Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (39 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Definitely should.” Mark mumbled. “Where are Callum and Luke?”

“Right here! Did you miss us?”

“Of course,” Mark rolled his eyes.

“Alright Callum and Mark, it was years ago. Kiss and make up.” Holly said.

“What was years ago?”

Callum grinned. “We fought one year and Mark holds grudges like his namesake and he has not yet forgiven me for it.”

“I won that fight.” Mark said.

“No you didn't mate.”

“Whatever, I know I won that fight.”

“Okay truce.” Holly added. “Right now, please.”

“Truce mate,” Callum held his hand out and Mark shook it. “We are cousins now! We must all get along.”

Lucas looked at Asher. “Is she okay?” He mouthed.

“I'm fine babe.” I answered for myself.

“Okay, come on, let's get seated.”

Dinner went by fast. Lucas and Callum told stories of their fathers. Asher absorbed everything in like it was the news, while Mark just chuckled at the antics and stories. They had started to actually have a brotherhood with one another and it was the most beautiful thing to me. Finally, Lucas looked like he wasn't lost and since we had been here I had never seen him smile as much as he was smiling here recently. I like to think that I had something to do with it.

The room was cozy. The California King took up most of the room and was covered with the plushest comforter I had felt since I had stayed the summer with my Grandparents. The view from the room was simply breathtaking to say the least and to wake up to it and Lucas every day would be a dream for a minute.

Lucas unpacked his bags, organizing everything in the oak chest at the bottom of the bed. “How do you feel?”

“I feel good baby.” I stared at the words on the pages but there was nothing comprehended. There were just emotions seeping in and waterworks forming. “It's so pretty here.” The tears rolled down my cheek and Lucas' eyes grew wide. My hormones were out of whack and he was not good at the comprehension of it.

“Why are you crying?”

“I don't know.” I sniffled.

“Well stop, I don't know how to handle all of your emotions.” He whispered.

“Happy tears,” I gestured towards my face. “I love that this country could be our home. It seems unreal.”

“I want us to be here. I love it here. The sun is nice and the scenery is grand. And you are happy here. I mean I haven't ever seen you smile as much as you have lately. I know Asher and Mark have a ton to do with it.”

“They do actually. But you know this baby and you… are the main things. I have a family of my own now and I'm happy.”

My hands grazed my baby bump and I exhaled. “I only have a few more months, really two and I can't travel anymore. Are we going to go ahead and buy a home over here or stay with them? We graduate here soon. I just don't want to be searching for home when the babies come. I would rather be there… I can't nest at your loft.”

“Nesting… is that a real thing?”

“Yes, I have an urge to constantly clean and make everything perfect because I want everything to be right.”

“Your mum would have a cow if we moved before the baby was born.” He added. “Tracy would more than likely kill over and Lydia would follow soon after.” Lucas rubbed his forehead. “I want to do whatever will make you happy. If that means packing up and moving time we get back… my wish is your command.”

“You don't want to?”

“I don't want you to regret everything on a rash decision. There are tons of people that love how it looks here. I want you to love what you can have here. This is a fresh start. I have enough money so that work is not an option or an issue. I can work and you can do whatever you want to.”

“I don't want to be like Holly.” I blurted out.

“Okay, what about it don't you like? You have been here for four hours?”

I laughed. “I think she just stays around the house all day.”

“You can do whatever you want to do Cypress.”

“Take painting classes?”

“Please take your classes.” He sat down on the bed and pulled his hair into a bun on the top of his head. “And write something and be my wife...” The word lingered in the air. Wife.

He handed a box to me, small velvet and red. I touched it and looked at him. “Lucas.”

“I'm not marrying you because we're having a baby. I can be the father and not be married to you. I'm asking you to marry me because you are everything that I need. It's selfish even. I know it and I don't care. I want you to have my last name. I want you to know that no one can fuck with you because your HUSBAND, not your boyfriend will fuck them up. I want to spend forever with you.”

“Lucas Elledge,” I could not open the box. He had already bought me a promise ring that put my mother's wedding ring to shame.

“Please open it.”

My hands were sweaty as I opened the red velvet box. The black gold ring was unlike anything I had ever seen. The diamonds were placed in the shape of a lotus flower. It simply overflowed with more beauty than I had ever seen in my life. “Oh shit,” I cried. “Dear Lord, Lucas… how much did it cost?”

“It's not important. The answer is.”

“Yes,” I stifled.

“Was that a yes?”

“It was.” I shook.

He took the box and removed the ring from it. “Thank you.”

“What does this mean?”

“You have some planning to do.”

“But what… I mean… yes. I am down for some planning.”

“Good!” His lips crushed mine and all was right. My hands explored his body slowly. Lucas placed his hands on my stomach. “Your mum just said yes son.”

“Son, we don't know yet.”

“It's a boy...”

“Okay, Lucas since you are so sure.”

“Thank You.”



For the majority of my life there has been this sense of loneliness. My mother was not the caring kind and my father was so obsessed with his work that there was nothing that could stop him from doing it. Not even me. So the news made me happy. My brothers… they wanted to be around me, even Lucas had accepted it and there was something more than for me in the store.

My hands twiddled with the small wooden figurine. The edges smooth I played with it on the couch that seemed to engulf me with warmth.

