Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (50 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“I can't. I have already registered for summer classes. And I have to get a dorm room and find my life there. She will be fine.”

“I hope so.”

“Spend time with her. Smile at her and make her realize that you love her and you will be fine.”

“Always chalked full of advice.”

“I know. Mom taught me how to be considerate. It didn't rub off on Mark.”

“He's more considerate than you will know.”

“Then why did he end things with Shia?”

“Shia was a means to an end. Mark is not ready for love and she was trying to push him there. And if you back a dog into a corner you are gonna get bit. She should have known. Hell everyone else around her knew that it was not real.”

“Trey isn't that way.”

“Good, because I would kill him if he was.”

“So sweet!” she laughed.

“I was so serious. He has one time to screw up and it is over.”


Chapter Twenty-Five


She'd been in labor for seven hours. “Alright sis, I need you to breathe because it's a big one coming.” Asher held her hand as she pushed air out slowly. I watched from across the white room. She didn't want me to help her because I wasn't the best person to give words of encouragement while in pain. She had the grip of a grown man and I would pass this time. There was nothing that I could do about her pain at this point. She had three more centimeters and the babies would make their grand entrance into a world I didn't know was made for me.

“Breathe babe.” I watched her and pushed the mess of hair out of my face. It was about to happen. I had created life rather than take it. I watched her as she sweated and panted to stay calm. “Can I do anything Asher?”

“You’re fine brother.”

“Am I? You're doing all the work.”

“Take over if you want to Luke.” He stood up and Cypress pulled him back down.

“He stays. You grab the other hand, if you want to help!”

“Yes, ma'am.” I paced the room. “There's a head there.” I stared at the crowning head of hair. “Should I call the nurse?”

“Call them Luke.”

I hit the red button. “There is a head down here, we need a nurse.”

Asher stared at me. “Could you not say she was crowing?”

“I don't know. Look, I'm scared. I don't know what the hell is going on. I just really want a drink.”

“Go wait with Mark and send Lydia in.”

“I want to be here when they are born.” I said.

“Well, you need to be here in my place. Grab her hand and I'll go.”

“Where is my mom?”

“She is outside love.” I answered.

“Send her in...” She cried.

“Okay, make sure you tell her mom and not her crazy auntie with the bad attitude.” I held her hand and she started to grip it. I exhaled breathing just as she was. “You're doing great, you know?”

“I hate you.” She spat.

“Good to know.” I counted with her and the nurse walked in.

“It's time! Are you ready?” She was a super thin perky woman.

She shook her head and smiled at her mom walked into the room. “Mom, make sure he does right.”

Her mom laughed. “Luke, you okay?”

“I don't know.” I chuckled and stepped back.

“The doctor will be in. No matter how bad you feel you need to push… don't.”

The doctor made his entrance and the actual births started. She pushed for ten minutes for the first one. The cry filled the room and I felt everything go white… a girl. Baby Willow. Her head full of sandy curls like her mum.

“Sir… would you like to cut the cord?” The nurse smiled at me.

Slicing just happened to be my specialty. I snipped the cord and they wrapped the baby in a blanket. Then there was another shrill cry in the room and the second… my son came. They were both here. My eyes stung from the oncoming rush. They placed the babies on her chest and she sobbed.

“They are precious!”

There were no words. I watched them as they cried in her arms and she cried as she held them. My tears could not be stopped. Happiness had found me at last. I touched their tiny fingers and kissed Cypress. “I love you and them. Look at them wee people.”

She laughed. “Oh my god stop it.” She looked at me. “Nathaniel and Willow… say hi to daddy.”

Daddy, I exhaled. “Hi, loves.”


He was drained. He had to be tired because he paced the entire time I was in labor like he gave birth. Lucas was sound asleep in the chair like he was home. The babies were beside the bed as well. Sound asleep and then we had grown by two.

“They are beautiful.” Asher whispered.

“They are.” I wiped my face.

“Are you moving?”

“I think it's best.”

“I think you're right. There is something in Ireland that soothes him and makes him feel like he can do better. So you should do it. Those babies will have an amazing life.”

“Thank you for always being that voice of reason.”

“You're welcome.”

“So Cali?”

“Maybe, dad has something that he wants me to be a part of, so who knows we might be neighbors here soon. I just have to tie up so many loose ends here.”

“Loose ends...”

“Yeah, for some reason Whitney wanted to talk to me about something and then I have to pack all of that shit in my apartment. I don't know if I will move to Ireland yet so I need storage and blah.” Asher looked at Lucas. “Look at him.”

“I know he is tired like he went through labor.”

“He was freaking me out. I almost hit him, but my conscious told me that the results would not be good.” Asher stood up. “I have to leave sis. Keep him straight and I'll stop by tomorrow.”

“Good, we will see you tomorrow.”

When he left the room was filled of the babies’ occasional coos and Lucas' light snores. There was so much to do and no time to really get anything done. We had nowhere to live over there and something kept urging the move. There had to be something there I could do that could bring in money. I had my degree now. Just needed to get everything together.

“What are you thinking about?” Lucas stretched in the chair.


“Get some sleep.”

“I can't sleep.”

