SimplyIrresistible (23 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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After his parents had died, he kept everyone at a distance.
Protecting the family was his job. In order to do what needed to be done he
couldn’t rely on anyone else. Somehow Tiana had slipped beneath his emotional
armor. He would have traded his life for hers without hesitation. His aching
chest reminded him of life’s most important lesson—those he loved would die.

“Is one of you Liam?”

An unfamiliar voice jerked him back to the hospital waiting

“I am,” he croaked, staggered to his feet and scrubbed a
hand over his scruffy face.

A swarthy fireplug of a man dressed in green scrubs and
wearing opaque booties, which didn’t diminish his natural authority, gave Liam
a clipped nod. “Come with me.”

“Tiana?” Liam croaked.

“Wants to see you.”

He staggered to his feet, lightheaded with relief. He
swayed, caught himself against the wall and followed.

Her dark hair clung to her head as smooth as a silk shroud.
She was so damn pale if it hadn’t been for the IV line it would have been hard
to distinguish her hand from the sheet covering her wounded torso.

Liam reverently cupped the side of her face.

She turned into his touch. Her lashes fluttered. “You’re

“Thank God,” he croaked.

“Don’t cry. I love you.” Her eyelids sank shut.

She lay so utterly still he held his breath until he saw her
chest rise and fall.

“Sorry.” He knuckled away the tears he hadn’t realized he

“She was agitated, kept asking for you. Since you seem to
calm her you can stay,” the surgeon said gruffly. He gestured for an aide to
bring Liam a folding chair then listened to Tiana’s chest.

“Thanks.” Liam sank onto the offered seat, stretching to
keep that hope-sustaining contact with Tiana until he’d edged the chair closer.

The doctor removed the stethoscope from his ears and hooked
it around his neck. “The bullet grazed her heart, nicked her aorta, made a hole
in one lung and broke a couple of ribs on its way through. She’s damn lucky to
be alive and she’s not out of trouble yet. She lost a lot of blood and a
secondary infection is always a worry with this kind of catastrophic wound.
Youth, good health and a will to live work in her favor. She’s a fighter. Are
you going to help her fight?”


The surgeon nodded. “I’ll be back to check on her in an

* * * * *

Liam dozed, slumped in a chair and holding her hand when
Tiana woke. As if he sensed her gaze on him, he opened his eyes, straightened
and scrubbed a palm over at least a day’s worth of beard scruff. He looked
totally scrumptious and, if she’d had the strength to raise her head from the
pillow, utterly do-able.

His face crinkled into a rare grin. “You’re awake.”

“Yes.” The word grated from her dry throat.

He grabbed an ice chip and eased it between her lips.
“Sorry, these are all you’re allowed, nothing else, not even water.”

The cold sliver melted, soothing the rawness. An image of
Richard aiming a gun at Liam flickered through her mind’s eye—real or horrible
nightmare? Her eyes flew open and she tried to push herself upright. Frustrated
by spaghetti arms, she sank back and anxiously scanned Liam. “You’re not

“I’m fine. Richard didn’t touch me.” He gently squeezed her

“He’s alive then.” A sudden chill made her shiver.

“Not anymore.” Liam spread a light blanket over her.

The added layer of warmth helped and she closed her eyes for
a few moments. “Good. Then he can’t hurt you.”

“Not for lack of trying. You took the bullet meant for me,
damn little fool.”

Smartest thing I’ve ever done
She couldn’t
stay awake to argue. “I dreamed you were with me.”

“Not a dream, I’ve been with you every minute, except for
surgery.” Liam patiently fed her another small piece of ice.

It took a few moments for the chip to melt. Her eyelashes
seemed to weigh ten pounds each, but she didn’t want him to leave. “Stay?”

“Absolutely.” His dark eyes flashed at her with possessive

Content Liam was alive and by her side, she let blackness
enfold her.

* * * * *

Her first week home from the hospital Tiana slept twelve
hours a day. She nibbled at the snacks Lynda prepared, forcing herself to eat
enough to coat her stomach. Even the smell of food cooking made her nauseated.
She did the exercises the physical therapist taught her and needed to rest
afterward. Her showers were quick and lukewarm. A shampoo was now a major
accomplishment. She didn’t bother trying to blow dry her hair and avoided
looking at her naked body. She learned the length of her scars by touch. Over
and over a small lump at the top of her incision drew her fingers. Gradually it
shrank, giving her hope.

