Patrick's Plight (9 page)

Read Patrick's Plight Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #ya, #glbt, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Patrick's Plight
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“Why? Do you think you’re better than them?”

Patrick all but snapped.

More confused than ever, Vance gave a slow shake of his head. “That’s not it. I just never thought it would be a good idea for me to appear on film since I own so many businesses. There are a lot of people that would use that to attack me.

I’m not saying it’s right or fair, but it’s the price of being successful.”

Patrick glanced up at him. “Did you ever tell
them that you were intrigued by them and that you wanted them all to yourself?”

A burst of anger shot through Vance. After all the shit he already had to deal with, this was the last thing he needed. “Are you trying to insinuate that I’ve been lying to you just to get you into bed?”

“Have you?” Patrick asked, his bottom lip quivering.

“I don’t have to make up lies to get fucked. In case you haven’t noticed, I have more than enough willing volunteers for that.”

Vance wanted the words back as soon as he saw all the color drain from Patrick’s face. Patrick jumped to his feet and rushed from the room without saying another word.

The door slammed, making Vance flinch. Damn it! He’d just fucked up, bad. He knew that he should give chase and apologize, but in his current mood, he worried that he’d just make things worse.

Vance stood and grabbed the whiskey bottle.

As he began to drink, he wondered just how much groveling he’d have to do the next time he saw Patrick. Vance didn’t care how much begging it took. Patrick meant too much to him for Vance to not do everything in his power to make things right.

He just needed to figure out why Patrick was so
upset to begin with. It sounded like somebody was feeding his lover lies. Vance already suspected the person responsible. If he were right, then being fired would be the least of Ross’


Chapter Eight

ance stayed at his desk reviewing the V information Patrick had laid out for him.

Despite his mind continuing to return to his lover, the business took first place. After all if the numbers were right, Ross had been skimming money off of Vance’s production company for the past three years.


How could he have been so blind for so long and trusted Ross? He knew the man didn’t have the most upstanding character but finding someone who could run a production company and not be a sleaze ball had proven too difficult for human resources. Ross had appeared to be the least objectionable. Looking over the proof, Vance had been wrong.

Slowly and methodically, he reviewed each and every detail.

“You are so fired, asshole,” Vance muttered.

Shoving back his chair, he slammed it into the wall with a loud bang as he snatched up his folder and marched down the hall. They were wrapping up a film in Studio seven and Vance knew exactly where to find Ross.
A minute later he slammed the door open to see Ross lying with his pants down and a little twink with his lips around Ross’ cock.

“Be with you in a minute,” Ross said, a wide smile stretching his lips. “Unless you want to fuck him. I’m not too stuffy to share.”

“Out,” Vance pointed to the door.

The skinny actor jumped to his feet and rushed out as if his ass were on fire. Vance would have to check on him later to make sure Ross hadn’t forced the boy to be there. It was one thing if the kid thought he could suck his way to the top, another if Ross threatened him.

“Did you have to ruin my fun?” Ross whined.

“I don’t know? Did you have to embezzle fifty-thousand dollars from my company?” Vance waved his folder at Ross. “And that’s only the stuff I’ve caught so far. How much will I discover when I do a thorough audit?”

Ross pulled up his pants and fastened them with shaking hands. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did that stupid blond bimbo think he could frame me? He’s just trying to get back at me because I told him he’s got an expiration date.”

“You what?” Vance’s stomach churned as his discussion with Patrick took a whole new ominous turn. “You told him he would be sent packing?”

“Of course I did,” Ross’s expression revealed
his scorn. “I thought the poor dear was too moony-eyed for his own good. Someone had to tell him you weren’t ever going to set up house and pick china.”

“And you thought it was up to you?” Vance’s hands shook with the urge to beat the crap out of Ross.

“Of course, as your closest friend I thought I should be the one to tell the poor puppy his fate,”

Ross gave a fake expression of sorrow.

“Get out!” Vance said through clenched teeth.

