Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (40 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Perfect little Nina.” Lucas grimaced as he held his hands above his head. “I'll go wash my hands.”

“Welcome to parenthood!” Callum yelled from the end of the hall.

“Good! Come on Cypress!” She tugged my hand and moved slowly behind her.

I followed her lead downstairs and the table was completely covered by food. Tomatoes and Beans… I looked over at Asher. “Good morning Asher!”

“Morning,” He answered. “How was your night?”

“Perfect,” I answered. Strips of ham and a plate of eggs were in front of me. It was the weirdest breakfast; I had ever seen. “Tomatoes?”

“Yes, they are great with eggs and the beans. And I have some bangers left over from last night that are almost finished cooking.” Callum said. He was serious about this meal and it looked like the nastiest feast I had ever seen.

“Great,” reached for my glass of water and there was a shrill yell.

“What the actual fuck Cypress!” Shia reached for my hand and screamed again. “You’re getting married! That motherfucker finally done the right thing!”

“Naughty word!” Nina said from the floor of toys.

“Thanks loud mouth.” Lucas said from the top of the stairs. “We were going to announce it.”

“Look at this ring. Mark, are you taking notes?” She looked over at an unamused Mark and winked.

“Yeah,” he mumbled. “Congrats brother and sister-in-law. I'm happy you two are happy.”

“Thanks Mark.”

“I hope the wedding is soon.” Shia said like it was her moment. “It would be perfect to have a summer wedding! Have you looked at venues and chose a color?”

“Shia calm down. I asked her yesterday.”

“Happy to have you in the family.” Asher said. “You’re just gaining family every day Lucas.” Asher was amused. “And I am kind of proud of you.”

“Thank you Asher!” I sipped my water.

“Callum do you see it? That's what normal couples do.” Holly slammed the plate on the counter and fell to the ground in several pieces. Her face had turned from cheer filled to red with heartache in a matter of ten seconds. “I am so happy for you. I'll be down in just a moment. I seemed to have forgotten my manners upstairs.”

“Oh, Holly.” Callum followed her.

“Great job Shia,” Lucas rolled his eyes at her and sat down in the seat next to me.

“I'm sorry. She is my best friend and I got excited! You have finally done something right.” She snapped.

“Oh really,” Lucas grabbed a plate and put it in front of me. “Maybe you should stop being such a…” I stomped his foot causing him to grunt and stare at me with his wide eyes. “Just pass the damn hash.”

“Thank you,” I grabbed his hand.

Callum made his way down the stairs. “Excuse her, she's just a little moody.”

“It's fine. The breakfast looks great.” Mark said as he piled his plate.

“Indeed eat up,” Callum sat down across from Lucas. “Congrats, cousin. I'm proud of you. Making big strides and that ring is tremendous. I have never seen anything like it.”

“I know. Mark and Asher actually helped me with it. Asher has surprisingly good taste.”

“Thanks, I mean you were about to get her a horrible ring.”

“Yeah, it had white gold… and some kind of weird design.” Mark laughed along with Asher.

“Why didn't you bring Whitney?”

“We actually decided to take a break and what better place to be single in that Ireland?”

“The best way to get over a broad is to find a new one to get under...” Callum laughed. “I know I'm not single, but there are some bars that we could get you laid in.”

“Appreciate that Cal,” He snickered.

“I didn't know she left you.”

“We took a break Mark.”

“I mean; I didn't like her honestly. I think that you can find someone a little bit better… a little less attitude.” Lucas added. “She was always staring at me like a monster.”

“I wonder why?” Asher tilted his head. “I get it you didn't like her and that's fine. Change the subject.”

“Testy this morning little brother...”

“Luke, I'm older than you.” Asher rolled his eyes.

Mark burst into laughter, “Dear Jesus, do you two have to argue every morning.”

“It wouldn't be normal if we hugged.”

“Baby,” I snapped at Lucas. “Please be nice.”

“He's fine, you guys. He doesn't bother me. I overlook half of what he says. I know it's his form of love.” Asher calmed the table. “Though I appreciate you all jumping to my defense.”

“Well, I'll be taking him off of your hands for a while today. We are going to go hit some old spots up in Belfast. I want to show him how everything has changed.”

“I would love to see Belfast.” Mark said.

“Um, maybe later this week Mark. I really just wanted to spend some time with my cousin here. We haven't had the proper chance to catch up in ages. And I know it's important to him. He can ask me to be his best man and everything.” Callum winked. “And I know Holly wanted to take the ladies to some places.”

“We could sight-see.” Mark said to Asher.


Lucas nodded his head. “Then we can all meet at our grandmother's house around 6ish?”

Lucas had obviously made these plans without me. “So, I have to spend a whole day alone?”

“With Holly, Cypress it's not the whole day. We just really want to have some man bonding time alone.”

“Fine,” I smiled at Holly as she walked down the steps holding Nina in her arms. “I hear we are having a girls’ day.”

“Oh yeah, And I have some places to take you lovely ladies.”




Callum drove like a bat out of hell. This part of him I hadn’t missed. I held on for my dear life as we traveled the curvy dirt road. “Why you look so nervous there Luke? How can you kill someone and fear death?”

“How can I not? You drive like a mad man. I’ll be driving home.” I shook my head. “So have you talked to this teacher?”

“I haven't… I have another to kill too. It's for half a million. Are you down?”

“I mean I guess.” I looked out at the scenery that surrounded me.

“What do you mean you guess?” Callum looked over at me. “Why are you so quiet? Liven up! When was the last time you killed someone?”

