Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“It's my version of a promise ring. I know everything between us is so new. I know that there are times that you contemplate why the fuck am I with this gash? But baby I know I have never felt this for anyone else.”


“Slang...wanker...” I laughed. “Bloody hell woman, I’m an idiot sometimes. I know this. I know that I am not the easiest person to be with or tolerate. But I love you and this is my ring to promise you that no matter what we go through I will be here.”

She stared at the ring. “I bought you some perfume.”

“Really...can I see it? You know cologne is my favorite.”

“I feel bad because I didn't get anything this nice...I thought about it but I couldn’t really afford to do this much.”

Cypress wanted to do everything on her own and that was admirable. But I had already covered her bill three or four times for her rent and she didn’t know it. It was best to let her think that she was broke. “Darling, I have you,” I paused. “And you are more to me than a ring or some random perfume that I will wear every day. You are the woman I plan to build forever with.” The speech poured from my mouth and for once there was something genuine about what I had said. I meant it. I was sure she was the woman that I would spend the rest of my life with. She was my Luna… and I her Declan.

“Are you serious?”

“I couldn't be more serious. I love you.” I smiled. “Now go get my cologne woman.”

“Okay,” Cypress' tears breached the walls as they cascaded down her face. “I'm so in love with you Lucas and it scares me.”

“There’s nothing to fear,” though there was definitely something for her to fear. “I don't want to scare you.”

“You make me see things differently than before.”

“I hope that is a good thing.”

“I'm blinded hopelessly by you,” she smirked.


“It's true, I care so much about you that no matter what the hell we go through or you put me through I just walk into it willingly.” Cypress closed the box. “Did you have anything to do with Philips death? Answer me truthfully and I swear I am done… I just want to know.”

“Honestly Cy, no. I don't know what you want me to tell you. I hate feeling like I'm being accused of something.”

“Okay,” Cypress opened the ring box and nodded her head. “Thank you.”



There was something about Colorado that made it feel like another country entirely. The mists of snow gently fell onto the jeep as we curved up the mountain to the cabin and all I could think about was getting him alone. Lucas' eyes were glued to the road and mine were glued to him.

“I can feel you staring.” He smiled.

“I love it here already.”

“Yes, my mum bought this place for us last year. We haven't bought food in a year and the housekeeping she has here had no clue what they are getting into.”

“Well, we have some groceries and I hope Shia brings some.”

“Mark and Shia have been here for a full day.”

“What does this place look like?”

“Let your mind wander... I'm sure it's not what you are expecting,” Lucas continued to stare at the road.

“We'll be here an entire week.”

“Yes, alone.”

“Well, almost alone...”

“I want to spend this time exploring you...” His voice made me clench my legs together and instinctively he gripped my thigh firmly.

“Don’t talk like that.” I purred.

“There is something that I am wondering. And I hope this doesn’t scare you.”

“Shoot.” I said anxiously.

He removed his hand from my thigh snapped his fingers, “I was wondering if you were open to drugs?”



“I smoked once.” I lied.


“No,” I said quickly. “Are you?”

“I dabble every now and then, It's not a habit… acid?”

“Acid?” I flinched. “Are you serious Lucas? Are you a fucking hippie?”

“No, I like the sensation. Will you try it with me?”

“So you have used crack?”

“No cocaine… It's totally different things Cy…”

“What’s the difference?”

“I don’t really feel like explaining. I just want you to try acid with me...” His hands clasp mine and he smiles. “I promise if you don't like it… I will never bring it up again… but it's something that I think every once should try once.”

“I don't know what to say Lucas.” My mind raced. The answer should have immediately been no. There should have been no thinking, just no. Who was I dating and why the hell did I have to continue to ask these questions over and over? “I'm not for drugs.”

“You sound like a child Cy. You are 25. Just one time with me. I will keep you safe.”

“What is Acid?”

“LSD… Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...” He smiled. “You could be my Lucy.”
“One time...” I crossed my arms and he was truly happy for the first time since forever.

“One time...” The smiled emerged and he kissed my hand. “I think you will love it. You will feel everything completely for the first time. “But I want to smoke weed too.”

“You can do whatever you want.” The car grew closer to a monstrous house… but it was a glorious monster. The yellow lights were bright in the dark of the highway and there were two stories. The second floor appeared to be held by the giant wooden beams. It looked unreal, it wasn't a cabin it was a mansion. “Holy fuck,” I whispered.

“The top floor is ours. The bottom floor beside the kitchen and the living area is Mark's and Shia's. I know we'll be together a lot… we even have a hunt planned later on this week. Shia wants you to learn how to crochet. I told her it would be dumb, but she brought a shit ton of damned yarn.” The car pulled under the awning an older man stepped towards the car and opened the door.

“Mr. Elledge?”

“Murphy, did you enjoy your holiday mate?”

“I did, sir.” The butler extended his hand. “Ma'am, may I show you inside?”

“Sure,” I swooped up my purse and cell phone and took his hand.

“Mr. Aday is in the living area.”

Every ounce of my oxygen escaped my lungs when the tall wooden doors of the home were opened. The chocolate brown couches stood out in the light wooden room. They sat around the stone fireplace with pictures of the family placed in the center.

“Dear Jesus,” I whispered. The warmth of the home made me feel at ease, a great contrast to the freezing weather I had just stepped in from.

Lucas' embraced me. “Welcome to a little piece of paradise. Murphy could you put our bags in the room?”

