SimplyIrresistible (9 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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His dark eyes lit up and the grin she hadn’t seen nearly
often enough spread, rearranging his harsh features. “Tiana.”

He was myopic—the man told her he was nearsighted. She
sighed with relief. “Sorry if I startled you.”

“Don’t apologize. Did I scare you? Are you okay? ” He
stepped closer and carefully grasped her arm.

He made soothing circles on the inner side of her elbow. His
touch was warm and tingly and somehow very comforting.

“I didn’t hear you come in, so yes you startled me. Then I
remembered you’re a little nearsighted. I’m fine. You have amazing horses.”

I really ought to start with someone a tiny bit less
Even as she worked through all the list of reasons why
it would be smart to stay far away from Liam, his scent, a complex blend with a
hint of sandalwood and heaps of devastating male, teased her nose. She wanted
to breathe deeper and press closer.

Master Large and In-charge set off all warning bells. At the
same time, the man made her long for nice, not-quite-normal things she’d never
had, like frequent helpings of hot, commanding sex with a generous side of

“Ozzie is pretty special.” Pride and fondness tinged his

“Is that the bay in the paddock?”

“Yeah, he’s pretty smart, though he doesn’t know anything
about dressage.”

“Of course not, why would he?” Skittish as a filly scenting
a stallion, she tugged her arm free and tucked her hands into her pockets.
“Where’s everyone?”

“Around. Don’s supposed to be clearing brush, but I haven’t
heard the cutter for a while. He’s a good old boy who likes horses a lot better
than he does people and takes care of the hayburners. He has his own apartment
over the garage. It’s a rare day when I see him.”

“He seemed friendly enough when I met him.”

“Damn, the old bastard can sniff out a beautiful woman a
mile away.”

Tiana’s cheeks warmed at the offhand compliment. “I doubt he
noticed me. He was too busy flirting with your housekeeper, until he had to

“I stopped to help Duncan with a fence problem. Guess I lost
track of time. Were you worried I’d forgotten you?”

“No. I’m glad I came early. It gave me a chance to chat with
Lynda.” She surreptitiously wiped damp palms on her jeans.

“Nervous about being alone with me?”

He was big, strong and dominant so yes, of course he made
her nervous. But she wasn’t going to give her fear extra power by wallowing in
it. The things that scared her most about Liam—his intensity, his aggression
and his control—were also the things that attracted her on a pulse-pounding
level. Her nipples puckered into rigid points of need. Her sex ached and wept
for his possession. The very strength of her reaction to him gave her qualms.
She’d been attracted to Richard too and she’d spent more time with him before
meeting him outside the club. Still her poor judgment had almost gotten her
killed. She squared her shoulders. She hadn’t fought so hard to survive in
order to spend the rest of her life cowering in terror.

“A little.” To her irritation, the too-honest response
slipped from her lips.

“You’re safe with me. I promise.”

Strangely, she nearly believed him. Yet her stomach fluttered
with a heady mix of excitement and trepidation.

“Ready to ride?”

Her gaze darted back toward the magnificent stallion.
Unconsciously she flexed her hands, limbering the stiffened palms. The thrill
of riding Ozzie made her pulse race. Was he serious? Wow, what a compliment!
“Oh yes, please.”

“Not Ozzie. Not until you’re a hundred percent.”

She stared at the powerful chestnut, unable to look away.
Liam was right of course, she had no business coveting a ride on his stallion.
Still she almost felt the wild magic of flying over the ground atop the
magnificent horse.

Liam caught her chin and gently turned her, compelling her
to look at him.

Her gaze met his for a heartbeat. She dropped her lashes,
unable to face the raw emotions in his eyes. All the moisture in her body
seemed to have rushed to flood her pussy, leaving her parched. She licked
suddenly dry lips and darted a peek at his made-for-sin mouth.

Perhaps he’d moved nearer, or she’d leaned closer, because
now his hard chest was only a breath away from her swollen breasts. Dear God,
he smelled delicious. She opened her mouth to say something. What had they been
talking about? Her thoughts scattered like summer raindrops.

