Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (31 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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I sat there mesmerized by the pool of red that grew more and more around him. I dipped my finger in the warmth of it and made a little message for Special Agent McMillan. For my friend, McMillan. I doused my gloves with bleach in the sink. Then doused my knife as well removing any trace evidence that could led back to me. Finally, there was some peace.



There had come a point in this process that I had decided that to leave him alone would be the best resolution. But my loneliness fought tooth and nail about it constantly. He slept with Persephone and she was someone that I could not deal with him sleeping with. She was a tramp and better yet she was a whore. He chose her over me.

“I suggest you just call him.” Shia lay on the end of my bed. “He seemed genuinely sorry when I saw him.”

Shia had been a comfort and good friend here lately. She was over constantly when she was not at the beck and call of Mark. She loved him and he was so tied up in law school that she knew for some reason that he was always honest.

“Yeah, he is sorry.” I typed the final words of my assignment and nodded my head. “I can't, I know I love him. I will find someone else.”

“Like who? You are so picky? A star has to even meet your criteria. Just yesterday you said you wouldn't date Brad Pitt because he has blonde hair.”

“I don't date blondes.”

“Not that the scenario is real but he is fucking Brad Pitt. He could have orange eyebrows and I would still fuck the shit out of him.” Shia had her feet propped up on the loveseat. She winked. “I know you miss sex with him.”

“I miss everything about him Shia. I miss the way his messy ass hair falls in his face. I miss the way he smiled whenever he was getting ready to pick me up and throw me up over his shoulder. I miss the way he stared at any guy who looked like they were interested. He hated that more than anything. He always wanted it to be about us.”

“You should take him back.”

“Look, I am not like you.” My words came out harsh but it was true. “He fucked up and yes it has been a whole month. I have cried myself to sleep. I have skipped school and I’m losing myself in him. And he told me himself that he never wanted me to lose sight of who I am for him.”

“He made you the new person that you are. You aren't losing yourself in him he is just an important piece of you. So maybe you should take a page out of my book and get the hell over it.”

“He slept with that bitch.”

“Have you talked to Persephone?”

“Why would I talk to that slut?”

“Because she slept with your boyfriend, you have the right to confront her. You should ask her what happened? You should ask for details and sort out every issue to see why he done it.”

“I'm not.” I exhaled. “I have bigger fish to fry.”

“Well then you sit here and be miserable.”

“I will.” I snapped. “And lock the door on your way out.”

“I will.” She rolled her eyes. “See you tomorrow.”

Shia left finally and I scrolled through my contacts. I had been here nine months and the only friend that I had besides Shia was Lucas. I should get out more. I dialed Lydia's number fort the tenth time today and waited on her to answer.

“Why are you still up?” She moaned.

“Because I’m miserable here. You think your mom would let you stay this weekend with me.”

“I can't. I promised Trey that I would go out with him this weekend. He is all about some me.”

“Were you sleep?”

“I was completely knocked out.” She chuckled. “He misses you as much you miss him.”

I felt my chest tighten. “I can't talk about him right now. But maybe one day we could get lunch?”

“Yes we should! And it will be on me!”

“I'll think on it. Well good night Lydia.” I ended the call.

This grieving process was about to drive me up a wall. I was constantly lonely. I couldn't get that stupid crooked smile of Lucas' out of my head and every time I tried to insure myself that it was getting easy I saw something that reminded me of him and the cycle started all over again. I don't know if it was hard for him. But burying everything kept me strong. I clicked his name. It rang twice, my heart beat out of chest.

There was silence and then there was a sigh. “I'm sorry Cypress.”

“I know.” my voice choked and the tears were about to come before I could form any words. “I know that you are. Where are you?”

“Almost to my loft? Would you like to meet at The Summit? We can talk, clothes on and minds open.”

“It'll take me about an hour to get presentable.”

“I'll take you however you come.” He whispered.

“Kay,” I waited for him to speak again.

“I love you.”

“I'll see you in a minute.”

“Alright love.”


The drive over to his place allowed me time to think. I had formulated every thought and for once I felt like I could face him and the get everything out. I pulled into the back entrance and he stood there waiting on me. His hair was pulled into a messy bun on his head.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks.” The pink pants and his sweat shirt were the only clothes that I had washed in the past three weeks. “Are they still following you?”

“They are always here.” Lucas threw his hand up in amusement. “I'm thinking of moving away from here soon.”


“I was thinking England.” He paused.

“Oh,” My heart broke at the answer.

“Come on inside, I know your cold. You can put on some of my sweats if you would like.”

“No, I want to talk out here. I can't function without you.” I spat. “And I'm pissed at you. So, I can't sleep. I can't think and I didn't do anything wrong, it’s not supposed to be like this.”


“And I want you back. But every time I think of you, I see that bitch.”

“Cypress,” He paused. “I will never hurt you again. I can't make any other promise but that one.”

“I don't know if I can forgive you. I don't know if I can even stand to look at your face but I am scared and terrified that if I don't I will fall apart.”

“I know,” He grimaced. “Can we please just go inside?”

“I need this time apart from you. And I need to know that you will give me time to be alone. No more appearing at my house or shit like that. Just let me be alone.”

“I’ll do it for you.”

“Good, I'll call you tomorrow and we can try talking it out.”