“Certainly, sir,” He disappeared into the curved staircase upstairs with our bags.

“Wow, Lucas this is incredible.”

“I like to think I have good taste.” Mark smiled toting Shia on his back. “You two enjoy the ride here?”

Shia's legs were wrapped around his waist and he was swinging back and forth. “These mountains are amazing.”

“Yes, the ride was nice.” I said.

“Well, sit down!” Shia hopped down from his back. “What did the Grinch get you for Christmas?”

I held out my hand for her. “Promise Ring...”

“Good,” She smirked. She was high. Her eyes dilated and her words slurred. “I missed you Cy-Cypress.”

“I missed you too.”

“Woman, you are smothering her.” Mark flopped on the couch and he took Shia with him.

“What are you two smoking?” Lucas said seriously. 

Mark wiped his nose. “Nothing,” He smirked.

Lucas shook his head, “Let's leave these animals be.”

The bedroom was bigger than my apartment. My eyes wandered up to the high ceilings, “Wow, your parents know how to go all out.” I mumbled.

“They do.” Lucas shuts the huge door and dimmed the lights. “I am beat.” He hopped on the bed and smiled at me. “There is a lake behind the cabin.”

“This is not a cabin, Lucas.”

“House whatever,” He exhaled. “It's away from people. It makes me feel at ease for once.”

“You feel at ease?”

“Yes,” he rubbed the nape of his neck. “Even when I am at home there is a club below me...I can feel people around me.”

“I thought you loved people.”

“I love you. I hate people. People are dumb. I have generally found my assumption to be true eighty-seven percent of the time. I just like the calm... the quiet.”

“You could move?”

“Not until I graduate. And when I do… I hear New York screaming my name. My publisher is there and I could open another club.”

“New York?”

“Yes, we could have a house like this a few miles out of the city. You could work wherever... I could guarantee you that and we could be happy.”

“New York, has more people.”

“I would have you.”

“Are we going to try it?” My hands tapped lightly against my leg.

“We can... It'll keep you up for hours though? Are you tired?”

“No, I'm wired.”

“Perfect, be back in a jiff.”

I waited impatiently for him. What would it be like to trip acid. I hated the term. I always thought it was a death sentence. Here's to hopeful wishing that I was incorrect. I stripped down my clothes searching through the smallest suitcase I have for my night clothes. I chose the pink tank top with the matching shorts. I wrapped my curls in a high bun and relaxed on the bed.

“Alright,” Lucas returned drenched in sex appeal. “I have them.” He extended his hand and there sat two small sugar cubes.

“I am freaking out.”

“Wait, don't freak out.”

“Yes,” My hand was unsteady. “Am I gonna live?”

“Calm your nerve woman,” he held my hand steady and placed the sugar cube on it. “You will be with me...”

The sugar cube was sweet as it dissolved on my tongue. I closed my eyes and lay on the bed. “How long does it take?”

“About 25 minutes,” He laid next to me and grabbed my hand. “You will be fine.”


There had never been a red so vibrant in my life. The color popping from the comforter and I could feel it engulfing me. Everything around Lucas was red. Every fiber of the comfort touched my body and everything was clear.

“Cypress...” his voice lulled me towards him... my hands grazed his face. “Cypress...” Lucas whispered. “Kiss me.”

“No...” my tone playful. I ran my hands down the comforter. “Every fiber of this comforter... is heaven...”

“Every ounce of you is heaven...”

My mind would not stop raving about the texture of the comforter. Then suddenly a bright yellow light came from the top of the room. “It's so yellow.”

“It's beautiful.”

“I'm beautiful.” I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Every curve of my face smiled with happiness.

“You are...” I could feel my hair tumbling down my back as Lucas pulled the bun down.  “Have you ever thought about death...

“Death... no.” I touched him on his chest and could feel every thump of his heart struggling to break free.

“It's beautiful.” he whispered.

“How beautiful?”

“Every person has a fucking light, but me… and watching it go out...” He laughed softly, “is the best feeling for me.”

“You have a light...” I pull his face towards mine, his startling blue eyes pierced into me.

“I do?”

“Yes,” I kissed him and I could feel everything. The warmth of his lips and touch of his tongue as he kissed me hard.


“Here...” I touched his chest once more and my hand slid into his underwear. “And here...” I snorted in laughter. He was larger than life there. “I want your light inside of me...”

“Not so fast... what the fuck is that over there?”

“Nothing is over there.”

“It is...” Lucas smiled. “Mark! Bloody hell...”

“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” Mark stood at the door.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” My smile conquered the world. “I was asking your brother...”

“What?” Mark leaned against the door.

“I don't know… but your brother has a light. He thinks he is light-less.” I giggled. “I'm his light.” My hands touched my chest and I felt my own heart as it thudded recklessly against the walls of my chest.

“I don't think you're wrong.” Mark threw his head back in laughter. “Are you two on Acid?”

“What then is Acid?” Lucas fell off of the bed and a chuckle erupted from my chest. “Baby!”

“I'm alive,” he laughed and I fell onto the floor playfully with him.

“Tell me you love me again...”

“I love you Cypress!”

“I love you LUCAS!” The room spun as my heels hit the floor at full speed. Though I knew I was moving fast everything still moved slow. My hand appeared to have seven fingers and a fell onto the floor once more, landing on the cold hardwood floor with my knees.

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