Patrick's Plight (4 page)

Read Patrick's Plight Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #ya, #glbt, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Patrick's Plight
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“Life has just been kicking me in the ass lately,”

Patrick replied.

“I can understand that.” Sympathy flickered in Vance’s eyes.

“How? You obviously have money. You don’t have to worry about whether you have heat or food or any of the basics.”

A heat came over Patrick’s face as he realized what just tumbled from his pie-hole. Now he’d be lucky if the guy didn’t get up and walk away.

Instead, Vance leaned in close and said, “Money doesn’t solve everything.”

Taking a nervous sip of his coffee, Patrick muttered, “You could have fooled me.”

“You’d be surprised how lonely it can be at times, even for somebody like me.”

“You probably have girls throwing themselves at you all the time.”

Okay, maybe that last question was a bit probing, but Patrick wanted to be one hundred percent that Vance wasn’t straight. While Vance may be shooting off gay vibes, Patrick didn’t want to get his hopes up only to have them dashed. A guy could only deal with so much disappointment
in one day.

“Is that your way of asking me if I’m gay?

Because if it is, then I need to really work on my game. I don’t go around buying fancy coffee for just anybody.”

Maybe it was Vance’s playful banter, or perhaps it was the pill, but Patrick found himself giving back a flirtatious smile. “Well, then, lucky me. I’ve been feeling pretty lonely these days.”

The corner of Vance’s mouth kicked up into a smile. “Really? A cute, pretty thing like you?”

Usually Patrick loathed being called pretty or cute, but coming from Vance’s lips, those words sent a warm rush through Patrick’s cock. “Now I think you’re just playing with me. I know that I’m too skinny and too pale.”

“Both of which happen to turn me on,” Vance replied in that smooth voice of his. “If you let me take you away with me, I’ll spend all night proving it to you.”

Common sense finally broke through the moment and Patrick withdrew a bit. “I don’t know…I usually don’t go home with guys I just met.”

He winced, hoping that Vance didn’t take offense, but the other man just gave him a knowing look. “I understand. I could be a serial killer or something.”

“You seem nice enough,” Patrick rushed out in
hopes of not completely blowing things.

Vance held out an expensive looking cell phone. “How about this, you call a friend and tell them that you’re going with me to the Hilton. That way, not only will we be on neutral turf, but you will have somebody to call for help if I turn out to be evil.”

Giving a small laugh, Patrick reached out for the phone. Just as his fingers were touching the device, he hesitated. Things were going so fast.

He’d never had a hook-up in his life, let alone one with a person he’d known less than an hour.

It would be reckless…irresponsible…impulsive.

All of which was the exact opposite of what Patrick always did. Hell, he was such a Boy Scout that he never jaywalked, tore the tags off his mattresses or downloaded pirated movies. For him to go off with a stranger to fuck the night away was something that he would never even think of considering.

Then he met Vance’s gaze and Patrick made up his mind. Just for once, he wanted to throw all of his responsibilities to the side and just feel. To get lost in the moment and let everything be about his pleasure. To put himself first and consequences be damned.

Taking the phone, he began to dial Ronnie’s number.

Chapter Four

onnie’s response over the phone had made R Patrick laugh. His friend’s enthusiasm for Patrick’s one-night, or maybe it was a one-day stand, had lifted Patrick’s spirits. He hadn’t told Ronnie yet that he didn’t get the job. He’d save that for later. Later when he could see his friend face-to-face as they decided what to do about their bills.

“You okay?” Vance’s concern brushed away the last lingering cobwebs of doubt. If a man worried about Patrick’s moods, it was doubtful he’d turn into a serial killer or any of the things that would deter Patrick from getting laid.

“Yeah, I’ll be just fine.” Patrick licked his lips, moistening his suddenly dry skin. Vance’s avid attention to Patrick’s tongue made his cock harden in his jeans.

Vance stepped closer and the nice hotel room faded from Patrick’s mind. It could’ve been the two of them in a grimy motel room instead of the nice one they stood in for all the attention Patrick gave his surroundings.

