Red, White and Sensual

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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Red, White and Sensual


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© 2013 Bec Botefuhr

Published by Bec Botefuhr, May 2013


Red, White and Sensual
is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.



**This story in no way represents what should, could, would or does happen in regards to this storyline. It is merely a fictional story and none of the content should be taken seriously.  I don’t really believe these things actually happen nor am I trying to state that they do. It is nothing more than fiction and should be taken as exactly that. You have been warned. Thank you for reading. **



Add me as a friend on facebook “Author Bec Botefuhr” to get updates on more of my work! And please like my author page “Bec Botefuhr” on facebook.


Coming Soon

Dark Lust – Book
Four in the Dark Brother Series (Ace’s Story)

Dark Pain – Book
Five in the Dark Brother Series (Bull’s Story)

One Single Moment






I have a lot of people to thank, but that would just take up my entire page. So I’m going to thank
those who come to mind first.

To the girls at Triple M book club, for being the a
bsolute best support. They have been my crazy, beautiful supporters and have read everything I’ve done, encouraging me even when I wanted to stop. You girls are my back bone.

To Melody Mestric for being my crazy, soul crushing other half that knows exactly what to say all the time.
Errr Nerr, you’re the twin I never had, I’m sure they tore us apart at birth because you’re the same kinda weird I am and in weirdness, we love.

To Holly Carter for always offering to read what I write, even though you’ve got enough on. For listening to my phone calls for hours and hours and talking to me about everything and anything
(Yeah you know what I mean). Kindred spirits is what we are.

To Dawn Martens for always helping me edit, even though you’re writing your own books. For being crazy, honest and true no matter what. You’re the kind of person that will remain with me forever, because you’re real.

To Melissa Diamond for reading and re-reading all my work. For texting me with OMG and HOLY SHIT just to let me know you’re feelin’ what I’m writing. You’re amazing and you know I love you.

So to all the above, one day I’ll pash all of




“Sierra, hey!”

I jerk my head out of my text book and look over at my best friend
, Quinn. His eyes are wide and he’s grinning like a small child that’s just been given a load of candy.

“What?” I say, confused.

“You won!”


“You won!”

I shake my head, what the hell is he screeching
like that in class for? I look around the room and everyone is staring at me. What? I was off in daydream land, as I tend to do sometimes, and I obviously missed something.

“What did I win?”

“You won best student, your grades were best in the class, which means you won the chance to be the Speaker of the house’s Personal Assistant for two whole months!”

I drop my
pen, it just slides from my hand. Each year one of the students from the Georgetown University in Washington DC, get a chance to experience life in the White House, following the Speaker of the house as his Personal Assistant for a couple of months. The Speaker of the house is next in line for the role of President, after the Vice President, if something should happen to either of them. So he’s quite high up in the rankings. This year, it’s come down to us students studying to be professional secretaries, but I never thought I’d actually see the day when my name got pulled from the hat, so to speak.

“What?” I gasp.

“You get to be the Speaker of the house’s PA!” Quinn squeals and everyone begins clapping.

“Well done
, Sierra, you deserve this fabulous opportunity.” My Professor smiles, nodding at me.

“I won?” I whisper, feeling my stomach swirl with nerves.

“Girl, you won!” Quinn yells, hugging me close and nodding his head enthusiastically.

“I can’t…I can’t…”

“She’s speechless!” Quinn cries and everyone cheers.

“Alright,” my Professor laughs.
“Time to get back to our studies. Sierra, if you see me after class, I’ll go over the details with you.”

I nod, still dazed. Holy shit, I am going to be the
Speaker of the house’s PA? I turn and stare at Quinn, who is madly texting someone about the news. I think about the experience this will give me for my future jobs, nothing could look better than having worked with the Speaker of the house himself. I feel tears burn in my eyes, I’m completely overwhelmed. Quinn takes my hand and I force myself to look over at him again.

, baby!”

“I can’t believe I won,” I whisper.

“Girl, can you imagine a few months of following around the one and only Marcus Harrison?”

I sigh and close my eyes. Marcus
Harrison, Speaker of the house, is the youngest Speaker of the house in history. He’s only thirty-two and is said to be an absolute genius. He’s a god amongst females, being that he’s extremely attractive. I flush thinking of the fact that I’ll get to meet him, and follow him, for two months.

“I can’t believe it,” I say in a small voice.

“Marcus Harrison, damn girl, you’re going to be the talk of the school!”

