Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (54 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. “God, I missed that.”

“I can’t believe I trusted those bloody doctors and waited that long.”

Cypress laughed and laid her head on my chest. “Finally checked that, from my bucket list…”

“Stop moving.” My eyes closed. “One wrong movement and I could die from too much.” I smiled at her and she moved her hips around again.

“Woman.” I said as I kissed her.  “Have mercy,” I pleaded.


There was so much up my sleeve for tonight and I didn't know how to let her know. We drove for an hour. And she filled my head with her wonderful ideas for our life. How she wanted nothing more than to be with me and the kids. Then we were finally there at the ravine. This place meant everything to me.

“Oh, I love this place.” She smiled. Her eyes widened as she noticed all of the cars. “Why is everyone here?”



My mom's car was parked next to Tracey's. And then there was Lydia, Lana, Mark, Asher and even some friends I'd made from class. I looked at him. “What are you doing? How did my babies get here so fast?”

“I wanted to surprise you.” Lucas smirked.

My father opened the car door. “Come on,” He held his hand out and smiled at me. “Before the moment is over… let's get you down that alter.” He gestured behind him.

My eyes met the alter where Asher stood holding Nathaniel and beside him was Mark. Lydia stood across from them and her arms was Willow, my sleeping beauty. Lucas walked over to the alter and finally it all clicked. It was a wedding. A simple wedding.

“Oh. My. God!”

A smiled stretched across his face and he waved.

The walk down the aisle seemed unreal. The strumming of the guitar filled the air and I tried to keep a straight face and not cry. Finally, we were there and he couldn't stop smiling. Everything seemed surreal.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today… to demonstrate the meaning of love with this wonderful couple Lucas and Cypress.”

He touched my hand and smiled. “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine...” My tears, said otherwise. His hand wiped my face and stopped on my cheek.

“You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?”

“Never,” I sniffled.

“Lucas… you can start with your vows...”

Lucas cleared his throat. “It is extremely weird how life happens. I don't know why, but I have loved you from the moment our eyes met in that classroom.” Lucas paused. “And that’s a feat for me because I didn’t know what love was…” “But I have come to realize that it’s not just one reason that I love you, Cypress. There are several. I love you for the fact that you snore in your sleep, but you think you are sleeping beauty. And no matter what state your hair is in… a curly disarray or a bun on your head, Cypress you're perfect. We argue like an old married couple. I swear that it will never stop. I swear to fight for you until my last breath.” He shook his head. “I thank you so much for the life you have given me. Before I was colorless and moody.”

“Not too much has changed.” Mark whispered.

I laughed. “Shut it.”

“And I know that I have not been the most honest. I have made mistake after mistake… but here today I swear to you that I cannot live without you. You are my forever. And living in a world where you are not my wife is no longer possible. I know that for the rest of my life I will cherish every moment we have. I promise that I will honor you with my entire self. And those babies are just half of what I want with you.”

“You want two more?” I jumped.

“Shhhh woman.” He kissed my hand. “I love you. I vow that that will never change.” He held my hand. “The end.”

“I have never been great at freestyle.” I stuttered. “I love you Lucas and whatever you promise to give me, I plan to give you ten fold. I don't want to spend a moment of the future with the same last name. So my vow is that I will forever be Mrs. Elledge no matter what happens.” My heart thumped as he shed tears. “I mean no matter what… we are a part of you...” I wiped his tear. “You don't have to worry… and I love you. I vow that I will never stop.”

“You mean that.”

“No matter what.” I whispered.

“Do you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife…?” The minister asked.

“I do.” Lucas smiled.

“And Cypress...”

“I do.”

“Ladies and Gentleman, I now present to you… MR. and MRS. Elledge.”

His lips crashed into mine and my hands went to his neck. “I love that name… on you.”

“I love it on me too.”


Chapter Twenty-Eight


We left in four days, in the green world of Ireland and there had been some peace. There had been no more Persephone and though Shia still had idle threats in the background, I pressed to leave her be.

“Okay, almost everything besides like pots and pans are packed. I figured we could give those to my mom. I still have to find somewhere to put my furniture and then Willow has an appointment. I don't want Nathaniel around sick children.”

“Fine, I can watch him baby.” I continued to jot down notes in my notebook. “Is there anything else love?”

“Act excited,” She said.

“I am excited. It's just nostalgia. I have been here for three years, basically and now tenant number one will be taking over and potentially destroying it.”

“Well, our home on the Ireland Sea is going to be much better. I even have an interview for a preschool position at a daycare there.”

“Good, let life continue.”

“And you have your book you have been working on nonstop these days. I am disappointed that you won't allow me to get a glimpse. I am your biggest fan.”

“You will wait with everyone else.” I bit the top of the pen. “What time is the appointment?”

“Four,” She walked around the place like the busy body, she was now that her energy was back and threw things where they belonged. I was thinking that I would go ahead and get a car. I don't like being car less. What are some good cars?”

“I don't know what's hot at the moment.”

“Of course you don't… your jeep is like 30.”

“Classic,” I mumbled.

“Right,” She laughed.

“I am going to do some running around until three gets here.” I put the pen in my pocket and then closed the notebook. “Can you handle the two until I get back?”

“I can handle whatever comes my way.” She beamed. Cypress continued to throw everything around the loft and make it tidier for the moment. “Make sure you are back before I leave because I can't afford to take them both with me. Nathaniel always cries when I hold her.”

