Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion (58 page)

BOOK: Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion
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Civil War
Clarke, Edward Young
Cleveland, Grover
Colby, Bainbridge
Cole, Fay-Cooper
Cole, Stewart G.
Columbia Record Company
Columbia University
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus Dispatch
Commercial Appeal
(Memphis): news coverage by; posttrial editorial position of ; pretrial editorial position of
Comte, Auguste
Conklin, Edwin G.
Coolidge, Calvin
Cope, Edward Drinker
Copernican theory
Cornell University
Creation science. See Scientific creationism
See also
Genesis account of creation ; Scientific creationism
Creationist legal theories
Crucible, The
Curtis, Winterton
Cuvier, Georges
Dana, James Dwight
Darrow, Clarence: and ACLU ; background of ; criticism of court by ; on education ; on evolution; historical assessment of ; joins Scopes defense ; jury selection by; pretrial activities of; on religion ; role at trial criticized ; on science and religion; and Scopes appeal; in Scopes legend ; at trial; on trial; trial
Darrow, Clarence
strategy of ; and William Jennings Bryan
Darrow, Ruby
Dart, Raymond A.
Darwin, Charles
Davenport, Charles B.
Davis, John W.
Davis, Watson
Dawkins, Boyd
Dawson, Charles
Dayton, Tenn.: criticisms of ; during trial ; education in ; history of; impact of trial on; religion in; in Scopes legend ; trial preparations in; as trial site
Debates, over creation and evolution
Debs, Eugene V.
Deluge Geology Society
Democratic party: politicians ; and William Jennings Bryan
Dewey, John
DeWitt Clinton High School
Dispensational premillennialism
Dixon, A. C.
Douglas, William O.
Draper, John William
Eddington, Arthur
Edwards v. Aguillard. See Aguillard v. Edwards
Einstein, Albert
Elder, Benedict
Eliot, Charles W.
Elmer Gantry
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Epperson, Susan
Epperson v. Arkansas
Equal time concept
Espionage Act
Establishment clause
See also
Evening Post
(New York)
Evolutionary ethics
Evolutionary theory: compatibility with religion asserted ; conflict with Genesis denied by defense; defined; fundamentalist opposition to; as issue at Scopes trial; materialistic interpretation of ; origins of; public response to ; religious response to ; scientific response to; teaching of; textbook treatment of; theistic interpretations of .
See also
Antievolutionism; Darwinism; Neo-Lamarckianism
Falwell, Jerry
Ferguson, Miriam
First Amendment
First World War
Fisher, Ronald A.
Fisk University
Fleming H. Revell Co.
Fortas, Abe
Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Fosdick, Raymond B.
Fourteenth Amendment
Frankfurter, Felix
Free speech
Freeman, M. S.
French Museum of Natural History
Fundamentalists: and antievolutionism ; criticism of ; defined; institutions of; militancy of; origins of ; pretrial activities of; publishing by; response to trial by; after trial; at trial
Furniss, Norman F.
Gallup, George
Galton, Francis
Gee, Thomas Gibb
Genesis account of creation: acceptance of; classroom instruction in; compatibility with science asserted ; scientific interpretation of ; theological interpretation of
Genetics, Mendelian theory of
Geological Society of London
Geologic history: old earth theory of ; young earth theory of
Ginger, Ray
Gitlow, Benjamin
Gladstone, William
Godsay, John
Gould, Stephen Jay
Graham, Billy
Gray, Asa
Great Crusade and After,
The (Slosson)
Gunther, Gerald
Haggard, A. P.
Haggard, Wallace
Hand, Learned
Harlan, John M.
Harlan, John M., Jr.
Harvard University
Hays, Arthur Garfield: and ACLU ; background of; and Clarence Darrow ; pretrial activities of ; and Scopes appeal ; at trial ; on trial
Hearst, William Randolph
Heidelberg Man
Hibbon, John Greer
Hicks, Herbert E.
Hicks, Ira
Hicks, Sue K.: on Clarence Darrow ; and Scopes trial ; on William Jennings Bryan
Hill. D.
History of Fundamentalism
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, A
Hodge, Charles
Hofstadter, Richard
Holmes, John Haynes
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hoover, Herbert
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hull, Cordell
Hunter, George W.
Hunter, James Davison
Huxley, Julian
Huxley, T. H.
Ingersoll, Robert G.
Inherit the Wind
(Lawrence and Lee)
International News Service (INS)
International Workers of the World (IWW)
Jasper, John
Jasper, Tenn.
Java Man
Jeans, James
Jehovah Witnesses
Jenkins, Andrew
Johns Hopkins University
Jones, Bob, Sr.
Jordan, David Starr
Judd, Charles Hubbard
Keebler, Robert S.
Keith, Arthur
Kellogg, Vernon
Kelly, Gene
Kelly, Howard A.
Khayyam, Omar
Kidd, Benjamin
King, Clarence
Kingston, Tenn.
Kinsley, Philip
Kinsman, Ohio
Kirkland, James H.
Knights of Columbus
Knoxville, Tenn.: events in ; individuals from ; trial participants in
Knoxville Journal
Krutch, Joseph Wood
Ku Klux Klan
Kunstler, William M.
Lafayette College
La Follette, Robert
Lait, Jack
Lamarck, Chevalier de
Lawrence, Jerome
Laws, Curtis Lee
LeConte, Joseph
Lee, Robert E.
Leopold-Loeb case
Leuba, James A.
Leuchtenburg, William E.
Levine, Lawrence W.
Liberty, individual: assaults on ; defense of ; developments in ; and fundamentalists .
See also
Linville, Harry R.
Lipman, Jacob G.
Lippmann, Walter
Literary Digest
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Times
Lovejoy, Arthur O.
Lusk Committee
Lyell, Charles
Majoritarianism: and antievolutionism ; and individual liberty; and William Jennings Bryan
Malone, Dudley Field: and Scopes appeal; joins Scopes defense; pretrial activities of; in Scopes legend; at trial; on trial
March, Fredric

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