Revelations (Bloodline Series) (5 page)

Read Revelations (Bloodline Series) Online

Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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everything’s going to be okay now, you can calm down,” Eligos said as he took
my hand.

can’t, it won’t leave me.”

started talking to me, but I had no idea what he was saying. His voice sounded
muffled and quiet, as though he stood far away from me. I looked around and saw
people running all over to check the bodies lying on the ground.

haven’t their bodies dispersed?” I asked, interrupting whatever Eligos was

that only happens if they’re in another realm,” Unsere explained. “If they are
here, home, then their bodies remain even if their souls are destroyed. We will
either bury them or cremate them.”

gonna be a lot of upset people here. I shudder to think how many have died,”
Eaven said sadly. “
could have died, Keira…thank you for protecting

welcome,” I finally said. “Eligos, I think we need to go back to the palace.”

said goodbye to Unsere and Eaven, then made our way to the palace.

as I entered I returned to normal and let out a sigh of relief. We walked into
the main hall and found Lucifer sitting there, his eyes still glowing red.
Lilith was going berserk, shouting at him for going to Heaven and for causing
everything that had just happened, but mostly for frightening her.

if He’d killed you; what would I have done then?” she shouted at him. “Did you
think about that for even a second?”

wouldn’t kill me,” he told her. “Who would run this place? He may get pissed,
but He is no threat to my life.”

if His wrath had killed me then? Do you have any idea what just happened here?
If it wasn’t for my daughter,
could have been killed.”

cleared his throat to let them know we were in the room. Both of them turned to
look at us, and Lilith fell silent. This reminded me of the argument Eligos and
I had when I went to get Elizabeth from the pits.

somebody tell me what the hell is going on, please?” I snapped.

Lilith said. “Lucifer here was being selfish and could have gotten us all
killed, that’s what’s going on.”

down,” Lucifer told her sternly.

think you
need to calm down,” I said, looking at them in turn. “Lilith,
what’s happened has happened, we can’t change that. Lucifer, your eyes are
still red, so you definitely need to chill out a bit.”

right,” Eligos said.

sat down next to Lucifer and turned silent again. Lucifer leaned back in his
chair for a few minutes, closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths. Though
unnecessary, breathing tended to have a calming effect on demons…probably all

was silent for several minutes while we waited for Lucifer to calm down. Eligos
stood holding my hand; Lilith stared at the wall in front of her. I started to
get very impatient…actually, fidgety is probably a better description. I couldn’t
relax properly and didn’t want to have to stand around in silence. I was
starting to feel like a time bomb just waiting to go off. Eligos noticed me
fidgeting and led me out of the hall into one of the small rooms just off it.

you okay?” he asked me once he had closed the door.

think I need to hurry up and get out of here.”

can go for a while if you want; I’m sure they would both understand.”

want to know why he went to Heaven…why he did it when he must have known what
would happen. I want to know what he found out.”

in here a moment.”

nodded and watched him walk out of the room and back into the main hall, then
turned to look out the window while I waited. It was a terrible sight to see.
People were crying, standing over the bodies of friends and loved ones. Others
were rummaging frantically through the debris trying to find people. The place
looked like a war zone.

Eligos said as he walked back in the room. “Lucifer can’t calm down; so much
so, he only just managed to get a sentence out without going nuts again.”

what now?”

says we should go back to your friends. She will call out to us when Lucifer is
calm again.”

getting sick of all this—well, I’ve been sick of it for a long just
takes the piss.”

he is calm we may finally find out what’s causing this,” he said, walking over
to me. “We might finally be getting somewhere.”

know,” I sighed.

walked back into the main hall so I could say goodbye to Lilith. Lucifer was no
longer sitting still—he was pacing up and down, and some of the pots they had
as decorations around the outside of the room were now in pieces. As I walked
over to Lilith a few more smashed.

best get out of here,” she told me. “He isn’t ready to talk. If he does, you
may get hurt…he can’t control his temper very well.”

us know when you want us.”

sorry Keira,” Lucifer said quickly. “Just give me some time. I haven’t been
there for a long time, and as I’m sure you know I’m not welcome. I know there
was trouble here when I left, but believe me, it was just as bad for me. I can’t
explain it all to you right now....”

okay, we’ll talk when you’re ready,” I told him, trying not to sound annoyed.

took my hand, and I watched as the view in front of me changed from Lucifer to
the front of my house. I went to walk forward, but Eligos stopped me.

don’t tell them anything yet,” he said.


about it; Lucifer went to Heaven. That’s the
sin. What does
that tell you?”

don’t understand.”

not certain, but I think...maybe it’s not someone from Hell that’s causing the

Are you trying to say an angel is doing this? I’m sorry, I don’t believe it.”

else would he have gone to Heaven, Keira? I’m telling you, something’s
seriously not right, and ask yourself this—why have you been given the power of
an archangel? Why the hell would God give a demon that?” he almost shouted. “Especially
one who is already ridiculously powerful.”

