SimplyIrresistible (17 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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“Your responsiveness alone would make you irresistible. The
beautiful face and perfect body don’t hurt.”

Honesty demanded a protest, even though his extravagant
compliment made her smile. “I’m nowhere near perfect, Sir.”

“You spoke without permission. Are you giving me attitude?”

His deep rumble compelled obedience. Still she couldn’t lie.
She bowed her head. “Of course not. You’re nearsighted and my vision is clear.
I was being candid, Master.”

He stroked her breasts. “Very nicely said, but you’re close
enough for me to see you with absolute clarity. You’re perfect.”

Thrilled by his sincerity, she leaned into his caress.

“Do you want something from me?”

“To please you, Sir.”

“You do and you will.” He hooked a finger under her chin and
lifted until she met his intense gaze. “I want you to work on expressing what
you need.”

“I already…”

“Came all over my face?”

Heat flamed her cheeks. “Yes, Master.”

“You’re beautiful when you climax. More important, every
orgasm is gift of trust only you can give me.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She couldn’t meet his gaze, but his words
warmed her heart.

“You’re sure there’s nothing you want…”

“Just to serve you, Master.”

“Start by covering my cock with a condom.”

She froze.

“Is there a problem?”

“It’s something I’ve never done, Sir.”

“Even better, I get to share in your first time.”

Tiana accepted a small foil packet and tore it open with
shaky fingers. The flat latex circle looked woefully inadequate for the job.

“It stretches.”

Right, I know they stretch, but enough?
She peered at
him anxiously.

Liam chuckled. “Go ahead and ask.”

“Won’t it be uncomfortable, Master?”

“I’m not all that fragile.”

She offered him the prophylactic. “Perhaps you’d better do
it, Sir.”

“I want you to do it for me. That’s more fun.”

What an optimist
But for him she’d try her
best. She bent over and lapped up a drop of pre-cum then carefully centered the
latex on the head of his cock. Slowly she rolled the thin material down the
silken skin stretched so achingly tight over his steely rod. Amazingly, the
condom covered his long, thick shaft. The constricting ring at his base
disappeared in a nest of carefully trimmed curls. She darted another peek at

He closed his eyes and arched off the mattress. “I’m dying
to be inside you.” He lifted her on top of him. “This usually isn’t my favorite
position, but especially our first time I want you to feel completely safe.
Besides, I want to see your face.”

Her heart stuttered with more impossible tenderness. She
straddled his hips and aligned his erection with her entrance.

He groaned as his wide crown breached her sheath. “You’re so
hot and wet and fucking tight.”

The swollen walls of her sex clenched and eased around his
rock-hard shaft. Gradually she stretched to accommodate his entire cock. The
overwhelming fullness stayed on the good side of painful. She moaned a plea for

Gravity worked, pulling her closer and easing the strain on
her thighs. Her core was stretched beyond capacity when he thrust to the root
inside her cunt.

They both sighed.

The moment lengthened and she shifted cautiously. As lovely
as being impaled by his impressive erection was, a little friction would be
good. Movement seemed a safe choice. With her legs practically doing the splits
and a huge rod rammed into her pussy, gentle rocking was the best she could
manage. She swallowed a sigh of frustration.

“I love how your gorgeous perfect breasts jiggle while you
ride me.”

Encouraged by his praise, but already panting from the
relentless coil of her own need, she settled for nodding her intentions. After
another few cautious rocks, she added a roll. The last move felt so good she
went for an all-out grind. Tingles of excitement sizzled through her channel.
Sounds of need, half wail, half moan, and all desperation spilled from her

Liam gripped her hips and bucked hard, fucking into her with
short, grinding strokes that drove her impossibly higher. “Come for me, pet.”

Her already overstimulated clit mashed against his pubic
bone and her core clamped around his wonderful oh-so-rigid shaft. Electric
sparks spiraled from her sex to her toes to her scalp and back again. She
cried, “Liam!” until rapture stole her awareness.

