SimplyIrresistible (24 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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“You can’t go. Your place hasn’t got the security the ranch

She smoothed her dress, lightly brushing the corset’s rigid
stays. “A riding academy doesn’t need state-of-the-art security systems.
Anyway, my safety is not your concern.”

A small muscle twitched in his left cheek. He watched her
with cold, dark eyes. He didn’t argue, didn’t say anything. His silence was the
painful answer she didn’t want, but had to accept.

She turned away and busied herself with packing to hide her
welling tears.

Liam stormed out of the bedroom.

Chapter Fourteen


Tiana had been gone for almost a week and Liam missed her
more each day. Not touching her the way he wanted to had been pure torture when
she’d slept next to him. He wasn’t a monster. No matter what her doctor said,
she’d almost died. Did she appreciate his restraint? Hell no. She talked a lot
of foolishness about not being able to make him love her and left. All he
wanted to do was keep her safe, even from him. Doing the right thing had earned
him nothing but a metaphorical slap in the face on her way out the door. If he
hadn’t been so fucking tired from not sleeping he might have worked up some
righteous anger.

A couple of days without Tiana and everyone at the ranch
acted as if they were in mourning. Lynda gave him hurt looks at breakfast. When
he’d retreated to the barn, the stable hands all found other tasks that
required their immediate attention elsewhere. Even Ozzie looked over his
shoulder as if searching for Tiana while he munched his organic baby carrots.

Worse than his staff’s long faces, he missed her as if he’d
lost half his soul.

Thank God the day was over. He scrubbed his face with a
dirty palm in a futile effort to clear the fatigue dogging him. Sharing a bed
with Tiana had been pure sexual torment, but at least he’d been able to sleep.

For the last six nights he’d paced the floor like a father
with a cranky newborn. Today he’d deliberately worked himself to exhaustion.
Every muscle protested as he stripped and headed for a hot shower. A solid
night’s rest was worth a little achiness.

Once he was clean, shaved and sipping a healthy splash of
rye on the rocks he felt a little more human. He sorted through the mail,
stopping at a package from his jeweler. His brief mood improvement vanished as
he weighed the box holding the collar he’d commissioned for Tiana.

“You’ve been like a bear with a thorn in his backside all

Liam had been so preoccupied that Don’s unflattering
observation startled him. “Thanks for the newsflash.”

Undeterred by his sarcasm, the head horse man eyed him
shrewdly “What ya got there? Present for the sweet thing you ran off?”

“Something like that.” Liam set down the unopened package.
In retrospect ordering the symbol of commitment seemed insanely optimistic.

“You wallowin’ in misery ain’t my problem. Snappin’ at Lynda
when she’s been nothin’ but kind to your cranky ass aint workin’ for me, son.”

Don’s quiet words nipped Liam’s conscience. The old coot was
right and he’d been raised better than to take his rotten mood out on
innocents. “I’ll apologize and make it up to her.”

“She ain’t lookin’ for bribes, just common courtesy.” Don
glared at him.

So Tiana had guessed correctly about Don and Lynda. Another
wave of missing her swamped Liam.

“You been takin’ on problems that weren’t yours since you
needed to shave regular. Ain’t like you to avoid a fight when the stakes are
high. Tiana was the first worthy woman you’ve had and she was doin’ you some
good. Might want to mend your fences while you still can.” After his unusually
long speech, Don made himself scarce.

The old coot’s assessment stung. Taking care of his family
was his responsibility. He’d been careful to choose playmates who wouldn’t
interfere with his obligations, always selecting submissives he wouldn’t be
tempted to get too involved with. Worse, he’d rationalized his detachment as
part of being a good Master. But taking care of his slave’s needs didn’t
require a Master to guard his heart. He kept his distance from fear of being

In this dark moment when he was alone with nothing but
mistakes and regrets for company, he accepted it had always been fear rather
than responsibility building the barriers between Tiana and him. The aches from
a long day outdoors increased, while his paltry appetite fled with the humbling
realization he was a coward.

He gathered the mail, including the present for the absent
Tiana before climbing the stairs to his office. Once there, he sat and stared
at the jeweler’s box. He’d acted like an arrogant asshole. A pretty bauble
wasn’t going to repair the damage he’d caused.