Nothing mattered except the gorgeous man staring at Patrick as if he were the sexiest man
alive. Patrick knew his hands were shaking, but nerves had set in. Only the pill he took earlier prevented him from going into a full-fledged panic attack.

“Hey, easy honey.” Vance took Patrick’s hands in his own and led him to the bed. “Sit.”

“I-I’m sorry.” Patrick could feel the blush rising on his cheeks. Damn, first he failed as a porn star, and now he can’t even succeed as a fling.

“Nothing to be sorry about.” Vance sat beside him and rubbed his hands. “We don’t have to do anything.”

“B-but you paid for the room.”

Vance’s deep chuckle calmed Patrick’s racing heart. “I didn’t pay for you, though. If you don’t want to have sex we don’t have to. Take your shoes off.”

Patrick obediently pushed off his shoes.

“Scoot back.” Vance motioned for Patrick to lean against the pillows.

Patrick nodded and lay completely on the bed.

Vance took off his shoes and nothing else. He slid up beside Patrick.

“Come here,” he motioned Patrick closer.

Patrick snuggled up to Vance as the dark-haired man wrapped his strong arms around Patrick. Vance smelled of a luscious cologne that made Patrick want to strip him bare and explore where else Vance might have placed the scent.
After several long, deep breaths, Patrick could feel the tension slowly fading from his body.

Vance slid his large hands across Patrick’s back in soothing circles. The combination of calming touch and amazing fragrance soon had Patrick feeling less panic and more arousal.

His cock hardened in his pants, making their tight fit uncomfortable. He didn’t know how to go from comforting embrace to sweaty sex. After minimal lovemaking in his past, he wasn’t equipped with the experience to seduce anyone.

Maybe that’s why he didn’t do well at the audition. Maybe the producer could sense Patrick’s lack of experience.

He tentatively placed a kiss on the bit of flesh exposed over Vance’s collar. “You’re going to wrinkle your jacket,” Patrick mentioned. He hoped he sounded nonchalant and not desperate to see Vance’s naked body.

Vance froze. The slow touches halted. “You want me to take off my jacket?”

Patrick shrugged. “I thought you might be more comfortable.”

“Good idea.” Vance slid off the bed and removed his jacket and with a moment’s hesitation took off his tie.

Patrick sat up to see better.

Vance’s gaze met Patrick’s. A corner of his mouth tilted up. “Anything else you want me to
take off?”

Patrick nodded like an idiot, his voice deserting him. Apparently Vance liked idiots because he only smiled and began to unbutton his shirt.

Drooling probably wouldn’t be the smoothest move ever. Patrick swallowed rapidly as Vance parted his shirt and revealed a nicely furred chest.


“Do you think you could return the favor?”

Vance nodded toward Patrick.

“Um, sure.” He pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it to the floor. Self-consciously, he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Hey, none of that now. You’re too pretty to hide yourself,” Vance scolded.

“I’m not pretty,” Patrick muttered avoiding Vance’s eyes.

Vance climbed up on the bed and straddled Patrick’s legs. “You are very pretty. You have all that smooth skin, and I just want to spread whipped cream across your body and lick it off.”

Patrick nervously coughed. “Um, I could agree to that.”

Vance jumped off the bed and grabbed the phone. He pressed a button and waited for a response. “I’d like to order a bowl of whipped cream. No, nothing else. Thank you.”

He hung up the phone.

“Are they bringing it?”
“It’ll be ten minutes.” Vance’s smile, slow and sexy, caused a flush of heat through his body.

“Um what will we do until then?” Patrick asked.

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

Vance’s eyes crinkled adorably.

Patrick didn’t tense up when Vance climbed up on the bed. Vance leaned over and brushed his lips across Patrick’s. A gentle slide of mouths.

Vance’s touch excited Patrick more than anyone he’d met before. His one brief encounter with passion had nothing on this. Of course, his last lover didn’t look like a god in human form.

“Easy, honey, I’ll take good care of you,” Vance promised.

