Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (21 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Is this what it's like to be happy Mark?”

“It is.” Mark nodded his head. “Please don't kill one another...” He laughed. “I'll be downstairs if you need me.”

He touched my hand and I moved towards him. His curls lingered perfect in front of his round face.   “Say it again...” He whispered.

“I love you.” I smiled.


This must be what it feels like to have someone totally entranced with you. His eyes never left mine and I felt like if they did I would explode. This was real love and I was grateful for every single heartache I went through to get here.





Chapter Ten


My apartment for once, was cleaned and my work was done. The second semester had hit me hard. The teachers threw out assignments like Halloween Candy and I was expected to know how doing everything instantly. Lucas had stopped creative writing and now it was just me and Ginger and I had my fill of her. She was nice, but I missed being able to see Lucas at work.

I had decided to cook for everyone. I was not the best cook. I had already burned the sautéed onions and mushrooms and I was three seconds away from making everyone eat sandwiches. Shia was helping because she hadn't seen Mark since the cabin, almost two weeks had passed and he had not called her or anything, he was not like Lucas.

“So I think that I scared away Mark.”

“How?” I mixed up the batter for the pork chops. The sweet and spicy aroma tingled my nose.

“Well number one, we spent way too much time over the weekend with one another.”

“That's what couples do. It's hard for me and Lucas to even have some time apart these days.”

“Lucas is weird.”

“And how is that Shia?”

“Well number one, he stares.”

“I like when he stares at me.” I smiled. “But he gets annoyed easily and he has a hard time hiding his facial expressions. So to tame them, he stares. I know this already.”

“I meant he stares at anyone. It's like he has something brewing up there that no one in the entire world knows about and it's creepy.”

“You date Mr. Creepy. It took him a whole month for him to acknowledge me. His sister even said that Mark is creepy.” I rolled my eyes.

“He is just quiet,” she justified. “Mark just keeps everything to himself. But your guy doesn’t bite his tongue at all.”

“Just because Lucas lacks self-control doesn’t mean that he is weird. He simply states what everyone else is more than likely thinking. He is a good guy.”

“I've heard some things about Lucas.” Shia mumbled. “I think you should stay away from him.”

“Like what have you heard that could be so devastating that I should break up with the first guy that treats me like a woman is supposed to be treated?”

“What do you mean? You can snag anyone. I know that Lucas is handsome. I know that he has everything together, but there are some guys out there that can treat you way better than him. You are just in the infatuation phase. I pray it wears off.”

I’d had just about my limit with Shia. Friend or no friend she had just about pushed me over the edge. “What have you heard Shia while you’re playing around with this bullshit?”

“Well, several things that ring alarm. You know there is the fact that he doesn't get along great with exes and some have come up missing or dead. I mean it's the rumor around campus. It was why he was single for so long.”

“Shut up Shia,” I laughed. “Are you saying that Lucas killed his ex-girlfriends? God, literally shut the fuck up talking to me.”

“No, I'm serious. A girl named Summer came up dead a few months back. They dated when she went here and she cheated on him. He took the break up well and then she came up missing, I mean it was weird. They even pulled him in for questions, but there was no proof that he had done anything.”

“Exactly, there was no proof. You are pumping rumors from a dry well.” I placed the batter down and started to wash the meat. “How long ago was it that they dated?”

“Three years ago.”

“Wow, you are really trying to throw things together. Lucas is the sweetest person I know. Yeah, when he gets mad he is mad, but who isn't?”

“I wanted you to know. People are scared for you. I’m not because I know if push comes to shove, I will fuck him up after you.”

“Well, I appreciate your concern and theirs, but you can tell those people who fed you this bullshit to go fuck themselves. I am fine with him, to be honest, I have never felt safer than how I feel around him. And I don't believe any of the garbage that is being thrown at me.”

“Are you offended? I was trying to help as a friend and feel you in on everything that was going on.”

“No, I’m not mad about shit Shia. I’m just tired of having to defend him when I know that he has done nothing. There are people coming at me at every angle and there is only so much more bullshit I can take.”

“Just be careful.” Shia nodded. “Where is the wine?”

“No wine for you.”

“Girl, don't make me walk across the hallway.”

“In the cabinet,” I said.

The front door opened and Lucas strolled through. “It smells like heaven in here.”

“It is heaven in here.” Mark said as his eyes met Shia's. “You look so stunning…”

Shia knocked back her wine and stared at him. “Don’t come at me with all that romantic shit. Why have you not called me?”

“Law School is not easy.” He said simply. “And I told you this last week. I couldn’t be talking to you every day of the week. I have so much to do.”

“Save your bullshit!” She yelled.

Lucas pulled me closer to him. “Can we let these two talk?” His lips touched mine and I nodded in agreement. “Could you two watch the food while you bicker?”

We stepped into the bedroom our eyes locked on one another as if we had not seen each other in days. “You look lovely.”

“You think?” I pointed to the flour on my black shirt. “Are they okay in there?”

“I don't care honestly.” he answered. Lucas locked the door and sat on the bed next to me. “How was your day?”

“Ridiculously long.”

“I can make it better.” His seductive fingers pulled at my bra strap and I pushed him away. “What baby?”

“They are in there.” I answered quickly.

“I don't care.” He growled.

“No sir,” I tossed my apron at him and walked to the door. His arms circled around me as he playfully laid me on the bed.

“They’re gonna hear me.”

