Simon Says (Friends and Lovers) (4 page)

BOOK: Simon Says (Friends and Lovers)
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His cock was her world in that moment. The velvet steel filled her completely, pounded her relentlessly and she knew utter joy as he did so. Her orgasm spiraled in on her closer and closer, but just out of reach. Gwen was panting so hard her vision dimmed from the lack of oxygen. She whimpered in a wordless plea for release.

Just then Simon squeezed her nipple and smacked her swollen, protruding clitoris hard. The sting sent shockwaves through her pussy and tipped her over the edge into mindless pleasure. Gwen twisted and writhed as ecstasy assaulted every cell she possessed. Shrieks of pleasure assaulted her ears and she only dimly realized it was her screaming as waves of pleasure broke across her.

Behind her, Simon pressed deep into her convulsing pussy as he shouted his own release. His cock shuddered and jerked deep inside her and he ground into her as if he couldn’t get deep enough before he finally collapsed across her back. His breathing was as harsh and ragged as her own and Gwen took some small comfort in that fact.

Slowly, Gwen came back to herself. Simon still sprawled across her and his weight was comforting. His cock slipped wetly from her body leaving a trail of her cream down her thigh where it rested. Simon began to press gentle kisses to her neck and back. He stroked her skin, but she was too sensitized to bear it and she whimpered.

"Shhh, baby. It’s okay," he whispered. "Just flow with it, you’ll come down soon."

Gwen wasn’t sure he referred to. She only knew that her body felt sensitized as if each nerve ending had been exposed.

Deep in the night a car horn blared. The sensual fog Gwen was in shattered and reality flooded back in. She stiffened under Simon as humiliation and self-disgust flooded her. What was she doing? She had just proven Paul right. She was nothing more than a slut. A depraved pervert. She had to get out of here. She couldn’t bear to look at Simon.

Simon felt the change, but mistook it for discomfort from his weight.

"Am I too heavy?" he levered himself up off of her.

Gwen refused to look at Simon as she yanked her skirt down and quickly retied her top. She looked around wildly for her panties, but couldn’t find them in the shadows. Never mind, she didn’t need them.

"Gwen," Simon grasped her hand and she’d turned toward the house. "What’s wrong?"

She pulled out of his grasp, still refusing to look at him. "I have to go."

"Why?" confusion resonated in his voice.

"Just, please, let me go," she couldn’t keep the shame and humiliation out of her voice.

"Gwen, talk to me," his voice was gentle and firm. He clearly expected an answer, but she resisted her need to obey him.

"No, I’m leaving. Please just leave me alone."

Simon reached for her again, but this time Gwen was faster. She turned and fled.

Chapter 4


Plaster flew as Simon’s fist connected with the wall in his hotel room. It felt good to finally release some of his frustration. It had been three weeks since Gwen had run away from him. Three weeks in which he hadn’t been able to talk to her, see her or communicate with her in any way.

He still had no idea why she had run out on him. He’d chased after her, but she hadn’t gone home, she’d gotten in her car and driven off. He’d waited for her for hours, but she hadn’t come home that night or either of the next two.

He’d gone by her shop, Beads N’More, but her assistant had informed him she’d taken a few days off. Stymied at every turn, Simon had been forced to back off when his own business had taken him to California and now London where he was currently vandalizing perfectly respectable hotel rooms.

The movie based on Simon’s video game,
, and its companion novel written by his best friend, Adon Taylor, had just launched. Simon and Adon had been required to attend both the Hollywood and London premiers with a stop in between at E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo for the release of
Trinity IV

It was always good to be with Adon and his wife, Marlie. Adon was one of the few people he could relate to honestly and without reservation. This time had been hard though. Adon and Marlie had been married for three years now and were expecting their first child. They’d announced the news at dinner that first week.

Simon was thrilled for them, but it called into stark relief how lonely he was. They were a great couple affectionate and communicative despite a significant age difference. Marlie was 10 years older than Adon and she’d had a difficult time in the beginning adjusting to it. Adon and Simon had helped her get over her resistance with a very pleasurable afternoon just before Adon and Simon had graduated from college where Marlie had been their English professor.

Adon had fallen hard for the saucy little professor and he’d not taken no for an answer when she’d thrown up roadblocks to their relationship. Simon had thought the relationship had finally succumbed to their differences when Adon had shown up on his doorstep about two years in, bags in hand, needing a place to crash.

Much to Simon’s surprise, Adon had walked out on Marlie because she refused to marry him citing their age difference. Marlie was convinced that Adon would wake up one day and realize he needed someone much younger than her. She also thought he’d want kids and she was too old for babies.