He kept her face carefully framed right where he wanted it
while he continued to fuck her with long, slow strokes. “You and I have some
serious chemistry. The kind of connection we have going is rare. Next to
impossible when what I want in a woman is compliance with whatever I demand. ”

Her urge to let her eyes roll back at the exquisite
sensation of sheer joy vanished. She stiffened in his gentle hold. He wanted
her to obey him without question? “I’m not weak. I have a mind of my own and
I’m not a masochist, Sir.”

“Never thought you were and I will never abuse your trust.
For the record, I don’t confuse weakness and submissiveness.”

She thought over his matter-of-fact response for a heartbeat
or two, distracted by the maddening scrape of his ridge over her G-spot. “All
right, but I still think—”

“You think way too much.” He held her close for another
tender, breath-stealing kiss that turned her knees liquid.

The hot silk of his mouth feathered across hers, making her
desperate for more contact, more heat, more of him. Her lips parted. Perhaps
she’d made that raw, erotic sound, somewhere between a moan and whimper that
begged him to deepen the kiss.

It didn’t matter who’d done the wordless begging. Liam
heeded the plea, sweeping into her mouth as if she belonged to him. Secretly
she’d already accepted that she was his slave. She would deny him nothing.

He angled her face to claim her. She softened beneath his
need. His strength, his surety, his dominance erased every one of her doubts. A
blend of power and hot man washed over her taste buds while his tongue twined
with hers. His kiss was water on the cracked earth of the desert, absolution
for the unforgiveable and an irresistible demand for her total surrender.

She grew lightheaded, clutched his shoulders and swallowed,
greedy for the taste of him. Her breasts swelled and the tightened nipples
ached for his mouth. Liquid welcome rained from her core, soaking his cock and
running down her inner thighs until the musk of her own need added heady new
notes to his intoxicating scent. Her legs eased farther apart. She wriggled
closer, trying to fill the impossible hunger to serve her Master.

In the heat of the moment, he could have taken every part of
her and she would have cheered. Even more than she wanted his total possession,
she wanted to bring him pleasure. Actually, her urge was more than mere
wanting—she needed to please him.

He broke the kiss and pulled out of her completely. Both of
them inhaled sharply.

Her gaze dropped to the unmistakable erection tapping his
rigid stomach. She couldn’t look away. Her hands itched to stroke. Her mouth
watered to lick the exciting length of his arousal.

The desperate longing to serve—to please him—made her
tremble. “I can’t bear to disappoint you, Master.”

“Don’t worry. Nothing you do with me could be wrong.”

Dear God, did he just read my mind?

Liam chuckled. “I’ve love to play poker with you. Every
thought shows on your beautiful face.”

He truly thought her beautiful?

He released her face and cupped her nape. His large hand
almost circled her neck. Something about his firm yet tender grasp gave her
comfort. With the flash of a cartoon light bulb, she knew why. She pleased him.
Even with all her scars and flaws and touchy parts, he still wanted her.

She climbed off the bed, sank to her knees and leaned
against his muscular thigh. The coarse hair on his leg and his body heat
grounded her.

Liam swung his legs off the mattress and cupped her head.
“You’re killing me.”

Foolish tears pooled and she blinked hard, willing them away
to meet his gaze. “Will you let me take care of you please, Sir?”

He widened his powerful thighs. “Yes. Touch me.”

She reached out and lightly traced his hard length, then
carefully rolled off the thin layer of latex. After disposing of the used
condom, she wet a washcloth with warm water and knelt between his legs to clean
his aroused cock and balls.

“That feels wonderful.” He smoothed a stray strand of hair
away from her face.

She drank in Liam’s naked splendor. Sun-bronzed skin
stretched over lean muscles that flexed and rippled with every breath he drew.
There was something wildly erotic and empowering about him sitting quietly
under her caress.

The mat of neatly groomed dark hair and rose-brown puckered
balls framed the redder shaft with its voluptuous, plum-like crown. The small
slit welled with a fresh, milky drop of pre-cum.