relax; if it
an angel you should be happy—it means it’s not Hell’s
problem, and we don’t need to be involved.”

just look at you. Why would you have been given the power if we didn’t have to
get involved?”

relax, and don’t get upset over it; all you will do is upset
, and
then God knows what will happen.”

sorry…come on, let’s go inside.”

we walked in, we found all the guys in the living room with Olivia and her
brothers, still explaining everything. I noticed Lily had the laptop on her
knee and was typing away.

are you doing?” I whispered while looking over her shoulder.

writing everything down. Then when someone else turns up we can tell them to
read it and save our voices.”


did it go in Hell?” she asked.

good…I’ll explain later.”

walked away from her and sat on the sofa next to Lucian. Eligos didn’t sit with
us; instead he stood as still as a statue staring out of the window. I decided
to leave him to his thoughts for a while, and listened while the guys explained
everything to the newbies. They didn’t go into too much detail on everything;
they were obviously fed up with explaining themselves. Olivia, Jared, and
Marshal looked as interested as Marley and Beth had when they first joined us.
Every now and again Jared or Olivia would look over at me and smile slightly
before turning their attention back to whoever was talking.

that’s basically it, to cut a very long story as short as possible,” Lucian
said, sounding relieved. “Well, apart from everything that has happened today.
Any questions?”

have one,” Olivia said. “How the hell are we supposed to fight when we don’t
we’re fighting? And why do
have to fight? We could
just move away, have nothing to do with it.”

you can’t hide from it; if we lose this fight, everyone will die,” Eligos
snapped. “And I mean
everyone you have ever known or loved, or spoken
to in the street—and they won’t die peacefully, either. You have the chance to
defend them. Normal human beings cannot fight in this war. What are they going
to do? Fire guns at the attackers? They’re demons, for God’s sake…they’re
already dead. If you shot
now, all I would do is laugh at you. Don’t
get me wrong, they could possibly work against the spirits who are just
possessing the bodies. It would destroy their vessel, and they would be forced
to leave. But demons are very different…they couldn’t kill

are we supposed to kill demons?” Jared asked. “We could barely protect
ourselves from those creatures; we’re not strong enough to fight them.”

will learn,” I told him. “All of you will. Everyone here has had to learn, and
you’re no different.”

alright for you…look at you, ‘Miss Mix-up of everything’; you’re strong,
not. So why don’t
protect everyone?” Marshal said nastily while
jumping to his feet. “Leave us out of it.”

I said, standing. “Piss off then. Defend yourselves, or should I say
You think you can walk away from this? Then go…go and face them alone, because
I promise you these demons
find you, no matter where you go.”


don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out,” I shouted, pointing
towards the front door.


Olivia said in shock. “What’s gotten into you?”

she won’t defend us, she won’t protect us,” he told her. “Jesus, she let her
own friend die,” he said, pointing at Tyler. “Why would she care about us?”

didn’t matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t control my temper, but to my
surprise it wasn’t the angel that showed itself. Instead, I changed to my demon
form. Everyone except Marshall ran to the outskirts of the room.

think I
him die?” I said between gritted teeth. “I gave
life to save him.”

so you could get it on with the demon thing over there,” he said as his eyes
turned black.

walked over to him and punched him so hard he hit the wall then fell to the
floor, seemingly unconscious.

that is not your brother,” he told her.


right,” an unfamiliar female voice said. “I thought you would have picked up on
it sooner.”

watched as Marshal rose to his feet, then his whole appearance changed. In
front of me now stood a woman, but not a human one. Her skin was a shiny olive color,
and her hair was bright red, like strawberries. Her face looked human enough,
except for her eyes. They were black where ours were normally white while her
irises and pupils were merged together and yellow. I looked at her hands; she
only had four long, thin fingers on each, with black nails.

you’re Keira,” she said, glaring at me.

leave the room, now,” Eligos commanded.

them stay, this is only a flying visit,” the woman said. “I just wanted to see
Keira for myself.”

I asked.

knew your father,” she smiled.


I did.”

turned to look at Eligos to see his reaction. He looked livid. “And you killed
him!” he barked before looking at me. “Keira,
is Marimay.”

turned to look at her so fast that I startled myself.

my cue to leave…I’m not ready to kill you yet,” she smirked.

went to throw energy at her, but in a second she had disappeared. The whole
house started shaking—I was losing control. Eligos grabbed me, and a moment
later we were in the middle of a field somewhere. He backed away from me
quickly just before the angel set itself free.

stood there still as a statue, glaring at him.

her!” I ordered.

not one of my powers Keira; you know I would if I could. I’d have done it a
long time ago.”

want her here—now!”


going to tear her apart, limb from limb, and then…then I’m gonna put her back
together and start all over again. I’d do it a million times—”

you will get your chance. She said she’s not ready to kill you ‘yet’; that
means she has every intention of coming for you, as soon as she thinks she can
beat you.”

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