During the next five weeks, she made small, steady gains in
strength and endurance. The incision, while still ugly both front and back, was
fading. She tossed salads and prepped vegetables with Lynda. Liam resumed going
into work. He made a point of being home for dinner.

She went for her post-surgery checkup. The doctor was
pleased with her recovery. The cracked ribs were healing well. She still had a
few restrictions—no lifting over ten pounds, no motorcycles or jumping horses.
She asked about sex. The doctor gave her the okay to resume intercourse
whenever she felt ready. Eager to make love again, she stopped for a bikini wax
before heading back to the ranch.

Liam received an important call after dinner.

Tiana took advantage of the interruption to shed her
clothes. She anointed herself with perfume and carefully fastened a new scarlet
corset. The garment covered her scars and gave her the comfort of control. She
tugged on a matching thong. As ready as she would ever be, she knelt next to
where he’d been sitting and waited.

The moment he saw her he strode to her.

Liam pressed a moist kiss to each of her scarred palms and
gently helped her stand. “I don’t want you to kneel.”

Later that evening, he made love to her with exquisite care,
ensuring she found release.

A second after his own climax, he kissed her tenderly and
left to dispose of the condom. He returned quickly and gently snuggled her

He’d never allowed his weight to rest on her. He’d never
demanded anything.

Her newly repaired, miracle heart cracked. He had been all
that was kind, considerate and good to her. He was tender, patient and safer
than she’d ever dreamed her large, powerful Master could be. She should be
thrilled with his treatment. Guilt niggled at her, because she wasn’t grateful.
She wanted more. But she was a realist, she couldn’t make him love her.

Surviving the last nearly fatal nightmare of being shot had
taken every bit of courage and determination she possessed. She’d sweated
through grueling physical therapy sessions, eaten when she wasn’t hungry and
learned to tolerate the ugly scars. Her sexual preference hadn’t changed. She
yearned for the bent edge—the magic connection that had happened when Liam
commanded her compliance.

Funny, in every other aspect of life, she was as tough and
as competitive as any other thoroughbred. Ask her physical therapist, brother
or anyone who had ever ridden against her. But when it came to sex, she neededa man whotook control of her pleasure and demanded his.

She burned for his dominance, his absolute possession. Since
the shooting she hadn’t caught even a glimpse of his power. He treated her as
if she were made from a hollowed-out eggshell. His eyes were kind when he
looked at her. He certainly didn’t smolder. Her strong, powerful Master treated
her like a vanilla girl.

* * * * *

Perhaps she’d been too subtle. A week later she dressed for
seduction and tried again.

At the sound of Liam’s SUV, her palms grew clammy with
nerves. She quickly stuffed the light robe she’d worn downstairs under a sofa
cushion. The silken corset chafed her taut nipples and her panties dampened
with creamy excitement. She ached for him.

When he entered the living room and caught sight of her the
tent in front of his slacks gave her an infusion of backbone. She sank to her
knees next to his favorite chair and waited for permission to speak.

He eased onto the seat and gently stroked her hair. “What do
you want?”

“The doctor said I’m fine. There’s no reason you can’t
discipline me, Sir.” Her voice caught and she ducked her head—afraid to see
pity in his eyes.

Liam tilted her chin up until she dared a peek at him. He
met her gaze over the top of his sexy geek glasses. “Your scars are badges of
courage. They mark you as a survivor. They do not diminish your worth. Nothing
could make you less than beautiful to me. You don’t need to work to please me,

If I’m your pet then why don’t you command me?
The question
went unasked. Her failure to communicate had exhausted her courage. She rested
her cheek against his thigh and fought tears.

He lifted her carefully and settled her across his lap. “Do
you want me to get the butterfly vibrator?”

His thoughtful concern evaporated her last hope. His
erection vanished. Clearly her readiness wasn’t the issue. A knot of sadness
threatened to close her throat. She shook her head and burrowed closer.