A whimper of sheer erotic need escaped her throat.

Liam dipped his knees and slid a hand around to cup her

No one else had touched her with desire for so long. She
wanted more of his hot kisses. Wanted to please him. Wanted everything.

She trembled in his hold, more eager for his touch than even
riding the stallion. A part of her noted her total absence of fear and cheered
for the milestone. Most of her simply yearned for Liam’s approval—his touch.
She inhaled clean sweat, savoring the trace of spice and the underlying pure
male fragrance—the essence of Liam. For an endless moment she vibrated with the
sweet burn of sensual hunger.

“Don’t move.”

Against his orders, she shivered and swayed infinitely
closer to him, helpless to hold steady.

Liam didn’t scold. He tightened his hold on her neck and
firmly tugged her nearer, erasing her fear of transgression.

Time slowed until a single heartbeat lasted forever as she
waited, barely breathing, to serve him. Finally a petal-soft brush of hot silk
scorched her lips. She balanced on the delicious edge—caught between fear and

“I want you to submit to me, just like we were at the
Crucible. Do you understand?”

She kept her gaze lowered. “Sexually?”

“Absolutely, some folks live a D/s relationship 24/7, but
that’s not how I roll. We’re equals. Except when we’re having sex in any form
then I own you. I expect you to follow my commands without exception or accept
the consequences.”

“What if I can’t?” Her voice caught, betraying her biggest

He brushed a thumb across her mouth, outlining her lips.
“You will use your safeword. I expect you to use nymph when you first become
aware of the problem. Dragonfly is for emergencies. Are we clear?”

Tiana nibbled the rough pad teasing her lips.

He lowered his hand, caressing her neck and tracing her
collarbone as he corrected her. “You don’t initiate actions, you wait for my
command. One more thing, you do not come without permission. Still good?”

“Yes Sir.” She met his gaze and waited for permission to


“Yes, Master.”

He nodded.

“What if something…” She hesitated, searching for neutral
words to convey her concern then blurted, “Hurts, Sir?”

“We talked about this, remember?”

“I may have been a bit distracted, Master.” Her cheeks
heated as she recalled their first time at the Crucible.

“Fair enough. You can use either of your safewords at any
time. Say nymph when you’re uncertain and I will consider your concerns before
deciding whether or not to proceed. However, unless whatever I’m doing is
seriously injuring you, which should never happen, I want you to tolerate any
discomfort for a minimum of three minutes. Say dragonfly and I stop, period, no
exceptions. Clear?”

She let out stale air she’d held too long. “Yes Sir.”

“Good, I’m not going to hurt you. But you taste so sweet I
want more.” His words caressed her mouth with tiny puffs of warm air.

Me too
Her breaths grew fast and shallow. She
softened against him—a silent plea for possession.

He kissed her again, plunging into her mouth as if she
belonged to him.

For the moment she did, because she chose to gift him with
her submission.

Molten heat surrounded her. If the smooth wood of the tack
room hadn’t braced her back, she would have melted at his feet from just a
kiss. Dear God, Liam should teach a master class on kissing. When he tried to
pull away, she stretched and moved with him, coaxing him to stay with daring
nips and tiny sipping kisses.

“You’re killing me.” His words scraped past her ears, harsh
with passion, making her feel powerful and exciting and fiercely brave.

He began to straighten. She grabbed a handful of his shirt
to hold him in place and tilted her face, silently begging for another kiss.

“Greedy little pet.” His deep voice rumbled with wickedly
seductive amusement. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her level
with his head and held her in place as if she weighed no more than a sack of

Trapped between the wall and his hard body, she parted her
thighs and tilted her hips to cradle his erection. Every cell in her body
tightened with need. Her breasts swelled further, the nipples sharpened to achy
need and her clit developed its own urgent pulse. Hot honey rained from her
channel, soaking her panties.

He covered her mouth with his. Again.

Any doubts she might have dredged up would have burned away
under the influence of his drugging kisses. Caught between the rock-solid wood
and the proverbial hard, hard place that was Liam, she bloomed and softened for

Liam ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.
“You’re warm silk—the sexiest thing I’ve ever touched.”

