SimplyIrresistible (20 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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“Uh-huh, I invited Marcia for brunch.”

“Give her a call, tell her something came up.” He crossed
his legs, calling her attention to the bulge barely contained by his boxers.

Tiana stepped into clean white jeans and pulled on a fresh
top. “I most certainly will not. In case you hadn’t noticed Sterling Falls is a
small town. I’m new here. You’re an eligible man with his own fan base. I don’t
expect you to understand, but it’s important for me to pull my weight in this

“I don’t think Marcia is the kind of woman who’d shred your
good standing for kicks. If I’m wrong you don’t need her for a friend.”

She exhaled a deliver-me-from-dense-men sigh. “I’m not
worried about Marcia gossiping. It’s more about me not breaking a commitment.”

“Got it, guess you have to brazen out being the town hussy.”

“You’re not being at all helpful.” Her chin puckered.

He wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. “Don’t cry,

She sniffed. “I’m not crying and I’m not ashamed to be with
you. But there’s going to be enough talk with Travis in jail without announcing
I’m sleeping with you.” She tugged against his embrace and he instantly
released her. “Dear God, I’m a monster worrying about my reputation. Let go of
me, you’ll hurt your shoulder.”

“My shoulder is fine.” Liam winced.

“Liar.” She put a palm against his forehead. “There’s no
sign of a fever. Hold on a moment while I get you aspirin and water.”

As soon as he’d swallowed the pain relievers she backed out
of reach. “I need to change the dressing. Give me a minute to round up

She returned with an armload. “This should take care of
everything.” After he was re-bandaged, she stashed the leftover material.
“Anything else you want before I go?”

“Coffee would be great.”

“Of course, I’ll make some right away.” After that there
would be no good reason left for her to stay at all. Yet even with all the
trouble she’d caused, he hadn’t suggested she leave. Did this mean he was
thinking about a long-term relationship?
Down, girl.
He hadn’t rushed to
make any romantic declarations. He’d been shot because of her. Now wasn’t the
time to get all dewy-eyed.

He straightened and grabbed a clean pair of jeans. “Forget
it. I know how to make my own damn coffee. You need to get home. There’s quiche
in the freezer, cleverly labeled quiche. Grab one for your brunch. Give me two
seconds and I’ll drive you.”

“I’m not stealing your breakfast. I should be taking care of
you.” Liam had been amazing and here she was running away when he needed her

“Wrong.” He scowled at her. “I take care of you always.”

She knew she was reading too much into everything he said
and did, but her silly heart beat faster at his fierce expression and the
implied commitment in “always”.

Liam picked up his cell and called. “I’m taking Tiana home.”
He paused and added, “Thanks, right away.” He pocketed the phone, snagged his
watch and snapped it on with a pointed look at the dial. “We need to move.
Lynda will be here in a few minutes and insist on feeding us.”

Based on his Dom tone and his stony expression, any further
arguing was pointless. She smoothed the soft cotton covering his thick chest.
“Thank you.”

“Don’t forget the quiche.” He spoke gruffly, but the skin by
the corners of his eyes crinkled, softening his harsh features.

His housekeeper arrived and pulled into the parking strip in
back of the house as they escaped out the front. Liam started the SUV and
rolled down the driveway. The short trip to Tiana’s place passed in silence
while she stared at the passing forest and daydreamed about forever.

“After you’re settled in I’m going to leave.”

“Of course, there’s your business to run. Don’t worry, I’m
fine.” She kept her face averted, not wanting him to see the disappointment
pooling in her eyes.
Did I really think a few rounds of stupendous sex
equaled true love and commitment?

He ignored her protest. “I’m driving you. Willis is
following. He’s going to make sure you’re protected.”

She darted a glance at the extended-cab truck behind them
and swallowed the lump in her throat. “Is a guard necessary?”

“Humor me.”

The coaxing note in his voice was even harder to resist than
his Master tone. “This is a temporary arrangement, right?”

“Not necessarily.” Liam lowered his sunglasses to smolder at
her. “When is brunch going to be finished?”

“I’m not certain, probably between one and two.”

“Willis will bring you home.”

“I can drive myself.”

