SimplyIrresistible (21 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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“Some people are accident prone.” Tiana knew she wouldn’t
change her friend’s mind, but she still needed to defend Liam.

“Also true,” Marcia agreed. “However Ashley isn’t one of
them. She was exceptionally well-coordinated in school. After she began seeing
Liam, she suffered a series of mishaps.”

Tiana wavered for a second until she remembered how gentle
Liam had been with her. “There are all kinds of possible explanations for her
injuries. Perhaps she was involved with more than one man.”

“Maybe she was, but I can read between the lines. You’ve
been hurt before. You can’t afford to take the risk he’s an abuser. Don’t fall
for him,” Marcia warned. “He’s not a safe choice.”

Tiana gently squeezed her new friend’s dimpled hand. “Love
is always a risk.”

“Love doesn’t help when you’re flat on the ground bleeding.”

“I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through that. I know how much
it hurts when the people who are supposed to take care of us betray that

Marcia raised wet green eyes. “Did your father…”

“No, my ex was a sadist. He taught me more than I ever
wanted to know about pain and abuse of trust.”

“How long were you together?”

Tiana had to think for a moment. “Almost three very long

“How did you escape?”

“In an ambulance.” Tiana squeaked out a shaky laugh.

An empathetic tear trickled between Marcia’s freckles. “What

“That’s the funny part. I don’t remember anything, not the
argument, being hurt or the medics. It’s all a blank wall. I woke up in the
hospital a week afterward. The docs said I might never remember. My therapist
said some memories are best buried.”

“The mind protecting itself,” Marcia muttered.

“Exactly. All I have is a memory gap. A slightly different
angle, a little more force…” Tiana rubbed away a sudden chill. ”I’m so
incredibly lucky to be alive and intact. Well, except for some recurring bouts
of paranoia, but no one is perfect.” For some reason this struck her as
hilarious and she started to giggle again.

Marcia joined in and soon they were clutching their sides
and gasping for breath.

The tension-relieving laughter faded and Marcia wiped her
eyes. “After everything you’ve been through, how can you choose to submit to
another Dom?”

Tiana took a few moments to consider the question she’d
asked herself a couple of thousand times. “It’s not so much a choice as how I’m
wired. I’m not going to let that bastard steal my sexuality.”

“I hear you.” Marcia’s voice sank. “I still struggle with
authority figure issues.”

Tiana wondered if Marcia had any idea how authoritative
Master Harvey was, but that wasn’t an issue she wanted or needed to address.
Instead she raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes in pretend shock. “You
don’t say.”

Soon after Marcia left, a knock on Tiana’s back door drew
her attention to where her brother and a rangy twenty-something man waited.

“Tiana this is Willis, he works for Liam,” Rob introduced
her to the man assigned to watch over her for the day. The idea of a bodyguard
seemed total overkill, but that was a conversation she needed to have with

She smiled at the young man. “Please give me a few minutes
to talk to Rob.”

Willis lowered his chin in assent. “I’ll wait outside.”

The second the door latched behind Willis, Rob said, “Liam
filled me in on the shootings. I don’t like it, but it helps he’s assigned
people to watch your back.”

“The shots were fired at Liam. No one tried to kill me.”

Rob narrowed his eyes. “Someone harassed the hell out you.
Why was Liam the one to tell me you had a stalker?”

“You already have too much to worry about.” Tiana changed
the subject. “Are you aware Jen lost ten pounds last month?”

Her brother’s jaw tightened. “No, but I’m not surprised.
She’s been sick as a mutt.”

“Perhaps you can go with her to the next doctor appointment.
Let me know what I can do to help, all right?” She patted his arm.

“Thanks, sis. I’m glad you love Jen too, but that doesn’t
excuse you keeping the hit and run and vandalism to yourself. Looking out for
each other goes both ways.”

The note of hurt in his voice tweaked her conscience. Rob
was bossy, but he always had her best interests at heart. “You’re right. I’m
sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Please be extra careful, especially when you’re
here. I don’t want you hurt because I’m a trouble magnet.”

“I can look after myself.” He tugged lightly on her braid.

