Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion (57 page)

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This version of the quote—and there are several in various creationist writings, but none with any authoritative reference to Darrow himself—ap—peared as the introduction to Wendell R. Bird, “Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public Schools: A Constitutional Defense in Public Schools,”
Northern Kentucky Law Review
9 (1982), 162.
George Gallup, “Public Evenly Divided Between Evolutionists, Creationists,”
Los Angeles Times Syndicate,
1982, p. 1 (press release); “76% for Parallel Teaching of Creation Theories,”
San Diego Union,
18 November 1981, p. A15 (reporting national poll where over 80 percent of respondents favored either parallel teaching or exclusive teaching of creationism).
Tenn. Code Ann. sec. 49-2008; Ark. Stat. Ann. sec. 80-1663,
et. sec.
(1981 Supp.); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. sec. 17: 286.3 (1981). For a complete discussion of these statutes and the litigation that they spawned, see Edward J. Larson,
Trial and Error: The American Controversy Over Creation and Evolution
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 125-88.
“Remember Scopes Trial? ACLU Does,”
(New Orleans), 22 July 1981, p. 1.
Aguillard v. Edwards, 765 F.2d 1251, 1253 and 1257 (5th Cir. 1985); Aguillard v. Edwards, 778 F.2d 225, 226 (5th Cir. 1985)(Gee, J., dissenting).
Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 590, 590 n. 10 (1986); ibid. at 603 (Powell, J., concurring); ibid. at 638 (Scalia, J., dissenting)(citation omitted).
Stephen L. Carter,
The Culture of Disbelief How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion
(New York: Basic Books, 1993), 169, 175-76, 178.
Foreword, in Henry M. Morris, ed.,
Scientific Creationism,
gen. ed. (San Diego: Creation-Life, 1974), iii, v.
Bernard Ramm,
The Christian View of Science and Scripture
(Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1954), 260. Regarding Graham’s endorsement, see Ronald L. Numbers,
The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism
(New York: Knopf, 1992), 185.
Tom Curley, “New Life in Evolution Debate,”
USA Today,
27 March 1996, p. 3A; Millicent Lawton, “Ala. Board Mulls Taking Stand on Evolution as Theory,”
Education Week,
8 November 1995, p. 13.
Peter Applebome, “70 Years After Scopes Trial, Creation Debate Lives,” New York Times, 10 March 1996, p. 1.
Paula Wade, “Attempt to Amend ‘Monkey Bill’ Revives Debate over Darwin, God and Teacher,”
Commercial Appeal
(Memphis), 5 March 1996, p. A1.
Andy Sher and Alison LaPolt, “Senators Slap Hold on ‘Son of Scopes’ Bill; Sponsor Vows Return,”
Nashville Banner,
5 March 1996, p. B4; “Echoes of Scopes Trial,”
Nashville Banner,
4 March 1996, p. Aio; “Evolution Bill Makes It Through House Panel,”
Jackson Sun
(Tenn.), 28 February 1996, p. 10A; Andy Sher, “Evolution-Bill Opponents Toss in Monkey Wrenches,”
Nashville Banner,
4 March 1996, p. B2; Vicki Brown, “Evolution Bill Killed in Senate,”
Cookeville Herald-Citizen,
29 March 1996, p. 2.
Dan George, “60 Years After Scopes, Town Is Much the Same,”
Indianapolis Star,
21 June 1985, p. 19A; Jane DeBose, “New Battle Over Evolution,”
Atlanta Constitution,
6 March 1996, p. B5; Ann LoLordo, “Tennessee Legislature Might Try Scopes Again,”
Baltimore Sun,
March 1996, p. 1A.
“Inherit the Wind: The State Sequel,”
Nashville Tennessean,
3 March 1996, p. 6A.
Lewis Funke, “‘Inherit the Wind’ Is Play upon History,”
New York Times,
22 April 1955, p. 20; Vincent Canby, “Of Monkeys, Reason and the Creation,”
New York Times,
5 April 1996, p. C1; “Mixed Bag,”
The New Yorker,
30 April 1955, p. 67; “The Theater,”
The New Yorker,
22 April 1996, p. 12; Roger Rosenblatt, “Inherit the Wind,”
News Hour with Jim Lehrer,
13 May 1996.
Richard Hofstadter,
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life
(New York: Knopf, 1963), 129.
Tony Randall, personal communication, April 1996.
Canby, “Of Monkeys, Reason and Creation,” CI.
