Red, White and Sensual (2 page)

Read Red, White and Sensual Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Red, White and Sensual
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“What?” I mumble, eyeing them as I take a bite of mashed potato.

“You are just one lucky biatch!” Quinn grins.

“I am,” I smirk.

“Please, take a nude photo for me!” Raine sighs.

I giggle
and roll my eyes at her. “No problem at all, I’m sure that’s allowed. You should have seen the damn rules!”

“He is the
Speaker of the house, imagine if it was for the President?” Quinn sighs, staring at nothing. Quinn has never been shy about his sexuality, and that’s why we love him to death. He is who he is, and he’s proud of it.

I wrinkle my nose
. “Ugh.”

“Oh my god, you will totally get to meet the President!”
He chirps loudly.

I guess I will. That should be an experience.

We chat during dinner and when it’s over, we get coffee before I make my way back to my room. I drag out my suitcase and begin packing. I don’t really know what to wear. It had basics in the rules – skirts and dresses, blouses, things like that. Do I go completely professional or smart casual? I don’t want to overdo it by looking too professional. I settle on some pencil skirts, blouses and work dresses that range from grey to navy in color. I pull out my nice black heels and some flats as well.

I make sure to pack all my
study, thankful I can still do some work at night time. Once I’m done with the packing, I curl up in bed, pull out my phone and dial home. My parents and sister will be thrilled about this, my sister will want to pack herself in my suitcase, being that she’s obsessed with Marcus. My father answers on the third ring and hearing his voice warms my heart.

“Hey daddy, it’s me.”

“Sierra, how are you baby girl?”

“I’m good, I have some great news.”

“You’re not pregnant are you?”

I scoff and then chuckle. “No daddy.”

“Well then, what is it?” he laughs.

m going to be the Speaker of the houses PA.”

“You won?” he gasps.

“I won!”

, baby girl, good on you,” he says in a cheerful tone full of love and pride.

“I can’t wait, I’m so nervous.”

“You’re going to do just fine, my girl, well done!”

“Is momma there?”

“She sure is, I’ll talk to you later. Make sure you keep me updated.”

, daddy, I love you.”

“I’m so proud,” he says, before handing the phone over to my mother.

“I heard, well done baby!” she cries as soon as she gets on the line.

“I’m so nervous,” I admit.

“Oh honey, you’re going to do just fine.”

“I hope
so, it’s such a big opportunity.”

“And given to the best girl there is!”

“Thank you, mom.”

“How’s all the study
ing going?”

I cha
t to my mom about study and living on campus for a while longer before hanging up and curling into bed for the night. With butterflies in my stomach, I fall into a restless, but excited sleep. I can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring.


A sleek, black
limousine comes to get me the morning of my starting day. I’m standing out front of campus, it’s spring and the air is warm. I hold my suitcase with one hand, and rub my stomach nervously with the other. The car comes to a stop and two men and a woman step out. The men are in dark suits and I guess right away that they’re body guards. The woman is impeccably dressed in a black skirt, a black blouse and shiny high heels. Her dark black hair is pulled back into a tight bun.

“Hello,” she smiles warmly. “You must be Sierra.”

I take the hand she extends to me and try not to look as the passing students stop and gape.

“I am.”

“My name is Rose, and I’m going to be with you for the next few months, helping you out.”

Thank god for that.

“Nice to meet you, Rose.”

She smiles and waves towards the car. “Shall we go?”

I nod and let one of the men take my suitcase. Then I slide into the luxury car and nervously fumble with my fingers as Rose slides in and orders the driver to take us back to the White House.

“I bet you’r
e nervous?” she says kindly.

“I am,” I admit.

“Don’t be, it’s a very rewarding job and Marcus is great to work for.”

I look over at her and force a smile. “That’s good to know.”

“I take it you have all the signed forms?”

I nod and ruffle through my handbag, then hand her the massive pile of papers. She spends the next five minutes flicking through them and nodding.

“Very good, so you understand all the rules?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Very good. You will have a room at the White House, and you will be required to dine with the Marcus every night at six pm sharp. Breakfast and lunch will be your choice, you can have them in your office or your room. You have full access to the wing you’re working in, but the other parts are restricted areas that you mustn’t go into. Working hours are seven pm to five pm and on weekends we will bring you back to the campus. Is that all ok with you?”

I nod, straightening down my black dress as I squirm in the seat. Rose smiles and as we drive, she goes over some other basic rules and regulations. When we arrive at the gates of the
White House, I stare in awe. I’ve been in once on a school tour, but aside from that, I haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing it. As we drive through the gates, I stare at the vast grounds and the massive building in front of me. It’s…just….wow.

We curl around a circular driveway and come to a stop at the massive entrance. Up close, it’s huge. It’s such a beautiful building, and I know the inside is just as breathtaking. When the door opens for me, I step out, still staring up at the massive building in front of me. Rose gets out behind me and takes my hand, laughing at my expression.

“You’ll get used to it.”

She leads me up the front steps and through the front doors. I gasp loudly as we step inside. Long hall
s and large rooms, all fit for a king. Polished floors, cream colored walls, exquisite rugs and chandeliers. I blink and swallow, completely dumbfounded. We go through security, where we are placed in metal detectors and scanned with various machines, to make sure we aren’t packing anything dangerous.