“True, but I want you with me.” He gave her a searing glance
over the top of his glasses. “If I can’t be with you, then my team will keep
you safe.”

Tiana’s heart stuttered to a full gallop. “All right then.”

Liam slowed, making the turn into Tiana’s driveway. Rob’s
truck reminded her of Jen’s troubles. A glance at the dashboard clock said she
had at least a half hour to start brunch and discuss how she could help ease
the strain on her brother and Jen. Before Liam opened her door, a red
convertible parked behind them.

Seconds later the sporty car’s driver raised oversized
sunglasses, pushing them atop her sleek pageboy. Marcia had on a cute sundress
and adorable sandals. A hot-pink clutch matching her pedi was tucked under the
same arm holding a pastry sack.

Tiana was way underdressed. She snapped her jaw shut and
arranged her face into a welcoming smile.


Sunglasses firmly back in place, Liam dipped his chin in
toward Marcia and Tiana. “Later.”

The fine hairs on the back of his neck stayed flat. He
scanned the area without encountering any weird flashes of light. Nothing
triggered the sense of being watched. Still he wasn’t taking chances with
Tiana’s safety. He ambled toward the stable and the roar of power tools.

One of the crew must have alerted the boss he was needed,
because Rob rolled up the plans he’d been studying and spoke to a burly guy
running a jigsaw.

Tiana’s brother approached. On the surface there was no
family resemblance between the raw-boned construction boss and Liam’s elegant
pet. As Rob drew closer, whiskey-colored eyes shaded by the same ridiculously
thick lashes held his gaze.

Rob met Liam before he’d made it ten feet inside the hardhat
zone and led the way to a picnic table beneath the shade of an old-growth maple
far enough away from the worksite to allow for private conversation. He popped
the top off a cooler, took out a soft drink and looked a question at Liam.

“Cola if it’s handy.”

An ice-cold can slid across the rough wood. Liam caught it
and pulled the tab. He guzzled half the contents, appreciating the instant
sugar and caffeine buzz.

Rob removed his hardhat and set down his drink. “What’s up?”

“Had some excitement over the weekend.” Liam filled in with
the shots fired and Travis’ arrest. He omitted the details, which belonged to
only Tiana and him.

Her brother narrowed his eyes at Liam’s account even with
the censoring personal information. “They’ve got Travis locked up, right?”

“Yes.” Liam speared his fingers through his short hair.

“So what’s the problem—did they catch the wrong guy?”

“A rifle with a scope attached was in the Jeep he’d driven
at the time of arrest.”

“A smoking weapon is pretty damn conclusive.”

Liam shrugged. “True enough. I’m having a hard time
believing the pattern of escalating violence is unrelated.”

“Pattern?” Rob’s eyebrows beetled together.

Fuck, he should have talked to Tiana before he brought up
the other incidents with her brother. Liam nodded. “She didn’t tell you about
the hit and run?”


Okay, Tiana is going to be pissed, but Rob needs to know
what happened if he’s helping keep her safe.
“Or the vandalism to her

Rob’s mouth tightened into a slash. “Must have slipped her

“Probably didn’t want to worry you.”

“Right. I take it you know this Travis. Has he been ruled
out for the hit and run?”

“Not exactly,” Liam hedged.

“What makes you think he’s not behind the crash and truck

“Doesn’t seem like his style.”

Rob studied the landscape for a couple of beats. “How well
do you know him?”

“Well enough.”

“The shootings might not be connected to Tiana.”

“True.” Liam paused, considering his words. “Both shots were
aimed at me. However, the earlier incidents were designed to frighten Tiana.
Maybe I’m paranoid and the earlier vandalism isn’t related. Be that as it may,
I’m not taking any chances with her safety.”

“Same goes. So what do you need from me?”

“Your cooperation and access to your sister.”

“You’ve got it.”

Liam shook the hand Rob offered. “I’m going to ask Duncan,
who’s head of the ranch’s security to coordinate with you whenever Tiana’s
here. If for any reason, Duncan isn’t available then you’ll work with his boss
Jacques. He’s the chief of security for Sterling Enterprises.”

Her brother nodded.

Liam dialed. “Have Willis come over to the picnic table on
the west side of the barn. I want him to meet Rob, Tiana’s brother.”

