Red, White and Sensual (3 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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I yelp at the voice and the papers in my hands go scattering across the desk as I spin around and see Marcus leaning against the door. He chuckles and walks further into the office.

“Sorry to startle you.”

I quickly straighten my dress that rode up a touch too far after my quick reaction. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t hear you.”

“Call me
Marcus, unless of course we’re out of these doors, then you can call me sir.”

I nod quickly, unsure what to do next. Do I offer him a coffee?
Or breakfast? Lunch? Ask him what work needs to be done for the day? If there any important meetings? Am I meant to figure all that out on my own and not bother him?

“So,” he says walking in and leaning against the desk. “How have you found
Becky’s journal of things to do?”

nod and laugh nervously. “It’s not so bad.”

“No, it’s fairly simple

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone,
and then he hands it to me.

“This phone has all my contact
details; it’s not for personal use. You can call me on this, but I prefer that you text, as I’m often in meetings that can’t be disturbed and can’t stand having a vibrating phone in my pocket. I will respond as quickly as I can of course, but if you’re ever unsure, call Rose, her number is also in there.”

I stare at him oddly and a half grin slides across that perfect face. “I assume you’re familiar with technology, Miss Walters?”

I nod quickly. “Of course, yes, it’s just…”

“You didn’t think the
Speaker of the house knew how to text?”

I nod sheepishly.

“I am still a man, Miss Walters, and therefore I do keep up to date with technology. Texting is a big part of life, why, without it I would certainly miss a lot.”

“Of course,” I say quickly.

His beautiful brown eyes rake over me once more before he continues speaking. “I assume Rose has gone over meal times and the schedules?”

“Yes sir.”

“Marcus,” he murmurs, looking at my lips.

Why does he have to look at me like that? Does he even realize how sexual his gaze can be?

“Sorry, Marcus.”

“You should also know
, if I need anything outside of work hours I will come and get you, so don’t walk around naked in your room because I’m known to barge in when I’m in a mood.”

I gape at him. Did he just say that?
His lip twitches with amusement but he doesn’t smile. Marcus has a sense of humor I see? That could be a good thing.

“Yes, of course.
” I stammer.

He grins
, his brown eyes twinkle. “Well then, that’s about it. I know this must be daunting for you, and I appreciate the time taken from your studies to help me while my PA is away. I trust this is a good opportunity for you and therefore you will follow all the rules.”

“Yes, I will.”

“I’m a patient, understanding man and I try my best. I have days, like any other person, but mostly I’m approachable. If you have a problem, you come to me and me alone. If I’m not available, you go to Rose. Anything you hear in this office stays with you, if it doesn’t, there are serious punishments that will follow. I’m easy enough to please, but let me assure you of this, I can’t stand liars, Miss Walters. You will do good to remember that.”

I nod, sw
allowing. It felt like a threat and a warning all mixed in one. His face is deadly serious, his eyes set firmly on mine.

“I too can’t stand liars, sir.”

“Marcus,” he whispers.


“Good,” he says suddenly, straightening. “I have three meetings in a row. Any messages, you text through to me. I’ll be back around three, I expect you’ll have the usual duties done. Remember to call Rose if you need help.”

I nod and wish him a quick good day as he turns and walks out. Three men in suits, who I didn’t even realize where standing outside the door, turn and follow him out. I hear a woman
approach him at the door, asking questions about a meeting, and then their voices disappear and I’m left in silence.

I stare
back at the desk and sigh, well, here goes. I can only stuff up. I gather the papers that I scattered across the table when Marcus came in. I begin reading again and then turn on the computer and familiarize myself with the programs. I check the emails and respond where I can and then I write down what questions I need to ask Rose. My desk phone rings a lot, by the tenth time I’ve got it perfect and have the greeting mastered.

Good morning, Marcus Harrison’s office, how may I help you?”

It’s the greeting I’ve been given, so it’s what I use.

“Good morning, I was just ringing to inform Marcus that the meeting won’t be this afternoon,” a female voice says.

“Can I ask who is calling and what meeting you are referring to?”

She gives me her name and the meeting, and I find it in the calendar on the computer and cancel it, then I change it to a different date, as requested. Marcus has access to this calendar, so I know he can see everything I change.

“That’s all sorted for you, I will let him know.”

“Thank you,” the woman says and then hangs up.

I stare down at the phone on my desk and know I have to text Marcus and let him know, but I really don’t feel comfortable doing it. I have to suck it
up, I know this, so I pick up the phone and open a new text message.

- Sir, your three o’clock meeting with Sheila May has been cancelled and rescheduled for the same time tomorrow. Sierra.

A moment later, I get a response.

M - Thank you Sierra, I take it you have worked things out.

Is he asking me a quest
ion or just stating the obvious? Deciding not to text him back, just in case, I go back to my work. Rose comes in and out during the day and helps me understand how everything works. She helps with inquiries and shows me how to work more of the programs on the computer. When Marcus comes back into his office at three, I’m swarmed in work and don’t even hear him approach.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

I snap my head up and see him leaning against my door frame. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you wanted me to.”

He narrows his eyes and then shrugs. “I
t doesn’t matter this time, but next time make sure you respond. How are you finding things?”

“Busy, but it’s very enjoyable.”

He nods. “I need you to accompany me to a meeting in an hour, then you can go. I need you to take notes.”

