Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (27 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“You two make a good couple.” I said. “What is your major Whitney?”

“I'm a librarian.” She answered. “I graduated two years ago. I just decided that I really liked the campus.”

“Both smart,” Cypress smiled. “It feels like this school year has flown by. I was thinking that we should get out of the country and celebrate it.”

“Like where?” Mark sipped his tea.

“Maybe England, huh? We have a beach, Asher you can come and bring your lovely lady here and I can show you the town. Better yet, we could go to the coast or Ireland and I could really show you a good time.”

“We’re actually visiting Australia this year.” Asher leaned forward on the table. “They have the clearest waters I’ve ever seen in my life and it is past due for me to see my father. But I think we could push it back and join you if we get the dates and everything.”

“I'd like to meet your father.” I paused.  I wanted to drain his throat. Why the fuck was into my mother and father? There was a glint in my eye, perhaps a not so friendly one, but I had made myself clear about how I felt about his father.

Asher smirked at me. “I bet you would, perhaps one day he can truly show you the ropes around there.”

Whitney shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “How long have you and Cypress been together?”

“Eight months almost,” Cypress could not hide her smile.

“That’s awesome, you know I had never really paid attention to you on the campus until Asher brought you up one day. You’ve been going here a while haven’t you?” She looked at me and waited for my answer.

“I’ve been here a while. When my book came out it made it harder to actually be a full time student so I took online courses for the book tour. Then, once the book died down and the dogs were called off, I decided to finish up. I’m a fifth year senior.”

“What about you Cypress?”

Cypress scarfed down her broccoli and sipped her water. “I am a fourth year senior but I transferred from out of state to get some change in my life. My ex-boyfriend was a douche.”

“So are you happy with him?” Whitney questioned and gestured towards me.

Mark's foot hit me under the table and I stared at him. Why would she not be? This bitch had crossed a line that almost made me snap her neck at the table. I watched as Asher gripped her hand tentatively. I had started to like Asher somewhat. He seemed to be open to listen to me when no one else would.

“More than, we have plans for a great future together. We were actually planning it earlier.” Cypress was a time bomb for tears. She almost cried on the way up about not being pregnant. So if she made her cry, she would meet my blade tonight.

“Well, that’s interesting to hear.”

“I mean what couple wouldn't be?”

“Right,” Whitney grimaced.

“Yeah, they are one of the happiest couples I have ever seen.” Shia vouched. “And I know that he will treat her right or I will kill him.”

Try it bitch, I still was not sure if I liked Shia. I didn’t like her for Mark and most of the time I didn’t like her around Cypress. I faked the best tight lip smile that was possible. “We are a great couple. She accepts me for everything I am and I love for it. If you can't give yourself exclusively to a person that you love… then it’s quite simple you don't love them. So this food is amazing. Purely American in every sense.” Bland and full of bad taste. I tried to stop my eyes as they rolled but it was hopeless.

“They don't have stuffed bell peppers in Ireland?” Asher aimed at a conversation change.

“Sometimes… I mean it's not a custom in my family. My Nadine makes a killer bangers and mash; my mum was particularly good at soups.”

Whitney cleared her throat. “Tell me about your family.”

“Uhm they are English and Gaelic.” I peered at Asher. “Get your hound.” I mouthed at him.

“Any kin living?”

“I have a whole slew of family alive. Why the fuck is it your business? And why do you have this condescending attitude towards me?”

“What condescending attitude Lucas? I have been… nice. I just wanted to know more about you? You know, like what are your hobbies? What do you like to hunt? People? Animals? Deer? Birds?”

“That's enough.” Asher grumbled. “Dessert is ready if you all are ready to eat.”

“Does she know about the research you done on him?”

“What research?” Cypress asked.

My eyes grew wide and I stared at Asher. “Um, nothing darling. I have done an interview for Asher and she read it more than likely. He asked me some questions about my book and all that.”

“He's a psychopath.” Whitney spat.

I fought the urge to slice her open with my kitchen knife.  It twiddled around in my fingers and “Well... nice. She is just bloody nice.” I murmured under my breath.

“What does she mean psychopath?” Cypress touched my hand.

“Does he control you?” Whitney asked. “I mean does he threaten you? Tell me please.”

“Asher, I think we are done here.” I tossed the knife on the table before it ended up in her throat and red blood squirted on the perfect white cloth. Just the thought had my mind in a fucked up space. I wanted this bitch to die.

“No he doesn't. Why are you even talking to us like this? He isn't a killer.” Cypress voice was defensive and it was sweet but not needed.

“Whitney that is enough, you are being rude!” Asher yelled. “And no he's not Cypress. Give us one moment please.” He grabbed Whitney by the arm and led her away from the table.

“Why would she say that?” Cypress asked.

“I don't know. I don't know her and honestly and I don't care to. Mark do you see this shit?”

“I see.” Mark nodded. “It's not him. It's her and we can just come back another time.”

“Don't bother,” Whitney said as she made her way to the door. “Keep your friends. I'm leaving.”

“Great meal love!” I added through a clinched lip.

“Shut up!” Cypress pushed me.

“Apologies,” I snipped out.

“Well, I’m sorry guys. I can’t apologize enough for her behavior.” Asher had not seemed shocked that she behaved that way. Like Mark he was not fazed by how she acted. He just wanted her gone. “Can I talk to you both?”

“Sure, ladies, we will be right back.” Mark and I stood from the table and we followed him out of the dining area.

Asher leads us to his den. For an apartment the place was huge and I liked the fact he had a real bookshelf in his office/den area, it was a nice room. “She thinks you are crazy and surprisingly you behaved well. She just needs to learn how to bite her tongue, no matter how much she hates you.”