Tiana had given him her heart and stolen his. He didn’t have
a plan to win her back, but he wouldn’t give her up without a fight.

The white-gold chain with its special lock and delicate key
coiled inside a velvet pouch and easily slid into his front pants pocket. He
ran out the house and was damn near at Tiana’s place when his cell played
Right Now

A phone call from the Crucible’s wizard on a busy Saturday
night was unusual enough to make Liam frown and click on answer. “What’s
happening, did the slaves stage a mass rebellion?”

“Not yet, although yours might start one.”

Liam swallowed back a sickening rise of gall. “Tiana?”

“Thought you would want to know she’s interviewing tops.”

“Fuck me.”

“A definite possibility, if you don’t move your ass. I did
warn you right from the start that you would have a hard time walking away from

“I’m not losing her. Reserve one of the public rooms for me.
I’m on my way.”

“Already saved you room one—front and center.” Guthrie
dropped the call.

Cold panic threatened to stall Liam. He’d refused to be the
Master Tiana needed not because he was rational or responsible or any of the
bullshit he fed himself. He’d let her down because he’d been scared of having
his heart broken.

He made the thirty-minute drive in fourteen minutes,
including the security check. He slammed his rig into park and sprinted for the

The club’s owner met him in the entry and handed him a toy

“Thanks, pal.” Liam accepted the case with sincere

Guthrie skipped the small talk, asking, “She said she’s a
free agent. True?”

“Only technically,” Liam growled.

Guthrie gave him a thorough, unflattering appraisal. “Glad I
didn’t bet you had more sense.” He jerked his thumb toward the lounge. “Better
get the technicality resolved or you’re going to be at the back of a long

The dimly lit hall seemed stretched to twice its usual
length during Liam’s race to reclaim his submissive. He scoured the lounge
without finding Tiana.

“Do you have a minute?”

“No” hovered on the tip of his tongue as he focused on
Travis. A haggard face and deep shadows under the other man’s eyes kept him
from refusing the request. He steeled himself to patience and asked, “What’s
the problem?”

“I owe you an apology.”

“Not necessary.” Liam started to move on.

Travis held out a palm. “Please, give me sixty seconds to

A clipped bob of the head signaled Liam’s reluctant

“I was wrong about you. Harvey found Ashley cutting herself
and rushed her to the hospital.”

“Is she okay?”

Travis shook his head. “Not yet. At least she’s getting the
help she needs.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I should have ended things with her
the first time I realized she wanted more pain than I would ever be comfortable
delivering. Doms don’t always know best, but too often subs let us think we do.”
Liam squeezed the other man’s shoulder. “Your sister is a survivor. She’s going
to get well.”

“I was wrong about you.” Travis held out a hand to shake.

Liam clasped the meaty palm in his.

“By the way, if you’re looking for your sub, try over
there.” Travis angled his chin toward the left corner.

“Thanks.” Liam spotted the cluster of Doms gathered around
one of the corner tables. He ignored the scowls and protests as he ruthlessly
elbowed his way through to the front of the crowd.

An arm’s length away, Tiana perched on a straight-back
chair. Her glossy hair was artfully piled high. A few wayward strands trailed
down her slender throat to flirt with her smooth shoulders. She was beautiful
and elegant in a scarlet corset, matching thong and fuck-me heels.

Aside from a faster flutter of the delicate blue vein in her
neck there was no sign she’d even noticed him.

Interested bystanders, horny would-be-tops and experienced
Doms clustered around her. The serious contenders assessed her with the same
intentness housecats give a wild bird in their backyard. He wanted to wipe the
floor with every one of their sorry asses. All too aware initiating violence
would result in his ejection from the club, he curbed the impulse. He’d acted
like a stubborn idiot. He wasn’t compounding the mistake by losing his temper.
“Gentlemen, there’s been a misunderstanding. This slave is mine.”

A blond Dom, who’d been trying to peek down her corset said,
“She’s not wearing your collar.”

Tiana angled ever so slightly toward Liam, blocking the
wannabe voyeur’s view. The deliberate choice to deny the other man and turn to
Liam for protection told him she wasn’t all that indifferent.

“An oversight on my part.” Liam dismissed the man’s
objection and locked eyes with Tiana. “Come here, pet.”

