Patrick's Plight (8 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #ya, #glbt, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Patrick's Plight
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As soon as the door shut, Patrick became painfully aware of how small the room was. Ross took a chair and rolled it closer invading Patrick’s personal space. While he didn’t want to show how much it bothered him, he couldn’t help cringing internally as he scooted back into his seat.

Ross gave a grin so malicious and lecherous that it sent shivers of revulsion down Patrick’s spine. Damn, what did Vance see in such a creep?

How could he let such a sleazebag work for him?

“You can act uppity if you want, but I’ll eventually get a chance at that tight little ass of yours,” Ross said.

If the situation had been any different, Patrick would have told Ross that every cheesy movie in history called and they wanted their line back. But he thought it would be smart to just keep his yap shut and pray Ross would lose interest in torturing him.

Ross reached out and trailed a finger along Patrick’s arm, leaving a path of oh-yuck in its wake. Before he could stop himself, Patrick jerked away and snapped, “Don’t touch me!”

Nodding toward the screen, which still had the scene playing out, Ross asked, “Do you think you’re better than them?”

“Of course not.”
“Then why do you expect Vance to treat you any different?”

Even though he knew it was a huge mistake, Patrick took the bait. “What do you mean?”

Ross leaned in, eager as a piranha who’d just honed in on a kill. “Do you honestly think you’re the first boy toy that Vance has played with?”

“Of course not,” Patrick said between gritted teeth.

Just the thought of Vance touching somebody else sent a fire of jealousy through Patrick. He knew he had no right to feel that way since they’d only been together for a couple of weeks, but he couldn’t help himself.

“You want to know what they have in common?”

“Not particularly.”

Patrick eyed the door and wondered how much trouble he’d get into for storming out. But, then he realized that if he lost his job, he’d be letting his friends down. While he may be in a relationship with Vance, Patrick didn’t want to relax and think that made his job secure. Besides, he didn’t put it past Ross to make up some outlandish lie about the reason why he had to fire Patrick. Then Patrick would lose both his job and boyfriend.

If his relationship with Vance could be called that. They’d gone out on several more dates, but Vance had never taken Patrick home. Instead,
they’d always ended up in the same hotel room.

While it was swanky, Patrick was beginning to feel like some high-classed rent-boy.

Ross gave a snicker. “You’re so blind and stupid. No wonder he didn’t want to put you in front of the camera. That innocent act is nice at first, but it really gets boring fast.”

“Are you finished?” Patrick asked, striving for a bored tone. He refused to give Ross that much power over him.

“Not yet, I still have to tell you why you’re like every other fuck Vance has been with.”

“Fine, say it then let me go. I have a ton of work to do today.”

Now it was Patrick who gripped the armrests of the chair as he braced himself for the bombshell.

Going by the smug expression on Ross’ ugly mug it wouldn’t be good. A cold pit formed in Patrick’s stomach as his mouth became dry from anticipation.

“He’ll eventually get tired of playing with you, and then he’ll turn you over to me,” Ross announced.

Patrick scoffed. “No he won’t.”

“Funny, that’s exactly what his last three twinks said to me. Of course, they all lasted a bit longer than you. They were porn stars after all, so they knew how to keep a guy interested. You on the other hand are so vanilla that you make a
preacher’s kid look wild.”

Even as his heart sank, Patrick shook his head.

“It’s not all about sex with me and Vance.”

Ross rolled his eyes. “Vance owns a porn company. It’s
about sex for him. I’m actually shocked he kept you around this long. He could have any of the guys working for him. In fact, he already has had most of them. They’re all way better looking than you.”

Patrick sucked in a breath. No, he couldn’t believe that Vance was that shallow.

Ross reached out and patted Patrick’s knee.

“Let me guess, he said he wouldn’t put you in front of the camera because you were too special and he wanted you all to yourself.”

Each one of those words hit Patrick like a punch to his gut. Yes, that’d been exactly what Vance had said. How in the hell did Ross know that?

“You’re not the first one he’s used that line on.

As soon as he’s done with you, he’ll treat you just like the others. You’ll be working scenes in order to keep your job. All the while, you’ll have to watch as Vance takes on a new toy. Why do you think so many of the stars pant over him?”

“Because he’s hot and any gay man would notice,” Patrick argued in a raspy voice.

“Well, there’s that, but it’s also because they want Vance to take them back into his bed again.”

Ross gave a shrug. “Or I should say they want him
to take them back to the hotel. He never has allowed one of his pets into his house. That would make it too personal for him.”

Patrick couldn’t take anymore. He felt like he was going to throw-up. He needed to put as much distance between him and Ross as possible.

Jumping to his feet, Patrick held a hand to his stomach. “Can I leave now?”

Ross rolled the chair back and gave that damn smirk again. “Sure, we’re done here.”

Patrick ran out and raced down the hall, ignoring all the people who called his name. He made it to the bathroom just in time. Dropping to his knees before the Porcelain God, Patrick puked up his entire lunch.

All the while, he told himself that he was overacting. But then everything Ross said continued to nag at him. How Vance had used that line so many times. The way that Vance would never take one of his short-term boys home. That Patrick had so little experience it was laughable.

Ross could have figured the last one out himself, but how could he know about the first two? That is unless what he said was true.

Patrick went over to the sink and splashed cold water on his face. After, he stared at his reflection in the mirror as he worked over all the drama in his mind.
Maybe Ross was wrong? He could have easily

overheard Patrick and Vance talking and then used that as ammo. The guy was hateful and mean enough to do something like that.

Vance had been nothing but kind and giving.

