Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“We could sleep at my apartment.” I tried to ignore his attitude.

“I want to be at my loft.” 

“What is wrong with you? I mean you have had a piss poor attitude the entire time.”

“Don't ask me again.” He snapped. Lucas turned into the back driveway to the loft. “I'm tired.”

“Fine, we'll sleep here. I just said my place because I don't have any clothes. They are in my car at my parents’ place.” He had me worried. The silent drive home almost drove me mad and every questioned was answered with a single sentence.

His fist was clenched. “I guess we can go inside and get some rest and I'll swing by in the morning for you to get clothes.”

“Okay,” I didn't want to argue or sleep alone. He was in a mood. I could understand it to some extent. We both gathered our things and walked towards the stairs that led three flights up to the loft.

“Lucas Elledge?” A deep voice came from behind us.

We turned and noticed the 6 foot something man holding his badge. I had seen him before. He was the detective investigating Phillip's death. I had seen him on television a few times in the background of the reporters.  “Babe?”

“In the flesh,” Lucas grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. “How can I help you?”

“Perfect, your brother said you were out of town.”

“Yeah, actually we just stopped in. I left some things. I brought her back for the company, I hate a quiet ride.”

“Well, I can talk to you both, could we go upstairs? It's rather chilly out here.”

“We can go to the club. I have an office there.” He held up his keys up. “Darling run upstairs, get comfortable and I will be right up in a few.”

“What is this about?”

“I wanted to ask about where you two were the night that Phillip Langford was murdered.”

I turned my head. This man was incorrigible. I've told the police department ten times that we were together that night. “Sir, I have told them several times that we were together. Why are you questioning us?”

“I know you took his death rather hard for him to be an ex.” The Detective pulled out a small leather notebook. “Your mother said that Lucas went for a walk that night. Where did you walk?”

“He walked for ten minutes that night, is there something that you are trying to say?” I yelled.

Lucas arm's wrapped around me and he smiled. “Calm yourself, dear,” He handed me the keys. “Go and get yourself settled while I talk to... Detective...”

“Special Agent McMillan, Federal Bureau of Investigation.” He flashed his badge and the color drained from the Lucas' face.

Oh shit, he was the real deal. I thought he was a small town cop. He was from the damn FBI. I shifted uncomfortable. “I'll go upstairs.”

The water from the shower had been refreshing. I slung the mass of curls into a pony tail and dressed in the Lucas' shirt. “Mark,” I said, sliding shorts on. “What are you doing here?”

“I came for Luke.” He smiled. They were not blood brothers, but the resemblance in the two was uncanny, “Is he here?”

“He is being interviewed by some detective downstairs.”

“Fuck,” He whipped out his phone and dialed Lucas' number. “Brother don't say shit. And keep that smart ass mouth under wraps... I'm headed down. Can you put this in his room for me Cy?” He gave me a black bag and I nodded my head.

“Sure,” I said. “Is there something that I should know Mark?”

“No,” Mark headed to the elevator and smiled at me. “Why would you think that?”




I closed my phone and nodded my head. Mark was too late. He was already here in my office, waiting on water. If I killed this suit wearing bastard, I would be on Death Row before the blood would completely drain from his body. But his blood spilled on my white marble floor was all I could conjure. The waitress sat two glasses of water on the coasters. “Lemon Mr. McMillan?”

“No thank you,” he sat stiff backed in the chair. “So let me start by saying that you are extremely successful to be twenty-six.”

“Almost twenty-six,” I corrected. “And thank you.”

“One New York Times Best-Seller and a successful club. The campus rives for this place.” His eyes searched the room.

“Thank you, what are your questions?”

“Number one, there seems to be some discrepancies with what Cypress told us.” He flipped through the book. “Did you take a walk that night?”

“I did,” I said.

“Where to?”

“I walked the block and then sat on the porch, the star's there are amazing.”

“So how long were you out?”
“Ten minutes at the most, why?”

“Wondering.” Agent Asshole moved quickly with his pen. “I looked into your past a little. What do you know about your father’s death?”

“What kind of dumb question is that?” My eyes lowered. “I know my father was killed and it was rude of you to bring it up. His death has nothing to do with the death of this guy.” My heart pounded against my chest.

“I think it does.”

“Oh really, please tell me how? Please...”

“Well, I have a theory myself.” McMillan's stupid grin was a good enough reason to knock this cock sucker down to the floor and let him bleed out slowly… covering this bright white floor with a perfect shade of crimson.

“Well, do tell,” I sat back my hands behind my neck, rubbing to relieve the building pressure.

“I think you done it.” He whispered. “I think you slit his throat and stabbed in where he hurt your mother the most, her heart. You done it to avenge her death.”

The story he had made up in his head was complete bullshit. I loved my father no matter how asinine he acted at times. He was the man my mother loved just as much as me. “My mum loved him and he loved her. And I think you are full of shit. You probably should have been a novelist. That shit would sell millions.”

“Oh, I'm thinking about it...” McMillan closed his book. “When I have you behind bars... I'm gonna write a shit ton. I want your name disgraced and everything you love to dwindle to nothing.”

“I wish you the best of luck.”

“I'm watching you, motherfucker.” His tight grin infuriated me.

“Well, enjoy the show bitch.”

He stared at me. “You don't scare me Lucas. And you don't know who I am… but I will gladly fill you in. I am your demise… remember that.” His card fell on the table and he slid the glass cup of water to the floor, shattering it to pieces. “You should get your staff to clean up the place while it's still standing.”

