Revelations (Bloodline Series) (3 page)

Read Revelations (Bloodline Series) Online

Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Revelations (Bloodline Series)
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looked back at Keira’s window. I saw Eligos standing there, trying to reason
with Keira. A second later he was standing in front of us.

won’t listen…the angel is free again,” he told us all. “She’s gonna come down
here and unleash Heaven and Hell on us. You all need to leave—now.”

I told him. “Not this time. If she wants to kill me, so be it…I would rather
die by
hands than some other demon’s in the future. I’m staying,” I
told him.

guys,” Beth said worriedly. “Who are

all turned to follow her gaze. There were around thirty large creatures walking
quickly towards us; the same kind of creatures Lilith had come to earth to kill
the night we found out Danny was a demon. They were powerful, strong, and hard
to kill. This is what I would have imagined a hellhound to look like.

Eligos shouted angrily. “Why now?”

followed us,” Olivia said in a frightened voice.

stood waiting for the creatures, and then had to turn away when we heard the
front door fly off its hinges. Jared threw his hands in the air and sent the
door into the fields. Keira walked outside with a ferocious, furious look on
her face that I’d never seen before. She glared at us all as she seemed to glide
down the porch steps. She then stopped in her tracks and looked past us toward
the creatures. Eligos ran over to her, but she never looked at him.

I heard him say. “Go inside, calm down; we’ll handle them. You can’t get worked

turned my attention back to the creatures; they were now only a few hundred
yards away from us and approaching quickly. Keira moved in front of us, her
back towards us, facing them. All the creatures stopped running when they saw
her, and instead started cowering. She raised her arms in front of her, and a
white mist emanated from her fingertips, moving quickly and surrounding the
creatures. They screamed out in pain so loud that we all had to cover our ears.
The mist seemed to be scalding them, and the smell of burning flesh and hair
filled my nose, so strong and putrid that it made me feel physically sick. I
watched, still covering my ears and holding my breath as the creatures fell to
their knees. None of them could escape the mist. A red haze escaped their
bodies, and each and every creature became motionless.

mist coming from Keira’s fingers was replaced by what could only be described
as lightning forks, which hit the hazes and seemed to electrocute them. I moved
my hands away from my ears and heard a fizzing sound. A second later their
burnt remains seemed to evaporate and disappeared.

turned to face us. “If you’re going to try and kill me, be warned—I will kill
you first.”

none of us want to hurt you; we just don’t want you to hurt yourself, or us,”
Hecate told her.

won’t.” As she spoke, her eyes returned to normal, her skin became free of the
markings, and she was herself again.

can control it now?” Lucian asked in disbelief.

I don’t think so, it just went away.”

you possessed?”

I was still me. It just took over and did what it needed to do. I felt so

it still inside you?”

I can feel it.”

you know what it is?” Eligos asked her.

think it’s an angel,” she replied.


turned her attention to the new arrivals. “Who are you? What do you want?”

were told to find you,” Jared told her.

we should go inside…it seems we all have questions that need answering,” Jake

Chapter 3




waited outside with me while Lily and the others went indoors. Lucian and Beth
led the new guys in. I fixed the cracks in the ground before turning to look at

sorry I attacked you,” I told him.

not bothered about that…I knew you would. I’m more upset that you thought I
wanted to kill you,” he said sadly.

don’t know where that came from. I was just scared.”

I could never hurt you, never mind kill you. If you died, I would kill myself.”

don’t know how to control it; it just takes over. I’m scared that if I get
annoyed or stressed out it will take over. It’s the power…it wants to keep me
safe, and so it tries to eliminate any threats.”

keep telling yourself we’re no threat, then we should be okay; it shouldn’t
attack us.”

try. I couldn’t think that before you all trapped me.”

understand that,” he nodded. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

I said, taking hold of his arm. “Is Hecate right…could I kill you all and not

you understand how to use or rid yourself of this power if you were to lose
control—yes, you could.”

I don’t want to be anywhere near you,” I told him, backing away. “I would never
forgive myself if I hurt you. I couldn’t go on living,”

you can’t just leave us. Firstly, I won’t let you, and secondly, you’re safer
here with us. We can try and contain you.”

because that worked
well before.”

find a way. We didn’t exactly have a lot of time to work out how to trap a
cross breed. I’ve never heard of this ever being done before.”

that makes me feel really good.”

go inside Keira,” he said, holding his hand out. “Come on, we’ll figure it out.”

took his hand and let him lead me into the house and then into the living room,
where we sat on the sofa under the window. The others were staring at me, and I
started to feel rather uncomfortable.

you okay?” Lucian finally asked.

I nodded.

happened to you?” Lily asked me.

don’t know. The last thing I remember is pulling out of the parking lot in
town. Everything else is a blur.”

might be able to shed some light on what happened,” Marley offered, walking
over to me. “I’ve been practicing my power. I can try and get inside your head,
see if I can figure it out.”

don’t know if that’s a good idea at the moment, Marley,” Hecate said,

you don’t feel threatened by me, do you?”

