Revelations (Bloodline Series)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

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Bloodlines Series Book 3




Lindsay Anne Kendal



Castle Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and
are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations,
organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


World Castle Publishing

Pensacola, Florida

Copyright © Lindsay Anne Kendal 2013

ISBN: 9781939865397

First Edition World Castle Publishing May 15, 2013

Licensing Notes

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

Cover: Lindsay Anne Kendal Graphics

Editor: Maxine Bringenberg



I’d like to say thank you to a very special woman. She has always looked after
me; been there through all the good times, but also held my hand through the
bad. She has encouraged me all my life and wants nothing more than to see me
succeed. This woman is the most amazing person I have ever met, and I love her
with all my heart. I don’t know what I would do without her.

you for everything. This woman is called Trish, and Trish is my wonderful Mum.

my sister Cheryl, thank you for all your support and the kicks up the backside
when needed. Also for listening to me go on and on…and on.

a very special and true friend, Jane Anne Linsdell. You’ve supported me 100%
since day one, and I want to thank you very much for everything, especially
your friendship.

got some fantastic friends who have supported me every step of the way. So here
is a special thank you to...James McDermott, Pauline and Alan Smith, Natalie
Dale, Sharon Aldcroft, Ann and Katharine Taylor, Danielle Kelly... to name a
few. Thank you all for your friendship and support.



is probably the last time I will get to speak to you on my own, just you and

last year has been hard on everyone; hurt, pain, war, and sacrifice now seem to
be a part of our everyday lives. Nobody knows what to expect anymore. We’re
sick of waiting around to be picked off one by one.

what do we do now?

take drastic action. I’ve had enough of this thing calling all the shots. There
will be casualties, I’m fully aware of that. Will it hurt? Of course it will. I’m
going to lose some of my friends; the thought of that alone makes me feel sick
to my stomach. But if we wait around much longer I risk losing all of them.

have to be smart…we have to win. I will do whatever it takes, regardless of the

needs to end, and it needs to end now.

Chapter 1

of Control



details of what happened after Keira eventually returned home are still vivid
in my mind. Needless to say, we were all shocked, and it took us some time to
sort it out.

car appeared but didn’t slow down; it seemed to be completely out of control. It
came through the open gates, and we watched fearfully as it crashed at a rather
high speed into the side of Lucian’s car.

Eligos shouted, panic-stricken.

and Hecate ran towards the car. The driver’s door opened, and I watched, frozen
in horror as Keira crawled out and fell to the ground. She couldn’t stand. Every
time she tried she fell back to her knees.

Hecate shouted frantically, quickly grabbing Eligos. “Stop!” she cried again,
stopping them both from getting any closer to Keira. Tyler and I ran over as
everyone else came running outside to see what was going on.

Hecate shouted again. “Stop!” We both stopped beside her and Eligos. “Look,”
she said, staring at Keira.

was kneeling, shaking like a leaf in the wind but glaring at us. I noticed
instantly that her eyes were different. They were red, but every few seconds
they would turn cobalt blue and glow for a split second before turning red

Eligos whispered, in shock and anger.

is it?” Marley asked, running over. “What...? Oh my God, the eyes,” she gasped.


what does it mean?” I demanded.

you lied…you said you didn’t know what it was. You do,” Marley cried. “What is

be! It’s’s not possible,” he almost whispered, still staring at her.

I screamed. “What is it?”


not just any angel,” Hecate added in a fearful voice. “It’s an archangel.”

slowly started moving backwards, dragging Eligos with her. The others were standing
with us now, all of them staring at Keira. She looked so frightened.

can’t just leave her,” Tyler shouted nastily before running towards her.

Hecate cried.

reached out to him as though to welcome his help, but as she did blue orbs flew
from both her hands. They struck Tyler and sent him flying backwards straight
into Lucian and Beth; all of them fell to the ground. She pulled her hands back
quickly, not knowing what was happening; you could see by the look on her face that
she hadn’t meant to hurt him.

and the others quickly recovered and helped each other to their feet again.
Tyler looked terrified.

do we do?” I asked Hecate, in tears.

can’t do anything,” she said, still staring at Keira.

must be something.”

was interrupted by the roaring of thunder. Black clouds covered the sky; they
moved at tremendous speed, faster than I had ever seen, and stretched further
than my eyes could see. Lightning struck the ground in a dozen different places
at the same time, one of them nearly hitting Marley. She screamed, and Jake quickly
grabbed her. The scream seemed to startle Keira, and she flinched. As she did,
mounds of earth flew about ten feet into the air before falling back to the
ground, resembling landmines exploding all around us. We all panicked and moved
closer together.

you need to fight it!” Eligos shouted, almost pleading with her.

watched as she struggled to get to her feet. After a few attempts, she managed
to stand.

it!” he shouted again.

can’t,” she cried.

