Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (48 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Are you hungry?”

“You shouldn’t be.” 

“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes at her and then grabbed my keys. “I am about to go out and get something to cook. I would kill for some egg rolls and some pizza.”

“That’s takeout.”

“Perfect!” I smirked. “I’ll be back and we can share some food together and talk about some girly shit.”

“Yeah, like your wedding.”

“Or how pastels are so in right now.” I laughed and opened the front door.

“Cypress,” I heard a thick Irish accent. Declan. He stood before me in a gray suit and a fedora hat. “How are you?”

“Perfect…” I paused. “Why are you here?”

“Well, Lucas said that we would have dinner before I left town and I haven’t heard from him. Then Asher calls me and tells me what’s truly going on and I just wanted to see you and make sure you were okay.”

Declan, was not my favorite person. He had walked out on his child willingly just so that he could live a separate life. And I didn’t want to know why. I wanted him to go back to Ireland. “I was just leaving.”

“Oh pity,” He paused. “Would you mind if I joined you then?”

“I can go.” Lana volunteered. “I’ve really wanted to see the city anyhow.”

Way to fucking go Lana. I shrugged my shoulders. “Be my guest.” I turned back into the apartment and Lana made her exit swift. She just wanted to go to the damn mall. I wasn’t able to walk far anymore and the mall was my least favorite place at the present moment.

Once she was gone Declan took a seat. “I won’t keep you long.” He shrugged out of his jacket and smiled at me. “It’s safe to talk in here?”

“What do you mean?”

“There are no wires or bugs here, eh?”

“No,” I nodded my head.

“Perfect.” He cleared his throat. “I know he told you about himself. I know that he has finally become man enough to let you see every piece of him. And I have been in his place before. With Luna it happened right before the birth of Mark.”

“The same place…”

“I’m a killer Cypress.”

“Fuck, what is it hereditary,” I groaned as my eyes started to sting.

“Luna, I dare say was not as strong willed as you. She just blocked it out and whenever she knew something had happened, she made herself disappear. We didn’t have this perfect marriage. We didn’t even have a good relationship at the start of it all. You know… but we made it into something.”

“Are you here to guide me to Lucas?”

“I can’t do that and wouldn’t if I could. I want you to make the best decision for you and those babies. And if it’s not Lucas then I cannot blame you. I can’t sit here and say you should love him and here is why. The only thing I can say is that you make him a better person. I’ve seen him calm himself and slow down here lately.”

“Calm down.”

“My son has been a killer since he was sixteen years old. I’ve covered tracks for him longer than I can remember. He once was insatiable and we had to move all around every year to keep people from noticing the increase of the deaths. I knew he was a killer. I knew he was a killer from the moment he opened those green eyes.”

“You cleaned up after him.”

“I did.”

“You might as well have put the knife in his hand.” I shifted in my seat and readjusted my pillows. “You’re worse than him.”

“I can’t disagree with you, but don’t act like you haven’t cleaned up after him, even if it was unknowingly.”

The knife. I paused to gather myself before speaking to him again. Declan knew more than I thought he knew about us. “I... don’t know why I did that.”

“Because you knew already.” He said. “Luna knew already. She just followed her intuition, that damn woman knew everything about me before I could tell her anything and you know you are not much different from her. And that’s a good thing because she knew how to call bullshit on him, she knew how to control him and you can do the same thing. I can teach you if you want.”

“You mean have him kill for me.”

“I mean stop him from killing.” Declan crossed his legs and nodded his head. “I can’t say it will work, but it could save some people.” The silence hung there for a moment and then he sighed. “But then I have to say that he killed some people that needed to be killed.”

“He has not right to kill anyone.”

“Not even the bastard that raped his wife and child before killing them in cold blood? Or the porn star that passed HIV on to over thirty men and women through carelessness. Or how about the woman who beat children because they asked for kids and then slammed one to the ground so hard a bone cracked?”

I couldn’t tell which was more sickening, their acts of cruelty or the fact that Lucas had more than likely enjoyed putting them down. “None of it is right.”

“I feel like had he not killed any of them… they would have killed more. They would have killed more than he was ever capable of and the fact that he killed them doesn’t bother me.”

“Of course not you kill too.”

“I’m a hired assassin.” He corrected. “And yes, I kill. I kill when it is necessary by my job and I kill when I have to… we’re alike but different.”


“He should explain everything to you himself, but he’s so afraid that you are going to say no to him that he can’t function right. I can’t stay long. I have a few places to be tonight but I would love to see you again before I leave the country.”

“Certainly.” Thank heavens he was leaving.

“Think things through thoroughly before you make a decision. I want the best for you and him and if that means that you can’t be with him than it is fine. Just take care of yourself.”

“Will do. Are you leaving?”

“Yes, Cypress.”


“You have so much to do before next week. Number one they want you to go under psychiatric evaluation.” Mark went through his folder. His apartment was so white it made my head hurt. “Then there is the meeting with the defense lawyer, she wants to set up some things that can help you. She said something about it being your first offense and…”

My eyes were held on the all-white table and the only person that ran through my head was Cypress. All the banter he had over the past few minutes had gone over my head.

“Lucas!” He said.

“What?” I snapped.

“You have some big shit in front of you! You need to snap out of it and focus for a few minutes so that I can get you back straight.”

