Red, White and Sensual (10 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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Yet.” He grates out.

“I can’t hold…oh god…”

“Don’t come,” he growls in a strained voice as he begins thrusting harder and faster.

“Marcus, please…”

“Hold for me baby, hold…”

I bite my lip so hard I draw blood and I clench so tightly around him I’m nearly sure it hurts as I try to hold back the orgasm that is threatening to tear me apart. Marcus groans and thrusts harder and faster, his fingers tight around my wrists.

“Now, baby, now,” he groans deep and low before throwing his head back.

I scream as I let my release go. It explodes, starting from deep inside me and slowly moving out until I don’t recognize my own ragged cries. Marcus pulses hard and deep, and I can feel my release milking him. When I stop shuddering, my head drops back into the pillow and I stop panting. That was, without a doubt, the b
est fucking orgasm I’ve ever had. Marcus drops his head into my chest and we lay like that for long moments.

“You have impressive control,” he whispers against my skin.

“I’ve done it before, remember?”

He raises his h
ead and meets my eyes. “Perhaps, but I promise you that with me, it will be unlike anything he ever showed you.”

I search his gaze and then whisper. “It already is.”

He pulls out of me with a groan and rolls to land beside me. I force my comfortably numb body to roll and face him. His chest is rising and falling with hard breaths and a light sheen of sweat covers his beautiful skin.

“How many women?”
I ask.

He narrows his eyes, knowing exactly what I’m asking.
“Four, all of them only one night. It’s not easy to go for months without feeling a woman.”

“So you cheat?”

He scoffs. “I have been with Chayne since I was twenty-three years old. I never laid a hand on another woman until the night I found her in our bed with her skirt hiked up around her waist and a man fucking her. That was just over six months ago.”

I open my mouth,
then close it. Poor Marcus, that has to hurt.

“Why are you with her, if you don’t love her?”

He rolls to his back and stares up at the roof. “I did love her, I loved her for nearly ten years, but…when I got this position things began to change. She stopped looking at me as her lover and began looking at me like a gold mine. Before I caught her cheating, we signed a pre-nuptial agreement.”

Oh. Oh shit.

“So you’re with her because you can’t leave?”

“It’s not just that. In my position, having someone as well known as Chayne by my side is a good image. It’s good for me to look happy, content and in love. It’s good for me to have someone like her on my arm and she knows it. It’s not just about her taking just about everything I’ve worked for if she leaves, it’s about her taking everything I am.”

“Your career?”

“This job, this position,
the life I’ve created for myself. I’ve worked my entire life for this. I was a smart kid, I studied when other kids were out running amuck. I have put my heart and soul into this job. If she leaves, she’ll tear me down and she’ll take my position with her. No, she can’t physically take my job but she can make my life such a living hell that it’s not worth working anymore.”

“I’m sorry
Marcus, I can’t imagine how it feels to have someone you love turn against you.”

“Chayne loves me, in her own way. Before the material things got to her head, we were
inseparable. I don’t doubt that part of that love is still there, it’s just been clouded.”

“Do you still love her?”

He shakes his head. “I love the girl I knew, the girl that I’m with now is someone I don’t know anymore. So no, I don’t.”

“Does she know you take other women?”

He shakes his head again. “No, and if she found out, she would destroy me. Chayne isn’t someone you want to cross, Sierra. She’s deadly. Like a viper.”

“Does it hurt?” I whisper.
“Her sleeping around?”

He shrugs. “Not so much now. When I saw her that day…yeah, it tore my fucking heart out. I thought we had it all. We were
close, I had this job that would give us everything we could dream for and more. I never thought she would look elsewhere for affection. I gave it to her, I gave everything I could to her, but it obviously wasn’t enough.
was obviously not enough.”

I stroke his cheek and he looks away. “You’re enough
, Marcus, she’s just too selfish to see it.”

“She used to look at me the way you’re looking at me now, but one day that changed. Her love turned to greed and she began sauntering around with this arrogance about her. Soon enough, I was just the money maker. She was getting attention from men and that clearly made her feel good. Chayne will never leave me, because one day
she hopes I’ll crawl up in the chain and she’ll be sitting even prettier than she is now.”

“Will you marry her?” I dare to ask.

He shrugs. “No, I don’t think so but the pre-nuptial still works regardless of marriage. A de facto relationship is considered just as serious now days.”

“So you’re trapped?”

He closes his eyes. “I guess you could say that.”

“And me?”

He opens his eyes and stares right into mine. “You, sweet girl, are too precious for this world and someone like me.”

I shake my head. “I disagree. I think you’re too precious for this world, and someone like me.”

He sighs and presses a kiss to my lips. “You are so wrong.”



“Were you a dominant with her?”

He nods. “Yes, for five years we practiced. It gave me some sort of power. When she started becoming out of control, it let me feel like I was getting some of that control back. When I saw her getting nailed by that man though, my control slipped away. After that, I became far more dominant then I ever have been before.”

“Does it make you feel better?” I ask.

He smiles a little. “Yeah, it does.”

“Those other women, did you dominate them?”

He nods. “Yeah, all of them were submissive to me the nights that I slept with them.”

“Why didn’t you keep sleeping with them?”

He shrugs. “They just, didn’t fit me…”

“And what about me?”
I whisper.

“You scare the life out of me,” he murmurs.
“Because you fit me too well.”