He wrapped his hand over hers, tightening her grip on his
erection. She wanted to thrill him the way he did her. Her shaky palm molded
around hot velvet stretched taut over a cock too thick for her to encircle. He
guided her in a slow, sensuous pump from his surprisingly silky curls to the
glossy head. With each stroke she spread the slickness welling from his crown
down the length of his shaft. She paid special attention to the underside of
the lush ridge and traced the heavy vein to the seam of his sac.

Her inner thighs grew slicker with fresh cream. She
trembled, waiting for him to instruct her.

“Use your mouth.”

Richard’s running critique when she failed to keep him
aroused echoed in her mind. She fought panicky tears. Her chin puckered in
dismay. She’d hoped for detailed directions.
Please tell me if I’m doing it

Perhaps her face did show every thought, because he circled
her neck with one strong hand and answered her unspoken question. “Two adults
giving each other pleasure can’t make a wrong. This isn’t about rules, it’s
whatever pleases you and me.”

The rough palm holding her vulnerable throat gave her new
certainty. He wouldn’t punish her unfairly. Emboldened by his assurance and his
firm touch, she dipped her head and lapped away the glistening pearl of his
pre-cum she wanted to savor. The drop was faintly salty with a heady tang. She
used her tongue to trace the underside of the sleek rim of his corona.

A groan of approval from Liam encouraged her to explore. She
bit back a grin, which would have interrupted the trail of nibbling kisses
along the vein running from his crown to his sac. The clean musk fragrance she
associated with him grew stronger at the base of his erection. She nuzzled him,
absorbing the delicious scent. An impulse made her lick the puckered sac.

His breath hissed in and he cupped her head, encouraging her
to continue. Gently she sucked one testis into her mouth.

“So fucking good.”

The deep growl of his approval made her braver. She
carefully swallowed the other ball. He groaned again, telling her how much he
liked what she was doing. Knowing she pleased him made freed something wild,
wanton and incredibly sexy.

After she’d thoroughly sucked both testes, she cradled his
sac and licked her way back to his cock head. She widened her mouth, taking as
much of him as possible. When she pulled away, keeping just his crown inside
her lips, his thick shaft gleamed, wet with her saliva. His flavor mixed with
hers on her tongue and she swallowed around him, taking more of his shaft.

“That’s right, keep swallowing and relax your throat. I’m
getting close.” His deep voice rolled through her like an intimate caress,
guiding and encouraging.

“I want to fuck your mouth.” His words grated, harsh and

She relaxed her jaw as much as possible and curled her
fingers tighter, tugging on his balls.

“That’s so fucking perfect.” His hips flexed as he tunneled
in and out of her throat.

Another hoarse groan from Liam filled her with sexy warmth.
A rough cry gave her a three-second warning before thick spurts of his release
flooded the back of her mouth, threatening to choke her. She fought panic by
breathing through her nose and swallowing faster. Gradually the gushes grew
farther apart and her pride grew. She swirled her tongue over the head of his
softening cock, lapping up every drop of cum.

He cupped her neck and eased away from her mouth. “That’s
enough, pet.”

Her foolish heart soared when his dark eyes glinted with
approval. She rested her head on his knee and couldn’t help wishing he wanted
her for his forever slave.

Chapter Ten


Liam stroked Tiana’s hair, learning the shape of her skull
while she leaned into him. Gradually her breathing slowed and she sagged
against his leg. Careful not to jar her, he picked her up and settled her under
the covers. Her face softened in sleep, making her look even younger and more
vulnerable. She’d been pushing herself for days.

That she felt safe enough with him to rest filled him with
satisfaction. Reluctant to leave her side, he sat on the edge of the mattress
for several minutes.

He doubted she’d sleep long, she had to be hungry. No reason
he couldn’t fix them a snack just as soon as he pried his ass off the bed. Only
the need to care for his sweet pet got him moving.

