Simon Says (Friends and Lovers) (9 page)

BOOK: Simon Says (Friends and Lovers)
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Finally, when she couldn't stand the silence any longer, Marlie opened her eyes and looked into the intent faces of her own private fantasy made flesh. Hunger burned in their faces. Hunger for her.

Simon held his hand out to her and said, “It’s time to take this inside.”

Adon just gazed at her with those midnight eyes and nodded his agreement.




Marlie smacked Simon’s hand away.

“Leave. Both of you!” Marlie snarled as she lurched off of the lounge chair and stormed naked into the house.

Adon and Simon followed close on her heels. She tried to slam the door in their faces, but Simon inserted his body between the door and the frame with a grunt. Marlie backed away from the door into her living room stopping only when she bumped into the back of her suede sofa. She crossed her arms over her breasts as if to shield them from their sight.

The room was small and she didn't have anywhere to go to get away from them. The sofa dominated the room which had just the one couch, a small plush area rug she'd purchased from IKEA and an entertainment stand with her television. She should have gone through the kitchen and up the stairs, at least then she could have locked the bedroom door. As it was, she now had to go past them to get out of the living room.

“Professor. Listen …” Simon began.

“No,” she snapped cutting him off. “No, there is no listening about this. Do you realize what’s happened here? If anyone finds out about this, my career is ruined!”

“Professor, it’s okay. I promise you it will be fine.” Simon stepped closer to her and tried to wrap her in his arms, but she pulled away only to bump into Adon who had flanked her while she ranted at Simon.

Adon gripped her upper arms to steady her and she yanked away from him too. They crowded close, invading her space and sending her senses reeling with their physicality and their scent. She put a hand on each man’s chest not sure if she meant to push them away or reestablish some form of physical conduct.

Simon grabbed her hand and pressed it tight against his chest as if to trap her. Adon gripped her wrist and stepped even closer so that her arm bent and the length of her forearm rested on his flat belly. His breath was harsh and his heart raced under her palm. He stroked the back of her hand with gentle fingers as if to soothe her.

She reeled with the knowledge that she’d just had her mind and pussy blown out in the most erotic and sensual orgasm she’d ever experienced and it had been with
They’d done it to her and she’d not just encouraged it, she’d demanded it.

She flushed with shame. Shame because she wanted more when she should be throwing them out of her house. Shame because that taste hadn’t been nearly enough to quench her thirst for her students. Shame because now that her appetite had been wet, she doubted she could resist them again.

Marlie clenched her fists in their t-shirts, softly shaking them as she said, “It’s not okay. How can it be? I’m your teacher.”

She looked into Simon’s sapphire eyes. They were earnest and gentle as he gazed back at her. Tears flooded her eyes as she turned and shook Adon again.

“Do you get it? He clearly doesn’t.”

Adon studied her with his midnight eyes. He held her gaze and read her secrets just as she’d known he would. “You want us to fuck you. We want to very much. It’s simple.”

“You’re not listening,” Marlie nearly wailed in frustration. “I’m your teacher. This is unethical,” she bit out the words.

Adon brought his free hand up and stroked her lower lip where she had it clenched between her teeth.

“No. You. Are. Not.”

He mimicked her staccato cadence.

“What?” Marlie’s confusion was stamped on her face.

Simon answered for him, “Class is over, Professor. Grades were due last week. Nothing that happens now can affect those grades and we’ve officially been accepted for graduation. You, Professor," he touched the tip of her nose, "are no longer our teacher.”

“Simon’s right,” Adon said as he turned her face up to his. “Let us have you, Professor,” he leaned in so close his lips brushed hers as he spoke. “That taste only made me hungrier.”

Before she could say anything, he sealed his mouth over hers robbing her of breath and reason. His kiss was gentler than Simon’s. Where Simon plundered, Adon persuaded. He gently licked into her mouth so that his tongue danced with hers. Unable to resist, she sucked gently on it melting into his kiss and pulling him closer with her handful of shirt.

Adon groaned and pressed against her. His cock was hard and tented his shorts. His penis was large and bucked under his soft cotton shorts. She wanted to feel his hardness, but her hand was trapped in his gentle grasp.

Simon was still gripped in her other fist and she pulled him with her as she leaned into Adon. Simon gripped her hips and turned her to face Adon fully. His hands dropped away briefly. She reached back for him only to feel hot, rigid flesh press into the cleft of her buttocks as he flattened his body to hers.

Simon ground himself against her. He groaned as he rocked into her cleft. The hair on his balls and thighs was softer than she’d have imagined and abraded her buttocks leaving her tingling from its touch. She could feel the soft cotton of his shorts along of the back of her calves. The cool fabric created a focal point of sensation in juxtaposition to the warm steel of his penis where he pressed against her.

She was a symbiosis of want, need and desire at that moment. Her resistance, what little there was left, melted. She’d wanted them for too long. She
their teacher anymore. There was no longer any reason to deny what she’d craved so badly these long months.

 Marlie tore herself away from Adon’s mouth. She was panting with the force of her desire. Her nipples jutted from her body and her nether lips glistened with cream, but she stepped away from them both before turning to face them. They made as if to protest, but she held up a hand in a staying gesture.

