Shatter (8 page)

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Authors: Rachel van Dyken

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Seaside#3

BOOK: Shatter
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Crap. That could not have gone worse. I should have just told him the truth. I wasn’t
sure what to say anymore. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

She answered on the first ring. “Alec, hey, how’s it going? Keeping it real in Seaside?”

I laughed
t least she still had
humor after all the shit that producer husband of hers put her through. “Yeah, listen…
we need to talk.”

“Okay, what about?”

I sighed and told myself to calm down
. “
Remember how Angelica had…


“She’s going to go to the medi
a or so she claims. Your ex
her an offer she couldn’t refuse. They’re going to make it look bad. I mean really
bad. As in you cheated
he looks like an angel
and honestly, I’m fearful for the kids
of your kids.”
The emphasis was
so she would get who
I was talking about. Silence greeted me on the other end
I sighed

ut I’m also really freaked out about what Nat’s going to say. I know
we both swore we wouldn’t say a word about anything and make up some insane story
if it ever got out, but
I have a life and—

Alec. I…” She paused
“I know this is difficult, but…
if the pictures are leaked it will still be better than you going to the media first.
If you go
then it will look even worse
ike you knew it was going to hit the fan and are backpedaling
. If they see the pictures, it will blow up in both our faces, but you prom
ised you’d lie. You promised me
ou said you’d take all the blame
. I have a family to protect.

“You think I don’t? He is my family! So is Nat
, but—

ook, Alec. I’ve gotta go. No offense
but you’re the one that was with Angelica that night before we even met. That thing
doesn’t hide her crazy
and the way I see it
he only way out is in. Sorry. I gotta run.”

The phone went dead. I stared at it for a few brief seconds before slamming it against
the table. The screen cracked. Several photographers looked my way. I waved. “Bad

Surprisingly, t
hey bought it and ignored me as I pushed through the doors to find Nat. She was laughing
with Demetri and suddenly I was brought back to the first time I saw her.

It was a damn
pen. She’d dropped it on the floor and I’d picked it up. Stupid
right? I picked up her pink pen and handed it to her. The minute our fingers touched
I felt it. This uncontrollable pull. I knew th
en and there that I wanted her.

People always talk about soul mates and all that shit. Movies and songs are full of
it. I’d never believed it, until
I met her. Until my entire freaking world was thrown upside

I’d do anything to go back in time. To ignore that stupid pen. Maybe if I would have
ignored the pen, I could have kept myself from her and let Demetri have her,
or any guy who was more worthy.

Great, now I was blaming my issues on a fuzzy pink pen. I groaned and made a beeline
for Nat and Demetri.

“Hey guys.” I stopped in front of them. Dem
tri glared at me. I gave him a head nod and mout
hed sorry when Nat looked away.

He nodded once, but I knew that
he wa
s placated, at least for a bit.

“You ready to go?” I asked Nat. She looked really pale. “You don’t look so hot.”

She laughed
. “
That’s the thing
I feel super hot and just…
weird. I don’t know. I think I may really be coming down with something.”

I reached out to her and grabbed her hand
. “
I’ll take you back to the house
? We’ve gotta be up early for filming anyways, you should get your rest.”


” Nat groaned
. “
Only four more weeks?”


Demetri snorted
. “
Let’s not forget what this week

s theme is.”

l three of us groaned together.

” I ground out. “I swear
if I’m put on Angelica’s team I’m going to let her get seriously injured.”

“Get in line.” Demetri snorted
. “
At least you didn’t sleep with her.”

“What?” Nat’s gaze flew to Demetri

s. “You slept with her
fter you already knew she was bad news and after everything you and I went through
? Were you on drugs?”

“High. I was high. Alyssa knows, so stop giving me that weird
, besides I was depressed that someone chose my brother over me

Nat sighed
. “
Sorry. For a second I thought you cheated on her and I was going to have to castrate

Demetri smirked in my direction
. “
Is that what happens to cheaters
Nat? They lose their manhood?”

Nat punched him in the shoulder
. “
hat was me just being kind because I love you. If I ever got cheated on
I’d bury the body in the woods and feign ignorance.”