Rob’s eyebrows rose. “You have my sister under


“Since when?”

“After the tailgater crashed into her rig twice.”

“I’ll pay for the security coverage.” Her brother rubbed his

“Not happening.”

Rob straightened and slapped the table. “She’s my sister.”

Liam didn’t blink. “Tiana is mine to protect.” He swallowed
too late to stop the possessive growl. “I haven’t had a chance to tell her how
I feel so I’d appreciate you not mentioning this conversation.”

“Gotcha. I’m married to a hundred and ten pounds of the
sweetest woman on earth and I’d rather fight a pack of MMA contenders than have
her mad at me.”

“Thanks, pal.” Liam stood as a long, lanky man dressed like
a ranch hand strode out of the woods.

When he came within reaching distance he held out a palm to
shake. “Duncan sent me. I’m Willis.”

The new team member had a good, firm grip. Liam introduced
him to Tiana’s brother then angled toward Rob. “Don’t worry about your sister.
She’s covered. We’ll talk soon.”

“I’m counting on it.”

Liam nodded to Rob then focused on Willis. “I need your cell

The newly assigned bodyguard promptly recited the
information. Liam keyed the data into his phone. “Keep her safe and stay sharp,

“Always do.” Willis melted back into the shadows.

Seconds later, Liam couldn’t pick him out from the foliage.
He still didn’t want to leave Tiana, but Willis’ quiet manner reassured him she
was well-protected. He swung through town, stopping by the police station.

Stu had the phone glued to his ear and waved for him to take
a seat. The chief’s end of the conversation was mainly grunts. He covered the
receiver with a meaty palm. “Want coffee?”


“Bring Liam a cup of Joe,” Stu yelled.

Mavis gave an audible humph, but appeared with a sturdy,
steaming mug. “Black is all we have.”

“Perfect. Thanks.” Liam accepted the coffee and sipped the
surprisingly rich brew.

Stu hung up and scratched his neck. “That was Mike over at
the county courthouse. Travis has been arraigned and released on bond.”


“Yeah, I agree, but the ballistics analysis could take a
week. He lawyered up right away. His attorney pressured the judge for a
hearing. They can’t hold him without hard evidence. He doesn’t have a record,
isn’t considered a flight risk and has plenty of money so making bail was a

Travis’ release wasn’t a shock. Still Liam clamped his jaw
to keep from screaming in frustration and gripped the chair’s arms to stop from
running back to Tiana’s, scooping her up, hauling her home and keeping her
there. Too bad kidnapping and bondage were illegal without consent.

“Do you still want my statement?”

“Damn straight, Tiana’s too. I expected her to be with you.”

“I’ll make sure she stops by today.”

“Good. We both know the ballistics will match the slug I
pried out of your siding. Let’s see if his fancy lawyer can talk his way out of
matching bullets.” Stu flashed a tightened version of his winning grin.

“Meanwhile, I’ll watch my back and Tiana’s.”
And call
Pete the first chance I have

“Good plan.” Stu met his eyes. “Ready to get the statement
out of the way?”

Liam dipped his chin.

The police chief began recording. “This is Stuart Campbell,
Sterling Falls’ Chief of Police on Monday, August 11…” Stu continued
establishing time and place then turned his face toward Liam. “Please state
your name and address for the record.”

After officially filing his recollection of the events, Liam
climbed back into his rig, clicked on the hands-free phone and called his
attorney. He spent the next ten minutes bringing Pete up to speed on the
tailgating, vandalism, shootings and Travis’ arrest.

The rest of the trip home Liam coordinated with Willis,
ensuring Tiana stopped by the station to see Stu before three. Once back at the
ranch he slipped into the house for a wardrobe upgrade.

A quarter of an hour later Liam headed for the office. A
familiar Land Rover followed him down the hill. Plainly, his chief of security
had decided not to wait for Liam’s approval to start playing bodyguard. He bit
back a grin at Jacques’ typical disregard for following orders. Maybe he’d save
gas by agreeing to carpool.

Chapter Twelve


Tiana pasted on a smile and approached Marcia with the
still-frozen quiche cradled in her arms. “You’re early.”