“I would be jealous of the little man.” My arms wrapped around her waist and I kissed her lips softly. “Make sure that you call me and remind me. I tend to forget a lot.”

“You better remember.”

I made my way into town and there was not a sign of any agents around me. I finally had a breath of fresh air. The park close to downtown was practically empty. It was just me and nature. Birds chirped and the wind rustled through the leaves all while Radiohead played in my head. I needed quiet.

My feet moved quickly as I jogged through the park. My eyes locked in on Shia. It was in her routine to be here every day around this time.  Fucking Shia had finally been caught alone. I sat down on the park bench and watched her as she stretched her legs on the lawn. I deserved one kill… just one to take the never ending edge off. I pulled my shades down and walked slowly over to her. “Shia,
wanna talk? I'm not drunk now.” I chuckled.

“Yes, finally one brother has sense.” She rolled her eyes. “Why did you send Asher?”

“I didn't send Asher.” I answered. “I stretched with her. “Why would I send Asher; I think he is more a female than you.”

“Well are you going to talk to Mark.”

“I will.”

“Well, jog with me.” Shia jogged towards the trail and I followed by closely.

Cypress had taken my knife. Said it was best that I didn't have it. It was fine to me… though it felt weird holding a different knife in my pocket.

“You are nicer when you are sober...”

“I think everyone is.” I laughed. The trail was long. The woods had engulfed pavement and their hills and it was perfect, my heart raced as I caught up to her. I paced myself and looked around. There was no one in sight. No one even close by. I gripped the knife in my hand and snatched Shia by her arm. “Now we can really talk.” I growled. My hand covered her mouth. Her shrill scream muted immediately. “Who the fuck did you think you were dealing with?” I ran the knife down her body slowly. “I should let you know… I’m not normal… you were so right.”

“Please,” she muffled through my hand. “Please! I swear...”

“The last woman that swore to me broke her vow… you women have a reputation of lying to me. I'd rather watch you bleed.”

I could feel her heart throbbing. “Lucas...” she wept.

“What? Not so tough now, huh??” I pushed the knife into her heart slowly. Her blood gushed from her mouth and ran down my hand. I nodded my head. “Fuck!” I pushed her down the hill towards the small creek and took my shirt off. The red stained it brightly. So I jammed it in the pocket hiding the blood. My eyes locked on Shia's dead body and I exhaled. “One problem down. Persephone to go.”



There was no telling what was so urgent from Lucas, but I waited at the restaurant patiently as he walked in shirtless. “Why are you in here flaunt your muscles man put on a damned shirt.”

The women stared and he winked at them. “What have you been doing?”

“I have actually been trying to sort out my life. What about you?” I looked over the menu and debated over what to eat.

“I handled Shia,” he whispered.

“By handled, I hope you mean gave her a ticket and made her leave.”

“I gave her peace.” He was joyous. He grinned and tossed the menu on the table. “They have the best burgers in the city.”

“You are happy as shit. Mark loves her you know?”
“Whatever, look I leave in a few days. It'll all be fine.”

“Are you trying to convince yourself of that? We told you no. We told you that there were agents hot on your trail and you went.”

“I'm a grown fucking man Asher. I don't need babysitters.”

“Don't call us when this bites you in the ass.”

“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes.

“How can you be so happy?” I whispered.

“I'm not happy.” Lucas' grin was unstoppable. “I just feel lighter and that feels good.”

“I couldn't even think after Whitney.” I murmured.

“Glad you have a conscious. I don't.” He was blunt. “I just know that there is no greater feeling than being light.”


“I'm sick, yeah.”

I nodded my head. “What if you get caught man? I mean damn she said she had ways to make us pay. What if she talked to someone about everything?”

“I'm on it.”

“Okay, explain.”

“I think she was in cahoots with Persephone. I'll handle her tonight and then when I leave there will not be a trace...”

“Don't touch her.” I snapped. “Just leave damn it Luke. Must you make everything in your life dramatic. Pack up and leave tonight actually. I'll join Cypress on the trip over. But you are out of control.”

“Shut up. You are dramatic.”

“You tell Mark.”

“The news can tell Mark.”

“You are a trip. “I closed the menu and sipped my water. “I don't want to eat now. I would rather just go home and read. Maybe I can make him not kill you.”

“When you tried to talk to her what did she say?”

“She said a lot of shit. I didn't take it seriously. She was a woman scorned. A woman scorned...”

“Is dangerous as shit. She could have ruined everything that I have and I would not let that happen for nothing. So fuck her and fuck everyone else that thinks that they are gonna mess up my life. “

“You are the ultimate destroyer of your own life. You make things hard. You make things harder for everyone. You need to think about someone else besides yourself for one fucking moment in your life. You cause so much grief. You can't comprehend that this earth doesn't revolve around you. And I'm pissed right now so the best thing for me to do is to leave. I have to go. See you later.” I snatched the keys from the table and left the small restaurant.

“Fuck it leave then!” Lucas yelled like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.

I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the door. “Shut up.”



He was late, which had not surprised me at all. I packed the diaper bag for two and placed Nathaniel and Willow in their stroller.

“Sorry love,” Lucas walked through the door, his shirt hanging from his pocket. “I took longer than expected.”

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