To say I was completely fucked by the end of the
night, was an understatement. Not only was I tired, I had been slammed in every which way possible. Marcus had sex with me at least four times, in four different ways. By morning I was alone, but completely content…and sore. I get out of bed as soon as my alarm went off at six. God I hate early mornings. I drag my sorry ass into the shower and stand under the warm water for far too long, ignoring the stinging between my legs.

When I’m dressed, full of coffee and ready to face the day, I head down to Marcus’ office. When I walk in, he’s not there which is surprising. Mornings are usually the only time he gets a few moments peace. I place a hot coffee down on his desk and then I hea
r the door open. I turn quickly ready to greet him, only to see the one and only Mr. President himself. I gasp and then quickly pull myself together.

“Mr. President, good morning.”

He smiles and walks forward. He’s an attractive man, with lightly greying hair and blue eyes. His suit is impeccable, as is he. He stops in front of me.

“Good morning
, Miss Walters, is Marcus in?”

I shake my head, still trying to calm my nerves.
“No sir, not yet.”

“Oh, he was meant to be in a meeting. Would you go to his room and check for me?”

Go. To. His. Room? He wants me to go to his room?

“Um, won’t his
fiancé be able to go and get him?”

“Chayne is out for the morning, and I don’t want to intrude if he’s sick.”

Oh, he’s not sick.

sir. Of course.”

He smiles. “Thank you dear.”

I nod politely and walk out. I know where Marcus’ room is but I’ve never been inside it or even to the door. I walk down the long halls until I reach the end of the east wing. Marcus doesn’t always stay here from what I hear, he has a massive house too, but it’s just easier sometimes for him to live in here. I don’t blame him when I see the size of his room. He wasn’t answering my knocks, so I had no choice but to walk in and it just about blew me away.

The room itself is at least four times bigger than mine. A huge kitchen area is to the left, as well as a massive lounge set up. There is a bedroom off to the side, and a bathroom that I can see has a spa bigger than mine. A massive balcony comes off from
two huge double doors. There are no lights on, so I wonder for a moment if he’s even in. I gently tread through the room and stop at the door of the bedroom. I peer in and see Marcus on the bed, hands behind his head, dead asleep.

I tiptoe in until I’m over at the side of his bed, looking down at him. He’s sleeping rather peacefully and I can’t help but smile at the beauty lying before me.
His face shows no pain, anger, fear, or anything else terrible. It’s just pure peace. His mouth is slightly open, and his breathing is deep. I don’t want to wake him, but I know he’s not meant to be sleeping in like this. I think he must have missed his alarm. I reach over and gently touch his shoulder.

“Marcus…” I whisper.

He doesn’t move, so I shake him a little harder. His eyes slowly flutter open and he peers up at me. Confusion fills his face for a moment, like he really doesn’t know where he is.


“You…you’re late for work.”

Just like that he bolts
upright and stares at the clock beside his table.


He leaps from bed and flicks on the light. I stand with a somewhat gaping expression as he hops into his pants and yanks on a shirt that he pulls from the cupboard so quickly hangers go flying all over the floor. When he gets to his tie, he’s in such a hurry he curses and fumbles when he can’t get it.

“It’s ok,” I say, walking over and slapping his hands away so I can tie it. “Mr. President was fine with it. He thought you might have been sick.”

I tie the tie slowly, and when he doesn’t answer, I look up at him. He’s smiling down at me, looking utterly gorgeous with his just fucked hair and sleepy brown eyes. He grips my chin, leans down and slides his lips across mine.

Anyone tell you that you’re amazing?”

I smile. “Oh you know, here and there.”

“How are you feeling?”

I flush and focus back on his tie.

“Sore?” he murmurs.

like that,” I admit.

When I’m finished his tie, I pat it down and smile up at him.

“I’ll see you in the office,” he murmurs.

He turns and rushes towards the door, picking up a brief case and phone. Just as he’s about to step out, he turns and looks down at my skirt.

“Make sure you take your panties off before you come back in.”

Before I can answer, he’s gone. I stand in his room, completely shocked. I begin walking towards the door when I notice a photo on the small desk beside the door. I glance down at the happy couple in the picture and my chest clenches. I know that it’s Chayne and
I don’t know how I feel about that. I know very well Marcus is with her, and that this isn’t like a normal relationship. I know Chayne is as big a cheater as he, but it doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilt looking at the picture.

I shake my head and dart out of the room. I stop at the kitchen on my way through and pick up a couple of
croissants for Marcus. I know he hasn’t eaten and he needs to. Then I duck back into the office. Marcus isn’t there, so I set Croissant on his desk. I slip into my office and remember his request just before I sit down. Don’t wear any panties.

I stare around the room as if it’s got built
-in cameras, then, with a sigh, I reach down and slip my panties off. Feeling my cheeks heat, I shove them into my locked cabinet and then sit down and begin working. It feels awkward having no panties on, it’s like I can feel every touch of cool air that washes past. I clench my legs shut, wondering what Marcus has planned for me. I flick through my emails, trying to take my mind of it when a private email catches my eye. It’s from Ben. My stomach turns. Why is he trying to contact me?

Sierra Walters

From: Benjamin Ford

Subject: Apology

Dear Sierra,

I know you probably don’t want to hear from me, but I couldn’t just let my actions go without an apology. I am sorry for the way I behaved the other evening. It was out of line and unfair. I’m sorry I was such a jerk to you and I’m sorry for what I did when we were together. I didn’t understand what being a Dominant meant and I took it too far. I know you can’t forgive me but I hope you’ll accept my apology anyway.

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