* * * * *

The next five weeks passed with only minor changes in her health.
She grew stronger. The doctor released her to gradually resume all activities.
Every day she decided to move home. Her stubborn heart refused to stop loving
Liam. Each evening she weakened and stayed, hoping for her strong Master to
return, command her obedience and claim his slave.

Sadly, Liam grew more distant. He began going to bed early
or late—never when she did. By the time she woke up he was already dressed and
usually out of the house. Once in a while she sensed him watching her with
something almost like sexual hunger. He no longer acted on the interest.

Perhaps she’d simply imagined the yearning in his dark eyes.
Her appetite and confidence declined along with any interest in sex. Her
missing arousal came from an emotional deficit, not a physical problem. Did
Liam suffer the same inhibition? How could she tell? He hadn’t initiated any
discussions about their lack of intimacy and she hadn’t found the courage to
broach the subject.

Determined to grow a backbone and fight for what she wanted,
Tiana tried to stay awake to talk to Liam. Exhausted, she lost the battle
sometime after midnight. The sun hadn’t even risen when the shower woke her
from a restless slumber.

She shook off the grogginess of too little sleep and marched
into the bathroom. Jets of water beat against Liam’s broad back. He kicked back
his head. His eyes closed as he palmed his erection. The man was beyond
gorgeous, muscles straining as he sought his pleasure. Guys did that all the
time, right? Uh, even when they had a willing woman a few yards away?

Quietly, she backed out of the room and stuffed her fist
into her mouth to muffle the whimpering. After a moment of frozen self-pity,
she tore off the t-shirt she’d borrowed to sleep in and pulled on clean white
panties. Next she carefully fastened a pristine corset. The rigid garment
helped stiffen her spine. A khaki-colored wool jersey dress and a pair of nude
heels completed her outfit. She wove her hair into a messy braid and started
packing. Doubtless she looked as raw and ragged as she felt. She certainly
wasn’t going back into the bathroom to check her grooming.

By the time Liam emerged clad in nothing but a towel loosely
tied over his lean hips, she’d already gathered her essentials and was filling
a second suitcase.

“Excuse me.” She scooted past him with an empty tote bag in

He narrowed his eyes at the luggage. “Where the fuck do you
think you’re going?”

“Interesting word choice, considering that’s the one thing
we haven’t been doing.” She slammed and locked the bathroom door then quickly
swept her stuff into the tote.

Liam was dressed when she left the bathroom’s sanctuary. His
glare had worsened into a fierce glower. He stripped her of the bulging tote.

“You’re not supposed to lift anything over ten pounds.”

She crossed her arms and let the steel bones of the elegant
corset bolster her shaky determination. “Wrong, the doctor lifted all
restrictions last week.”

“That doesn’t mean you should act crazy and heft a
fifty-pound bag.” His eyes fired lethal shots of anger.

Tiana wanted to cringe and apologize and beg him to
discipline her, but doing so would only prolong the agony. She had to act
before she lost her nerve. She stared at the bed she’d shared with Liam for
last three lonely months. She knew he cared for her at least a little. Perhaps
he pitied her. Certainly he felt some kind of misplaced responsibility for her.
None of that mattered. He didn’t love her enough to claim her and she couldn’t
stay without the magical connection she knew was possible. She had nothing important
left to lose. “You’re either a damn coward or fool. I’m not sure which. You
don’t love me, so why are you yelling at me?”

“I care.” His face remained stony.

Caring isn’t enough, Master.
She swallowed a lump of
regret and tried to soften her explanation. “I truly appreciate everything
you’ve done for me. Everyone at the ranch has been terrific, but it’s time for
me to live my own life again.”

“You can do that here.”

She shook her head.

“Sure you can. Tell me what you need.”

She drew in a measured breath and spoke plainly, “I don’t
need things. I need love and mastering.” She paused to swallow again before
continuing. “I was the one who nearly died but you’re the one who changed. I
can’t make you do anything, least of all love me. The only thing I can do is

Liam didn’t respond to her heartfelt declaration. His face
was a mask of indifference. If not for his clenched fists she would have
thought he hadn’t heard her.

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