“See the love birds have found their way back to each other.” McMillan smiled.

“Just remember what I said Lucas.”

“Do you need me to drive you?” He seemed unlike himself, timid.

“No, thank you though.”

“Okay, just let me know when you are at the apartment okay.”

“Yes, give the station a buzz.” McMillan stared at Lucas. “I have some questions for you.



The kill had been days ago and for some reason I still felt light as a feather. The only bad news was that Luther had been found. The small white room had grown on me. I had been at the station so much these past few months I had grown fond of the bright white room that echoed every time a word was spoke. It was even better that no matter how much McMillan hated me he didn’t have shit on me. I tapped the table lightly as the door opened. “McMillan, how was your weekend?”

“Let's talk about yours?”

“Spent it with my friend Asher for the most part. Then I caught up on the last few assignments before midterms. But you know that don’t you. The way those vultures sit outside my apartment and school day and night. I’m sure you know everything.”

“Look at this.” he pushed over a picture of Luther in his glorious death. I wanted to smile but I refrained and nodded my head. “What do you think?”

My first opinion was beautiful inscription and nice handwork but that would land me in padded cell sooner that I had intended. “You pissed someone off.”

“Did I piss you off Lucas? Who else am I pursuing?”

“I don’t get paid to know your case load McMillan. But I do know that you have never pissed me off sir. We have a great relationship.” I chuckled. “It's sad. How’d his family take the news?” Just my point they couldn’t. He murdered them in cold blood.

“You think you're funny?”

“I think you are funny sir. I'd like to see my lawyer if you are implementing me on this gruesome murder.”

“You played in his fucking blood!” McMillan yelled as his hand gripped a fistful of my shirt. “You’re so fucking sick.”

“I want a lawyer.” I snatched my shirt from him and looked up at him. “Did you not fucking hear me?”

“Just admit it, you are one sick fuck you know that?”

“Oh did you not hear me? You must be deaf and dumb, not surprising but I’ll say it again. I want my motherfucking lawyer.”

“You think you are untouchable?”

“Are you refusing counsel?” I bantered.

“You’re not under arrest.”

“I still want my fucking lawyer.”

“What did your girlfriend tell you?”

“Are you deaf?” I folded my arms. “I'll just wait.”

McMillan’s face grew red. “Just give me an alibi for where you were Last Thursday?”

“Ask your surveillance. I was there at home. Better yet ask Mark or Asher. You know him yeah?”

“You threaten to kill him too?”

“Not really my type there sir.”

“Get Copeland and Marsh in here, I need to see their surveillance notes.” McMillan said to the tall man who hadn't said a word during the whole interrogation.

“I will.”

“How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Not leave any trace evidence?”

“I don't even know what that is.” I lied.

“Keep playing dumb. I like it, it’s going to make convicting your sorry ass so much sweeter.”

“I honestly would like to see what evidence you have against me?”

“Go home, get close to that girl of yours while you can.”

“I will. Are you going to give me a lift home or do I have to wait for someone to come and get me?” I smiled and something inside had awoken. It was a game and he had no idea what the rules were. And I was already several moves ahead.

“When I catch you… you are gonna fry. I hope you like heat.”

“I actually do.” I winked. “I live for it.”

“Good,” McMillan came closer to me and his face was inches from mine. “When I figure out your motive...” He pushed me into the wall hard and his cohort pulled him up with one quick move.

“I'm sorry. I don't care about your idle threats.”

“You’re just like your father.”

“Pardon me,” I clenched my teeth.

“I hope you are better than him… Because I know how his life ended.”

“What did you say?” The only nerve he could hit he trampled on. I lunged at him in full force only to be tossed back in the chair by the fucking giant in the corner. “My father is none of your concern. Do you understand?”

“Oh touched a sensitive subject?” He smiled.

This fucker wanted to die. I clenched my fist. “I'd like to get you alone one day.”



“Watch my blood drain and play in it?”

I wished to watch it drain slowly as his eyes begged for mercy. “Just to chat.” I inhaled deeply. “Is my lawyer here?”

Mark opened the door. “What’s going on here?”

“You really should change lawyers.”

“Fuck you.” Mark pulled at my arm. “What has been going on here?”

“'Nothing.” I spat. “Let's go.”




Perhaps the ending to my thesis was not as bad as my father had described. I had skipped some main theories but the professor raved about it. I stared at the mountain of paper on the desk. All this damned hard work didn't mean shit if the goal was not achieved.


I turned and there he stood again. Lucas sat down in the chair next to my desk and smiled at me. “This fed… has he talked to you?”

“Yeah, he knows about my research. But it's nothing.” I shrugged.

“Nothing Asher? It's my life. He is toying with my life. Make it stop.”

“I can't intimidate a fed. I mean what do you want me to do?”

“Give me your research.” Mark said from my other side. For Lucas to be serial killer he was the scary one. He was calm and refined which seemed more dangerous than irate and angry. Mark done what Lucas could not, he controlled it. “Now.”

“Here, look there is nothing there can help their investigation. I just observed behavior. That was all I wanted to do. It was all that I needed, and I'm done.”

“We are friends now and I respect the fact that you have stopped. If I ever find out that you are continuing… I will burn your corpse and lay your ashes on your mother's doorstep. Do you understand?”

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