I give him a wobbly smile, holy shit, my life is about to change in some seriously big ways.


take the mass amounts of information my Professor gave me and carry it back to my dorm. I live on campus, my parent’s paid good money to make sure I had a nice room. It’s a huge campus, and well known in this area. Quinn also lives here, it’s how we became friends. His dorm is over the other side, however, so I don’t get to see him a great deal after class.

I want to read over these rules, regulations, and information on the job, before going to dinner. People smile and congratulate me as I walk past. Girls sigh and mumble their disappointment
, for not being chosen for the role. Most, I imagine, would get good grades just to have the chance to trail Marcus for a few months. Most too, would be hoping for a bit of rough and tumble while they were at it.

He’s engaged, of course
. His fiancé is a dazzling woman by the name of Chayne Smith. Not that I imagine it stops him from having flings, isn’t that what all men do when in high positions such as his? They always look happy together though, forever the stunning couple in photos and at events. They have no children together, and Chayne is said to be quite a wild cat when she wants to be.

When I reach my room, I unlock the door and slip inside. My room is nice, very basic
, but comfortable. I have a double bed, my own bathroom and a small kitchen set up so that I can do basic things like make coffee and snacks for myself. I have a small study desk right by the window and a small television in the corner. It’s perfect for me and it’s private, so I don’t mind.

I drop my
bags, slip onto the bed and cross my legs. I peer down at the mass amounts of information, pictures, forms to sign and other such details. God, this could take a long, long time. I start by reading the rules in regards to following the Speaker of the house. Obviously I have to sign a non-disclosure agreement to cover not only my ass, but his. The rules aside from that, are what you would expect them to be.

Do not speak unless spoken to

Follow all orders

Do not touch the
Speaker of the house unless permitted.

Do not leave the grounds without permission

Do not bring any weapons or firearms onto the grounds

Do not breathe, fart or laugh without permission.
Ok, it didn’t say, that but it might as well have. The rules go on and on, by the time I’m finished with them my head hurts. I am allowed to come back to the Campus on weekends, but otherwise I will stay at the White House with the Speaker of the house, in my very own room. I. Get. To. Stay. At. The. White House! I feel excitement bubble up into my chest and I may or may not squeal loudly.

Calming down,
I read about what I have to wear, what I can bring into the White House, what I can’t bring into the White House and what will happen if I break the rules. I will have to go through security checks every single day before I see the Speaker of the house, just in case I’m some crazy and manage to slide a gun in somewhere. Well, they have to be safe, don’t they? When I’ve finished reading, signing and then re-reading, my head is thumping. Then I read one final line, my starting date…I gasp and shake my head. They can’t be serious? They want me to start the day after tomorrow!

I shake my
head, they certainly don’t pull punches do they? I glance around my room, knowing I’ll miss my comforts here for a while, but the experience is too good to turn down. I stand with a groan and stretch out my legs, then I plod into the shower. I stare at the person in the mirror and wonder how she’ll do. I’m a smart girl, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, but am I smart enough? It’s not exactly your everyday PA job, it’s for the Speaker of the house!

I sweep my
light brown hair up into a pony tail. Some would say my hair is a pretty color, and I suppose it is. It’s got that shiny, I’m not blonde but I’m not brown look about it. It suits my pale green eyes and my creamy skin. I stare at myself for long, long moments. What will he think of me?
Oh who cares Sierra, he has a fiancé that is most men’s fantasy, he won’t care about what you look like.

With a pout, I run my hands down over my body. I’m not fat, nor am I stick thin. I’m
curvy, I have full breasts, which I am completely grateful for. My backside is what Quinn likes to call every man’s dream playground. It’s not large, but it’s round and firm. I have a small waist, and quite a petite figure considering how busty I am.

Oh well, time to get serious. With a sigh, I gather my things and head out to dinner.


The dining hall is busting with activity when I slink in. I notice Quinn and my other friend Raine standing at their place in the line. When they notice me, they wave me over and I get horrible glares from the students behind me as they squeeze me into the line. Raine grips my arm, leaning her pretty face in and
whispering, “I can’t believe you get to stare at Marcus for a whole month!”

I scoff. “I am not there for Marcus, I actually want this opportunity.”

“Girl,” she chuckles. “You need to get laid!”

I force a smile, but don’t bother telling her that’s the last thing on my mind. After my ex, I’m really not interested in being any man’s plaything again.
I pick up a tray and begin dropping mashed potatoes, roast meat and vegetables onto my plate. Then I take a juice and follow Quinn and Raine back to our usual table. When we sit down, they are both grinning at me like two naughty children.

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