The bathroom mirror reflected a satisfied smirk he had
trouble wiping off his mug. As soon as the image of Tiana’s trusting head on
his knee flashed through his head the shit-eating grin returned. He got busy
scraping the scruff off his face and neck. Beard rash wasn’t the way he wanted
to mark his slave. After shaving, he snagged a fresh pair of jeans and a clean
shirt. By the time he stuffed his feet into boots, Tiana’s eyes darted behind
delicate lids. A smile teased her lush lips as she slept. Imagining she dreamed
of him threatened to turn him back to mush.

He left the bedroom door ajar and crossed to his office. A
virtual pile of digital mail and several phone messages waited. He dealt with
the calls first, making notes on those he needed to handle later.

Kyle had called an hour earlier. Liam dialed without
listening to his brother’s message. “Hi, pal. What’s going on?”

“You’re talking to the newly elected
Law Review
editor-in-chief.” The clink of a beer mug and buzz of laughter and dozens of
conversations filtered through behind Kyle’s news.

Liam’s chest expanded with pride in his little brother. He
cleared the emotion out of his throat but his voice still came out rougher than
usual when he said, “Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition.”

“How’re you doing with the beautiful neighbor?”

“It’s complicated.”

Kyle chuckled. “I bet. She’s not your usual flavor.”

Disconcerted by his brother’s perceptiveness Liam grunted
and rerouted the conversation. “Does Cam know about your promotion?”

“Not yet. He didn’t pick up when I tried to call.”

“Get back to celebrating. I’ll fill him in on his famous

Soon after hanging up, he dialed Cam.

The phone rang four times. Kyle hadn’t been able to reach
him either. What-ifs tightened Liam’s temples as he prepared to leave a

“Hey, bro. What’s up?”

Liam told him about Kyle then asked, “Everything okay?”


“No problems?”

“Just a gnarly bit of code I’m wrestling, why?”

“You took a while to answer,” Liam said casually.

“Had the buds in. I’m not a toddler anymore, bro.” Cam’s
tone stayed gentle and lilted with amusement.

“True, I still worry.”

Finished with the phone, Liam tackled email, scrolling
through the inbox until one from his security chief caught his attention. He
skimmed the short and dirty life of Tiana’s ex, Richard Miller.

Jacques had done his usual thorough job. Vital statistics,
driving records, arrest record, including juvenile offenses. Busy little sadist
had started early. A series of photos illustrated the change from sullen
pretty-boy teenager to a heavy-lidded, blue-eyed, aging blond surfer type.
Cigar aficionado was toward the bottom, along with the bastard’s interest in
sailing and his penchant for expensive wine. The coroner’s finding of
accidental death ended the official record of the fatal car crash. The body had
been badly burned. There was no mention of who had identified the remains.
the sick fuck be alive?

Liam tried to bring Travis’ smokes into sharp focus. All he
pictured was the skinny black cigars the man always puffed. Travis held a
grudge against him, no question there. But why would he have been lurking
behind Tiana’s apartment Wednesday night? He made a mental note to have Jacques
dig a little deeper in Richard Miller’s death before he powered down the laptop
and pushed back from the desk.

Needing to clear his mind, he pushed on his glasses and
stepped out onto the master suite’s balcony. The early-evening breeze cooled
his skin while he studied the densely wooded stretch of forest service land
that separated the ranch from Tiana’s place. When he and Jacques had discussed
tightening the ranch’s security, the chief used the government’s tract as an
example of the challenge they faced. The property was riddled with old logging
trails and utility access roads. Worse, a man on a dirt bike, familiar with the
woods, was as mobile as one on horseback and a hell of lot faster. On foot, a
rifleman wouldn’t be constrained even by a complete lack of manmade paths. The
combination of vehicles readily available and the stretches of unpopulated land
was a security nightmare.

A flash of light from the ridge of timber made him flinch.
The crack of a rifle shot assaulted his ears a half a second before a bullet
grazed his shoulder and slammed into the siding behind him.

He ducked inside, angry at himself.