An older Dom Liam had seen around the club stepped in front
of her. “This is more than an oversight. We need a dungeon monitor. The lady
says she’s an unattached sub and we’re in the middle of negotiations for her
new top.”

Guthrie stepped out of the throng. “Evening, Glen. I’m
monitoring tonight. I assure you nothing happens in my house that isn’t safe
and consensual.”

“I can have no objection when you’re supervising.” The
muscular Glen kept his tone and posture respectful while he moved away from
Tiana. His large hands remained clenched.

Unconcerned by the unhappy throng, Guthrie turned to Tiana.
“Master Liam gave you an order. As a free agent you may choose to ignore him.
However if you are his submissive you will be punished for misleading these
gentlemen and inconveniencing your Master. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” Tiana bowed gracefully.

Liam’s heart lodged in his throat as he waited for her

Her beautiful brown eyes were full of sadness as they rose
to meet his. She came close enough for him to catch her scent and pitched her
voice for his ears alone. “Why are you here?”

The pain underlying her question tightened his chest. He
didn’t allow himself to hesitate. He banded her wrist with one hand, holding
her loosely, nevertheless binding her with his strength and his will.

He focused on her, letting her see all his need and his
love. “To claim what’s mine.”

Those gorgeous eyes widened as she drew a quick breath. Her
lashes dropped as she said clearly, “I understand. I’m truly sorry I
embarrassed you, Master.”

The single, soft
from her lips soothed the
worst of his wounds.
Your submission is a gift I cherish. I want to wrap you
up and take you home where I can prove it to you.
But this wasn’t about
what he wanted. Or even what Tiana wanted. It never had been. This was about
him giving her what she needed—his mastery. He fisted strands of her long hair
and tugged hard enough she had to face him. “You’ve caused a great deal of trouble

Her eyes flickered to his then lowered respectfully. “I want
to serve you, Master.”

“You will. Come with me.”

The spectators parted for them and followed as he led her to
the glassed-in room he’d reserved. The transparent walls muffled sound well
enough that if they kept their voices low their conversation would remain
private. An audience didn’t bother him as long as no one interfered with his
scene. With Guthrie monitoring the play, he didn’t need to worry about

He set down the toy bag, knowing it was well equipped.

Tiana studied the room.

Liam followed her gaze to a sturdy St. Andrews Cross bolted
to the faux stone wall. She fingered the leather straps and moved on to a
padded spanking bench then examined an adjustable narrow bench. Her gaze lifted
to retractable chains and tackle. She shuddered and peeked in the small

This was the first time she’d been in one of the Crucible’s
scene rooms as a participant. Her curiosity was clear and charming. He let her
continue to explore. She opened the armoire to the right of the saltire cross.
As she explored the half-size refrigerator and assorted supplies, he gave a nod
to the ancient icon of Saint Andrew himself. The apostle was depicted with a
long beard, angelic expression and a scroll.

Tiana’s interest in the décor didn’t interfere with his
awareness of her. He sensed when her attention moved to the room on their
right. The space was furnished in a similar manner to theirs. The adjacent area
was occupied by a leather-clad Domme. Her sub lay facedown on an adjustable
bench. The slave’s naked ass had been elevated for easy access.

He wailed with each strike. His distress didn’t slow his
Mistress’s arm.

She maintained a steady rise and fall, lashing his reddened
ass with her flogger. “Start counting—from the beginning.”

He groaned.

“You just earned another five strokes.” The leather strands
bit into his buttocks.

He sobbed “one” as he strained against his straps to meet
the next stroke. The bench had holes to accommodate most erections. His turgid
cock fit in the middle, pointed straight down and leaking pre-cum.

Tiana averted her face. Liam followed her gaze to where
Master Lewis wielded an ultraviolet wand over the pale skin of his bound sub.
He used the conduit to sear his initials into Heather’s inner thigh.

Liam’s sweet slave chewed her lower lip with obvious
concern. Her palms still bore scars from her sadistic ex’s burns. It made sense
for her to be upset by the branding.

He gripped her upper arm firmly and she stilled in his hold.
“Eyes on me.”

She complied instantly, blushing faintly and pleasing him

Liam lowered his voice and added, “The wand’s markings
usually aren’t permanent. All play at the Crucible, especially pain play, is
consensual—an equitable exchange of trust and power.”

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