Adon had told her in no uncertain terms that if she didn’t know how he felt about her after two years of living together then she was just being obtuse. As for kids, he’d gone on, if they were blessed so be it, if not then he knew of worse things than spending your life with a woman you adored. He’d further gone on to let her know she was acting like an immature child because she was just scared and being a coward because of it. He’d packed and left and told her to find him at Simon’s when she grew up.

It had taken two days, but Marlie had come knocking on his door dressed in one of those erotic school girl outfits with a dunce cap on her head. Simon had taken one look, burst out laughing, and promptly checked himself into a hotel room for the weekend. They’d been married two months later.

He loved them both dearly, but being around them right now was a slap in the face, when the woman that he knew was his had knocked him flat like a condemned house. He was frustrated and cranky at feeling so helpless.

After Gwen's assistant had shut him down, Simon had gone to Gwen’s website and gotten her email address. She wrote a helpful tips column about crafting bead jewelry and her email address was posted for her readers.

He’d begun an email campaign to get her to talk to him. He’d emailed her several times a week for the last three weeks only to hit a blank wall. She hadn’t responded to even one. For all he knew, she’d blocked his email address and his messages were just going out into the ether.

At first, his emails had been pleas for Gwen to talk to him. He all but begged for her to let him know why she had run away from him. He’d told her much he wanted to get to know her, how much that night had pleased him, but he’d gotten no where. Over time, his email had morphed, without him really being aware of it.

Adon and Marlie always invited him to spend time with them, but he was too raw after Gwen’s rejection. Ironically, he found himself writing Gwen and sharing his thoughts and observations on his experiences with the Hollywood celebrities and the gaming junkies at E3.

The night he’d spent with her had been … peaceful. He’d felt at peace in a way he hadn’t since he was a child. Talking to her had been natural and he’d found himself opening up and sharing things with her that he normally only talked with Adon about. The sex had been mind blowing, but it was the conversation he thought about most. Talking with Gwen had been one of the most intimate experiences of his life and he wanted more. He wanted her.

Simon had sent his last email tonight though. He couldn’t go on with no response from Gwen. He’d exposed himself and poured his heart out to her and he’d gotten nothing. Only the fact that six months of code for his next video game, something completely outside the
franchise, resided on his hard drive had kept his fist in the wall rather than the laptop.

The offending machine sat on the hotel desk staring at him mockingly. Every time he sat down he hoped for an email from Gwen and every time his email was from everyone but her. Tonight had been no different. He was heart sore over it, but she’d made herself very clear.

Simon sat down at the desk to shut down the laptop. He bumped the mouse when he sat down and the screensaver evaporated. A small envelope icon flashed in the system tray. He had new email. His heart leapt in his chest just as it had done every other time, but he no longer expected an email reply from Gwen.

Simon maximized his email client and steeled himself for disappointment.




She was an idiot. She shouldn’t have responded, but his last email had been so sincere, she felt compelled. She’d almost answered so many times. She felt so bad about running away from him and he’d been so confused.

She couldn’t blame him. She was too. When she’d run, she’d only thought to get as far away from Simon as she could. She gotten in her car and headed to her parents' house. When she’d shown up they’d welcomed her, no questions asked, just as she’d known they would. Her Dad had hugged her and told her that as long as she was promising that she hadn’t been hurt in anyway, he wouldn’t pry. She’d promised. It was true after all. No one had hurt her, she’d destroyed herself.

She hidden in the comfort and love of her parents for two days before she had the courage to go back home. Her father had collected Monster for her after she’d come home and Monster had been spoiled and coddled by her mother. He was even more rotten now, but Simon had been right and she was working on how she interacted with him. He listened more often than not.

Relief had warred with disappointment when she’d returned and Simon had been gone. She had steeled herself for a confrontation with Simon. They were neighbors after all and she wasn’t going to be able to avoid him forever, but he’d been gone and hadn’t come back.

She could tell he was just traveling because his Jeep was still parked in his usual spot, but no one was home. Given that she was off the hook, for an undetermined amount of time, Gwen had just tried to return to her normal life. She shouldn’t have bothered.

Nothing would ever be the same now. She couldn’t stop thinking about Simon or their night together. He’d been so easy to talk to and she’d felt strangely close to him, as if he wasn’t holding anything back. It had made it easy to reciprocate with the same level of openness.

That was probably why she’d succumbed when he touched her. Her guard was down. She hadn’t been worried about her darker tendencies getting the better of her. She’d been a fool. No sooner had she dropped her guard then she’d proven to be nothing more than a depraved slut.