Patrick should at least hear Vance’s side of the story. Taking a deep breath, Patrick pulled out his cell. He had one hour before Vance returned. Once he got back, they would have one serious conversation. Patrick just hoped he liked the answers he received.

* * * *

Vance sank into the chair behind his desk and let out frustrated sigh. Becca had managed to take up yet another day of his life.

Running his hands through his hair, Vance wondered when he’d ever learn. His niece was a huge-ass thorn in his paw and that would never change. No matter how much he prayed to ever deity known to man.

Ever since she’d learned to talk, she’d never had a nice thing to say. In fact, he swore her first complete sentence had been, “Dear God! You’re not wearing that ugly tie again, are you? What did do, mug an appliance salesmen for it?”

So, when he’d seen her number on his cell this morning, he knew he shouldn’t answer it, but
sucker that he was, he did. Only to find out that she’d been kicked out of college…again. This time it was for leading a protest for animal rights.

Never mind the fact, she owed three furs, a leather coat, and ate steak nearly every day. She hadn’t even taken responsibility for her actions, instead lashing out at Vance. She had the gall to tell him had he just let her be and stopped forcing her to move away to another school, she would have never felt the need to
act out
. The accusation pissed Vance off, but it’d also made him feel guilty.

So, he’d sent her an airline ticket and let her crash at his place. Which was exactly what he knew he shouldn’t be doing. He couldn’t help it though, even though she was a verbal terrorist, he loved the brat and always would. Strange as it may sound, she loved him just as much.

Vance couldn’t help but wonder if he was responsible for the way she’d turned out. When his sister had first sent Becca away years ago, that time it was to a boarding school, Vance stepped in on his niece’s behalf. Ever since then, Becca knew there wasn’t anything Uncle Vance wouldn’t do for her. And she used that fact to manipulate him.

His cell rang. Looking down at the display he let out a groan.
Speaking of the little she-devil
. He still answered, “Did you make it to my home okay?”
“Vance, this isn’t a home. The décor in this penthouse is so cold and unfriendly that it makes you look like some villain with daddy issues.”

Vance let out a sigh and slowly counted to ten.

“How was your flight?”

“Okay, although some religious freak kept trying to tell me what a sinner I was.”

Yeah, right. Vance already knew that she was only telling about 10% of the real story. “What did you say to them in the first place to get them so riled up?”

“Why do you think it’s my fault? Did it ever occur to you that I might be innocent?”


She let out a long dramatic sigh. “Damn it, I chase off some door-to-door jerks one time, and you want to slap a label on me.”

“You were wearing a
Freddy Kruger
mask at the time,” he reminded her.

“I was only trying to make them laugh.”

“I think they thought differently.”

He eyed his liquor stand, wondering if it was too early to start getting drunk. Becca tended to have that effect on him. Now that she was living with him, he was going to need cases of the stuff.

“Sooooo….I was going through your closet,”

she announced.

“Don’t—in fact leave all of my stuff alone.”

She went on like she hadn’t heard. “I have to
tell you, I’m actually impressed. I was almost beginning to think that you weren’t gay at all. I’ve never met a person with less fashion sense.”

Once again, Vance eyed the bottle his stock of whiskey. He made another calculation. He better make that
more cases. He loved Becca more than anything, but she reminded him of the mother and daughter on that show

“I’m glad I’m finally living up to your standards,” he drawled.

“I know! Isn’t it great?” she chirped. “In fact, I even decided to cook you dinner tonight to celebrate.”

He wanted to point out that ordering in didn’t count as cooking, but he bit his tongue. Although she’d never admit it, that was her way of saying she needed her uncle. So, there was no way that Vance could spit on her veiled call for help.

“That sounds great. Just let me wrap things up here and I’ll come right home.”

“Cool!” she exclaimed before hanging up.

The door slowly opened, and Vance felt a rush of happiness when Patrick peeked his head in. Just the sight of his lover made Vance feel better than ten shots of whiskey. Waving Patrick over, Vance rolled his chair back in invitation.

Patrick immediately took the cue, crossing the room and curling up into Vance’s lap. For a
moment, Vance just held the younger man close, taking comfort in the Patrick’s touch.

“How did everything go today?” Patrick finally asked.

It took Vance a minute to remember that he’d lied and said that he was working at one of his other businesses. He’d felt bad for deceiving Patrick, yet there was no way Vance wanted to tell him about Becca and how he worried that she was going through a rough patch. Patrick had enough worries of his own, without Vance loading on his own baggage.

“Fine, how were things here?”

Patrick just gave a little shrug. It was then that Vance noticed that Patrick wasn’t wearing his usual happy grin. Vance would even go so far as to say that Patrick acted depressed.

Cupping Patrick’s chin, Vance forced him to look up. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Patrick replied, averting his gaze.

“Are we still going out tonight?”

While Vance didn’t even want to think about what damage Becca was doing while alone at his home, Vance would never turn down time with Patrick. “Of course we are, I just need to run home for a while. Can we make it dessert, instead of dinner?”

Vance had no doubt that by that time, Becca would be out at the clubs with her friends. She
always seemed to want to surround herself with others. Even if some of those said friends didn’t always have her best interest at heart.

Patrick nibbled on his bottom lip. “After we’re done, can we go to your place instead of the hotel?”

Even though Vance had intentionally planned on doing just that, it was now out of the question thanks to Becca. “I’m sorry, we can’t.”

That seemed to make Patrick sadder. “Is it true that you slept with all of the guys who work for you?”

Vance frowned, wondering where in the hell the conversation was heading. What had happened to make Patrick act all skittish? “Not all of them, but I won’t lie, I’ve been with a few.”

Patrick let out a small sigh. “Did you ever film scenes with them?”

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