Patrick's Plight (7 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #ya, #glbt, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Patrick's Plight
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Patrick watched the transformation from lover Vance to businessman Vance and his eyes widened with shock. If he didn’t know Vance from before, he’d never think he had a chance with this man.

Vance crossed over to the window. “What do you see?” he asked.

“He’s talking to you,” Ross growled.

“Um.” Patrick scanned the room. “Naked men?”

Vance laughed. “Good call. I’d be concerned if you said horses.”

“I’d be more concerned if I saw horses,” Patrick

A hand gripped Patrick’s shoulder he turned to see Vance standing beside him.

“Trust me, beastiality isn’t in my repertoire, though I do have questions about that guy in the middle.” He pointed at the guy man intimidated Patrick by his sheer size.

“Hmm, he is well-endowed.”

Vance wrapped his hand around Patrick’s eyes.

“I think you can wait in the other room. Start looking over the invoices we discussed earlier.”

“Why is he reviewing invoices?” Ross asked in a sharp voice.

Vance’s voice rumbled against Patrick’s back, a comforting sensation. “I want him to get to know the business. The best way to understanding business is to examine the cash flow.”

“Um..that’s a good idea.” Ross said.

Patrick wondered at the hesitation in the usually confident producer. He didn’t sound like he thought Patrick smart enough to handle the concept of business.

Vance’s breath brushed across Patrick’s ear.

Shivers tickled down his spine.

A soft gasp left his lips.

“Oh, I am going to do so much with you,”

Vance whispered.

Patrick bit his lip. Damn, his pants were becoming tighter by the minute.
“Could get back to business?” Ross asked.

“If we must,” Vance replied. He removed his hand from Patrick’s eyes and spun him around.

Patrick blinked to focus his vision as the light briefly blinded him.

“Go back to the office,” Vance ordered. He pressed a kiss on Patrick’s cheek.

Patrick smiled at Vance then walked away from his new boss and back to the other room.

He didn’t know what to think of Vance’s protective streak. It would be rather difficult to work in a porn studio and not see any naked men.

For now, Vance was still adorable, but it might be annoying in the future, though.

* * * * *

“How long do I have to watch you make goo goo eyes at your new play toy?”

Vance frowned at his director. “I don’t care what your feelings about Patrick are, you will treat him with respect and use your best manners.”

“Or what?” Ross sneered, “You can’t run this place without me.”

This new side of Ross scraped across Vance’s last nerve. He and Ross had their differences in the past, but his director had always been professional. “If you can’t behave, I’ll learn how to do things without you.”

Ross paled.

Convinced he’d made his point Vance nodded
toward the collection of men.

“These look like good choices, but just make sure donkey dick there knows how to control himself. I won’t have him tearing up any of my boys.”


“Good.” Vance made sure his expression conveyed his seriousness. He didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings about his point of view.

“I’m going to go and show Patrick what to work on. Start making up a production schedule.”

“Will do.”

Satisfied his director knew what to do, Vance left the room. He had a promise to keep about a certain couch.

He found Patrick looking over paperwork when he returned to his office. “How’s it going?”

“I don’t know,” Patrick frowned at the receipt in his hand.

“I believe we have a couch appointment,”

Vance said with a smile.

Patrick dropped his receipt and stripped off his shirt. His pale smooth skin beckoned Vance’s fingers forward. Unable to resist his pretty boy, Vance quickly stepped forward.

Vance stroked his hand across Patrick’s chest.

Flattered at how quickly his boy melted beneath Vance’s touch. He moved behind Patrick and kissed a line of kisses down his back.
Patrick arched beneath Vance’s touch.

Vance removed his own shirt eager to feel bare skin to bare skin. A sigh eased out of him at the initial contact. He’d never had anyone who felt so much like he belonged in Vance’s arms before.

Vance stepped away and locked the door.

Within minutes he had Patrick buck naked and stretched over the back of his couch. No one ever looked better.

Vance admired the view as he grabbed the lube and condoms out of his drawer.

“You done looking and ready to touch?”

Patrick asked.