A long moment later, he slid her down his rugged body past
the marvelous hardness of his erection. The hot length of his arousal tugged
the seam of her jeans against her engorged folds, making her squirm and whimper
with need.

He set her on her feet. Her jellified knees trembled. He gripped
her hip to keep her upright and used a rough thumb to gently trace her
sensitized lips.

“Is there something you want?”

Too tongue-tied to say so, she ached for his total
possession even more than release. Some part of her needed to please him. Given
what had happened with Richard, she wasn’t entirely sure if that hunger to be
dominated was sick or merely a little kinky. Perhaps it was wrong to want a
strong man to take charge of her pleasure. She’d paid dearly for the last time
she’d let a man close enough to touch her intimately.

Her instincts said she could trust Liam.
Am I brave
enough to listen?

“If it’s too hard to tell me what you want,” his voice
deepened, “how ’bout I guess and you nod if I’m right?”

She managed the barest tilt of her head, certain she’d
combust on the spot if she made any sudden moves.

“I think you need to come.” He began unbuttoning her shirt.
“Nod if I’m right.”

Did I nod? God, I hope so
She bobbed her head
again just in case. Passion constricted her chest, forcing her to breathe in
shallow pants.

“That’s my brave girl. I’m going to take care of you.”

He captured her lips with his. She automatically parted for
him and his tongue filled her mouth. His devastating kiss stole her breath and
scattered her thoughts. She opened wider and softened to accommodate his
invasion. She swallowed, intoxicated by his scent, his flavor and his power.
She wound her arms around his neck, anchoring herself to his strength.

Without breaking the kiss, he cupped her small breasts and
pressed one hard thigh between her legs. His wonderful rough thumbs circled her
areolas through her thin top until the tips were so tight they hurt. He lightly
pinched one nipple and sucked on the other rigid tip.

Each pull of his mouth shot a jolt of need straight to her

She arched closer, encouraging him to feast. He tenderly
nipped the tight bud he’d tormented.

He lifted his head and nibbled on her kiss-stung lips,
making her moan. Even better, his talented mouth moved to the tender underside
of her jaw and trailed hot, moist kisses south. The damp caresses traced the
curve of her small breast.

She held her breath.

At last, he sucked the neglected nipple hard against the
roof of his mouth right through her thin cami.

She jerked—a wordless spasm of desperate need. It had been
so long. A stale breath rasped from her throat and she gulped air rich with
clean, safe barn smells and the highly addictive essence of Liam.

“Shh, I’ve got you.” He used his thumb and index finger to
tease her pebbled nipple beneath the thin, wet cotton and returned to suckling
the other needy peak.

She bucked against the hard length of his thigh. Her jeans
seam pressed against her slippery channel with not quite enough friction. She
rubbed on his leg—near mindless with desire—so very close to the release she

“Not yet.” He pulled his leg away. “You don’t have
permission and I want to feel it the first time you come for me.”

A whimper escaped her lips. She started to close her
quivering thighs.

“Don’t move.” His gravelly voice rippled through her in
sensual waves.

The harsh warning in his Master voice pushed her on-button
without mercy. Fresh excitement flooded her already soaked panties and her
empty cunt ached.

He unbuckled her belt and unfastened her tight jeans with
smooth expertise, his rough fingers slid under her panties. A sigh of relief
escaped her lips as he cupped her mound with exactly the right amount of
firmness. The heel of his palm pressed the top of her slit and two fingers
scissored deep inside, stretching her core and rasping over her G-spot. “You’re
so fucking tight and hot and wet for me. Go ahead and ride my hand. Show me how
beautiful you are when you come.”

Perhaps she nodded again, perhaps not. Her breath caught and
her whole body bucked against him once, twice, and the third time she shattered
into a million points of light. She opened her mouth to scream as an
unstoppable orgasm roared through her in waves of ecstasy.

Liam covered her mouth with his, swallowing her lusty cries
as she came and came and came.

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