Marcia followed her to the front porch. “I got here early,
expecting to help you win a battle involving major appliances. So what’s going
on with you and your neighbor?”

Tiana fumbled the house keys from her purse, finally
unlocking the door while she raced through possible explanations until she hit
on a partial truth. She scurried toward the kitchen, keeping her too-expressive
face averted. “He was kind enough to loan me a quiche for brunch.”

“I didn’t realize the two of you were on breakfast borrowing

Tiana ignored the disapproval frosting Marcia’s words, set
the dish on the counter and pulled a couple of glasses from a cupboard. ”Would
you like a mimosa?”

“Yes please and you really are the world’s worst liar.”

Fresh heat singed Tiana’s face. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not stupid. Pastry dishes don’t require the donor to
provide door-to-door delivery service. I know Travis was arrested. Plus, you’re
as nervous as an
Iron Chef
finalist before the final round. Tell me
what’s going on now.”

Tiana automatically flinched at Marcia’s angry tone.

“Oh hon, you’re safe. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Marcia’s
lovely eyes widened with concern.

“I’m fine. You just startled me. Liam has been nothing but
kind even though he was shot at because of me.”

“What makes you think you’re the cause of the incidents?”

Tiana took a deep, calming breath and let it out slowly. “I
don’t know where to start.”

“Take your time.” Marcia set the oven to warm and popped in
the quiche.

“A few weeks before I moved here whenever I left the
apartment, I had the feeling I was being watched.”

“I hate that.”

Tiana nodded. “Me too. At first I thought it was recurring
PTS stuff from all the drama with my ex. I even called my therapist. She said
bouts of baseless paranoia and panic attacks are all too common among abuse

“So you wrote it off as normal for you.” Marcia squeezed
Tiana’s shoulder.

“Exactly, but then someone crashed into my truck.”

Marcia’s jaw dropped. “While you were driving?”

“Yes, he rammed me twice actually.”

“Oh my God, you must have been terrified.”

“Pretty shaken up,” Tiana agreed as she pulled out chilled
champagne and mixed a pitcher of orange juice then poured their drinks into a
couple of tall wineglasses. The mimosa kept her hands occupied while she filled
in the background details of the vandalism and shootings. After telling Marcia
about the escalating violence, she actually felt lighter.

Normally she would’ve gone to Jen. She loved her like the
sister she’d never had. But she couldn’t burden her about the scary stuff. Jen
was having a rough pregnancy already. She certainly didn’t need the extra
stress. Plus, she was married to Rob. Tiana dearly loved her brother too. She
even appreciated his overbearing protectiveness on occasion. However in this
instance, her big brother trying to manage the threat would only turn a
complicated situation into an epic disaster.

Marcia absorbed the entire scary tale and gave Tiana a
fierce hug. “Liam is right about one thing. None of this is your fault. Crazy
people have their own twisted logic. Travis has always had a mean streak. He’s
never liked Liam. Since he broke up with Ashley, she and her brother have been
looking for trouble.”

Of course, it made perfect sense for Travis to be upset over
Liam rejecting his sister. Ashley had to be ten times more furious. Was anyone
investigating her? “I agree Travis is the obvious candidate, but if he’s the
one who shot at Liam, then there’s another maniac running around wrecking my

“How can you be sure Travis didn’t hit your ride?”

“We ran into him the same evening. He was driving an
Escalade. A Jeep rammed me. I suppose it’s possible for him to have switched
cars.” Tiana frowned. “But when the tailgater showed up I hadn’t met Liam or
Travis. What possible motive could he have for crashing into me?”

Marcia peered at the stove, scrutinizing the controls. “Good
point. I’m going to need caffeine and sugar before I try to understand this.
Did you happen to score any of Lynda’s almond croissants?”

“Sorry, just the quiche.”

“No worries, hon. I brought pastry. Brunch is going to be
excellent. Lynda is sheer magic in the kitchen. I’ve tried to hire her away
from the Sterlings more than once, but the woman is as loyal as she is gifted.”

“How do you know she’s such a great cook?”

Marcia slid the dish into the oven. “Do I detect a note of

“Of course not, I’m just curious,” Tiana lied and busied
herself refilling glasses.