“Too long… my dear friend Luther in the states.”

“You'll do good. Have you thought about a career here? I mean for when you move?”

“I don't know.”  I knew what the entire family was over there. I remember the power my father and uncles had by just looking at someone. Though the power was an adrenaline rush I doubted Cypress wanted to put through the drama that comes with it.

“Think about it, you have to have a way to support your family. The money that you have won't last forever. I can get you a job with me. I have some people under me. I could make you my second in charge.” Callum ranted about his business that was doing more than well and how he would want me to step in a run some things but organized crime was not for me. I was not a tough guy. I was just a thrill seeking killer there was a complete difference.

“I know what I have Callum and I don’t bloody want it.”

“Don't get snappy.” He grimaced. “When are you getting married?”

“I don't know. I told her to plan everything and give me a date and I would be there.”


“Why won't you marry Holly? You two have been together since forever.”

“I know.” Callum groaned. “Everything is fine and there is no ring. Rings make things so difficult. I just want to be with her and love her. I don't need to stand before the church and confess me love for her. She knows I love her and that's all I want.”

“Women don't think like that Cal.”

“So, I think like that.”

“Alright, anyhow… I don't have my knife. I had to leave it back home.”

“You use a knife?”

“What do you use?”

“Whatever is at my disposal, what knife?”

“The knife my father gave me.”

“The engraved knife, that's sweet. Are you ready to see him?”

“No, the bloody bastard has some major explaining to do.”

“Be nice,” we finally pulled into the small town and parked. “He lives in that house.” He pointed to a small cottage. “Remember it?”

“Yeah, I remember you telling me about it. What do you plan on doing?”

“Getting in unnoticed… Killing him slowly in the damned dungeon that he raped kids in. And then cutting his dick off and shoving it in his mouth. After that… I get to eat good and fuck my girlfriend senseless, so she can forget about that damned ring.”

“You are such a gentleman.”

“I know mate.”

My instincts kicked in as we watched him water his flowers and talk to the local neighborhood kids. Callum twiddled with his knife in his pocket. He occasionally tapped the steering wheel humming some Irish tune under his breath.

“What are you the most afraid of Luke?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you fear?”

“Death, the freaking electric chair.”

“Don't fear it.” Callum rested his head against his seat with his eyes closed. “When you fear something you become reckless. When you are fearless you become dangerous. I don't fear death. I don't fear the police. I don't fear anything.”

“Well, lucky you.” I mumbled.

“Asher said he worries that you are getting reckless.”

“I did for a moment.”

“That moment could have ruined your life.”

“You talk to Asher about me?”

“Barely, he's a quiet guy. I like him.”

“Yeah, he's different.” I rolled my eyes.

“I want you to live, to grow old. I want you to see your grandchildren. And I think you need to leave America permanently to do it.”

“I've thought about it and it's what I need to do. I get it.” Callum always wanted to pick brains on a kill. “Why are you so nosy?”

“Why are you so content living within a place that doesn't want you there anymore?”

“You do every time.”

“Do what Luke?”

“Pick my brain, make me angry and I get out of control.”

“Great! Yes, you need to be ruthless. Do you still talk to the bastards?”


“I remember you talking Lucas. You like to taunt. Kill them and leave.”

“Shut up.” I snapped. “Look, he's in his house. We could go around the back.”

“Yeah, I see him. I'll go to the front door and you can sneak around back.”

“You'll be seen.”

“I have protection through the IRA. I can do whatever I want. Just go to the back door and I will let you in. Keep your hat on and glasses as well and we can go ahead and make a move.” He slid his black gloves on and walked to the front door. I made my way around to the back door.

The backyard was a huge garden, completely covered by the plants and the giant trees. I walked quietly over the stones and fountains and stood on the stone steps of his backyard. I could hear Callum talking in the house.

“I know it has been forever. I heard you retired from the boarding school?”

“Yeah a few weeks back. I just want to focus on my garden and maybe travel a wee bit. Would you like some tea?”

“Oh no thank you… I hate the stuff.”

“Okay, well what brings you by?”

“Just some things I wanted to get off of my chest...”

“Go ahead.” The teacher said completely lost on what was about to happen.

I knocked lightly on the back door and it opened. “Mr.… How have you been?”

A loud clang from behind him and he dropped to the floor. “Come on inmate.” Callum drug him to the stairs and kicked him down. The thud of his head hitting the floor made me reassured he was out like a light. Callum was nothing like me on a kill. I was quiet. I stalked and waited for an opportunity. He made opportunities occur. The house had pictures of cats everywhere. The smell of burning onions filled the air and I turned to the stove. “We interrupted his dinner. How rude?” I laughed.

“I know. He was always a good cook.” Callum broke the wooden chair into pieces and handed me a leg of it. He has something that he hangs little boys up with. I figure it is best we go ahead and string him up… lend me a hand?”

“My pleasure.” He was a hefty man. We lifted him up and tied his hands together and hung him by his hands on the hook that hung from the ceiling. Then Callum stripped him down to his underwear and walked around him like he had won a trophy. He stared and wiped the sweat off of his face.

“I want this fucker up!” He growled. Callum hit the man's face several times, sending the sound ringing through the room. “Wake up!”

His eyes flickered and he struggled to pull against the ropes. A yell came from his mouth and I shoved a sock in it. “Not time to yell yet. Calm yourself… a struggle is just gonna make this ugly. I want your death to beautiful…. Understood?”

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