As soon as Rob went back to work, Tiana grabbed her purse
and searched for her cell to call Jen. The smartphone’s designated pocket was
empty. She rummaged through the bag with no success. A memory of plugging the
cell in to charge while chatting with her sister-in-law earlier in Liam’s
office came back to her. She’d left the phone in the charger. The unintentional
carelessness brought home just how much Liam’s close call had shaken her.
Suddenly she wanted to talk to him far more than Jen.

* * * * *

Liam checked his watch for the tenth time since they’d
merged onto the freeway. Traffic crept along the length of the floating bridge.
He had twenty minutes before check-in with the doctor Pete had insisted he had
to see before Travis’ arraignment. As usual Pete earned his retainer; this time
by insisting on documenting anything that might be evidence.

Jacques was equally adamant on the subject of protection.
Liam couldn’t fault either friend for his professionalism. Their excellent
motives didn’t make him any happier about being away from Tiana for so long. On
top of the edginess from their separation, the feeling he’d missed something
important continued to haunt him. At least with Jacques doing the driving, Liam
was free to stare at his watch, play with his phone and brood.

Jed’s name flashed, announcing an incoming call.

Anxious for news about Taylor, Liam answered, “Hi, pal.
How’s our girl doing?”

“Much better, she’s being released today.”

One of Liam’s frayed threads of worry eased at the good
report. “Great. Does she need a private nurse? What can I do to help?”

“Already got it covered, boss. She needs a roommate for the
next twenty-four hours. The doc said if there’s no new problem she’ll be ready
for work tomorrow.”

“Best news I’ve had all day. Did you tell Duncan?”

“He’s next on the phone tree.”

“Excellent. Don’t worry about calling Jacques, he’s with

After Liam ended the call, Jacques asked, “Jed?”

“Yes, Taylor is being released from the hospital.”

The lines on the chief of security’s forehead smoothed.
“Thank God.”

“Jed says he has everything under control. Make sure one of
our people checks in on them anyway, okay?”

“Damn straight, it isn’t necessary, but follow-up is always
a good thing.”

Liam fired off a couple texts before giving in and dialing

The call went directly to voice mail. He skipped leaving a
message and tried Willis’ number. Her bodyguard didn’t pick up either. A few
seconds later Liam retried both cell numbers. This time he left the same
succinct message on both phones—call me.

He was ushered into an exam room at the clinic and had his
vitals taken. The doctor arrived soon after the nurse exited. A couple of
questions, three photos and tetanus booster later, the wound was professionally
documented and Liam was at the courthouse in time for the arraignment for
attempted murder.

Travis pled not guilty.

There was no satisfaction in hearing his plea. Liam
refrained from snorting. The judge set bail and Travis’ attorney handled the
bond. Pete and he left while Travis and his lawyers were still dealing with

Once outside, Liam said goodbye to Pete and retried Tiana’s
cell with no luck. Even while he told himself she was fine and there was some
logical explanation for why she wasn’t answering, worry tightened his chest.

The courthouse steps radiated the day’s heat. Liam loosened
his tie and collar before calling Jacques for a pickup. The sound of
approaching footfalls caught his attention. Thanks to quick reflexes he turned
in time to sidestep a meaty palm clutching at his sore shoulder.

Apparently satisfied with Liam’s attention, Travis dropped
his hand. “Fucking shame whoever took a shot at you failed to put a hole in
your black heart. I saw you hand your single-tail to Ray and walk away from
Ashley while she begged you to finish her. You deserve to die for that. The
world would be a better place without your ugly ass.”

“Listen, pal, I never did anything to your sister that
wasn’t consensual, except leave her.” Liam sighed and stepped back.

The other man squared his shoulders. “Fuck you, Sterling.”

“If I had a sister, I might well feel the same way. Go home
and work this out with your shrink or your sister, before you wind up in real

Travis’ attorney hurried toward them, suit jacket flapping
behind him like a pair of boneless wings. He caught up with his client and
tugged on his arm.

“This isn’t over, Sterling,” Travis called as he left.