“Ey Asher, can't sleep?”

“Not really.” I smiled at Callum.

“You know your mum made that figurine you are holding. It's a soldier. She made me seven of them. I spread them throughout the house… Nina loves to play with them.”

“Oh,” I placed the figurine down.

“It's fine,” he chuckled. “You can have it actually.”

“Thanks,” I looked at it. “What was my mum like? Luke hates talking about her.”

“I hoped you would ask.” Callum pointed to the picture of the woman on the wall. “You look so much like her it's almost eerie mate. And out of the three I think you have her heart.”

“She was smart?”

“She was conserved and smart. And she did anything for her family, including giving you two up.”

“Why was that important?”

“I mean I don't know. I just know my grandmother said that it was the hardest thing that she had to do and that she never wanted it.”

“It has to be more to it.”

“There always is more.” Callum lit a cigar, filling the room with the smell and surprisingly the aroma was a delight. “How is Luke?”

“Better, I think,” I paused. I don't know how much he knows granted, I am sure that he is one of the same. I can see it in his eyes. “I mean you know… what do you mean Callum?”

“I know you know.” Callum inhaled a drag of the cigar and blew out the smoke. “Is he being reckless?”

“Define reckless?”

“He has always been impulsive but you'll see that is what makes Lucas, Lucas.”

“Impulsive is definitely him. He seems to not think things through and everything he does is for him. He knows it and I think I am learning to get over it.” I chuckled. “You can't win them all.”

“Yeah, this true.” Callum leaned forward, resting his elbows on his leg. “Look out for him,” He asked.

“I am.”

“I mean always. No matter what the situation is. He has never had a real brother. I mean I am like a brother, but there is nothing better than the real thing. Brothers always look out for one another, even when they are against each other they are for each other.”

“I understand.”

“Good, would you like another brew?”

“Not right now,” I smirked.

“So how'd your mother take with you finding out about yourself?”

“She doesn't call me anymore.” The thought of being motherless had entered my mind a few times. Margot had been distant. I had tried to reach out to her more than once and there was never a response just another voice mail left until the mailbox was full. My father even backed away from me. So there was something more and I just wanted to know what there was.

“It's her lost mate. Don’t over think it. Mothers are difficult. Trust me, my mum won't even look at me sometimes because she knows what I am. It scares her and I can understand why. I am not a good guy and nor do I pretend to be. I would like her to love me though.”

“I am sure she loves you.”

“I don't think so mate.” Callum crossed his arms and stared at the table. “I really don't think so.”

We had more in common than I thought. “I'm afraid that after all of this I will be alone.”

“You'll never be alone. You have more family over here than you could imagine. And we Elledges stay together and protect each other. No matter how new or old you are in the family there is always room for you here. You should probably meet our grandmother. She is going to flip when she sees you.”

“I have a grandmother.” I asked.

“You do, and a grandfather and some more surprises for tomorrow of course. There is a family dinner you have to be in attendance.”

“Should I wear a tie?”

“Uh, be casual.” He added. “I better get to bed before my lovely Holly is not so cheerful.” He put out his cigar. “See you in the morning cousin.”

“Goodnight Callum.”











Chapter Nineteen


The world was new again. Everything I looked at and touched went from being something plain into something that could be used in my wedding or the baby's room. I spent the entire morning searching for wedding dress styles and the baby room for a cottage. I was sure we would live in a cottage somewhere here. This place was perfect. Instead of the routine of tossing and turning all night, Lucas had slept peacefully.

My phone battery was almost dead and my bladder was being danced on by some 3-pound beauty I had not seen yet. I slipped from under him and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at the diamond lotus flower on my hand and realized it was all coming together in a good way for the first time for me and him.

“You sleep well?” he moaned from the bed.

I splashed the cool water on my face and exhaled. “I slept like a baby.”

“Good,” He rose up. “Callum said that we were going to visit the family today. I don't know how… I doubt we can all fit in his car.”

“We should have got a rental.” I said.

“We'll figure something out.” Lucas slid his shoes on and walked over to the small bathroom. “Mrs. Elledge has a great ring to it you know?”

“I know. I've been practicing it all morning.”

“Are we going to tell them today?”

“I don't see why not.” I said as my eyes looked over his body. “I think we should tell them.”

“Me too.” He maneuvered his way to the sink and kissed me lightly on the lips. “Have you been sick here lately? You know with the morning sickness?”

“The morning sickness is over I think, though the smell of those damn sausage about killed me yesterday. But they were so good.”

“I saw you eating. Have you taken your vitamins this morning?” He sifted through his bag on the sink and took out the prenatal vitamins. “No.”

“I literally just woke up before you.” He was like a Nazi when it came to me or the baby and this health regiment. “Do you want to go see your father's grave today?” I wiped my face with the washcloth and then tossed it on the cabinet.

“I'd rather not.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I'd rather fuck you before breakfast.” A devious smile emerged on his face. 

“Uh… I prefer to be made love to mister.”

“You like to fuck and you know it.” He pulled me into the bedroom and his hands went up my skirt. A stifled moan escaped from my mouth and Lucas smiled. His smile as normal took my breath away.

“BREAKFAST IS READY!” a small voice said as the door opened. “Godfather! Breakfast is served!” Nina jumped playfully on the bed and Lucas groaned.

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