Red, White and Sensual (14 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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“Yes, oh god, yes.”

He leans down and captures my mouth with his as I cry out and clench around him. He doesn’t pick up the pace or slow down, he just keeps rocking his hips in that perfect way. I wrap my legs around him and kiss him so deeply all I can feel and taste is him. He moans and tangles his fingers into my hair. The sand against my back rubs and becomes irritating but I don’t care, all I care about is this moment.

“Fuck, Sierra…”

“Marcus, come for me, in me, with me, come…”

“Shit,” he rasps and then he bucks his hips one last time and groans long and deep as he releases hard. His body shakes and his fingers tighten in my hair so much I feel the small sting in my scalp as he pulls.

He buries his head in my shoulder and uses his one hand to hold his weight up as we come down from what was, without a doubt, the most intense sex I’ve ever had. After a moment, Marcus pulls out of me and pulls up his pants, then he fumbles around with mine to try and help me.

“I think I have sand where sand shouldn’t be,” I groan.

“Shit, are you ok?”

“I think so…we can’t go back like this…we no doubt look…well…just fucked.”

Marcus chuckles softly. “That’s easy enough to deal with.”

stands, leans down and scoops me into his arms. When he turns and carries me towards the water, I squeal.

“Oh no, no you don’t! It’s freezing! Marcus! Marcus!”

He laughs and picks up into a jog, carrying me closer to the crashing waves.

“Marcus Harrison you put me down right now!”

“Make me, pipsqueak.”

“I’m sick, you can’t…”

“It won’t hurt you, sweet girl.”


When we reach the water, he continues running out until he’s just over knee deep, then he drops me into the cold, salty water. I scream and scramble as the cool water washes over me and I get a mouthful of salt water. As I’m coughing and spluttering, Marcus is wrapping his arms around me and laughing into my ear.

gonna kill you, Marcus Harrison.”

“Later, baby.”

He wraps his arms around me and after a moment, I forget about the cold and the salt. I wrap my arms around his neck and press my body against his. He nibbles on my ear and then whispers, “Why do you make everything feel so perfect?”

“Why do you?” I throw back.

“Sierra, you’re changing everything.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I whisper against his chest.

“I honestly don’t know.”

“What do you know, Mr. Harrison?”

He cups the back of my head with his hand and pulls my lips to his, kissing me for long moments before pulling back.

“I know that I want you, and god help me Sierra, I can’t let you go.”


By the time Marcus and I get back to the house, I’m freezing. When we get in, my mother leaps off the couch and rushes over.

“What happened?”

“I went
swimming, I needed to clear my head and it made me feel better.”

“You’re freezing!” my mother cries.

“I’m ok.”

“Why don’t you shower,” Marcus says. “I have to make a bunch of calls.”

“You’re cold.” I point out.

“I’ll be ok.”

“Marcus, love, is that the only set of clothes you’ve got?” My mother asks, eyeing the clothes sticking to Marcus’ huge form. The shirt hugs his chest, showing every curve and bulge and the pants…Jesus, don’t get me started on what they do to his front and back.

“I’m ok
, Pam.”

“Nonsense,” my father says, standing from the couch. “We’re about the same
size, I’ll lend you some clothes.”

“That would be great, thank you.”

I smile and watch as my father walks off. Marcus looks back to me and points towards the shower. “Go.”

I salute him and walk off down the hall. When I’m fully showered and dressed, I join my family in the living room. Marcus is outside on the phone, pacing the patio wearing one of my
father’s sweaters and an old pair of jeans. It actually looks quite good on him. I force my gaze away and turn to my parents.

“I might head off to
bed, we have an early trip back tomorrow.”

“It was nice of him to do this for you,” my father smiles, looking up at me.

I look back and Marcus again. “Yeah, it was.”

“Be careful, Sierra, I don’t want to see you hurting.”

I turn to my father and lean down, kissing his cheek. “Thank you, daddy, I will.”

“Do you need some tea before bed?” my mother asks.

“No, can you send Marcus in when he’s done, so I can say goodnight. Don’t worry, I won’t keep him there. Is the spare room set up or do I need to do it for him?”

“It’s all done
, love, I’ll let him know when he comes in,” my mother smirks.

I roll my eyes, kiss them both and head to my old room. When I get in, I smile and sigh. The feeling of home is such a comforting and warm feeling. I pull back the covers on my large, pink bed and climb in. I sink into the mattress and
my body instantly relaxes. God, I love a good, soft bed. I flick the lamp on dim and wait for Marcus, wondering how long it’ll be before he gets off that phone. Poor thing never gets a break.

I don’t even realize I’ve fallen asleep until I feel the bed shift beside me. I blink my eyes open, wondering if I just dozed off until I realize the only light on, is the lamp beside me. Marcus is shirtless and staring down at me. He’s already been to bed? How long did I go to sleep for? I reach up and stroke his ab
domen and he smiles.

“You were asleep when I came in before, I thought I’d just leave you but I didn’t last long.”

“What time is it?” I whisper, pulling the covers back and indicating that he should get in.

“It’s about midnight.”

He slides in beside me and as soon as his hot skin presses against mine, I feel my whole body come alive. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me so I’m resting my head on his chest. The comfort and warmth I feel in that moment is so overpowering, so real, it releases all the emotions for Marcus I’ve tried so hard to keep down. He begins stroking my hair and I realize this might be the only time I ever get to lay in his arms like this, and my entire body stiffens.

“Sierra, what’s wrong?”

