Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (38 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Great, Holly and I have a child… her name is Nina.”

“Nice.” Mark said, in short.

“And you must be Asher, welcome to the family!”

Asher shook his hand apprehensively. “Pleasure, to meet you. You have a marvelous home.” he smirked.

“And who are these lovely lasses?”

Shia climbed out of the car in a bit of a stumble and handed Mark her largest bag. Her hair was a mess and she looked like she had just woken. Her hair all mashed to the right side of her head and her shirt unfixed. “My name is Shia… girlfriend to Mark.”

“Oh, he can get a girl can he?” Callum joked and Asher burst into laughter with him.

“Funny,” Mark rolled his eyes.

“And this work of art here?” Callum gestured towards Cypress.

“She is my Cypress… I mean girl.” I helped her out of the car and she waved politely at Callum. “She is tired from the flight.”

“I assume you all are.” Callum grabbed Cypress' bags and paid the cab driver. “I've cooked some bangers and mash. And then I guess you guys can rest up for tomorrow.”

“What's tomorrow?”

“A big day.” Callum answered.

There was something up his sleeve and I was not sure if I wanted to know what it was just yet.

His home was large and the inside looked nothing like I would have imagined. It was vast in space. The wooden beams on the ceiling were a dark hickory and the walls were a savory cream. Cypress sat down on the couch and a moan escaped her mouth. “This couch is heavenly.”

“It looks nice.”

“I want one.”

“Your will is my command.” I sat next to her. “Are you feeling alright?”

“What are Bangers and Mash?”

“They are good. Sausage and Mash potatoes.”

“Wow,” Cypress laid her head on my chest.

“I know. We can tour the city tomorrow if you are up to it?”

“I want to. I think tomorrow I will be well rested.”

“Good,” I watched as Callum lifted his little girl up and walked over to us. “Alright, now little lass, this is your Godfather Lucas…” The little girl smiled as she swirled a curl around her finger. “Say hello?”

“Hello Lucas.” She grinned and squirmed her way down her father's leg.

“Tell her your name.”

“My name is Nina.” Her light voice floated into the room, she brought a radiance with her that I prayed my daughter had some day.

“Pleasure to meet you princess.” I said.

“It's Nina.” She turned and ran around the corner to her mother.

“She'll come around. Holly love come here, meet the ladies.”

Holly poked her head around the corner. “Honey, let me finish cooking. We have an entire week to meet.”

“Always so charming.” Callum mumbled. “Tell me how you two met? I mean you must be a special girl to have snagged the attention of my cousin.”

“College,” Cypress didn't elaborate.

“We might have to do it tomorrow Cal, she is not friendly when she is tired. The flight kind of dragged her down.”

Cypress half smiled. “I’m sorry Cal. Being pregnant and flying sucks ass.”

“I can only imagine. And it’s fine. No need for apologies.”

“Thank you.” She yawned.

“I hope Mark and Asher are comfortable here. I know not too many people are fond of staying in a castle.”

“They should be.”

“How did you find out about them?” He paused.  “I mean I never even heard of her having any other children besides you.”

“Asher has done some digging.” I nodded. “But it’s not bad. I actually like having two brothers.”

“Yeah, mine is a pain in my arse.”

“They can be,” I agreed.

“Come on outside with me for a moment.”

“Are you good here?”

“I'm great.” Cypress rested her body back into the couch. “Go ahead.”



Ireland, I had not stepped foot here since my father died. And it still had this grip on me. The lush green of the hills surrounded by the clearest sea that there was. The fresh air of the countryside filled my lungs and my mind saw it… I was about to have a sense of normalcy, a real family and a life.

Callum started to peel his apple and sat down next to me on the porch. “She seems like a naive girl.”

“She is.”

“Does she know?”

“No idea,” I mumbled. I pushed my hands through my hair. “I miss this place.”

“What are you doing?” Callum held his r's longer so he sounded like a pirate.

“Just taking it in.”

“It's a beautiful place to do it all. What you thinking about? Perhaps moving here?”

“Is it peaceful?”

“Yeah, indeed. I live here...” He gestured towards the huge stone home. The vines grew up the side in splendor garnishing the house with a flower every now and then. It sat on a hill that was surrounded by neighboring hills and there was nothing there but nature for miles. “It doesn't have a good playground.”

“You have a city though.” I smiled. “I like it here Callum.”

“Well move, leave America alone.”

“She is from America.”

“You mean your beauty in there?”

“I do.”

“I can tell you love her. Your Pa used to stare at Luna that way. It's good for you.”

“You sound like my brothers in there.”

“What's up with the Luna look-a-like? He seems like he knows me and I have just met him.”

I laughed at him, I could only assume he was talking about Asher. “He is weird. He can read and sense people and two seconds with you and he knew immediately that we shared kindred spirits.”

“Yeah, I haven't retired though.” Callum cut the apple and crunched into it. “Are you good?”

“I have this copper on me named McMillan and he is making my life a living hell. So do you still...”

“Kill, yes. I can't stop. I might kill her if I do. She has a bad knack for demanding dishes to be washed. I don't channel it well. I go places and do what I have to and then come home. Speaking of which. I have to travel to Belfast this week. There I have some unfinished business. Care to join me?”

“Like old times, eh?” I pushed him. “Who?”

“Remember that prick of a teacher in boarding school that tried to rape me?”

“Carver McIntosh, how could I forget?”

“In-fucking-deed.” a smile covered his face. “I've been waiting patiently for this fucker to retire for more than ten years now. And I get the chance to kill him. I have to move on it.”