The rest of Jacques’ warning came back to him with a
vengeance—if he’s good with a scope he doesn’t need to get close.

Liam had been so sure Tiana’s stalker was behind the
incidents he’d overlooked the glaringly obvious. He had ten times the enemies
his sweet pet had. One of the bastards had shot at him twice. Worse, he’d
forgotten another basic safety lesson. If someone wants you dead bad enough,
there is no such thing as a safe place.

Granted the ranch had security systems and a professional
team manning them. As Jacques had warned none of the technology stopped a
determined shooter.

Whoever shot at him was damn lucky or else he knew the house
and surrounding area much too well. Either way Liam wasn’t leaving Tiana
napping in a war zone. He scooped her off the bed, wrapped her in the quilt and
hit the stairs.

Before he’d reached the landing, she woke. “Where’s the

“Nowhere near you.”

“That was supposed to be a joke. What happened?”

“The bastard took another shot at me.”

Her eyes widened with fright and she cupped the side of his
face, holding him still. “Are you wounded?”

“Just a scratch.”

She scanned him, stopping at the blood trickling down his
arm. Her skin paled. “That is not a scratch. Put me down.”

The interior stairwell was a pretty safe spot so he
complied. He kept a grip on her upper arm to make sure she didn’t do anything
crazy like try to leave.

His restraint wasn’t needed. Tiana tucked the blanket around
herself sarong-style and narrowed her eyes at the bleeding shoulder before
gently examining him from head to toes, turning him and patting carefully. He
held still, giving her all the reassurance she needed.

“I’m going to tend your wound as soon as you call 9-1-1.”

He didn’t instantly comply. “There’s no need, Duncan would
have called the second he heard the shot.”

She crossed her arms and glared at him. “Start dialing.”

Liam started to shrug. His wound protested so he eased the
raised shoulder back to level and called.

“9-1-1. What’s your emergency?” Doreen, Mavis’ cousin

“This is Liam Sterling. Someone took a shot at me.”

“Again?” Doreen gasped.

“Yes. Two, maybe three minutes ago.”

“Are you injured?”

“It’s just a scratch.”

“Did you see the shooter?”


“Ambushed you, huh?” Doreen huffed.

“Yeah, let Stu know, okay?”

“Don’t hang up,” Doreen wailed.

Call waiting buzzed in Liam’s ear. “Why not?”

“I’m supposed to keep the injured victim on the phone until
help arrives.”

“Tell Stu I fainted from the excitement.” Liam ended the

Tiana tugged his good arm. “Where do you keep first-aid

“The master bath.”

She led him back upstairs and didn’t say another word until
she’d gently cleaned the injury. “You should have stitches.”

“Don’t need them. Scars make a guy hot.” He peered at her
over his glasses, challenging her to contradict him.

“Uh-uh.” She lined up antiseptic and narrow butterfly

The disinfectant she poured over his broken skin stung like
hell. She patted the area dry with gauze then carefully applied the prepared
adhesive. Satisfied with her work so far, she covered the closed gash with a
sterile pad and taped the bandage neatly in place. Tiana playing nurse damn
near made getting shot worthwhile.

“I’m all better now.”

She sniffed, plainly not buying it.

Not that he would admit it, but the scraped shoulder did
hurt, just not enough to slow him down. He remembered the call he’d missed, and
redialed Jacques.

The chief of security answered on the first ring. “Thank
God, I tried to reach you.”

“I was on the phone. Something wrong with the landline?”


“Great.” Liam cocked his head and registered the heat pump’s
quiet hum was missing. “We’re running on backup power.”

“Everyone okay?”

“Tiana and I are both fine. The bastard fired at me from the
timber ridge and missed.”
If not for the flash of light I’d have an extra
big hole in my chest.

“Taylor’s not answering either. Is she there?”

“Not sure, I haven’t seen her since she left for dinner.”

“Duncan says she headed for the main house a good ten
minutes ago.” Jacques didn’t say that was way too fucking long. They both knew
the short trip took less time.