“Good to know
” I choked out as Demetri gave me a satisfied grin. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“You know…” Demetri fell into step beside us
. “
I think I’ll come too
I’m just going to go give my keys to Jaymeson so he can get back.”

“What about Angelica?”

“Here’s hoping she doesn’t.” Demetri gave us a thumbs
up and walked off.

Nat slumped against me.

“Are you sure

“Peachy. Now, let’s
go home
I’m sleepy.”



I woke up with a headache.

Probably from all the champagne I was throwing back last night, like that would somehow
make all my iss
ues disappear.

ng, I got out of bed and threw
on my running gear. I needed to clear my head
and I knew the easiest way to do that, and prepare for our teambuilding week with
the rest of the cast, was to listen to music and chill.

Who the hell thought up teambuilding week anyways? This wasn’t
urvivor! Put AD2 in hilarious situations where they had to learn how to trust their
fellow cast mates. Divide the brothers and see who wins.

Um, right. Been there
done that.

Pretty sure I won

Not that I was going to go saying that out loud, especially with Demetri still being
all sensitive
now that he wasn’t getting high anymore

I walked out the front door and stretched, then began my slow stride down the boardwalk.
At least the pain throbbing in my legs was strong enough to numb the guilt for a bit.
It was turning out to be a crazy beautiful morning. I sprinted the last half mile
and then went to the back of th
e Seaside
ouse to do pull ups.

I did them until I fel
t like I was going to pass out.

“You do know that it’s teambuilding day
ame Jaymeson

s sleepy voice
. “
You’re going to be absolute crap today if you don’t take a breather.”

“Right.” I dropped down to my feet and grabbed a nearby towel
. “
I was just lost in thought.”

“Yeah.” Jaymeson grinned
. “
I run fifteen mile
s when I want to think too

I laughed and shook my head
. “
Prick. And it wasn’t fifteen.”

, once you pass ten, it’s all the same.”

Shrugging, I pushed past him just in time to see three sleepy girls walk out of the
house. I turned and lifted my eyebrow
. “

they aren’t mine
” Demetri said from behind them. “Jaymeson, my man. I don’t know whether to punch
you or spray you with Lysol.”

The girls scowled at Demetri and then turned lust
filled eyes
me. I backed up like a trapped animal and lifted my hands in the air
. “
Jaymeson, care to call off the wolves?”

sorry.” Jaymeson put his phone away
. “
Thank you for a lovely evening
ladies.” He bent over each of their hands and kissed them on the cheek, taking special
care to look each of them in the eyes before sending them on the

“Holy hell, it’s like you have a harem.” I squinted as they all happily disappeared
out the back
. “Are they seriously just leaving and not asking for your number? What did you do,
drug them?”

Jaymeson shrugged
. “
It’s how I roll.”

“Crap. You’re worse than Demetri was.” I chuckled and took a swig of water.

Demetri threw a
towel at my head
. “

I threw it back at his face
. “

With a scowl Demetri came and stood by me. I shook my head
. “
It’s like watching a wild animal in its natural habitat
” I said, amused as Jaymeson began stretching and then texting on his phone. “Ten
bucks says he’s setting up his next b
ooty call.”

“Twenty and you’ve got a bet.” Demetri held out his hand.

she’s my step-m
how a little respect.”

The water spewed out of my mouth. I choked wildly as Demetri patted my back. “Dude,
you’re supposed to drink water, not inhale it like a mermaid.”


s head snapped up
. “
Mermaids inhale wate

“That’s all you took from this entire conversation? Mermaids?”

“To be fair

I said,
though my
scratchy from choking
. “
To him mermaids are just another type of female he can seduce.”


s eyes narrowed. “Hilarious.”

“How is that damn sexy newly
divorced mom of yours,
Jaymeson?” Demetri teased

I pretende
d to ignore their conversation.

.” He put his phone in his pocket
. “
She’s thinking about taking a long vacation, you know, to get away from all the media
for a while.”

“Where?” The word
out before I could even think.


” Jaymeson

s eyes narrowed
. “
She was actually asking me
bout renting a beach house here. Would you guys be cool with that? I mean
she’s not going to bring any of the brothers and sisters
hey’re going to stay with the
anny, but she really seemed stressed out. Like she needed a break.
Then again, she’s a female
so spiders and The Bachelor
stress her out, you know?”