“No, they won't.” He stood in front of me and smiled. “I'm just addicted to you Cypress. And to be honest, I think you have been holding out on me…”

“Well, I can do something for you.”

“Yes, you actually can.” He nodded his head. “Strip... the flour is nice, but I’d rather see you naked.”

I stared up at him. “No, they are in there.”


“I will never be able to look at them straight. I sound like a cat in heat when I’m with you. I was surprised my mother didn’t say anything.”

“Fine, I can wait.” He pouted.

“Thank you.” I made my way to the door and I could feel him behind me. His hands traced up my skirt and he pushed me gently against the door. He spread my legs and his index finger pushed into me with sharp movement. A gasp escaped as I threw my head back in a brief moment of ecstasy. “Luke...”

He moaned softly in my ear. “I could wait but you feel so fucking good.” Lucas added another finger to the mix and my head fell back on his chest. “Say yes,” He chuckled and his lips traced my neck. His rough fingers circled my clit and I turned around to face him. “Please.”


“Good,” He fell back on the bed and pulled me on top of him. “Lead the way...”

“Alright.” His fingers slipped out of me and I unbuckled his difficult belt tossing it to the floor. I pulled his shirt over his head and my lips pecked his chest, he flinched back in pain for a second then I realized it was a new tattoo. My name etched into his perfect chest. I sat up and stared. “Is that my name?”

“Could be… or I could really love trees.” Lucas paused. “Is it a problem?”

“Oh my God,” I smiled. “When did you get this?”

“I got it a week ago. I haven't had the chance to strip down for you. You have been holed up in this apartment since forever.”

“It's amazing and no, it’s not a problem. Now everyone in the world will know you're mine.”

“Thank you.” He slapped my ass playfully sending a much needed sting through my body. “Fuck me.” He whispered, “Now.”

I smiled as he kicked off his pants and I lifted my dress over my head. “I don't like being on top.”

“It's because you are spoiled.” He chuckled. “Ride me until you can't feel your legs.”

It was easier said than done. I stared at his dick. It was huge and I had ridden him before, but it was my least favorite position. I mounted myself onto him slowly and his eyes never left mine as I tried to find some sort of rhythm
. I rocked back and forth slowly pleasuring myself with the friction of him constantly rubbing against my clit. He arched his back, sending himself deeper with every motion I had.  I moaned and increased my speed. Then he began to thrust harder into me. He gripped my waist and dug his fingers into my hips. My teeth pierced into my lip as his hand slapped my ass again. I planted my hands into his chest to get a better position on him. I slowed Lucas down from the insanely fast pace he had been gone by a slow wind with my hips and my fingers pinched his nipple. He moaned as I bounced up and down on him. And finally I felt like I had it. A stream of profanity came from his mouth as I slowed down to an unbearable slow pace, even for me. My legs were weak, but I wanted him to come from me. “You like that?” I teased.

“Fuck yes,” he hissed. His dick twitched inside of me and it almost sent me over the edge. I ground against him once more and smiled. “I like this you're bloody wild...”

“You do,” there was a smile in his eyes.

In one smooth motion, he flipped me over on my back and pushed my legs back. “My turn.”

Lucas slid back into me slowly and then pulled me up to sit on his legs. He pulled me down further and his rhythm was punishing me. He didn't stop when my whole body turned into a boneless mess on top of him. He just chuckled and pounded into me relentlessly until I gushed out onto him. My legs shook and clenched him closer and he came instantly. He let out a melodic note in my ear and collapsed on top of me.

“I could get used to that.”

“You could,” he rolled off of me and nodded his head. “I want it every morning for the rest of my life.” He said bluntly.

I had thought about long term for a while with Lucas. He was always two steps ahead of me. He was probably envisioning the second stage of marriage and I had not even got down the aisle yet. “I have to finish the dinner.” I slipped the dress back over my head. Mark and Shia probably think we are rude.”

He slipped his boxers and pants on and followed me out into the empty living room. “Looks like they left.” Lucas sat down on the couch and turned on the television. “The apartment looks nice.”

“I cleaned it.” My hair looked a hot mess, I frowned at the mirror over the table as I tried to make some sense over what had just happened to my hair. “We need to talk about birth control Luke. We never use any. I'm thinking about getting on the pill.”

“You can if you would like.” He clicked on the television.

“Are you unbothered by the fact that we could be getting knocked up right now?”

“Children with you would not be horrible.” Lucas was in a playful mood. I was the polar opposite.

“I'm serious!” I yelled.

“Dear God, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to rewind time to before we fucked and slide a condom on? Shit, it’s happened. The next time we are about to fuck slip it on yourself. You are never concerned until afterwards. What can I do about afterwards Cypress?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing.” I nodded my head and added black pepper to the batter before I threw in the first two pork chops.

“Bloody hell woman, let's talk. Condoms? Shall I be a condom carrier? It's fine with me although I hate them. But for you I will do anything you.” The sarcastic edge to his voice irritated me for a moment but I let it slide and ignored it.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Or you could get on birth control?” his voice was quiet.

“Fine.” I tossed my pork chops in the pan. “But it doesn’t make sense for me to change my body when you can just slip on a damn condom.”

“I said I would damn it.” He growled. “Must you always argue with me?”

“Must you always give me something to argue about?” I listened to the sizzle of the oil and then the smell hit me. “Are you eating here?”

“I can.”

“Okay, call your brother.”

“They are more than likely tied up.” He stared at the television with his feet propped up on the table. I liked that he was comfortable here.

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