“Strip,” she commanded, albeit breathlessly.

They hesitated for the briefest of moments before ripping the clothes from their body and tossing them aside. Within moments they stood before her gloriously nude.

She drank in the site of them. It was so much better than her fantasies, though, she’d been right on the nail about one thing. They had delectable penises. She planned to get them into her mouth very, very soon.

Simon’s body was everything it had promised to be. He was broad shouldered with narrow hips. His chiseled chest was covered in a sprinkling of chest hair that narrowed into a thin line that ended at his genitals. He clearly groomed his pubic hair. It was trimmed close to his body and served to emphasize the length of his penis.

His cock was magnificently erect. He was long and thick and the engorged head dripped in anticipation. She licked her lips at the thought of finally taking all of that velvet flesh in her mouth and down her throat. She moaned softly at the thought and his cock jumped in response.

As she watched, Simon gripped his cock and stroked from base to tip, squeezing the engorged head causing it to weep even more. He said nothing, just stroked himself as he watched her.

And, Adon ... there were no words. While she was attracted to them both, it was Adon who won the day in her fantasies. He was masculinity concentrated down to its purest form.

His body was lean and so muscled it made her breath catch. He had very little body hair and what there was gave the impression more of a sheen of fuzz rather than true hair. What should have given him a juvenile appearance only enhanced the lines and contours of his body so that he appeared sculpted. His beauty would have him in league with the ancient Greek statuary. His cock would have put them to shame.

If Simon was magnificent, Adon was glorious in his arousal. His cock was long and broad, very broad with just the slightest up turn at the head. She knew he would stretch her and she wondered what that slight bend would feel like. His erection jutted proudly out of from his body. The veins and ridges were clearly defined so that his penis was a sculpted as the rest of him.

She tore her eyes away from his body and looked into his face. His midnight eyes burned into her. A tiny muscle in his jaw jumped and there were lines of strain around his eyes. She noticed his hands were clenched at his sides and his cock was jumping as she watched. He rocked slightly back and forth on his toes as if he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to move or not.

At first she didn’t know what to make of it, but then she realized that he was working to hold onto his control. In this moment, Adon needed her. He didn’t just want her, he
her. The fact that she, a tiny, barely in shape, 34 year old, college professor, could have such a devastating affect on this man, this beautiful, sexy, young man, who surely could have slept with anyone he wanted, was thrilling.

Marlie knelt on the floor between them. She reached for Adon and took him in her hand. His stomach clenched and his knuckles showed white as he struggled with himself. Marlie stroked him gently from base to tip and then squeezed lightly.

He was hot and velvety smooth in her hand. She gloried in the feel of his flesh stroking over her palm. It was like running warm silk over her hands. Adon groaned and thrust his hips in counterpoint to her stroking.

With her other hand she reached up and gripped Simon, squeezing as she did so. He wasn’t as broad as Adon, but he was longer and she delighted in stroking down his rigid length.

She dipped her head and licked the salty tears from his cockhead in a wet swipe. Simon threw his head back and hissed at her touch. He tasted of salt and musk and she savored his taste as she swallowed it down.

She turned to Adon and licked the head of his cock, swirling around the tip like he was an ice cream cone. He growled in the back of his throat and thrust his hips toward her mouth. His cock was almost purple with engorged blood and he swelled under her touch.

Marlie laughed victoriously and grinned with mischievous delight into the faces of her students. Adon and Simon stared at her in confusion, scowls crossing their face.

“Oh, I’m not laughing at you,” she said. “No, never that, but I am going to have so much fun with the two of you.”

Before either man could reply, she engulfed Adon in her mouth swallowing him down until she reached the base of his shaft. All of that practice with her toys was finally getting put to good use. Adon hollered in surprise and pleasure. His cock felt impossibly wide in her mouth and her lips were stretched to their fullest, but she sucked him down.

His taste flooded her senses. Sunshine and life. That was what he made her think of. She pulled back until he popped out of her mouth. He opened his mouth as if to protest, but stopped when she engulfed him again sucking him harder.

Again and again she repeated this process, doing her best to drive him senseless with pleasure. His hand gripped the back of her head and he thrust urgently into her mouth.

He was quiet making no noise. The only indicator she had of his pleasure was his fist which clenched and unclenched at his side and the rigid clenching of his buttocks and lower back where she stroked him with her free hand. The other was still firmly stroking and squeezing Simon.

Without warning, Adon ripped his cock from her mouth. Marlie was knocked on her butt in surprise. Before she could react, Adon scooped her up like a child and carried her around to the front of the couch where he sat with her in his lap. He fisted her hair and wrenched her mouth to his where he proceeded to claim her lips in a fierce, possessive kiss. With his other hand he reached between her legs and thrust his fingers inside her pussy.

Marlie's body bowed under the onslaught, but she was having none of this. She wanted him in her mouth. She wanted to feel him shudder as she licked and sucked his cock. She wanted to swallow his come and know that Adon was in her blood, not just her body.

She pulled out of his arms, pushed his legs apart and knelt between them.

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