“Uh-huh. Lynda contributes to potlucks, box lunches and bake
sales—whatever fundraisers the local charities are holding. Harvey was kind
enough to share his winning bid for one of her dinners last year.” Marcia’s
cheek darkened to a pretty coral.

“Ashley’s Harvey?” A fragment of a scene at the Crucible
flickered through her mind’s eye. Harvey had been stripped to the leather
pants, powerful chest gleaming with sweat as he set down the innocent-looking
cane he’d been using on his pretty slave’s furiously red bottom to switch to a
genital flogger. Her palms grew clammy at the memory. She carefully put away
the pitcher of mimosas before she dropped it.

“I haven’t seen a ring through his nose yet.” Marcia’s tone
was tarter than the mimosa she paused to sip.

Tiana banished the disturbingly erotic scene from her head
to concentrate on her friend. She cautiously asked, “What happened between you
and Harvey? Were there sparks?”

“A raging inferno on my side.” Marcia sipped her drink.

Tiana swallowed a sigh of relief. In this case a one-sided
attraction was probably the best possible outcome. “I can’t believe he wasn’t
interested. What happened after dinner?”

“A sizzling kiss good night, a promise to call, then along
came Ashley.”

“Totally sucky.” Tiana frowned. “I don’t understand her
appeal. She’s gorgeous, if you like statuesque blondes, but she’s not a likable

“Apparently the men around here don’t agree. Breakfast will
be ready soon. Any chance I can get a cup of coffee?”

Still wondering what was so über-hot about Ashley, Tiana dug
out a French press, beans and a grinder. “Does everyone in this town drink

“Good thing for me, most do. Liam always orders iced mochas
at the café. How does he take his coffee at home?”

“I haven’t a clue. We didn’t have any.” Heat flared up
Tiana’s neck.

Marcia gave her a speculative look. “Not once all weekend?”

“Things were a bit hectic.” Tiana turned on the kettle and
ground beans. “Do you want cream or sugar in yours?”

“Both. Now quit stalling. Tell me everything that happened
with Liam. And don’t even think about leaving out the good parts.” She lifted
an elegantly arched eyebrow. “There are good parts?”

Tiana took a sip of her drink and nodded. “We went horseback
riding and talked. He’s a good listener. I wound up telling him things I’ve
never told my therapist.”

“Off to a marvelous start.” Marcia waved a hand, encouraging
Tiana to continue.

She omitted the X-rated barn experience. “He invited me to
stay for dinner. The man is a world-class kisser.”


“And he knows his way around a woman’s body.” She paused,
needing to clarify for herself more than Marcia. “It’s not just his moves or
any magic technique—it’s him.” Tiana’s cheeks warmed again.

“Did you spend the night?”

“No, he asked, but when I declined he accepted the refusal
like a gentleman.”

Marcia’s lips tightened.

Tiana kicked caution and manners to the curb. “Did Liam hurt

“Don’t be silly.” Marcia huffed.

“All right, then who did?”

“My stepfather was the first.” Marcia’s face crumpled and
her green eyes swam in welling tears.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, my dear. How old were you?”

“Nine, nearly ten.”

Tiana’s stomach rolled. She swallowed hard and covered
Marcia’s hand with hers. “All pedophiles should be castrated.”

“You’re pretty tough for a submissive. I like it.” Marcia
scrubbed away the wetness on her cheeks.

“How does everyone know my sexual preference?”

Marcia kept a straight face. “The invisible slave tattoo
gives you away every time.”

“Awesome.” Tiana rolled her eyes.

The coffee finished brewing. She rose and set up a tray.

“So you went home alone Friday night?” Marcia prompted.

Tiana went along with the change of subject. “Right. I met
you Saturday afternoon. Liam and the police chief were waiting for me when I
came home from your café.”

“Travis shot him here?” Marcia’s big green eyes grew even

“Yes, almost, he fired at Liam.”

“You’re not joking.” Her friend’s jaw loosened, leaving her
plump mouth agape.

“I wish I was. Fortunately, he missed.”

“The cops caught him.”

Tiana shook her head. “Not the first time.”

“Oh my God. You were shot at more than once?”

“No, he never fired at me. He tried to kill Liam.”