“I can’t be back to normal. Normal is Cypress and she isn’t here and I don’t feel like talking or being around you honestly.”

Mark pushed me back on the couch and nodded his head. “Man the fuck up dude? I mean I’m not Asher I don’t give a damn about your feeling right now. I care about you serving up to ten years in prison for hitting some dumb ass cop.”

“The pig had it coming.”

“Because he was right about you? Are you not the one person that needs to be caring about your freedom. What if you are in prison when those babies are born?”

“Continue,” I rasped.

“You need to exhibit miraculous behavior when being observed. I’ll have Asher bring you something to read up on and keep you occupied while I talk to Cypress.”

“You’re going to talk to her.”

“I have to, so you can shut up and get the fuck out of America.” He smiled at me. “I have some things that I want to talk to her anyhow. And I know that you need the help.”

“Thank you, I swear you are a godsend.”

“I know. Now give me your journal.”


“No, it’s the only way I see her coming back to you, sir. Break out that damn journal and let me work, please.”


“I know what is in it. It’s how I know that she’ll choose you, but you have some explaining to do once she does.”

My journal held my deepest and darkest secrets. It held everything about me that people had no idea about… like the rage and the fear of being alone. If she saw it, she would think, I was weak. “It’s upstairs…” I paused. “Is she going to read everything?”

“That’s what I hope.”








Chapter Twenty-Four


For some reason Mark’s plan worked and reluctantly she came back to my loft so that someone would be there for her besides her sister who needed to go home to her own child. I didn't know if she would heal from the truth. Cypress barely talked to me. And the move to Ireland was for now was on an indefinite hold. The only real hope I could hold onto was the fact that she still wore the ring, swollen fingers and all.

“Are you comfortable?” I asked. Patience was something that I lacked. I wanted us to be back to normal.

Cypress sat propped up in my bed, the covers engulfed her and she held my journal in her hand like it was her bible. “I'll live.” Her eyes skimmed the pages like it was the best book she had ever read and I didn’t know if I should even be around her.

“How long are we going to be like this? You really don't talk to me anymore and...”

“You kill people. I mean am I supposed to just go on with my life like everything is normal. The agent is on to you and there are fifty million things that are flowing through my mind. What if you get caught?”


“Have you ever thought about what it would do to your entire family. And then you have your brothers sucked into this like it is normal. None of this is normal. I don't know if I should be scared for my life or not. I don't know you.”

“You know me.”

“I don't.” She yelled. “I know who I thought you were but there is so much that I don't know it's safe to say that there is no chance that I know the real you.”

I tried to conjure up words to say, but there were none there. She knew that I loved her and that nothing would ever happen to her while I was around, but I couldn't make her believe it.” I touched her arm and she flinched like it hurt her. “I have court…” I nodded.

“Like I could forget.” She paused and exhaled once she realized how mean she sounded and rolled her eyes. “Go to court and bring some food back Lucas. I want some cream cheese wontons and a jar of Nutella.”

“Anything else?”

“There is nothing else.” She answered.


The drive to the store was uncomfortably silent and the radio was more of a drag to listen to so I just watched everything around me. I had court in less than an hour. That punch to the agent had been so exhilarating that the threat of jail time was really not an issue. Perhaps some time away from me was what she needed.

Downtown was abandoned, it looked like. There were a few cars at the courthouse, but not much. Hopefully it would be quick. Mark was already parked and inside. He did not agree with the fact that I had told her. It wasn't his choice though. I walked into the courthouse and sat next to him on the bench.
“You do realize that you could face some jail time.” Mark said.

“Nice to see you too.”

“I am serious Lucas. You could be in jail when the babies are born.”

“I don't think I will be.”

“Well, happy to know that you have good faith.” He pulled out a leather folder and shuffled through the pages. “I have substantial proof that the agent has been harassing you and you met your boiling point.”

“Okay… I can get you to plead guilty to misconduct and they'll throw a light community service at you and anger management?”

“Anger management?”

“Yes, it’s something that you need anyway Lucas. If we don't take the plea, he will nail you for assault of a federal employee. And that means you can serve ten years. Lower your pride and take the plea.”

The plea was basically a get out of jail free card. I would be dumb to go to court and face the prick. “Yeah, alright.”

“Good come on,” He stood up, walked to the Judge’s chambers.

McMillan stood there with a smirk on his face. “Good evening Elledge Boys.”

“Afternoon,” Mark answered. “Is your lawyer in there or...”

“Elledge, McMillan I will see you now.” The judge said as she opened her doors.

His lawyer stepped in front of me and walked in the door. “Good to see you Judge Patterson.”

“Same to you Patrick.” She sat down. “You are a new lawyer?” She said to Mark.

Mark cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes, ma'am.”

“Well, welcome to the wonderful world of law. All of you take a seat.” We did as directed and she flipped through the pages on her desk. “You hit a federal officer Mr. Elledge.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I said.

Judge Patterson stared at me. “Your lawyer here gave me some interesting things. Agent McMillan has been on you for months about a series of murders.”

Mark spoke up. “Harassing him mainly.”

“Investigating doing my job.” McMillan added.

“I see here that you have no viable evidence that ties Lucas Elledge to the crimes? This case has been open almost an entire five years. Just speculation after speculation?”

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