Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (36 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“I could stay like this for forever.” I murmured.

“I say you're right. Let us build a home right here. We can sleep here and dream here… fuck here.” He whispered.  His lips traced my ear lightly. “We could do that here.”

“We could go to jail.” I gestured to the people as they passed us by.

“We could do that by jaywalking, the way that I have in mind would be so much better.” He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

“What makes you happy?”

“Moment like this.” He answered. “Simple yet, they mean so much.” Lucas' hand touched my stomach. The small bump emerged from the yellow shirt and he pulled me closer. He readjusted my shirt and his hand rested on my stomach. The small nudge of a foot or elbow bulged through. “Awry little chap huh?

“Wonder where he gets that from?” I smiled. We had no idea what we were having. But he was dead set on a little boy and I had grown accustom to calling him little chap like Lucas.

“I never want to let you go, you know that.”

“I guessed it.” I place my hand over his and for a moment I felt bliss. I had fallen into his gravitational pull and there was no escape. No matter how much something inside told me to flee, I was his and he was mine. “You wanna know what I think about constantly? I mean it literally just sits in my mind for hours.”

“Of course, what is your mind wrestling with Cypress?”

“How long can we be this happy?”

“For forever,” he answered. His answer short and sweet. But his words were too good to be true.

“It’s not that simple Lucas. There is always going to be something that can happen between us. Love is hard. Do you understand that? It’s not cut and dry like you want to think it is. We have to be honest about everything. And I mean we have to tell each other everything. You can’t hold back from me and that goes for everything between us.”

“I know. Words are valuable.”

“So don't waste any.”

“I would never.” he playfully kissed my forehead as his arm draped over me.

“Good,” I nestled closer to him. Thank God for the spring weather. The warmth kissed my cheek. I couldn’t wait for the last of the winter to fade out so it would finally be comfortable enough to not have to layer ourselves. The wind ruffled my hair and my life was good.

“Are you ready for this European adventure?”

“I am ready as I will ever be.” Ireland was set in motion for us. He could not wait until I met the rest of his family. He raved on and on about his cousin Callum. And then he raved about his Nan, whom we would not be able to see because he didn’t want me to travel that much. He had family spread over three countries. England only held his mother's half and though he was close to them he wanted Asher and Mark to meet their grandmother and his father’s side of the family.

“I want you to enjoy yourself and not think about anything. My grandmother cannot wait to meet you. I hate that you won’t get to meet my other Nan. But we have plenty of time to get over there.”

“What's her name?”

“My mom's mom, Nan is what I call her but her name is Natalie Alexandra Atherton,” I could feel his smile. “Very English and she is Atherton all over.”

“I like that name.”

“It is pretty. Then there is my grandmother from Ireland. My father's mom… her name is Nadine Elledge. I call her Nadine. She would not prefer anything else. She continually states that Nadine declares her youth while grandmother defies it.” He laughed. “She is one tough woman.”

“Well, she sounds strong.” It was quiet for a moment and his grandmother’s name made me think of our child. Would he or she be a namesake? Had he even thought about it? “Have you thought of names?”

“I haven't really. I mean we really don't know what we are having… I kind of guessed that we should wait it out until we know.”

“That party is in a month or so. I don't know if I can wait that long. I would rather just have a baby shower and the reveal just be intimate, between us two.”

“You shouldn't have given Lydia the keys to every event concerning the baby. I mean she has revolved her final semester of High School to being the perfect auntie.” He chuckled.

“Luna Alexandria Elledge?” I threw out. “It has a ring to it. We can name our first child after your family and the second after mine?”

He swallowed and sighed. His face filled with anguish and happiness.  Lucas missed his mother more and more these days. He kept bringing her up. In late night conversations he pondered over rather she would be a good grandmother or not? If she would have the patience and then he missed his father. “I like it. What if we have a boy?”

“Nathaniel Declan Elledge.” I had thrown the name in the air more than once before and he completely brushed me off about it.


“You have the knife with your father's name engraved. I figured he was special to you.”  I know he was special to him. In every way he worshipped the ground that Declan walked on.

“How about Lucas Nathaniel Elledge II, he could be a namesake?”

“Your middle name is Nathaniel.” I poked at him. “Why didn't you tell me?”

“I hate that name.” he said. “Do I even look like a Nathaniel?”

“Well… you want to name our something you hate?” My phone vibrated in my hand and I pushed up on the ground to answer it. “Hello?”

“Hey! I found a perfect outfit for the reveal party! I don’t know how big you will be and I don’t know if you will like yellow but it will be perfect.”

“I haven't even thought of an outfit Lydie. I’ve been so busy prepping for this trip that the party had been the last thing on my mind.” I laughed.

“Well, I'm on it for you.”

“Could we discuss it later?”

“Lydie,” He took the phone. “You know this is our baby and not yours right? You have so many ideas I feel like I should make sure you and the dweeb aren't pregnant.”

I pushed him and struggled to sit up. Perhaps laying on the ground was not the wisest idea that I had. He gently pushed on my back to help me sit up. “Be nice, tell her to come to your place.”

“We have other things to do later on. We will see you Sunday at Brunch.” He hung up the phone. “Look, we have so much other shit to worry about.”

“Like drapes and apartment rentals?”

“Like passport pictures and perhaps house shopping in Ireland. We could even get a flat?”

Wow, I looked at him. “What?”

“I don't want to be here anymore. I would rather our family have a happy home. I want to live where I know we are loved. And I think that once you see Ireland or England you will be in love. Your soul isn't here.”