“I know you will.” His anxiety from before didn’t return, instead he sank further into the mattress as he relaxed beneath Vance’s touch. It was as if his body knew this man would never hurt him before his mind acknowledged the idea.

Vance lapped at Patrick’s lips, asking for entry.

Patrick’s mouth relaxed and opened. He groaned as Vance slipped inside and took over control.

Patrick sighed at the contact. Vance tasted of coffee, chocolate, and peppermint.

Patrick jerked back. “You had a Peppermint Mocha,” he said in delight.

“Yes, I did,” Vance agreed.

“You should drink them all the time.” For some
reason, the fact that Vance liked what was basically a coffee dessert tickled Patrick. If given the opportunity to choose a coffee that suited Vance, he’d have picked something strong and dark.

“I’ll consider it,” Vance said before dipping down and giving Patrick another taste.

Patrick shifted to get closer to Vance. Rubbing against him, Patrick tried to get more friction. He gave a soft sound of protest when Vance’s large hands gripped Patrick’s hips, pinning him in place.

“I’ll be in charge,” Vance said.

Nothing could’ve set Patrick at ease more. He didn’t have to worry about doing the wrong thing if Vance would tell him what to do. Vance would never know of his inexperience if Patrick played along.

“Sounds good to me,” Patrick agreed.

“Excellent,” Vance’s warm brown eyes became even hotter. “I like a man who knows how to follow orders.”

“That would be me,” Patrick said. With all the stress of being in charge of his friends and trying to help them, he found it comforting to just relax and do as he was told.

More kisses burned down Patrick’s spine like a wildfire.

Patrick slid his hand up Vance’s neck
luxuriating in the texture of Vance’s skin.

“Hands by your head,” Vance ordered.

“But then I can’t touch you,” Patrick complained.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do enough touching for both of us,” Vance promised.

A knock at the door granted Patrick a quick kiss before Vance jumped off the bed and headed for the entrance. Patrick watched Vance open the door and talk to someone in the hall. They exchanged a few words, Vance laughed then shut the door, locked it, and turned to meet Patrick’s inquiring gaze.

He vaguely noticed Vance held a small china bowl in his hand.

“Now we have all the right things to have a good time,” Vance grinned.

“Lube and condoms?”

Vance reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a foil package and a small tube. “All set.”

“You always carry lube and condoms around?”

Patrick didn’t know if he should be happy the man came prepared or worried at how

experienced Vance must be.

“I like to be prepared.” Vance set the supplies on the table beside the bed along with the bowl.

“Don’t you have a condom in your wallet?”

“Um, yeah.” Patrick didn’t want to tell Vance
he worried they might be expired by now. He’d had them in his billfold since high school.

“See, same thing. I’m just better prepared.”

Vance’s casual approach to sex made Patrick happy. He lucked out finding an older experienced lover just when his life was tanking.

Patrick would take this one afternoon and enjoy himself. There were plenty of hours left to worry over bills and food.

Today was for him.

* * * *

Vance looked down at his pretty shy boy. Patrick checked all the wishes on his Christmas list. Pale, smooth, and willing to let Vance do whatever he liked. That kind of power rushed though Vance like an aphrodisiac. He could easily become addicted to such a cooperative partner.

“Are you ready to lose the pants?”

A sharp nodded followed only a brief hesitation.

“Are you sure?” He wouldn’t pressure Patrick, but he’d be a liar to say he wouldn’t be terribly disappointed if Patrick changed his mind.

“Definitely.” The sweet smile Vance received with a slight tremble from nerves ratcheted up Vance’s desire.

He brushed away Patrick’s hands and

unfastened his jeans. With little fanfare, he unzipped and pulled down Patrick’s pants, and curling his fingers, he hooked the underwear and yanked them down, freeing Patrick’s long thick cock.

“Oh, nicely done,” Vance praised Patrick’s neat trim job.

Patrick blushed.

Vance stood to finish sliding Patrick’s clothing off and tossed it to the floor along with his socks.

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