put her hands to her head, her fingers disappearing under her hair. The vine
like markings on her skin glowed white for a second at the same time as her
eyes glowed blue. She screamed out in fear, turning my whole body icy cold. I felt
sick…I’d never heard anyone
like that; fear—no
terror, despair, and pain all at the same time, all from the same person. It
was horrific to hear. Eligos tried to break free from Hecate, desperate to get
to Keira, but Danny moved quickly to help her keep a firm hold on him. Keira
fell to her knees again, and the ground began to shake violently.

can’t control it,” Hecate shouted.

just figured that out, have you?” Tyler barked.

turned to look at Hecate; she had tears running down her face. She was upset,
but you could also tell she was frightened.

happening to her?” Lucian demanded.

don’t know,” she replied.

need to help her,” Danny said.

can’t go near her. Danny, an archangel can kill a demon without the aid of a weapon.
She’s out of control. It’s too much power on top of what she already has. If
one of us were to startle her or even touch her at all, whether she meant to or
not she could kill us and not even realize what she’d done until it was too
late,” Hecate explained.

watched as Keira managed to stand again. It almost looked painful for her to
move. The ground shook more and more violently until it started to crack and
pull apart. All of us were now separated into groups. Danny, Hecate, Eligos,
and I were on one patch of earth. Marley, Jake, and Lucian were on another,
whilst Beth and Tyler were on a smaller patch holding on to each other to help
themselves balance as the earth moved.

wind started to blow hard and cold as I stood there, dithering but unable to
take my eyes off her. The gates around the front and side gardens flew into the
air piece by piece. She stood there staring at her hands, watching as her
markings glowed, each time glowing for a longer period.

please!” Eligos shouted. “Fight it!”

looked up at him for a moment, sadness and panic spread across her face. All
the trees around the driveway set on fire, but not fire like we were used to
seeing. The flames turned from the normal intense orange to a brilliant white.

God,” Hecate said in a panicked voice. “Holy fire.”

thunder stopped roaring, and I looked up at the sky. The clouds were parting,
creating a circle of brilliant blue sky just over where Keira stood. All of us
watched as a beam of golden light shot down from inside the circle, surrounding

Eligos cried, trying once again to break free of Danny’s and Hecate’s grips.

elevated from the ground, her arms slightly out to her sides, and her head fell
backwards as though she was unconscious. The white glow slowly made its way
through her body, taking over the black markings on her skin until only the
white ones were visible. It had taken control of her. The angel was now free,
and the strange markings of the demon were no longer there for us to see.

heard an explosion and quickly turned to look to the left of where she was
suspended. Jake’s car had exploded, sending metal, tires, and glass everywhere.
Beth and Hecate threw their hands out in front of themselves, quickly
generating shields to protect us all from the flying debris. Then Tyler’s car
exploded, quickly followed by Lucian’s and Keira’s, all one after the other,
only seconds apart. When the car parts hit the shield they were blasted away
from us and into the fields behind Keira.

the debris stopped falling the beam of light surrounding Keira vanished. She
was lowered back to the ground slowly. Her head moved forward, and she stood
there, still as a statue for several seconds before her eyes flew open. All of
us stepped back in alarm…they were cobalt blue.

wind blew even stronger, and the clouds began to move in a circular motion in
three different sections. We watched as three funnels formed and snaked down
from the black sky.

Lucian shouted.

of them formed in the grasslands on either side of us, but the most terrifying
appeared in the field behind Keira.

inside!” Danny shouted. “Get underground!”

basement…the stone room,” Tyler told everyone.

ran towards the house, jumping over the cracks in the earth as the tornados
came closer and closer. I got to the porch, then turned around to see Danny and
Hecate dragging Eligos towards the house. He was fighting them both, trying to
break free.

him,” I shouted.

can’t, he keeps stopping us,” Hecate said, struggling with him.

he shouted to them. “Get off me!” As he shouted a burst of energy came out of
his body, and Hecate and Danny were forced to let go. He turned around quickly
and ran towards Keira. My stomach sank as the lightning struck near him, and I
watched him drop and roll on the ground as parts of trees and wood from the
fences started flying around him.

no!” Hecate screamed.

jumped over a gap in the earth and landed a few feet away from Keira. Then he
ran straight up to her and cupped her face in his hands.

Hecate choked.

turned to look at them one last time. He was saying something to her, but I
couldn’t hear what. Then he grabbed her and buried her head in his chest,
wrapping his arms around her…protecting her.

you need to get inside,” Danny said. “Quickly.”

pushed me into the house. The whole place was shaking, and the windows were
imploding. Danny shielded me from the flying glass as he led me to what was
originally going to be my office, then to the opening of the basement. I ran
down the stairs quickly, Danny and Hecate right behind me. There was a
horrendous loud groaning sound, and I could feel the ground trembling beneath
my feet from the strength and number of tornados. We ran into the circular
room, where everyone was backed up against the walls, covering their ears.

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