“It's fine.” I sat down on the floor. “Had a pregnancy scare today, I've been rattled a little. So your hound dog was not much of a scare for me.”

“Cypress?” They both said.

“Yeah, yeah, but it was negative and she cried. And to be completely honest, I am completely fucking confused. What the hell does she want? She complains all day that I need to wear a condom and then we have a fucking scare and she’s sad.”

“Women,” Asher laughed. “But in this you learned that she wants a child and you don’t have to wear one.”

“I’m halfway convinced to start.” I laughed.

“You would be a horrible father.” Mark added.

“Damn, that was a little harsh, Mark” Asher laughed.

“Never said that I was a nice guy.” Mark sat down on the leather couch, “What’d you want?”

“Well, when I went home I did some digging and the child in this photo is me.” He handed the picture to me, my mother looked down at the baby with that beautiful smile as her blonde hair blocked half of her face.

“How would you know that?” My eyes were glued on her face. I missed her more than I would ever be able to explain.
“My mom has the same photo... only her face is cropped out.”

“So what’re you trying to say?” I asked.

“I don't know.” Asher tossed the picture on the dresser and looked at me. “I have asked my mom several times for the birth certificate and she will not let me see it. So I am going to go and request it myself.”

“You think you're my brother?”

“I do.”

“Why not just test it out?” Mark asked.

“With my blood?” I sneered. It was a dumb question. “My mum was not a liar. My mum was always honest with me.”

“She could have kept things from you Lucas. You don't know. I am just saying that I think that we should just.”

“I said no!” I bellowed. “I will not have you questioning my mother. If you think that she is your mother, you will find out another way. I have to leave. If I stay here I will probably snap your neck.” I glared at Mark. “Why are you so apt for it?”

“You can't be so close minded.” Mark pushed me back. “Just. This child…” He held up the second photo. “It looks a shit ton like the one in the frame in the living room of me.”

“No,” I said.  Though he was right. I had never made the connection and I hadn’t bothered to care about a connection. I kept those pictures to have of my mother. I “And if you touch me again, I will end you.”

“Fine be stubborn.” Mark moved. “But the chances of you ruining me are slim Luke. Remember that.”

“Yeah, whatever…” I opened the door and walked out of the now stuffy room. “Cypress, we are leaving. Shia till next time.” I slid my coat on and waited on Cypress.

“I want to see the interview.” Cypress looked at Asher.

“I don't have it.” Asher said.

“Yeah, you do. Don’t lie to me Asher. What is a psychopath if not a killer?”

“Someone who doesn't do well with emotions.” Asher provided her with a false definition.

“Do you not believe me?” I questioned. “I told you everything.”

“I believe you, but why would she just snap and leave her own boyfriends house if she didn't believe herself.”

“I am leaving.” I grabbed my keys. “And you are coming with me.”



Chapter Thirteen


Saturday mornings had a routine about them now. I washed clothes while Lucas folded and divided the stacks. All while we tried to act like cleaning was our favorite past time. But theses moment together were the ones that defined where we were in the relationship. They defined everything. My clothes were in pile in the living room and Lucas had misplaced every sock I’ve ever owned. And they were gold to me because of these ice cold floors in the halls, bathroom and kitchen of my apartment.

“The other night when you said that your mother used to make soups it rang a bell with me you know?”

“What bell love?” Lucas was entranced in some television show with guns and blood. It was really all he needed to have a good Saturday. He wore an old long sleeve shirt and a pair of pajama pants. His hair was still in a perfect mess and he had on his glasses. I rarely got to see them, but when I did I was appreciative.

“You love soups because your mother used to always make them.”

“You’re right. They remind me of her definitely. Luna could take any old veggies we laid around the house and turn them into a masterpiece. She’d bake this bread my dad loved. It was basically a sourdough, but in her broths, it came to life and danced with the flavors she had. There is really no one that can touch my mom in soups.”

“That’s so sweet.”

Everything grew quiet and I watched him as he zoned out. His voice soft. “The day before she died, she made a Three Bean Soup. Declan had taught her how to cook it and she made it better is what he said. She was so weak that day. But she wanted that soup. I argued with her much like I do with you, I told her not to get out of the bed. I wanted her to let me cook it. She said no of course. I gathered everything there for her,” He swallowed. “The beans, black beans, pinto and kidney bean and I got her some veggies. Onions, Peppers, tomatoes and she tossed it in a pot with her blend of seasons. Then she let it cook. Me and her sat out on that porch that day and made fun of almost everyone that walked by and it was heaven. I could smell her soup and hear her laughter and for a second it was as if she was not crippled. We ate and my father came home and he ate and talked with us the entire time I just sat there relishing in the moment. It was so weird. I knew that it was over. You know how things tend to go perfect before they go to hell. Declan tucked her in the bed that night and he read to her their favorite book. I slept in the wooden chair next to the window and that next morning she was gone. It was weird. But I was envious of her Cypress.”


“She wouldn’t have to put up with this shit hole of a world. I feared that I was truly the person that was suffering and then I lost my dad and shit got bloody difficult for me.”

“I’m sorry that you lost her and I’m sorry that you lost him. I can tell that you truly loved them both and maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

“We can find a love like them and I hope that our children will have as much love for us as you do them.”

“We will.”

I tossed the last load of clothes into the dryer. I didn’t want to make the day become bleak by reminiscing so I sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was so warm and smelled amazing. “We’re in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse, and you have to choose one weapon… what would it be?” It was the best question that I could conjure to change the mood.

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