“Because of a little money?” Ross scoffed. “You don’t want to do that. I know where all the skeletons are buried.”

“Well, I’m cleaning out my coffins today. Get the fuck out! Security will show you to your car.

Don’t return, ever. I’ll mail you your check and if you’re lucky I won’t bury you under a shower of lawyers,” Vance threatened.

Before Ross could say anything else, the two security guards Vance had alerted on the way showed up in the doorway. “Show him out,” he ordered.

He watched with satisfaction as the guards grabbed Ross’ arms and pulled him out of the room.

With a groan, Vance threw himself in the chair.

He plunged his fingers in his hair and closed his eyes. A huge headache loomed on the horizon. He
could feel it waiting to pounce and give him a migraine. He didn’t get them often, but when he did they incapacitated him.

Between his niece and his ex-producer, Vance had two big headaches. Add in a sensitive lover with an inferiority complex, and he had the perfect recipe for a screwed up life.

Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, Vance dialed Patrick’s number.

A strange man’s voice answered.


Must be one of Patrick’s roommates. “Hello.

This is Vance Cullain. I’d like to talk to Patrick.”

“This is Ronnie, and you can go fuck yourself.”

The line went dead.

Vance stared at his phone. “Oh, this isn’t going to be easy.”

Obviously, calling wasn’t going to do any good.

Ronnie wouldn’t let Vance’s call through. From what Patrick had told Vance the three men were devoted to each other.

His phone rang. Glancing at the readout, he saw his home phone number show up.


“Is that any way to answer your beloved niece?” A snarky female voice answered.

“I don’t know. If you find one let me know,”

Vance replied.

“Ha, ha. When are you coming home? I want
pizza.” Her usual whiny tone scraped across his nerves.

“You’re lucky your grandmother is coming back tomorrow. You might not survive another day.” He warned. Vance’s mother doted on Becca.

She’d be more than happy to take the hellion for a few days maybe even a week until Becca decided whose life to ruin next.

“Pizza, uncle,” she whined.

“I’ll pick it up on the way home.”

Vance didn’t know if he should give Patrick more time to calm down or rush to his lover’s side.

From Ronnie’s behavior he knew he wouldn’t be welcomed with open arms but he didn’t really do anything wrong. He wondered what he could do to make it up Patrick.

First step he dialed the pizza parlor, since apparently Becca couldn’t find the number, second step he called a florist he’d used in the past. His eye fell on the camera, and he knew what he needed to do.

* * * *

“Flowers!” Oliver declared waving the bouquet toward Patrick. “Mr. Charming misses you.”

“He’s not charming.” Patrick mumbled from his spot curled up on the couch. When he’d come home with tears in his eyes and trembling nerves,
his friends immediately backed him.

Not once did they mention they had no money left and little to live on. His first few paychecks had dented their bills but hadn’t touched their huge medical balance. He’d sort of hoped to stay employed a little longer.

Oliver lifted Patrick up and settled Patrick’s head on his lap when he sat back down. Patrick hummed when Oliver rubbed his forehead helping to relieve the tension.

“Mmm thanks pal. That feels good,” Patrick groaned. His heart might be shattered but his friends made him warm.

“Flowers!” Ronnie’s singsong voice broke into his contented bubble.

Patrick blinked up at them. “Pretty. Is there a note?” Surely Vance didn’t plan to dump him if he sent him flowers.

Ronnie snatched up the note and set the vase of flowers on the table beside Patrick’s head. “It says I’ll see you soon.”

“Not exactly a ringing endorsement of love.”

Oliver glared at the note.

“Well, it proves he’s not done with me yet,”

Patrick mused.

“So does that mean you want to hang around until he tosses you aside?” As cheery as Ronnie sounded about the note, his friend had a hard practical side.
“No.” Patrick sighed and traced circles on Oliver’s jeans with his finger. “I can’t expect him to want a nobody like me.”