Tears flooded Gwen’s eyes as she thought about what she’d allowed herself to do. It had been three years since she’d allowed any man to touch her. After her disastrous relationship with Paul, she hadn’t been willing to risk herself again.

She’d dated Paul for two years. He’d been only her second lover. Gwen had always believed that sex was the physical manifestation of the emotional bond between two people and should not be taken lightly. She’d been a virgin until she was 19 years old and have given her virginity to Charlie Porter, her high school sweetheart. The relationship hadn’t survived separate colleges, but she’d never regretted her decision. She’d loved Charlie as only a teenager could and they’d ended amicably.

Paul had come into her life her last year of grad school. She’d taken some time to work in her father's accounting firm before returning to get her MBA. She’d always dreamed of opening her own store for jewelry making supplies. Specifically beading. She’d decided to get an MBA, write a business plan and get a small business loan to do so.

Not surprisingly, in retrospect at least, she’d been furious at the time, no one wanted to finance a 25 year old with no prior experience who’d never had so much as a credit card. But, her father had generously loaned her the money, making her cry when he told her how much he believed in her, and she was proud to say she’d repaid him the final payment six months ago.

Paul was the lawyer she’d hired to help her incorporate her business. The attraction had been immediate. He’d been dashing and debonair with blond hair and green eyes. His athletic build had lent him a lazy grace that had heated her blood and the way he had looked at her had made her breathless in the face of his obvious desire for her. He’d been 15 years her senior and to be wanted by such a mature and successful man had been intoxicating.

He’d wined and dined her and treated her with such care. He had been a perfect gentleman, seducing her with drugging kisses, but never pushing, never going further than kisses and light petting. He told her over and over how beautiful she was, how he wanted only to please her if she would just give herself to him.

At first, Gwen had been a little shocked when he described how he wanted to master her. She was familiar with BDSM, but only in the passing general knowledge type way, not with any real experience. Paul had made it sound as if she was really the one in control because his goal would be her pleasure and only through pleasing her could he please himself.

He’d played on her ignorance and lack of experience. He spoke to her in graphic detail, deliberately arousing her only to deny her any actual physical gratification. He claimed that he could only satisfy her truly if she submitted to him. After many weeks of what had obviously been a very deliberate and planned seduction, Gwen had given in.

Gwen wanted to please people. She loved putting a smile on people's faces. It made her day when she made someone happy. That was her nirvana. She was no pushover, she knew how and when to draw lines and she did so readily, but her relationship with Paul had reached a point where she was crazed with sexual frustration and feeling guilty because Paul acted so sad when she expressed her hesitancy at allowing him to master her.

Looking back, Gwen knew that her hesitancy had actually come from a sixth sense letting her know that something was not right with her relationship with Paul. But, that’s why hindsight is 20/20 and foresight is blind.

The first time with Paul had been wonderful. He’d demanded she obey his every command and the orgasm she’d had as he’d made love to her had been amazing. He’d praised her and told her she was wonderful and he loved her. Each time they’d made love, he’d been more and more demanding, pushing her limits of what she was willing to do to please him.

Gwen had reveled in her submission. She was pleasing the man she loved in the most elemental way possible. Somewhere along the way, something had changed. Paul praised her less and less and became more critical. Sometimes, she’d catch a look crossing his face that she could only describe as disgust.

After sex, Paul would practically run to the shower to wash up, leaving her feeling as if she’d infected him somehow. When she tried to talk to him, Paul would tell her she was being silly and change the subject. She tried in countless ways to get him to open up with no luck. She tried to please him in bed, ensuring she followed every instruction to the letter. It didn’t help.

Finally, Gwen had decided to throw caution to the wind and confront Paul. She planned to demand answers and wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She’d gone to Paul’s house to surprise him with dinner. She had a key because he traveled often and she took care of his plants and mail when he was gone. She’d never before used it when he was home without his permission.

She’d entered the house and come face to face with Paul’s naked ass. He had his back to her, but she’d been able to see the face of his secretary all too clearly. Stacy had been on her knees with her mouth shoved full of Paul’s cock. Paul was in the process of coming in Stacy’s mouth, when Gwen interrupted them. He yanked back from Stacy and she’d never forget the sight of Paul’s come spurting all over his rug as she’d turned and left.

When Paul had finally caught up to her, he’d made it quite clear that he found her disgusting. That only a depraved, immoral slut would allow someone to do the things to her that she’d allowed him to do to her. He’d told her that if she’d had any true self-respect or morals she’d never allow herself to be used so poorly.

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