Simon Says (Friends and Lovers)

BOOK: Simon Says (Friends and Lovers)
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Simon Says

By Gillian Colbert


Copyright 2011 Gillian Colbert

Published by Black Door Press

Contact Gillian at [email protected]


Cover image courtesy of Luigi Diamanti and


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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.



Other Titles by Gillian Colbert


Coming Out of Her Shell

His Gift

Forbidden Fruit


Simon Says



Chapter 1


"Watch out!"

The warning came just as he stepped onto the sidewalk in front of his townhouse, but it was too late for Simon. He barely had time to register her words before he was knocked flat. His ass hit first, quickly followed by his head as he tumbled back on the sidewalk.

The air whooshed from his lungs on impact and stars floated in front of his eyes as pain blasted through his skull. The rough concrete scraped his back through the thin cotton of his T-shirt.

What the fuck?

A rough, wet tongue began to lick his face and neck accompanied by the foul odor of dog breath. The rasping licks tickled and Simon hollered as they increased in frequency. He only barely avoided being covered in dog drool.

"Oh, my god! I’m so sorry! He got away from me," a smoky, feminine voice said from a short distance away.

Simon couldn’t focus on the speaker because he was still being assaulted by the largest Pitbull he’d ever seen. The dog straddled Simon’s body so that they were practically chest to chest. It grinned down at him between licks showing large teeth and a long tongue. His fur was black with white patches on his throat, chest and between his eyes.

If Simon wasn’t already aware that Pitbull’s were misrepresented in the media, he’d owned one as a child, he might have been scared, but as it was he was just the victim of an over eager greeting. So much for the perception of these dogs as fierce, they loved people. A little bit too much as Simon’s rear end could presently attest to.

Simon reached up and gripped the dog’s muzzle, looked directly at him and said in a clear, firm voice, "Off."

The dog moved off Simon, freeing him to stand. Once he’d regained his feet, Simon faced the dog fully and said, "Sit."

The dog made as if to jump on Simon, but he quickly snapped his fingers loudly and snapped out, "Hey!"

The dog settled back on its haunches and sat, smiling up at Simon with a huge doggy grin.

"How on earth did you get him to do that?"

At her question, Simon turned his attention to the frazzled owner only to be knocked flat once again. This time by her. She was tall, almost his own height, with a body that could only be described as luscious.

Her breasts were full and round and, at the present time, barely contained under the violet tank top she wore. Her hips were round and lush, filling out the tight denim capris almost indecently. Her hips were the kind a man could grab onto and not fear getting poked by errant bones. He was willing to bet her ass was just as sweet.

She was all softness and curves with clear skin reminiscent of cream dusted with cinnamon. Her hair was a warm, honey brown and her eyes were pale, crystalline green outlined in the deepest forest. Those eyes were currently dark with worry as she gazed at him.

"Pardon me. What did you say?" he asked, he’d been too caught up perusing her to register her question.

"I asked how you got Monster to respond to you. I rescued him about a week ago and I’ve yet to get him to obey me with out bribing him first."

"Monster?" Simon quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes," she grinned at him a bit sheepishly, "at first it was because he’s so big, now it's for his bad manners."

Simon laughed out loud at that. Her grin was infectious and he found himself continuing just to keep her there with him.

"It’s simple really," he said answering her previous question, "I just made sure I used body language and a tone of voice that let him know I meant business. That I was the master here and he had no other option than to listen to me."

She quirked an eyebrow skeptically.

Simon grinned again, "I’m serious."

Her eyes went wide and she seemed suddenly embarrassed, "Listen to me quizzing you when Monster just knocked you down. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?"

She began feeling up and down his arms, circling around him and rubbing her hands over his back and chest. The unexpected contact sent blood shooting to Simon’s groin and his cock hardened in response. He grabbed her and pulled her up against him to stop her explorations. His cock jerked at the intimate contact.

"That’s not a good idea," Simon murmured against her ear, "unless you meant to do this to me."

Her body felt lush and warm. Her breath hitched as she leaned into him and her mouth opened slightly. She smelled of coconuts and chocolate. Simon drew in a deep breath losing himself in her scent. Her breasts flattened against him as he inhaled and her nipples hardened under her tank top.

His erection pressed into the softness of her belly. Her eyes widened and her small, pink tongue darted out to lick her full, rosy lips.

"You especially don’t want to do that," Simon whispered. His lips brushed the delicate shell of her ear as he spoke and she shivered.

"Do what?" she asked breathlessly. Her voice was husky and she rubbed her face against his cheek, like a kitten seeking to be petted. Her skin was silky smooth and he couldn’t resist nuzzling into her neck and nipping gently at the skin there.

"Let me in," he whispered.

She gasped and leaned into him, moaning softly as she did so. Her head fell to one side giving him greater access to the delicate skin along her shoulder. Simon licked along her collar bone before nipping gently.

She jumped slightly causing the hardened tips of her breasts to graze against his chest. Simon grasped her hips and ground his erection into her, lost to the sensation of her softness cradling his hardness.

He wanted her naked and on her knees before him. He wanted those lush lips wrapped around his cock. He wanted to suck on those delicious nipples and hear her scream. He wanted to bend her over and fuck her as if…


Monster chose that moment to remind them he was there and didn’t want to be ignored. Before Simon could stop her, she tore herself away from him, flushing the prettiest shade of red. The flush began at the roots of her hair and flowed down her body to her breasts.

She snatched Monster’s leash off the ground and ran in the direction of the townhouse next to his.

"Wait!" Simon hollered after her, but she ignored him bolting through the door and slamming it behind her.