The loud slap rang in the air. Patrick sat up, rubbing his ass. “Why did you hit me?” he asked Oliver.

“You’re being an idiot,” Oliver scolded. “The guy is obviously still nuts about you. If you get off the couch you can go talk to him. He doesn’t think you’re a nobody, I can guarantee it.”

“How can you be so sure?” Patrick asked, scraping for any bit of hope.

“Because if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t go to so much effort. Like you said, he can get a bit of ass anywhere.” Oliver nodded toward the flowers.

“He doesn’t have to work for it.”

Patrick had to admit his friends made good sense. Sadly, he knew if it weren’t today, then it would be tomorrow. Ross might be an ass, but he spoke the truth. Patrick didn’t have enough charm or experience or anything to keep the attention of a player like Vance for very long.

“I appreciate what you two are trying to do, but maybe it worked out for the best. Some people are not meant to be together.” Patrick couldn’t shake off the thought he’d made a horrible mistake.

“He called,” Ronnie offered.

“What?” Patrick spun to look at Ronnie.

“He, um called. He identified himself, and I
told him to fuck off.” Ronnie blushed and looked at his shoes.

“You did?” For Ronnie to say anything aggressive to anyone boggled Patrick’s mind. His friend specialized in peace keeping and smoothing the way, not confrontation.

Ronnie looked up through his lashes. “Yeah, I don’t like how he hurt you even if it was only a misunderstanding. You don’t deserve to be treated less than the best. You’ve always been good to us. Whoever chooses to be with you has to get through us.”

Patrick’s smiled. For the first time he was the one who was receiving the support of his friends.

He didn’t have to be the strong one.

A knock at the door had all three of them turning to the entrance.

“I bet that’s your boy,” Ronnie said. He scurried to the door and peeked through the peephole. “Hmm, I don’t know this one.”

Ronnie opened the door. “Yes?”

“We came to see how Patrick was feeling?”

“Well come on in, gorgeous ones.” Ronnie beckoned someone in.

Patrick smiled when he saw who had come to visit. Mark and Lane entered the family room looking around the space with wide eyes.

“I know it’s not much, but it’s all we could afford,” Patrick apologized.
“No, it’s fine,” Mark said, smiling. “I came to check on you. Ross was led out of the building by security. I heard you might have something to do with that. I wanted to thank you.”

“Me too,” Lane said. “That man always groped me while showing me how to move.”

In the entire fuss over his feelings over Vance, Patrick had forgotten the proof he’d left behind.

He had doubted Vance would believe him, but the news that Ross had been shown the door renewed some of his faith in his lover.

Lane stepped forward. “I wanted to let you know if you need a job, I’ve got a phone sex business. I’m just getting it off the ground, but it’s starting to make a steady profit. I’m leaving the porn video business in a few months, and I’d be happy to have you on board as a manager or even an operator if you’d like.”

“Thanks Lane. I don’t know if I’ll take you up on it, but I appreciate the offer.” Patrick couldn’t help but notice Lane’s attention kept wandering to Patrick’s left. He turned to see Oliver sitting behind him on the couch. His leg must be bugging him or Oliver would’ve stood up.

“Sorry I didn’t introduce you. Lane, Mark this is Ronnie and Oliver.” He waved his hand toward each man as he introduced. He bit his lips to hide his smile when Lane stepped forward and gently took Oliver’s hand between his large paws.
“It’s very nice to meet you. Patrick always speaks of you so fondly.” Lane gave Oliver a brilliant smile. A real one, not the kind Patrick had seen him use in films.

Ronnie nodded politely at Mark, but Patrick saw his unbridled glee when Lane smiled at Oliver. For too long Oliver had pined for his lost love, so it would be great to see him living again.

The two porn stars stayed for a couple of hours telling hilarious stories about their episodes behind and in front of the camera. The three housemates were in stitches the entire time. When the pair finally left, Patrick couldn’t help but feel a little better. If he couldn’t straighten things out with Vance, at least he had a job offer.

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