“Fuck you,” I said with a grin. “The next time you come at me… I'll need notice through my lawyer and if you talk to Cypress again...” The words fell. I wanted to see him fucking dead. “Well... you seem to have a great imagination… use it and make it colorful.”

“You'll need one the next time we speak Lucas. I plan to make sure you stare at white walls until they push that medicine through your veins.” He nodded.

“What's up?” Mark said. “Detective McMillan, come for the steak or do you just want to continue to threaten my client with the death penalty again?”

“No, sir, it wasn’t a threat. Just a direct promise.” McMillan gritted his teeth, “I think you are just as fucked up as him Mark.”

“Thank you, sir,” Mark laughed. “Are you done here?”

“Not even close,” McMillan mumbled as he walked towards the exit. “Watch your fucking steps Lucas. You know I will be. And Merry Christmas.” He waved over his shoulder as he made an exit.

Fucking bastard.

“Cypress is back?” Mark questioned.

“We are leaving tomorrow for her mum's house.”

“Stay out of town for some weeks. Take her to the cabin, hunt and all that shit.” He whispered. “I'll bring Shia there we can just stay out of the light for a while. I think he will be relentless.”

“You're still with her?” I blocked everything else he had said.

“She has great sex,” Mark laughed. “See you in two weeks.”

My father was a bastard, but my mum loved him with her dying breath and he loved her with his… I made sure of it. He was secretive about everything in his life and he had a tendency to put his hands on my mother. No one was allowed to hurt her, she was already in so much pain. So I handled it when she passed. I would never have killed him, but he prompted the chance and I took it.

The ride in the elevator seemed like it lasted forever. I don't know what Cypress would want to hear. I could care less. I needed something right now... anyone would do.

The doors opened and I stepped in throwing my shirt to the ground. “You showered?” I asked.

“Yeah, the all day trip threw me off.” She paused. “Your brother stopped by and dropped some box off in your bedroom.”

“Perfect,” I sighed, relieved. “I'll shower and we can go to bed.”

“What did that Agent want?”

“Well, he seems to think that I killed your ex.” There was no use in hiding the truth from her. “I didn't even know the bastard.”

“Stop being mean.”

“He fucking raped you. And you sit here and defend him. Fuck him. Dead or not I feel no remorse for a rapist Cy.”

“Where'd you go that night?”

“What the fuck do you want me to say? Is it against the law to get some air? Are you going to interrogate me like that fucking cop? I can just call him back up here and let you both just enjoy yourselves?”

“He wasn’t just a cop Lucas. He was an FBI Agent? I want you to tell me where the fuck you went Lucas!” Her voice echoed through the entire loft.

“Who in the fuck are you yelling at, Cypress?” My voice was louder than I expected but she had crossed a line. She should never question me.

“I'm leaving.” Her feet hit the cold floor of the apartment and lead her to the counter where she picked up her cell phone. “I'll take a bus home or call Shia. But I don’t have to put up with this shit.”

Before I could think I had caught up to her and pulled gently at her arm. “What is your problem? Why are you questioning me? I would never do anything to harm you love... never.”

“Did you kill him?”

“I didn't.” I turned her towards me, staring into her eyes, I knew that there was nothing there. My eyes never showed the world what was going on inside. “I wouldn't.”

“Why would the FBI be interested in you?”

“Why would they not? I'm foreign.”
“I thought you were an American citizen.”

“I have dual citizenship.”

“Right, where did you go that night?”

“I went walking. I was scared. I wanted your parents to like me and I have never met someone's parents so fast okay.”

“You're lying.”

“Yeah, you know what use your imagination since you seem to be so good at it.” I turned my back towards her and walked to the shower.  “I'm showering and you can stay. It's no need for you to be out without a fucking car at night. I don't want to argue with you. Stay here.”






Chapter Nine


The fireplace crackled in my mom's living room. My father had the turkey out and apparently had tried to teach Lucas how to marinate. Everything had found a median. He was calm now. And even though I still had some doubt I was content enough to be friendly. Christmas will be tomorrow and Lucas had successfully wooed both sets of grandparents a crazy aunt and my cousin Shera. He was gold to them.

“I'm happy you two spent the holidays with us sweetheart.” My mom smiled and her eyes were lit. “He is a good one.” She pointed to Lucas painting the base of the turkey. “Even your father has grown to like him.”

“Good,” I set my phone down. “We get to leave for Montana tomorrow afternoon. His brother and my neighbor are meeting us a town over.” The trip came unexpectedly. Mark and Shia were always off and on at least from what I could see. Mark was not talkative, he was borderline mute, which was the exact opposite of Shia, the party animal. I had no clue what made them a couple. I’d rather not know.

“I hate you’re leaving on Christmas. But Denver from what I hear is a perfect place. And I know you said you wanted to travel.”

“I know. I didn’t know too much about it until earlier this week. Lucas is good at surprises.”
“That's great.” My mom peeled back the snap peas and continued to watch some Hallmark movie as usual. She was addicted to the cheesiest movies, but we watched them every year. But it made the holidays the holidays. The sound of the bells and flutes in every song reminded me of my childhood.

“Cypress, I was about to go ahead and turn in for the night. You want to come with?” His accent wooed my mother with every syllable, but not me. I had grown annoyed at the seductive accent at the moment. Lucas and I had three major fights and they had all been about this lie. Why would he lie? He had been gone more than ten minutes. I waited for him over an hour that night and I had foolishly backed his story up in front of that agent. I wanted to know the truth, but there was no chance in hell he was giving it to me.

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