Marcia poured coffee, added cream and sugar then stirred.
“I’m beginning to see why you think more than one man might be involved.”

“The stalker gave up when I moved.”
I hope
Tiana gripped her daisy mug to keep from giving in to silly superstition and
knocking on the wooden table.

“Compared to the creep ramming your truck and smashing your
windows, Liam’s a white knight,” Marcia conceded.

Her new friend’s skepticism made Tiana a little indignant,
which made her realize how much she did trust Liam. She couldn’t pinpoint
exactly when she’d become totally certain he was safe. Maybe there wasn’t a
single instance. His surety, consideration and uncanny ability to read her had
been evident from their first meeting. He’d never given her cause to doubt him.
She’d been simply holding on to mistrust leftover from Richard, although Liam
hadn’t rushed to declare his undying love.

While she was positive Liam could be her perfect forever
Master, nothing she could say would convince Marcia he was trustworthy. Instead
of arguing Liam’s good points, she tried to lighten the discussion. “There are
compensations. The man is pure eye-candy.”

Marcia searched Tiana’s face. “I take it you inspected him
up close, personal and in great detail?”

“Some. Everything would’ve been more fun if Travis hadn’t
shot at him a second time.”
Actually I can’t imagine better sex

“You’re thinking about doing bad things with Liam, aren’t

“Not exactly.” He did awesome stuff. Even bad was beyond
good when Liam was in charge, which was all the time. “I’m a horrible person, I
almost forgot, one of his security people was ambushed. Last I heard she was
still in the hospital. She was struck down right before the power was cut.”

“I knew the Sterlings had money, but I didn’t realize the
ranch had a security staff. Although with everything that’s happened, I’m
surprised Liam left you here alone.”

“My brother Rob and the crew are working. Besides, Willis is
on duty.”

“Who’s Willis?”

“Part of the security team.”

“A personal bodyguard?”

“Uh, sort of, I guess.” Tiana squirmed at the interest in
Marcia’s eyes.

“Is he hot?”

Tiana giggled.

“Please forget I asked. That was totally tasteless.” Marcia
looked away. Color spots burned her cheeks.

Tiana sobered. Feeling horrid for making her new friend
uncomfortable, she tried to smooth her gaffe. “Don’t worry. Your mad baking
skills will keep you in demand no matter what you ask.”

When Marcia withdrew further, Tiana added, “I was teasing.
You weren’t rude, just curious. The truth is I haven’t met him.”

Marcia’s eyes sparkled with interest. “Good, then he’s fair
fantasy material.”

“Please don’t start. I’ll never be able to face the man.”

“You’re no fun.” Marcia sniffed. “Guess
I should count myself lucky Liam allowed you to meet me for brunch.”

“Speaking of food, I’m famished. Do you think the quiche is
ready yet?”

A timer buzzed before Marcia formed an answer. She turned
off the oven and removed the dish.

“Smells wonderful.”

Marcia set the dish on the stove top. “Server?”

“Second drawer down on your right.” Tiana set out plates and
placed flatware into quick linen twists.

“We’re not done discussing Liam. He’s a good man in most
respects, but this doesn’t make him safe for you. Some women enjoy being hurt,
you know?”

“Of course, being involved with an abusive Dom didn’t make
me clueless.” Tiana kept her voice mild, knowing the other woman only wanted to

Marcia eased a generous slice of quiche on a plate. “It’s
the only real explanation for his interest in Ashley.”

“She is beautiful,” Tiana murmured in an effort to be fair.

“Nowhere near beautiful enough to make up for the shit she
pulls.” Marcia plated another slice.

“There has to have been something specific that made you think
she welcomed him being rough.” Tiana set both the plates and the twists on the

Marcia settled across from her and unwound her napkin before
speaking. “She had a broken collarbone from a supposed riding accident about
five years ago.”

“Those happen.”
Dear God, what if Marcia’s right? Liam is
Dominant. Pain play, even blood sport is erotic for some Masters. I could never
tolerate that kind of extreme play.
She took a deep breath and reminded
herself those were her old fears talking. Liam wasn’t cruel.

“True.” Marcia took a neat bite of quiche. “Six months
later, she had a concussion from another fall. She slipped in the tub that

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