“I just…I was just thinking that this is probably the only time I will ever get to be in your arms like this.”


“Marcus, we’re playing with fire, you know that too, don’t you?”

“I know.”

“And you’re still willing to risk it, if someone found out…”

“They won’t.”

“I can’t be your little secret forever, eventually, you have to make a choice.”

He sighs and rests his chin against the top of my head. “You think I don’t know that? I’m risking everything even being here and yet I can’t stop it. If Chayne found out…Jesus
, Sierra, I’d lose everything but if you go…”

“You can’t have everything,” I whisper. “No one is that special Marcus.”

“I know.”

I can’t be something you pull from the closet to play with every now and then.”

“I know that too.”

“What do we do then?”

He sighs. “Can we just do what we’re doing while you work for me and after that I’ll have to figure it out.”

“Just while I’m working there?” I say, pulling on bits of hope that I’m not even sure I have.

“Just while you’re t
here, after that, I promise you I’ll make a choice.”

“That choice could break my
heart, it could ruin everything for me.”

“I can’t give you the promise you’re looking for right now, I wish I could but I can’t. It’s not that easy. Just give me until you leave, just enjoy this for what it is, please?”

Enjoy this for what it is. In other words, enjoy the sex and then when the time comes, let me push you away. I know I should be running, but I can’t. I can’t run when my whole body is pulling me towards him. A big part of me knows this is going to end in heartbreak but it seems that is a risk I’m willing to take, because I can’t walk away.


The next day is fairly hectic, Marcus and I don’t say a lot on the drive back. Both of us are no doubt thinking about last night and wondering what the hell we’re doing. Sometimes walking away just isn’t the easiest option, even though it’s the best one. When we arrive back at the White House, Marcus heads straight inside without another word. I know he’ll be busy all day today, so I head back to my room and get changed for the day.

When I arrive at the office, I turn on the computer and begin scanning through the emails. I respond, schedule meetings and
organize accounts. My phone buzzes beside me during the middle of the day and I peer down to see it’s from Quinn. Smiling, I open the message and read it.

Q – Hey
gurl, how’s the job and the sexy boss?

S – Um, best job ever! How r u? I miss u.

Q – I bet it is. Winks. I’m good, studying like the good boy.

S – Ha, I don’t believe that. I can’t wait for Friday.

Q – Me either, drinks on Saturday night?

S – I’m in.

Q – I better run, I love you, be good!

S – Always x

I tuck my phone into my desk drawer when my work phone buzzes. Sighing, I read the message from Marcus.

M – Won’t b at dinner
2night. Do whatever u want.

Wow, really? Fine, he can have it his way. Maybe it’s best if he pushes me away.

S – Ok.

M – R there any important emails for me?

S – No.

M – Why the one word answers?

S – Why the avoiding method?

A long, long few minutes pass before he answers.

M – I have work to do. Not avoiding u.

Whatever, I don’t have time for this. I close the phone and continue working. Rose comes in just after lunch with a couple of bags of food. She
plonks down onto the spare chair and smiles over the desk at me.

“I know you’re probably feeling sick still, but I scored all this food from the meeting. You keen?”

I smile and nod, my stomach is fine now.

“Oh yeah, I’m star

“What’ll it be? We have pasta,
sandwiches, wraps and some BLT’s.”

“Oh, pasta please!”

She grins, pulling out a plastic container and sliding it towards me. She throws me a fork and I open the lid, and my mouth waters at the rich tomato pasta in front of me. I pick out a piece and pop it into my mouth. It’s divine, but I didn’t expect any less.

“Where’d you score this from?” I ask between mouthfuls.

“Marcus let me take it, he insisted I bring some to you and make sure you eat.”

I pause, just before putting the next scoopful into my mouth. Of course, as always, Marcus is being Mr. controlling.


“He’s a little controlling like that,” Rose shrugs.

“Rose, there you are.”

We both turn to see Chayne standing at the door. As always, she looks dazzling in her designer dress suit and high heels. Her blonde hair is flowing around her shoulders and she looks just…gorgeous.

“Chayne, I was just having lunch, how can I help?” Rose says.

“I was just looking for Marcus, he’s taking me to dinner tonight so I wanted to find him and see what I needed to wear.”

“He said wear something nice, I already spoke with him.”

My chest seizes and I gently place the fork down even though I want to hurl it across the room. Marcus is taking Chayne to dinner? He lied to me? He outright avoided telling me that. I swallow and try hard to remain calm, even though all I want to do it scream.

“Very good, tell him I will meet him in our room if you see him before I do.”

The way she says it makes me sick. When she leaves, Rose looks over to me.

“Are you ok?”

“You’re right,” I whisper.
“Still a little sick.”

“Oh no!”

She quickly packs the pasta and food away and then stands. “Do you want me to get you something?”

“No, I’m ok, it was just a little soon for so much food. It was lovely though Rose, thank you.”

She smiles and pats my hand. “Yell out if you need anything, ok?”

“Sure, ok.”

When she leaves, I stare over at my phone for long, long moments. I shouldn’t do what I do next, but I do it anyway. I pick up the phone and I text Marcus.

M – You’re going out with Chayne. Didn’t think 2 tell me?

He doesn’t reply for over half an hour, and in that time I become sick with worry. Did I overstep the boundaries? Did I push too far? When my phone buzzes, I snatch it up so quickly it slips from my hand and lands on the floor. I reach down, taking a deep, calming breath, and I pick it up.

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