Simon Says (Friends and Lovers) (11 page)

BOOK: Simon Says (Friends and Lovers)
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Marlie gasped and arched thrusting her swollen breasts into the air. Her nipples were hard points and Adon sucked one then the other into the wet heat of his mouth.

Marlie moaned and writhed against him. He held her tightly against him, grinding into her rather than thrusting. She hugged his head to her breast, pushing her nipples into his mouth demanding he suckle them.

He wrung drop after luscious drop of ecstasy from her body. His velvet tongue laved her nipples and his glorious erection filled her and stretched her as no man had ever done before. This was bliss and she never wanted it to end.

“Ride me,” Adon demanded. He leaned back and guided her up and down on his cock. After the first few thrusts, he dropped his hands so that they just rested on her hips and watched as his flesh penetrated her pink, swollen pussy.

She watched too marveling at the sight of her body swallowing him so completely. His shaft glistened with her moisture and pulsed as she rode him. Marlie gave herself over to the ride. She ground against him, circling her hips and squeezing him as ecstasy shot through her.

“Look at me,” he said and her eyes snapped open at the urgency in his tone. “I want to see your eyes the whole time.”

Marlie gazed into the black depths of his eyes, fearful of what he might read there. His eyes burned with desire and something tender that she wasn’t sure she understood.

He began to thrust more urgently into her pussy. He gripped her hips and guided her into a pounding rhythm as he bucked under her.

“Finger your pussy,” he ordered and she complied. She rubbed and flicked her clitoris as Adon pounded into her pussy over and over. With each thrust, he ground into her swollen flesh and she could feel his balls rubbing against her ass.

Arcs of fire flooded her body as her orgasm built. Unbelievably, she was going to come again. Adon growled uninhibitedly underneath her now that they were alone and she loved the sounds he made. She sucked them into her body as if she could hold them there.

Marlie reached out and tugged on the flat discs of Adon’s nipples as he'd done to her before. His eyes flared wide and he gripped her hips, pounding, pounding into her before pressing himself deep and holding. He shouted her name as he came in shuddering bursts deep inside her pussy.

The sound of her name on his lips broke her. She bucked and shuddered on his lap, grinding down on his cock and groin. Squeezing and sucking his cock with her pussy. The ecstasy overwhelmed her, knocking her senses reeling and she floated on wave after wave of pleasure.

“I love you, Adon,” she cried. “I love you.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she slowly came back to herself in his arms. She tucked her head into his shoulder and wept. He hugged her close stroking her back in gentle circles.

She was mortified by her words. What the hell was she thinking? He was 10 years younger than her. This was probably nothing more than a quickie with the teacher for him, but she did love him. She just hadn’t wanted to admit it.

This was exactly why she had avoided them both. Yes, Simon was attractive and fun, but she was pretty sure this had been for him the same as for her … a one time deal. But with Adon, once wasn’t nearly enough.

“Shhh,” he soothed. “Don’t cry. Look at me.”

Marlie shook her head against his shoulder and wept harder.

“Look at me,” he urged more forcefully. Marlie buried her face deeper in his shoulder.

“Marlie … I said look at me,” his voice was firm and brooked no defiance.

She was shocked at Adon’s forcefulness, it was so unexpected. She raised her head and looked at him. He leaned in kissed away her tears sipping up the moisture as if it were precious.

When all of her tears had been tasted, he brought her chin up so that she gazed directly into his eyes and said with a gentle smile, “I love you too.”

“This will never work,” she said forlornly.

“Yes, it will. We’re going to make it work.”

“What about Simon?”

“Don’t worry about me,” Simon’s voice rang out behind her. Startled, she turned and saw him leaning against the door frame. His hard body was wrapped in one of her navy bath towels.

“I enjoy you, Professor, and Adon was nice enough to share after the way you tortured us all semester, but he has it bad. Me, I just wanted a taste to satisfy my curiosity? Know what I mean?” He shrugged and grinned impishly at her.

She couldn’t help but grin back. “Yes, Simon, I know what you mean.”

She turned back to Adon, her grin fading. “Are you sure about this? It won’t be easy.”

“Nothing worth having ever is and you, Marlie, are definitely worth having.”

She gazed into his eyes looking for some sign that he was joking or playing with her, but all she saw was love and desire. Her heart swelled with joy as she hugged him tight.

“So are you, Adon. So are you,” and she laughed her joy out loud.




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