Red, White and Sensual (4 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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sorry, do you know how I get back to the office?”

One of the
guards, stony faced, steps around me and leads me down the halls. When we get back to the office, they both stand outside the door as I go in. I quickly check my emails and respond to any needed, then I gather the phone and iPad and head back towards my room. I take a few wrong turns, to which the guards correct me, and then finally I find it.

I step inside and shut the door,
and then I lean my back against it and sigh. Oh my god, I survived. Ok, I transferred about three calls to the wrong place, got lost, possibly stuffed up a few meetings, but mostly I did well. I walk over to my bed and sit on it, pulling off my heels. My feet thank me as instant relief washes over them. I begin unzipping my dress as I walk towards the bathroom.

I stare at the spa with need as I strip off my dress. I turn it on, figuring what the heck? While it’s running
, I fill it with scented soaps from the counter and then rush out to get my personal phone so I can contact Quinn and my family to let them know how my day went. When I’m naked, I walk towards the spa and then stop when I catch a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror.

With a scowl, I turn and stare at the mark
s on my bottom. Crisscrossed lines cover my once smooth, pretty skin. Now, it’s a mess and a constant memory of something I would much rather forget. I stare down at my wrists and move the watch and bracelets to the side and run my fingers over the scars around them too. I will never feel the same about my skin again, not after that. Shaking my head, I step into the spa and sink down, sighing in relief as the warm water surrounds me.

While I sit and enjoy the warmth, I text Quinn.
He is on the reply instantly and I tell him about my day and how I ran into the Marcus on first meeting. He teases me a little and then congratulates me before telling me it’s dinner time. Remembering dinner, I leap out of the water. I’m meant to have dinner in the dining room with Marcus at six pm. I stare down at my watch, five to, how could I forget?

I dry quickly and dig through my clothes to find a simple blue dress. I run a brush through my
hair, I don’t have time to pull it up. I yank on some shoes, tripping a few times, and then I rush out into the hall. The guards stare at me with raised brows as I begin rushing down the halls. After a bit of re-direction, I skid into the dining room. Marcus is sitting at the head of a large dining table, reading something and sipping wine. When I come in, he looks up.

“You’re late, Miss Walters.”

“I’m so sorry, I was…um…”

He runs his gaze over my body, then up to my damp hair.

“In the spa?”

I flush. “Yes.”

He smiles. “Well, it’s there to be used. I’ll forgive you this once. Sit.”

I take a seat near him and place a napkin on my legs.


“Yes, please.”

He nods to the waitress who has walked in, and she quickly gets a very expensive bottle of red wine and pours it. I thank her and take the glass, sipping the rich wine. Marcus is watching me and I can feel my cheeks flushing.

“So, Miss Walters, tell me about

I stare up at him.

He chuckles. “Yes really, I’m interested.”

“Um, there isn’t much to tell. I’ve lived here all my life, I study hard, get good grades and am overall a good person.”

He tilts his head to the left.
“A good girl?”

I flush again. “Yes, I guess you could say that.”

“And your family?”

“Just the usual family, mom, dad, sister…”

He nods and sips his wine, still staring at me with that intense gaze.

“How do you like the university life?”

“I love it, it’s very rewarding.”

He smiles. “Yes, it certainly is.”

“Can I ask why you created this program? It’s such a big opportunity for someone like me.”

He looks off for a moment, d
eep in thought and then he says, “Well, I always need a fill in once a year when my PA goes away. I could get just anyone, but I am very fond of the university and so I decided to give students the chance to experience my world.”

“It’s truly a great experience, it’s like a dream.”

He smiles again. “Yes, I suppose it would be. You get to see something most people never will.”

“Yes,” I say, giving him a small smile. “It’s quite interesting.”

“How so?” he says, leaning back into his chair.

“Well, most people want to know what it’s like in here.
How you all live, sometimes when all we see is what’s on television, it feels like you’re not real people.”

He runs his finger around the rim of his glass. “And now you can see, I am a normal person
and so are the rest of us here.”

“Isn’t it strange for you to have someone you don’t know following you around and having dinner with you?”

“I meet all walks of life in my job, Miss Walters. I deal with the good, the bad and the ugly. This is the only time I have to wind down, but I despise being alone and so occasionally having someone new is not so bad.”

“What about your
fiancé?” I blurt, and then curse myself for asking such a personal question.

Chayne has her own affairs, just as I do. She can’t always make it to dinner.”

I nod, and thank god when the waitress comes out with our entrees. I stare down at th
e arrangement of fresh seafood on a bed of lettuce.

“I hope you like seafood?” he asks.

I look up and smile. “Of course.”

We eat in silence and the food is divine. When
the first course is over, we get chatting about school again and what’s involved in my study. By the time we’ve finished our main, I’ve told him just about everything there is to know about me.

“What about a boyfriend?” he asks, as he spoons out his butterscotch pudding.

I shake my head, having a bite of my own and swallowing before I answer. “No, I’m single.”

“How is that? A girl of twenty-five, who is beautiful, shouldn’t be single.”

I choke a little as I force myself to swallow my mouthful after those words. Someone as powerful and gorgeous as Marcus thinks I’m beautiful? I look up at him and his gaze is so intense I quickly look back down.

Let’s put it down to bad experience, shall we?”