“My soul is wherever you are.” I smiled.

“So is moving okay? Is moving something that you can consider.”

“I can consider it.” I sipped the cool water and smiled. “I have to leave to visit my mom later on today.”

“We can go together.” He said.

“No, I am just going to go and spend the weekend with her.” My lie sounded real. I did need to go see her, but there was more that I wanted to take care.

“No that’s not an option. It’s a fourteen-hour drive. You must be bloody mad if you think I am going to let you go alone? Plus, I have some things to get done on campus. Perhaps you could rake Asher with you? He has been moping nonstop about Whitney. They are the most temperamental couple I have ever seen in my life. And you have to remember to take your vitamins. Then you have to not talk about me to your mom. She really doesn't know if she like me or not. She just thinks that I knocked you up.”

“You did knock me up.” I added. “And why do I have to take Asher?”

“Because you can either take him or Mark. I’m not about to have you out on the highway by yourself. You can choose. I mean Asher is the best candidate. He is talkative and you love to talk on road trips, even over the music.” He kissed me and stood up over me.

“Fine then Lucas. You are so controlling; every situation can’t be in your hands you know that?”

“I can try to make sure I have control of them.”

“I guess I should go ahead and pack up. I don't want to be on the road all day.” I attempted to push myself up and he held his hand out. I grabbed it and pushed myself up from the ground.

“You know I love you and that I want you to drive safe. Every time you get on the highway, I freak out. You really can't drive. Matter of fact, Asher can drive. I’ll call him and make sure he isn’t busy sulking around the house like a child,”

“I know you think I can't but I have a license that proves that I can and I will continue to drive for as long as I have the license.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “I don’t want to burden your brother like that.”

“Asher doesn’t mind.”

“Is it weird calling them brother and like it really means something now. The guy you tried to kill a little over six months ago is now your brother and you are being really calm about it.”

“I like them both and it’s comforting knowing I can have two extra sets eyes on you, clumsy.”

“I am not clumsy.”

“Whatever love, just make sure you call Asher and give him a heads up about everything. I know that he will be willing to do it.”





For some reason the feds had slacked off of me and I could finally move without a shadow. Lucas had not been so lucky. I guessed that they had seen that Lucas was a friend now, even more he was a brother to me. He confided in me and I actually had grown to be a good friend to him. My father advised against it and I shrugged his opinion off. Margot and him had hidden enough from me. Lucas was not bad when he wasn't in lust with blood. And his recent change in his relationship brought out a side of him that I had never observed. He brought her around me and for
once, was not worried that I would be interested in her.  And Cypress was a good girl. She truly loved Cypress and perhaps that was the difference between her and all of the fallen women before her.

While Lucas and Cypress thrived my relationship had crumbled before me. Whitney had sensed everything off about him and demanded I end the friendship. Who was she to tell me that I could not be friends or even have a decent relationship with someone that was my brother? It was hard for her to realize that it was not the simple anymore. He was my brother and there was a bond there now that meant more than friendship. I wanted him to do well and I had to do everything I could to make sure that he was okay. I understood why Mark was frustrated. It was a full time job. Lucas had a temper out of this world and one bad remark could send him into a frenzy.

My apartment was cleaned and organized. When I returned from Ireland there would be some packing to do. I had no idea where I was going, but the option to stay here had grown to be nonexistent.  I wanted a normal life and I wanted to redefine who I was in my life. And I was at the point to where a relationship was needed because it was a step in the future. I wanted someone to grow old with and this small community was full of women that wanted an education and not a boyfriend. Whitney would not even look at me anymore. So maybe the trip to Ireland would help me find who I wanted to be. And where I belonged.

The knock on the door came to no surprise. McMillan stopped by once every two weeks to intimidate me more and I'd learned to stone face him. He had no idea that there was a common connection between Lucas and I more than friendship. And to me it was none of his business who we were. “Come in,” I said as I sorted through the stack of unorganized papers on the table. All of the papers needed to be filed and thrown into storage.

“Cleaning?” McMillan closed the door behind him. He wore a gray suit and held a folder in his hand.

“Indeed.” I said to the agent. “When I get back my father is going to be here for a little while. So I wanted to make sure it looked good.”

“You think he will visit you in prison?”

“Sorry, what’re you talking about?”  The iPhone slid across the table and I answered it. “Cypress? What’s up?”

“Well…” She paused. “Lucas won’t let me get on the highway alone anymore. He said that I could go see my mom if and only if you come with me?”

“You didn’t have to put it like that Cy.” I could hear him mumbling in the background.

“How far out is it?”

“It’s about fourteen hours. We can stay the night at my mom’s house if you want to, no hotel.”

“No, it’s fine. When do you want to leave?”

“Like in an hour?”

“Perfect, I’ll be there shortly.” I ended the call and turned to McMillan. “What were you saying?”

“What has Lucas told you or done to you that makes you so compliant to his every whim and desire?”

“Nothing and he isn't a freak.” I could feel my shoulders as they tensed up.

“We have him… It’s not concrete just yet kid, but with your help we can get him off of the streets for good.”

“Oh, you do. What do you have?”

“The knife marks used on our victims just happen to be the same knife marks made in England. If we had the knife or knew where it was then we would have him and so would England.”

“Oh, well good luck to you.” Shit, he used that knife for every kill. They could match the kill pattern and the blade of the knife to him. And he would be on death row before there was time for a trial.

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