Once we’re through, Rose begins leading me down the long halls.
There are rooms off to each side that are no doubt filled with people. We go through doors, turn corners and I have absolutely no idea where we are or how to get back to that front door. We finally step into a massive room, filled with red chairs, desks and people working away on computers. Rose smiles and begins talking with a man that walks over. He offers me a smile and I return one, still in awe at the size of the room.

The next moment in my life, I truly wish I could take back. Totally in my own world, I don’t realize that the doors behind me h
ave opened. I hear Rose say, “Sir, good morning.” And then I spin around. I lose my balance and fall right into a tall, hard form. A set of hard hands grip my arms and steady me, then gently push me back so I’m upright once more.

My eyes slowly move up and over the body in front of me, a perfectly fitt
ed suit over a firm, wide chest, a chiseled jaw with a five o’clock shadow, a perfect roman nose and then two deep, chocolate brown eyes. I gasp and leap backwards as I take in who it is that I so stupidly crashed into; the Speaker of the house himself. Color fills my cheeks and I open my mouth to stammer an apology but I’m cut off when Rose speaks.

this is Sierra, your new Personal Assistant.”

I watch as he rakes his gaze over me. Marcus screams dominance, not just because he’s over six foot tall and broad, but because of the way he holds himself. He’s dangerous, powerful and in control. He reaches up and runs a hand through the dark mane of shabby hair on his head and then finally meets my
eyes. My knees buckle. Up close he’s so god dammed beautiful, it burns just to look at him.

“Sierra,” he murmurs, his voice like liquid fire rolling off his tongue. It’s deep, husky and oh god, erotic.

“Mr. um…Harrison, I’m so sorry. It’s wonderful to meet you.” I manage.

He reaches his hand out and reluctantly I take it. His fingers curl around my tiny hand and a bolt of electricity shoots up my arm at his touch. A small, sexy
smile creeps up on his face as his eyes meet mine. Did my panties just get wet?
Shame on you, Sierra.

“It’s a pleasure.”

I swallow and then pull my hand from his, oh god, is he this full on with everyone he meets? It’s not a wonder girl’s drop at his feet.

“Yes sir, it
most certainly is.”

His lips curl again and I curse myself. God
, I say the dumbest things sometimes. Seriously. He finally drags his gaze from me, no doubt laughing inside at how pathetic I am, and places it on Rose.

“Show her to her room,
then have her back in my office in an hour. We’ll go from there.”

“Yes sir.”

He moves his eyes back to mine. “I’ll see you soon, Miss?”

“Walters,” I offer.

He smirks. “Miss Walters.”

Then Rose takes my hand and leads me past him. As I get to the door, I turn and glance over my shoulder. He’s staring at me with a look so powerful I
tremble. Does he look at everyone like that? God I hope so, I truly do, because if he doesn’t, I’m in for a hell of a ride.


My room, what can I say other than holy fucking shit. Yes, holy fucking shit. It’s huge, I mean three or four times the size of my room on campus. It has a bed, that I’m very sure is bigger than a king size, and has a canopy soaring over the top with a thin netting sweeping down each side. At the window is a reading spot, with lush, comfy looking cushions. The bathroom has a spa, yes a spa and it’s a beautiful white and black tiled design. It is certainly well thought out.

A mini library sits in the left corner of the room, and is filled from floor to ceiling with books. A desk is in the other corner, decked out with a top of the range computer that has a screen bigger
than a normal television. I gape and peer around in awe at the colorings, the cream walls, the pale red rugs on the floor, the cream tiles and the silk bed fittings. It’s possibly one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever been in.

“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Rose says.

“I have…I mean…oh god.”

She laughs. “They’re all like that when they see it.”

“I’m mind blown.”

“If you put your things down, I’ll take you to your new office down the hall.”

I nod, putting my purse on the bedside table and follow Rose eagerly out the door. We walk down the long halls and pass people chatting away as we go. When we reach the end, she opens a door and we step into a massive office. I gasp and stare at the huge room, with a desk in front of the large window. It looks a lot like the President’s office in the movies. It’s three times the size of the other office I went in and far more spectacular. Dark red rugs, wooden furniture, televisions, computers and a desk that’s the size of three desks combined.

Rose leads me past it and to a door off to the left,
there are three doors, but she leads me to the one closest to the desk. When we step in, I see it’s another office. It’s quite large in size, with a dark mahogany desk, and a lot of filing cabinets. It’s your typical office set up and I instantly feel a little relieved. I don’t know what I expected to walk into, but I’m thankful for some normality.

“This is your office. The computer is top of the line, so is the phone. There is intercom straight out to
Marcus’ office and also to numerous rooms in the White House. He will go over what he wants you to do, but basically his other PA, the one you are filling in for, left a massive list of what is to be done each day. I take it you’re familiar with office work, as you’re studying it?”

“Yes, and I’ve worked as a PA before.”

For a brief…horrible time, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Ok, well, I’ll come back and go over everything with you once you’ve read the manual and talked with Marcus.”

I gape as she smiles and waves her hands around the office. “Enjoy, I am only a phone call away. My number is speed dial two on the phone.”

Then she leaves.
Seriously? She just left? I swallow down my nerves and pull out the large leather chair. I sit down and stare at the thick manual in front of me. What if I can’t do this? What if it’s too much? I don’t want to have to leave, I don’t want to be the girl that fails. I open to the first page and begin reading the daily work that needs to be done. It’s all quite basic. Take calls, organize meetings, attend meetings, organize affairs, accompany Marcus when needed. Things like that.

“I see you’ve made yourself at home?”

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