to know for certain that I was more to you than warm pussy.”

“Yes! Hell yes! I’m going to miss the hell out of you. We’ve shared some incredible times… Both in and out of bed. You’re my friend, and I’ll never forget you. It’s just that life has brought us to a fork in the road. I have to go one way and you have to go the other. Okay?”

Victoria discreetly wiped away the lone tear that had quickly formed in the corner of her eye. She understood that Mykal was at a point in his life where he needed more than amazing sex to feel like a man. He was childless and he needed a wife and children to fill that massive void that had formed in his spirit. It hurt to realize that she was incapable of fulfilling that need for him. That ship had sailed for Victoria and she wasn’t trying to catch a ride on it anyway. She was done with marriage, two bad marriages were two too many.

“Tori, please don’t.” Mykal begged as he caught her tearing up.

“I can’t help it. I just know I’m going to be miserable without you and the thought of it breaks my heart.

Mykal, had never once seen Victoria, or Tori as he called her cry. She was a strong, sophisticated, Pit-bull of a woman. He knew she was hurting and he knew why. Fortunately, he knew how to ease the pain for at least a few hours.

He said not another word as he lifted her body from the floor and passionately kissed her. Their tongues wrestled for dominance as her legs wrapped around his torso. Grabbing her by her firm ass Mykal lifted her high until her wet pussy was level with his mouth. Like a ravenous wolf he attacked it as her back slammed against the living-room wall.

Victoria clutched his head as he devoured her hot pussy pie one lick at a time. All of her trouble immediately dissipated as Mykal’s tongue stroked the inner walls of her slick pussy. Gyrating hard against his mouth she doubled her pleasure as she rode his face. Squeals of pleasure and delight filled the room as her Category- 6 orgasm threatened to annihilate her completely.

Her head thrashed violently, whipping her long hair wildly making her look like a sex crazed Medusa. Her grip on the back of his head tightened and Mykal knew she was a clit lick away from a core meltdown. Sucking her cherry red clit as far in his mouth as it would go without ripping from her body, he gave her the relief she sought.

A split second later, Victoria lost all control and her body convulsed with a Tsunami of perfect pleasure. Screaming loudly she squirted her sticky nectar in Mykal’s mouth as he continued to insatiably lap at her quivering sex. Satisfied that she was satisfied he maneuvered her over his monstrous dick and impelled her with it repeatedly.         

Semi-comatose at this point Victoria laced her arms around Mykal’s neck as he slammed his body against hers, going balls to ass deep with each and every thrust. A little shy of twenty pumps later he shot his hot sticky load deep within her.

They stared eye to eye as the last few squirts coated her walls. His eyes told her everything she needed to know. Mykal loved her in his own way, but he needed more. Sucking his tongue in her mouth Victoria savored her last taste of Mykal Roman, or Rome as she fondly nicknamed him.

After a night of wild, unbridled leg numbing sex, Victoria was finally prepared to release him.

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