Phillip E. Johnson, “The Origin of Species Revisited,”
Constitutional Commentary,
7 (1990), 430.
Tamara Henry, “Teachers: What is Creation?”
USA Today,
July 25, 2001 (contains full text of Senator Santorum’s legislation and discusses its legislative context).
Richard Dawkins,
The Blind Watchmaker
(Burnt Mill, U.K.: Longman, 1986), 4-6, 241, 251.
Edward O. Wilson, “Intelligent Evolution,”
Harvard Magazine
(Fall, 2005), 33 (excerpt from Edward O. Wilson,
From So Simple a Beginning:
Four Great Books of Charles Darwin
[New York: Norton, 2005]).
National Academy of Sciences,
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science
(Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998), 58.
Laurie Goodstein, “New Light for Creationism,”
New York Times,
Dec. 21, 1997, see. 4, pp. 1, 4 (includes quotes and discussion of the change).
Richard Dawkins, “Obscurantism to the Rescue,”
Quarterly Review of Biology,
72 (1997), 397.
Selman v. Cobb County School District,
390 F.Supp.2d 1286, 1292 (N.D.Ga. 2005) (text of Cobb County sticker).
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District,
400 F.Supp.2d 707, 708 (M.D.Pa. 2005) (text of Dover disclaimer).
735, 765. Behe’s alternative definition for a scientific theory appears in
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District,
400 F.Supp.2d. 707 (trial transcript for Oct. 18, 2005), 34.
Abrams v. United States
Academic freedom
Adventists, Seventh-Day. See Seventh-Day Adventists
Age of Reform
Aguillard v. Edwards
Allen, Frederick Lewis
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
American Bar Association
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): on academic freedom ; on antievolution laws; and Clarence Darrow ; on creationism laws; criticism of ; and
Epperson v. Arkansas
; on free speech ; handling of Scopes appeal by; handling of Scopes trial by; instigation of Scopes trial by ; origins of; and public opinion; and Scopes legend; Scopes trial strategy of
American Federation of Teachers
American Jewish Congress
American Legion
American Museum of Natural History
American Naturalist
American Philosophical Association
American Political Tradition
American Psychological Association
American Scientific Affiliation
American Union Against Militarism
Amherst College
Anderson, Maxwell
Angell, James Rowland
Anti-Defamation League
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life
Associated Press
Association of American Colleges
Atkins, Gaius Glen
Atlanta, Ga.
Bailey, Forrest
Baldwin, Roger N.: background of ; role in shaping ACLU ; and Scopes case
Baltimore, Md.
Baptists: on evolution; and fundamentalism; in Tennessee
Battle Creek, Mich.
Beard, Charles A.
Bible: acceptance of ; higher criticism applied to; interpretation of
Biblical creationism. See Genesis account of creation
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)
Black, Hugo
Boston, Mass.
Bowler, Peter J.
Brennan, William J., Jr.
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Museum
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Broon, Robert
Brown, Arthur I.
Brown, Foster V.
Bruno, Giordano
Bryan, Charles
Bryan College
Bryan, Mary Baird
Bryan, William Jennings: and antievolution crusade ; “Bible and Its Enemies” speech; on creation; death of; on education ; on eugenics; on evolution ; in Florida; historical assessment of; influence of ; joins Scopes prosecution ; on majority rule ; on media ; “Menace of Darwinism” speech; on pacifism; political activities of; posttrial activities of; posttrial plans of; pretrial activities of; “Prince of Peace” speech; on public opinion ; religious views of ; role attacked by defense ; role at trial criticized ; on science ; in Scopes legend ; in Tennessee ; and Tennessee antievolution law 106; at trial; trial strategy of; testimony by
Bryan, William Jennings, Jr.
Bryn Mawr University Buchanan, Patrick
Burbank, Luther
Burge, Edward
Butler, John W.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Carnegie, Andrew
Carpenter, Joel A.
Carter, Stephen L.
Catholics, Roman: bias against ; on evolution ; and science
Cattell, J. McKeen
Caudill, Edward
Chattanooga: and Dayton; individuals from; trial participants in
Chattanooga News
Chattanooga Times:
editorial position of; pretrial news coverage by ; Scopes appeal coverage by; trial news coverage by
Chicago Tribune:
Clarence Darrow’s questions in; editorial position of; pretrial news coverage by; trial news coverage by
Christian View of Science and Scripture
Civic Club (New York)
Civic Biology, A
(Hunter): Darwinism in; eugenics in ; and Scopes trial; use in Tennessee schools

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