“I have no idea how you get so many girls.” Demetri rolled his eyes
. “
And it’s fine. She can stay in our house. I mean
that way she can be close to the set.
You guys can bond and not have to worry about not seeing one another
ince we’re all holed up here in the Seaside Producer House Hell.”

“Speaking of.” I pointed to the outside cameras taking in our entire conversation.

ri smiled and flipped them off.


I scratched my head
. “
No offense
Jaymeson, but don’t you think your mom would be more comfortable in something smaller?
Safer? I mean
people know it’s our house
he media practically camps outside it.”

Demetri hit me on the back of the head
. “
Dude, manners!” He high
fived Jaymeson
. “
Don’t worry, they’re too
by the show and know we’re here for the next few weeks. Call her back
ell her she can stay there.”

I looked between the two of them. I should have said something to stop the shit storm
that was coming my way. Instead I turned on my heel and walked str
aight upstairs into Nat’s room.

A producer and camera team followed me as I barged in and sat on her bed. She was
still peacefully sleeping.

I reached over and felt her forehead. At least it was cool. She’d been running a bit
of a fever last night and still looked kind of crappy when she was finally able to
fall asleep.

“Nat.” I kissed her cheek
. “
Wake up, sweetheart.”

“Mmmm.” With eyes still closed
she opened her arms to me. I was all sweaty but I hugged her anyways
. “
You smell like sweat.”

. “
I thought you liked my sweat?”

“Only when—

Her eyes popped open. She jolted back and threw the covers over her head the minute
she saw
cameras. “Go away!”

The producer laughed and stepped closer. I had half a mind to punch him in the face.
Instead, I glared in his direction and said very loudly

You sleep naked
right, Nat?”

“Yes.” She sounded irritated
. “
Or I will be in five seconds. You know the nakedness clause for Seaside…”

Glaring, the producer stood his ground as Nat

s hands reached out from under the covers and threw down articles of clothing. First
a sock, then a shirt, then another sock. I tried to hide my laughter but it was too
funny. They were the on
made the rules, not me.

With a curse, the producer pulled the camera crew out an
d slammed the door behind them.

I ran over to lock it, laughing the entire way.

“That was close!” Nat said from under the covers.

“So close.” My mind was elsewhere, like Nat’s naked body…

With a squeal she j
umped out of bed fully clothed.

“What?” Yeah, it was impossible to hide my disappointment. I looked at the floor,
then back at her. “Okay
Clark Kent, what gives?”

With a satisfied smirk she got to her feet and
stood on the bed, then put her hand to her head and sat
back down
. “I’m brilliant, that’s all
, and a bit dizzy. Weird.

“Yeah, well
I’ve always known that. I mean
you beat Demetri at Cranium every game night.”

“Not my fault he doesn’t have my skills.”

“Right.” I jumped onto the bed and stood, my head nearly touching the ceiling. “And
it’s not his fault you cheat at every single game you play.”

“Do not!”

I threw my head back and laughed
“Good God
ou cheated at checkers last week when we went to that elementary school for volunteer

With a huff she crossed her arms
. “
That kid was pulling one over
me! He was eating my checkers!”

I licked my lips to keep from laughing
. “
They were chocolate.”

She pointed at my face
. “
He was still cheating.”

“Didn’t mean you had to scare the crap out of him and tell him all cheaters go to
and then eat his checkers while he took a potty break.”

With a devilish laugh Nat fell to the bed in a heap
. “
yes. Taught him a lesson.”

“Yes.” With a loud thump I fell onto the bed to join her
. “
Good one.
show a six year old. I’m so proud to call you my girlfriend.”

“You should be.” Her chin jutted out in a challenge as
against the mattress. “Say it. Say

Nat’s a winner



“Say it!” Her hands flew to my sides where she knew I was most ticklish. It had taken
her almost our entire relationship to finally find out my weak point
and even then, I told her if it ever ended up on TMZ I was going to hide all the Swedish
fish in the house.

She still hadn’t told Demetri
so I figured the secret was safe.

“Nat is…” I bit my lip and squinted down at her
. “


I pressed my finger to her lips
. “
I wasn’t finished.”

do go on then.”

, a damn good ping-pong player—

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