“Well, try to.”

“So we are moving. I have decided that if we truly want and need to get a fresh start this is what we need to do. What do I need to?”

“Find a house.” He said simply.

“I want to live in a place that is not so secluded from people. I want some neighbors and I would rather not be around Holly and Callum.”

“Callum is not bad.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“I'll find somewhere that is in a good spot.”

“I want to choose it.”

“Okay, well get to looking.” Lucas eyes were glued to the babies. “I can't stop looking at them. They are everything I could have imagined and if anything comes between us and them… I won't hesitate to destroy it. I want you to know that. I don't care who it is and I don't care how it ends. I will destroy it. Do you understand?”


“I mean it. I will.”

“I understand Luke. It's the reason I want us to move.”

“We'll wait until you are healed completely.”

“And you better stay out of trouble. Please,” I begged. “I haven't asked about anything else because I decided that I don't want to know. I would rather be oblivious to some things.”

“That works for me.”




It was safe to say that it had been a long day. The dramatics of Lucas combined with the unsteady feeling of the end. Everything that had been the norm was now about to be the uncommon. My apartment was packed and ready to go. Home was somewhere and I didn't necessarily know where. I just knew that I had planned to be moving on.

I closed the door behind me and placed my keys on the counter.

“Where have you been?” her voice was familiar.


“Yeah, I came by here three times and you've been gone the entire day.”

“Well Cypress had her babies and I was there for Lucas.”

“Playing big brother now?”

“I'm not playing anything.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Why are you here?”

“Well, I know that he has done something for sure now. And I know you know where the weapon is.” She paused. “You took a picture of it. I need the picture so they can lock him up. It won't have anything to do with you. It'll just be a me thing.”

“Fuck off Whit.” I shook my head. “Why do you hate him so much?”

“Just give me the picture.”

“I never took a picture.”

“Oh come on. I know you did.”

“No, I didn't.” The picture had been destroyed long ago and there was no chance that I was about to tell her it was one.

“You love him so much. Why?”

“Why the hell are you here?”

She threw her head back in laughter and pushed over the picture of me and my father. “They can't repair you. You're broken.”

“Get out.”

“Make me.” She snapped. Whitney stood in front of the couch. Her arms crossed and her stupid grin infuriated me. “You are a coward and I'm embarrassed to ever say that I loved you. You made my life a miserable hell.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“I'm going to the agents with everything that I know. And I'm doing it to save your mother's grief. You want to know why she hadn't called you in months. She knows who his father was.”

“My father was a great man.”

“Your father beat the shit out of her until she couldn't walk. DO you want that to happen to Cypress? I am going to help everyone out and let this fucker fry.”

“Come on,” I moved past her and she snatched my phone. “Give it back.”

“Does he tell you everything now?”

“Stop!” I snatched the phone back.

“Pussy.” She grumbled.

Something clicked inside of me. My heart pounded against my chest and I took everything I had and shoved her into the fireplace. Her head swung over and hit the corner of the stone and she fell to the ground with one quick thud. I could feel the sweat of my palms. I stood over her and she was lifeless. It happened too quick. I'd turned into my brother with less than a blink of an eye.

I paced the room, shoving my hands through my short brown hair. What the fuck had just happened? I grabbed my phone, sending a text I knew would get a response. 911 to Lucas and Mark and waited.

It felt like forever, but in reality only 7 minutes had passed before there was a knock at my door.  I opened it frantically. Mark sat there with his arms crossed. “What did he do?”

“He done nothing.” I pulled him into the apartment and wiped my face. “She came here… and she threatened me.” I pointed to her body. I hadn't touched anything on her. She lay just as she had landed.

“Asher… is she dead?”

“I think so.” I shook my head as my voice cracked. “I think she died.”

“What happened? I mean, why is she dead.”

“It happened too fast I can't remember. I don't know what to do.”

“We can make it a break in if we do it fast.” Mark drew back and his fist crashed into my cheek. Sending a flare through my body.

“Wait!” I yelled.

“I need to beat the shit out of you Asher.” Mark looked at me. “I'll break the door in and everything but you have to be injured or they are gonna know that you done it.”

I closed my eyes. His punch had already triggered a headache and it had been a mere second. Time passed. Moments. “Do it.”

The beat down that he gave me was deserving. My chest ached and my rib was sure enough broken. He flung me into walls and destroyed what was left in my apartment. I was so weak. I could barely move from the ground.

He looked at me. “Are you okay?”

“No,” I whispered.

“Good.” He smiled. “Hello, operator. I'm in the Pine Haven Apartments on Park Street… my brother is beaten badly and his friend is unconscious. I need help!” he cried.


I ended up in the hospital sooner than I thought that I would be, my ribs broken and face pounded. And my mom made her way to the hospital because when I finally was stable enough to stay awake she was the first person I saw.

“You're up.”

“I am,” I could barely recognize my own voice. The raspy voice filled the room enough for everyone around me to stand up. They were all there and it felt good. Though the whole thing was a hoax. “Where is Whitney?”

“Honey, we can talk about her later.” My mom ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. I winced and she grabbed my hand. “Do you know who did this?”

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