Marley, I don’t.”

I think we should try.”

it,” Eligos agreed. “We need to know what happened.”

looked at me and smiled warmly. I nodded to her, and Eligos moved so she could
sit beside me. She told me to sit back, relax, and close my eyes. I did as I
was told and tried to stop my mind from racing. After a few minutes, I felt her
hands on either side of my head. I didn’t move, I didn’t breathe…it was just a
habit, anyway, since I was dead.

relax,” she whispered.

was silent; you could have heard a pin drop in the room. A few minutes later I
heard Marley gasp a little. Her hands started shaking slightly, making my head
feel like it was vibrating. Her breathing became faster and faster—she was
panicking, which in turn started to make me feel very uneasy. I tried to stay
as calm as I could, but I knew she would have to stop soon. If not I had a
horrible feeling the thing inside me would show itself again. Luckily, after
just a few minutes she let go of me.

she gasped, wide eyed. “That was unbelievable. I could feel everything you
felt, hear what you were thinking. It was crazy.”

us what you saw,” Eligos said to her.

was in the car driving back here; she saw something, a white building she hadn’t
seen before—”

remember that,” I told her as I got a little flashback.

decided not to turn off towards the house but to go and see what it was.
Curiosity got the better of you. You pulled up next to it and got out of the

building was it, Marley?” Hecate asked.

church…a small but absolutely stunning church, with marble walls and beautiful
windows. I’ve never seen anything like it—”

not interested in the décor, what happened to her?” Eligos almost demanded to

yes; she walked inside, and was on her way towards the altar when this white
mist appeared and made its way over to her. She tried to run out, but it surrounded
her, and started to seep into her. She couldn’t fight it; it more or less paralyzed
her. Then, once it had seeped into her completely, she fell to the floor.”

don’t remember any of that,” I frowned. “I do remember waking up in a field and
feeling really dizzy. I felt…strange, like…I can’t describe it. Just weird,
stronger than normal, which I really didn’t think was possible. Like I was
protected, but…I don’t know, I feel it now. It’s hard to try and explain,” I
said, starting to get frustrated.

okay,” Eligos assured me, sitting next to me again. “Just relax.”

was no church, building, or anything in the field. So where the hell did that
go? I remember I saw the markings on my skin, and watched them change color. I
started panicking and jumped in the car. The next thing I remember is crashing.”

you’re safe now,” Lily said.

what’s happening to me?”

going to go and see Lilith; she might know something I don’t. I won’t be long,”
Eligos told me.

come with you.”

you can’t…not if you’re an angel.”

an angel,” I said, tempting fate and allowing my demon self to
become visible for a moment. “I am Lilith’s daughter, a demon, and Hell is my

yet, Keira, please just trust me,” he said, taking my hand. “You do still trust
me, don’t you?”


stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” As soon as he had finished his
sentence he disappeared.

about me now; I need to take my mind off things,” I said, turning to face the
three new guys. “What’s your story, and what are your names?”

of them introduced themselves but seemed very uneasy when talking to me. I
could understand that though.

were all having dreams about you, starting a few weeks ago. I was the first to
have one and told my brothers about it,” Olivia told me.

a few nights later Jared and I had the same dream,” Marshal continued. “You
were pissed off with Tyler over something— we both saw you attacking him. Then
we had a visit from a spirit, a woman, who said her name was Elizabeth. She
told us where to find you.”

my many times great grandmother,” I told them. “Did she say why?”

didn’t have to…we know something is going on. Our mom didn’t have power—she
died a few years ago. But our dad did. He started acting strange a few months
ago,” Jared informed us.

do you mean by strange?” Jake asked.

stopped going to work, stopped eating, sleeping, and spent most of his time
alone locked in our basement,” Olivia explained. “We thought he was depressed…he
never really got over our mom dying. But then one night when we were talking
about what to do with him, we heard him chanting loudly in a language we hadn’t
heard before. Jared kicked the door through to the basement and we found him sitting
on the floor, his wrists cut, bleeding over this weird symbol.”

turned to look at me,” Jared continued. “His face was cut and bleeding, and his
eyes were glowing green. He stood up and grabbed a funny shaped dagger off the
table. Then he came at me with it. Olivia and Marshal came to my aid and
attacked him. Then he backed off, started laughing, and stabbed himself through
his heart.”

that we started getting attacked. We managed to defend ourselves quite well
until those creatures showed up. We couldn’t fight them—they were too strong.
All we could do was stay inside and cast spells to stop them from entering the
house. I’ve lost count of how many near death experiences we’ve all had,”
Marshal told us.

father was performing a ritual by the sound of it,” Hecate told them with a
thoughtful look on her face. “Can you remember what the symbol looked like?”

was quite big, a circle with what looked like a key shape in the center. It had
a cross in the middle; the four ends had triangles on them so they looked like
arrows pointing inwards towards the center, and two wavy lines at each side of
the cross. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

father was attempting to summon Vetis.”

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