“Yes sir.”

“Marcus,” he says, firmly.

“Sorry, I’m not used to speaking about you on
a first name basis…”

He smiles slow and sexy at me. God he’s beautiful.

“There you are.”

I hear a woman’s voice and see the one and only Chayne
Smith come up behind Marcus. He spins and looks down at her, and she gives him a dazzling grin before wrapping her arms around his neck, I expect to see them swarm each other like they do in public, but Marcus simply pecks her cheek and then, almost rudely, shoves her away from him. Ok then.

“Chayne, this is
my temporary Personal Assistant from the university, Sierra.”

Chayne looks over me, her eyes narrowed. It’s almost as if she’s weighing me up for something. She plasters a fake smile on her fake lips and saunters in. Chayne is a beautiful woman, with long legs, lush curves and platinum blonde hair. She’s older than Marcus, from what I can guess, but covers her age with expensive make up. Her blue eyes flicker over me once more before she speaks.

“Nice to meet you, I’m sure you’re enjoying the experience.”

It’s not a question, but I answer it anyway.

“Yes ma’am, very much.”

She nods and looks back at Marcus. “Are you going out?”

“Meeting,” he says, staring at me.

Chayne follows his gaze and then clears her throat. He looks back at her
and seems to force a smile.

“Dinner tonight?” he asks.

“I can’t love, I have an appointment.”

He frowns. “You
have an appointment every night.”

“Sorry, I will make sure we get dinner next week. Now, I have to run, I’ll see you later on.”

She pecks him and then gives me one last glance before rushing out. So that’s the famous Chayne, she sure is cold. I watch her leave and then stare back over at Marcus, who has his head titled to the side and is staring at me with an odd expression.

“So that’s
your fiancé? She’s very beautiful.”

He nods briskly. “Yes, she is. I have a few calls to make, meet me in the main office in twenty minutes. Bring the tablet to take notes.”

He points to the iPad on the side of my desk. I look over at it, then back at him and nod. When he’s gone, I turn it on and familiarize myself with it, before walking out to join him in the main office. He’s still on the phone when I come out, and as I turn to give him privacy, he puts up a finger to indicate that I should wait.

“Yes, I understand. Sort it out and call me back.”


“I will discuss it further in the meeting, I’m not happy with those results Peter, I want more research.”


“Fine, I’ll talk with you then.”

He hangs up the phone and stands. His powerful body moves with grace, and he holds himself with such confidence it’s inspiring. I hope one day I can be that proud. He’s got a whole nation with him and against him all at the same time. His life never really stops and yet he’s so confident about it. I ask him a question, not realizing that it’s none of my business until I’ve blurted it.

“How did you do it?”

He raises his brows as he gathers up a brief case.

“Do what?”

“Become a Speaker of the house at such a young age.”

He shrugs. “Others have done it when they’re
forty; it’s not that big a difference.”

I nod. “I know that, but…it’s such an inspiration.”

He meets my gaze. “I was always smart and I always knew I’d get to the top. I studied my ass off when I was fifteen instead of partying. Call me determined.”

“Well, you’ve done a lot for yourself.”

He nods briskly and begins walking towards the door. “Yes, I suppose I have.”

When he gets to the door, he opens it for me and I hurry out. As we begin
walking down the halls, I see the guards following him again.

“Do they go everywhere with you?” I ask.

He stares down at me from the corner of his eye and nods. “Yes, you should see how many follow the President and the Vice President.”

I nod, swallowing. “
I imagine, forgive me for asking so many questions.”

“Ask questions
, Sierra, it’s what you’re here for.”

I gasp and then clamp my mouth shut. Hearing the way he said my name, has my body breaking out in shivers. He noticed my gasp and his lips curl in a small, devilish grin.

“Did I say something wrong, Miss Walters?”

“No, of course not.”

“You gasped, rather loudly.”

I flush and shake my head. “I’m sorry.”

“Did you like me saying your name?”

I nearly stop
walking, it’s only the footsteps behind me that keep me moving. I don’t want to be slammed into by a guard.


“No,” he says. “You don’t like it?”

“Of course, no, of course I do…”

He nods but a ghost of a smile is still playing around his lips and his eyes are twinkling with humor. We go through a lot of doors and end up in a massive meeting room. People are sitting around the massive table, they are a blend of men and women. When Marcus steps in, they all stand.

Sir.” Is the greeting he receives the most.

He nods at them all and I follow him to the head of the table. He points to a seat off to the left and I sit, opening up notes on my iPad and
prepare to type. Luckily for me I’m quick, because Marcus speaks quickly. A few times I stop and stare in awe at his strong, demanding tone. His voice doesn’t waver or break, it’s firm and powerful. He owns the table, owns the group, it suddenly makes sense to me how someone so young, can be so powerful. It radiates off him.

By the time the meeting is over, my hands are cramping and I’m completely exhausted. It’s been a long day and I honestly feel mentally drained.
In a good way of course. When Marcus stands and leaves, I follow. He stops by the door when two men approach him, so I stop too. He looks over at me, his face hard and still in meeting mode.

“You can go, thank you
, Miss Walters.”

I nod
and turn, hurrying off. Two guards follow me and while I’m not surprised, it’s quite odd to have someone trailing me. I walk down the halls but when I get to the end, I have no idea which way to go. I turn to the guards.

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