“I'm down.” I answered. “I know you hated him. How are we going to make a four-hour trip unnoticed? My brothers in there want to keep a tight leash on me.”

“Look, I am not worried about them. And Holly can keep your beauty there entertained. There are some tours she can take her on and then your brothers can hunt for daddy.”

“What do you mean hunt for daddy?”

“Your father is not dead. My father killed him off, he has an alias. He's alive. He keeps tab on you and I know where he is and they will jump at a chance to meet him.”

“My father? Why in the fuck have you not told me Callum?” My voice was dangerously low.

“Calm. Your. Nerve...” He said with a brief pause in between each word. “Be a lotus flower or whatever the fuck you do mate.” Callum cut his eyes at me. “I don't think they can handle a brawl between us. We'll fuck each other up and you know it.” He warned. “So take your seat back.”

My nose flared. “You could have told me? Callum, we have always been honest with one another. I don't know what changed. But why is he alive? And why would he have not reached out to me?”

“I personally have never understood your father until I became a father. It's hard handling both sides of it. There has to be a balance. You will understand her soon. But in that house I have two people who love me with every ounce of their being and I would do anything to make sure that this whatever it is that dwells in me never touches them.” His hands fell to his side. “Your father was about to be exposed. And yeah, you may have guessed what he was and Luna might have to… but he didn't want to see the hurt it caused you. If it ever boils down to it...I will leave. I will leave because I love them. And you'll get it soon enough. With that first cry you'll be sucked in and your real survival instincts will kick in. You won't need to meditate and you won't need to control yourself. You'll know what to do.”

“Where is he?”

“Somewhere in Dublin,” he answered.

“Look, I can get him here. Are you coming to Belfast or no mate?”

“Yes,” I exhaled. “But on the way there you spill everything.”

“We will see. I really like to listen music before a kill. You'll love what I have set up. Hell, your cousin might teach you a thing or two.” Callum cracked his smile and pushed me playfully. “I can't believe we are a tag team again.”

“Oh, shut it.” I mocked. “You wouldn't come to America with me. I begged you.”

“The coppers over there, are a wee too over-zealous for me.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I can kind of play over here as long as I don't step on toes… plus I've become a side enforcer for the IRA. Extra money and I get to kill… sloppy or neat... It really doesn't matter. It's still money.”

“Paid to kill huh?”
“Yes, it's the True IRA and I wouldn't stop for the world.”

“They don't come after you?”

Callum cackled. “They wouldn't dare. I would kill them before they got through the door. You are about to have a blast. I can tell there are some things that you need to learn little cousin. I can't wait to teach you.”



The smell of the food was reassuring. I hadn't eaten a decent meal since we left and I was more than tired of the stupid Airline food. I wanted their entire home to be mine. Though it was old it was a simple marvel. The entire kitchen was marble and cherry wood. Holly moved around the kitchen like a Goddess and if it belonged to me I would too. The refrigerator even had a wooden door.

“How long have you known Lucas?”

“Oh sweetie, I have known him since boarding school. We used to get in all types of trouble.”

“Like what?”

“One time we drove a teacher's car off a ravine and when asked about it, we all had an alibi.” She chuckled as she placed the plates on the table. “Lucas is a good guy with some fucked up layers.” Holly took down some glasses and placed them on the table. “Callum said that he was thinking of moving here.”

“He's been talking about it. We are on Spring Break and pretty much once we get back we'll be graduating. He hates America now.”

“Well, do you think that you would enjoy Ireland?”

“I honestly don't know.”

“Well, tomorrow I can show you some reasons that you would.”

“My parents live in America.”

“Yeah,” Holly paused. “How many months are you?”

“Five months, twenty-one weeks.” I rubbed my stomach. “The baby moves now.” I could feel my face turning red as I thought about the baby.

“He seems like he loves you.”

“He does.” I bit my lip. “Callum and him love each other.”

“Lucas is Callum's best friend. They were practically raised together.”

Shia pulled her a seat out next to me, “Holly your home is a beauty.”

“Thank you,” Holly scooped potatoes onto to the plate. “Callum spoils me.”

“Mommy!” Nina handed her a flower. “I picked a flower.”

“I have told you to stay out of my garden Nina.” She picked her up. “Put it on the table and go get your lily behind in the living room with your pa.”

Motherhood, I watched her, kiss her cheek and then continue to cook. I'd never even thought about the child being older than a newborn. I was more concerned with labor pains and Lucas. I couldn't get a grip on the future.

“It'll be easy.” Holly chimed in reading my face. “Once you see that little face everything will zone out and you will defend her or him with your life.”

Shia agreed, “Yes and we'll spoil her.”

“I don't know what I'm having Shia.”

“I told her it's a girl.”

“I hope so.”

Mark and Asher entered the kitchen. “Holly, thank you so much for your hospitality. I know it's a ton of people in your home.”

“I love house guests. Especially family.” She poured wine into all of the glasses, then placed the bottle in the bucket of ice in the middle of the table.

Asher sat on the other side of me, “The rooms are unreal. Would you mind if I snapped a few pictures?”

“Snap all you want.”

“Thank you.”

I was worried about Asher. He seemed like he was lost ever since he had found out who he was. Plus, from what Lucas told me he had not been able to get a hold of his mother since she gave him the news.

“You are welcome.”

Shia held Mark's hand like a lost puppy. She irritated me the way she submitted to his beck and call, but he was rarely around when they weren't on their little trips. “We should come here once a year.” She suggested.

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