“I’ll check the house and call you back in ten.” Liam ended
the call and brushed a kiss over Tiana’s temple. “Don’t move.”

She gave him a jerky bob of agreement. “Be careful.”

A survey of the first floor took him less than five minutes,
including the time he used removing a shotgun from the gun cabinet and loading
it. He raced through the basement shop, laundry, storage and utility areas. All
empty. He called Jacques back. “No luck.”

“Okay, I’m going to ask Don to help. I want the team working
in pairs. I’ll call when I have something to report.”

“Watch yourself out there, pal.”

“Always do.”

Liam spent a few minutes more making sure the diesel
generator equipment had enough fuel. Next he used the security panel to close
the house’s automated shutters.

Tiana waited for him on the main staircase. She’d replaced
the quilt with clean jeans and a top and pulled her hair into a ponytail. As
soon as she saw him, she stood and her face glowed with happy relief.

He had family, he had friends. But no one else lit up like
Fourth of July fireworks from just a glimpse of him.

“I was worried.”

He parked the weapon and cuddled her close, inhaling her
sweetness, needing her familiar scent to reassure him she was alive and well.
“I’m fine.”

“You were shot. That’s nowhere near fine.” Her small frame

“Truly, the bullet just grazed my shoulder—not a big deal.”

“Being fired at twice in one day is definitely a major
deal.” She pulled far enough away to frown at him. “Did you find Taylor?”

“No. The team is searching the grounds.”

“I hope she’s safe.”

Liam nodded, grimly aware the petite guard’s odds weren’t

“The power’s on.” She ran a soft hand over his chest.

“’Fraid not, we’re running on the backup generator.”

Tiana tipped her chin toward the shotgun. “You’re prepared
for anything.”

“Usually.” All his preparations hadn’t stopped the shooter
or kept Taylor safe.

What if Tiana had stepped out on the balcony with him? He
tightened his hold on her. The first notes from
Bad to the Bone
from his cell phone, ending his brooding. “That’s Jacques.”

Liam answered the call and skipped the preliminaries. “What
did you find?”

“I’m at the back door.”

Liam opened up for his chief of security.

“She’s alive, still unconscious. She must have been checking
the house perimeter. She fell by where the power was cut. I didn’t want her
moved, so Duncan and Jed stayed with her. An ambulance is on the way.” Jacques’
manner was brusque though he was too kind to say he’d warned him.

“Thank, pal.”

Tiana gasped behind him and Liam remembered his manners.
“This is Jacques St. Cyr, chief of security for Sterling Enterprises.”

She held out her hand. “Pleased to meet you and very sorry
to be the cause of so much trouble.”

“Not your fault somebody is taking aim at the boss.” The
security chief turned to Liam. “I gave the police chief a heads-up on the
latest shooting.”

“Good thinking.” A painful awareness the petite guard who’d
bounced out of the house to grab some dinner might never bounce anywhere again
tightened Liam’s gut. Risking his neck was one thing, letting his people step
into harm’s way was much harder.

Jacques excused himself to take a call. A few minutes later,
he rejoined them in the kitchen. “That was Willis, half of the team shadowing
Travis. He borrowed his sister’s Jeep and took off through the woods an hour
ago. Luke is following on a dirt bike.”

“Damn it, we need proof,” Liam growled.

“Working on it, boss.”

A wail of sirens grew louder as they neared the ranch.

“Make sure they take care of Taylor first.”

“I’m on it. I’ll give you an update as soon as possible.”
Jacques left.

“What can I do to help?” Tiana peered at him worriedly.

“Give me a hug.”

She wrapped her slender arms around him good and tight. For
a long moment he closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet scent. The house was
secure, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the rifle slug buried in the wall a
couple yards from where Tiana had been sleeping. Beating the hell out of
whoever had recklessly endangered her life would make him feel a lot better.
Protecting Tiana was more important than stress relief, so he wouldn’t have the
satisfaction of taking his frustrations out of the bastard’s hide.

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