Simon stared after her, unable to reconcile what had just happened. His cock stood at attention and throbbed at the loss of her softness. He was stunned. He never lost control of a situation let alone forgot where he was. He’d been two seconds away from stripping her down and fucking her on the sidewalk.

Who the hell
she? He hadn’t even gotten her name. Well, no matter, she’d gone into the house next to his, the same one that had been vacant until last week, so odds were good she was the new resident and that meant it was just a matter of time before he saw her again.

Simon wasn’t one for waiting when he wanted something, though, and he wanted to know more about such a delectable woman. It had been too long since any woman had held his attention let alone captivated it.

Ever since
, his first person shooter video game, had blown up his senior year of college, Simon had become quite the local celebrity. Now six years and two sequels later, he was affluent and worked when he chose.

The town of River Rock, Vermont was small and his notoriety meant that he had no trouble finding women and the local university never failed to produce hot college girls looking to fuck a celebrity, however, small they may be. As a result, Simone was bored out of his skull and hadn’t had a serious relationship in over a year. Lately, he wasn’t even having sex. The effort required just didn’t appeal to him.

Simon didn’t go in for regular sex. He dominated in the bedroom and he expected submission. Total submission. Something he’d yet to find. Oh, sure, there were plenty of women who would bend to his will and let him fuck them three ways to Sunday, but that wasn’t what he wanted. Those women were meek with self-confidence issues and were submitting because they believed they deserved no better.

Being with those women just made him sick after. He felt like he’d violated them in some way, as if he’d raped their psyche if not their body. After the last one, he’d sworn he wouldn’t get involved with anymore victims. He wanted a strong woman who was confident and who willingly submitted to him because it filled a need in her to do so. A need to have her control stripped and her body mastered. That’s what he wanted.

He stared at his mystery woman’s door with narrowed eyes. She was indeed a mystery. She’d been uninhibited in her response to him, rubbing against him almost as if she couldn’t help herself, her scent clung to his skin even now.

Coconut and chocolate, a taste of that sweet dessert wasn’t nearly enough. No way was he going to let her get away that easily.




Gwen Caldwell stared at herself with disgust in the foyer mirror. It was one of her favorite pieces in the small two-story townhouse she’d just bought. The mirror was over-sized and leaned against the wall. Painted gold and decorated with crystal blossoms of all different flowers, it was a veritable gemstone garden. She often joked that she felt like a fairy princess every time she saw herself in it.

She didn’t feel like a fairy princess today. No, today she felt like a slut. She’d practically thrown herself at that man. Her skin grew even more heated and flamed red as she remembered rubbing herself against him. She still couldn’t believe that had happened. Her mind had been on the promotion she was planning at her bead shop when Monster had just taken off without warning. He’d practically yanked her off her feet.

When Monster knocked the poor guy down, Gwen had felt just awful, but he’d been so gracious and so gorgeous with that chocolate brown hair and those sapphire eyes. They’d reminded her of the batch of glass beads she just got in. Let’s not forget those utterly delicious lips. He’d radiated pure masculine perfection and she’d been a bit non-plussed and had actually been interrogating the guy until she’d realized she hadn’t even checked to see if he was okay.

Touching him had been reflexive. She was a hands on person. She hugged and touched everybody, it was just her way. Her mother said she was tactile by nature and Gwen had to agree. Gwen felt blind when she wasn’t able to touch or assimilate the textures in her surroundings.

He’d caught her so off guard when he grabbed her, it had shaken her up and she hadn’t been thinking straight. Feelings and urges she’d though long buried had surged in her leaving her exposed and vulnerable. Being pressed against all that hard muscle and taut, silky man flesh had overwhelmed her and she’d responded without thinking.

His skin was unbelievably soft, especially for a man, and the lean steel of his muscles underneath had seduced her senses and left her reeling. When he’d leaned in to whisper in her ear and the silk of his hair had brushed her face, she’d just had to feel more.

The death knell for her dignity had been when he’d pressed his erection into her lower belly. The feel of his body ready and primed to mate with hers while he restrained her against him … Gwen’s breath caught as her belly clenched and moisture flooded her core. Her traitorous nipples tightened and poked out from her body like two huge beacons announcing her loose character.

Gwen dropped cross-legged onto the floor in front of the mirror as tears welled in her eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Not again. She was a good girl, she controlled what she did not anyone else and she
in control of herself. Wasn’t she?

Oh, god. Please let me never see him again.

A sharp double-tap sounded against her front door.

I guess not.

Torn between laughing and screaming Gwen squeezed her eyes shut.

The front door had a large stained glass cutout that clearly showed her front hallway. The design was abstract and had reminded Gwen of a kaleidoscope. The door had been what drew her initially to the townhouse, right now she cursed it. She knew exactly who she would see if she turned her head.

She refused to look up. It was childish she knew, but she needed a few more seconds before she could face him again.

Monster ran to the door, whining and snuffling at it. He came over and nudged her with his nose as if urging her to answer the door.

"I can see you, you know," the man said through the door.

"I know you can," she replied back at bit peevishly.

"Then why don’t you open the door?" he asked with a laugh.

"I’m testing out the theory that if I ignore you, you’ll go away," she replied somewhat sullenly.

"It won’t work," he said, "so better for everyone if you just open your door."

"What if I don’t want to?"

"Sweetheart, open the door," his voice was deep and smooth the way she thought single malt scotch would sound if flavor could be heard. His voice drifted through her and settled deep in her tummy.

The urge to obey him was strong. She fought it.

"I’m not your sweetheart."

He seemed a little non-plussed at that. The silence on the other side of the door seemed to stretch for a long time before he burst out laughing.

"What’s so funny?" she demanded.

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