Jacques suddenly appeared at Liam’s elbow without having
broken a sweat. “Ready to go?”

Liam gave him a clipped nod as his cell lit up with an
unknown caller. Normally he ignored unfamiliar numbers. On an impulse he picked
up and barked, “Yes?”


His heart stuttered with relief at Tiana’s sweet voice.
“Yes, it’s me. I tried your cell a couple of times. Where are you?”

“I’m at the house. I plugged my phone in to charge at the
ranch and forgot it.”

“Willis didn’t answer either,” he grumbled.

“He stopped by a moment ago. I’m certain he’s fine.”

“I wasn’t worried about his well-being.” He sure as hell
shouldn’t be freaking out when she didn’t pick up the phone either.

She laughed at his grousing and he couldn’t help being

“I’m perfectly all right,” Tiana assured him solemnly. “What
are you doing?”

“Just leaving the courthouse. Travis pled not guilty and was
released on bail.”

“I can’t believe they let him go after he tried to kill

Her voice rose in indignant alarm, giving him an illicit
thrill. “The only part of shooting me the hothead regrets is missing.”

“He admitted that in court?”

“Not exactly, we exchanged a few words afterward. Don’t
worry about him. The last time I saw Travis, his attorney had him safely in

“You talked to the man who tried to kill you?”

“Hot air, nothing more. How was brunch?”

The answering silence coming over the airwaves spoke
volumes. Finally she said, “Delicious. Don’t try to sidetrack me. Are you all


“Liar, I bet your shoulder hurts like crazy.”

Now that she mentioned it, his shoulder ached like a mother.
“Did you tell Marcia about the shooting?”

“I didn’t have a choice. She’d already heard Travis was

“Let me guess. Marcia said I had it coming.”

“She said no such thing. She is concerned I’m getting too
involved with you too fast.” Tiana’s voice sank.

Liam hated the doubt under her words. “Did Marcia offer more


Wariness underscored her single-word answer, meaning worse
news ahead. One brunch with Marcia and he was right back to square one with
Tiana. His jaw clenched and threatened to spasm from holding back a roar of
frustration. He kept his voice low and mild. “Marcia has trust issues, no doubt
with good cause. But you aren’t Marcia. You know I would never hurt you. I
didn’t freak out when Travis shot me—damn persuasive evidence I control my
temper. So I deserve a presumption of innocence, right?”

“You would make a good politician.”

He pictured her slow, tentative smile and risked teasing,
“Was that a slam?”

“Definitely not.”

“Glad to hear it.”

After Liam ended the call, Jacques cleared his throat. “You
got it bad, boss.”

Liam held up a palm. “Don’t go there.”

“Why not, you want to live in denial?”

Liam didn’t bother answering. Sure, he cared about Tiana. A
good Dom was always protective of his submissive. But this was still a
temporary relationship, once she was safe and had her confidence back he would
let her go, because she deserved better than a Master who couldn’t give her his

Every single item on his short to-do list took much longer
than he’d planned. The quick stop by the office lasted more than two hours.

They were on the way home when Cam called. “Hey, bro. I’ve
got an awesome idea for a new kind of service package.”

For the duration of Cam’s explanation about the next
generation of cloud memory and building an original intuitive data platform,
worrying about Tiana took a backseat. Affectionate pride in his baby brother’s
brilliance filled his heart while he listened to concepts he grasped only in the
roughest terms. “How will you get subscribers?”

His practical question led to a more rambling clarification,
this time on viral marketing. Liam understood the basics of grassroots campaign
strategy, although he didn’t have the faintest idea how the actual phenomenon

“Last time I checked, I already had fifty thousand paid
members with more joining every minute—a fair start for a twelve-day-old
business. Things are happening so fast this is the first chance I’ve had to

“Impressive as hell. Congratulations.” The full impact of
his brother’s achievement sank in along with some concerns. Cam was scary
smart, but he was still a teenager. How would he handle the kind of pressure
instant money entailed? “Have you brought Kyle on board?”

“Not yet.”

“Do it. Call Pete too. He’s practically family. Between the
two of them they will keep you out of trouble until you have a management team
in place.”

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