I dare to look up at him again and he’s staring at me with an odd expression on his face.

“Someone hurt you,” he says, though it’s not a question.


“Broke your heart?”

He broke more than my heart, but he doesn’t need to know that.


“I’m sorry to hear that, but for what it’s worth, it’s his loss.”

I swallow and force a smile. “Thank you.”

I wipe my mouth and then stand, feeling the need to leave before this conversation gets any deeper. Marcus watches me stand, but before he can say anything a woman walks in
to the room.

Sorry to interrupt Sir, but it’s urgent. The President needs to speak with you.”

With a nod, Marcus stands and then stares over at me.

“Thank you, Sierra, I will see you tomorrow.”

Hearing him use my name again, halts my reply. I simply smile, nod
, and then turn and rush out. Jesus, this could be a strange and life changing few months.



The first week is hectic. I get up, eat, and then rush to work. My days are packed with
work, meetings and helping Marcus organize his day to day life. I honestly don’t know how he does it. The man never stops. I got to meet the President briefly on Wednesday and he was very polite to me, it was a good experience. By the time Friday comes around, I am looking forward to a weekend at home with my friends. I seriously need a break. It’s draining.

I’m in my office
Friday afternoon, working on a presentation when Marcus comes in. He strides in with purpose and I raise my brows at him as he paces the room. He’s quite open with me, occasionally coming in to rant about nothing and then leaving. He’s an extremely passionate man and can be quite daunting. I continue to eat with him at night, and I find him so interesting to talk to. Our conversation flows well and if he wasn’t the Speaker of the house, I would almost say we were friends. Not to mention the intense sexual tension between us that I try very hard to ignore.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, closing my laptop.

“I have a presentation to finish by tonight, but I’ve got a meeting in an hour that will go past seven.”

“I can do it for you,” I
offer, then curse myself. I am meant to be going home tonight. But, if I have to stay a few extra hours to help, I will.

He looks over at me. “You will?”

I nod. “Sure.”

“Sierra, you’re a life saver!” he says, rushing over and putting his hand on my shoulder. I shudder and he notices, directing his gaze to my lips.

He stares a moment, then quickly removes his hand and murmurs, “I’ll be a few hours. Order dinner in here, I’ll email you everything I need done. I know you want to go home, I promise to take you as soon as we’re finished up here.”

you, and I don’t mind.”

He smiles at me and leans against the desk. “Are you familiar with the presentation
program on the computer?”

I nod. “Yes, I’ve used it at school and a few times here.”

“Great, I have to run to this meeting. Give me a text if you need to know anything, I’ll send that email now.”

I nod and smile at him as he rushes out the door like a bat out of hell. He honestly never gets a break, it must be draining. I hear the ping of an email a moment later and smile at the message that goes with the details of the presentation.

From: Marcus Harrison.

To: Sierra Walters.

Subject: Presentation.


Once again you’ve saved me when I’ve over crowded myself. You’re my saving Grace, I don’t know what I’d do without you, you’ll make a boss very proud one day. I’ve attached what you need to do. I’ll make this up to you.


I smile and open the presentation. Time to get to work.


Two hours later, and I finally finish the presentation. My eyes burn and I’m starving by the time I save and email it to Marcus. I’m about to stand and see if he’s back when my office door opens. Marcus walks in, his suit jacket is off and his tie is gone. His shirt is unbuttoned a little and he looks, well, half casual. He smiles at me and shakes a bag he’s holding in his hand. I can smell food rush through the room and my stomach grumbles.

“Rose told me you’ve not left this office, so I know you haven’t eaten. Join me at my desk?”

I nod, feeling my body come alive at the sight of him. “Sure.”

We walk out into his
office and he takes a seat. He grips another chair and drags it over so it’s right beside him, then he pats it and looks over at me. Ok then…I walk over and sit down, my stomach grumbles loudly and he chuckles as he pulls out the Chinese containers.

“I hope you like Chinese food?”

“Who doesn’t?” I laugh.

He grins.
“Plenty of strange, strange people.”

I smile as he opens the boxes and hands me a pair of chopsticks. I frown at them.

“Tell me you know how to use chopstick, Miss Walters?”

I smile sheepishly.
“Actually, no. I use a fork.”

He puts a hand over his heart and gasps.

I roll my eyes. “Yeah
, yeah, I know. I need to get with it.”

“Let me show you how.”

He picks up a pair of chopsticks and reaches out for my hand. Nervously, I give it to him and he takes it with a smile. His warm fingers brushing over mine causes a bolt of electricity to shoot through me, but I don’t pull my hand away. He curls my fingers, explaining to me how to use the chopsticks. The first attempt at my cashew chicken is a joke, I drop the piece right into my lap and Marcus roars with laughter and helps me once more. The second time round, I get it enough to be able to eat without making a total fool of myself.

“See,” Marcus says between mouthfuls. “It’s not so hard.”

“Says he, who makes it look as easy as breathing.”

He grins at me. “I used to eat a lot of this when I was studying.”

“Oh?” I say, curious.

“I didn’t take a break for dinner, I lived on take out. I may…or may not…have gotten a little fat.”

I stare down at his perfectly sculpted chest and body, then snort. “Sure, yeah, I can see that.”

He grins. “Not now, but then…when I was seventeen and didn’t care about anything but reaching my goal.”

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