“Yeah.” Vance set the condom on the couch beside Patrick. “You are so lovely.” He pressed a kiss between each word.

“Less admiring and more fucking,” Patrick ordered.

Vance laughed. He liberally coated his fingers and took care to properly loosen Patrick. He loved how tight Patrick gripped him. Working with porn stars he rarely had a tight ass at his disposal and Patrick was only baby steps from being a virgin.

Taking a deep breath, Vance tried to think unsexy thoughts in order to not come before entering Patrick. He slid on his condom, slicked it up, and carefully lined up his cock. Pressing slowly into Patrick he let out a soft gasp as his
lover welcomed him in.

“Mmm, that’s it baby. Let me inside.”

Patrick relaxed easing Vance’s way. “Oh, god.”

Patrick gripped the back of the couch until it squeaked.

“Yeah, I love it when you take me.” Vance gently held Patrick’s hips. He’d learned how easily Patrick bruised from their encounters before. He nipped at Patrick’s shoulder, smiling at the shudder that went through him.

After making sure Patrick could take him, Vance increased his speed, slamming inside Patrick and adjusting his angle until Patrick began to scream.

Vance plunged one hand into Patrick’s hair, turned his head, and ravished his mouth as he wrapped his hand around Patrick’s cock. When he lifted his lips, he whispered in Patrick’s ear.


Obedient, sweet boy that he was, Patrick shuddered his completion and painted Vance’s couch with his ejaculation.

“Good, very good.” Vance pumped two more times before he came himself. “Oh, yes very good.”

Vance slumped against Patrick’s back with a sigh.

* * * *

Patrick stumbled into the apartment with a smile on his face and an ass that could still feel shadows of his amazing afternoon. He walked over and dumped his papers on the table.

“How’d your first day go?” Ronnie asked.

Patrick laughed at his roommate’s outfit. Only Ronnie could get away wearing red flannel checkered sleep pants and a tank top with the words
Hard Men Wanted
emblazoned on the front.

“I like the shirt,” Patrick said.

“I’d be happier if I had a man to apply,” Ronnie said with a quirk of his eyebrows.

“You will. Once I get my first pay check, we’ll be back on track, and we can hit the clubs again.”

Patrick remembered fondly when they all used to sneak into the clubs with their fake ids.

Ronnie sighed. “By the time we get to the clubs, I’ll be able to get in legally.”

Patrick squeezed his friend’s shoulder. “We’ll get there Ron, as long as we stick together.”

“And how long are we going to stick together when you’ve got tall, dark, and rich at your beck and call,” Oliver asked sitting down at the table.

Oliver’s pallor drew Patrick’s attention.

“You don’t look so good?”

“My muscles have been bothering me today,”

Oliver said. “I’m doing all right though.”

Patrick joined his friends at the table. He ran his
fingers across the table tracing the swirls in the cheap plastic top. He’d picked it up at a thrift store their first week there. It had probably been quite the thing in the early seventies when it had first been made.

“Even if Vance and I end up together, and there are no promises it will happen, I’m not going to just dump you guys. I love you, and you’re all the family I’ve got. I’m not going to leave now that we’re starting to turn things around.” Patrick tried to infuse his sincerity in his words. He needed his friends to believe him.

Oliver’s hand covered Patrick’s. “You’ve never let me down a day in your life.”

“Or me,” Ronnie agreed.

Patrick let out the breath he was holding onto.

“Good. That’s good. You know you can count on me.”

“We do,” Oliver said. Ronnie nodded.

“So Ronnie, you ready to be a stripper yet?”


“Why not? I did my part,” Patrick objected.

“No you didn’t. You didn’t become a porn star, you’re working for a porn studio executive. That’s hardly the same thing,” Ronnie protested.

“Maybe not, but I did get a job in the porn industry.” Patrick raised an eyebrow at Ronnie.

Ronnie crossed his arms over his chest. “Well I’m not becoming a stripper. I’d take a header off
the stage and get a concussion or something.”

Patrick had to agree Ronnie’s lack of coordination was almost legendary in their hometown. He tripped over a fire hydrant and broke a toe, tripped over a step and bruised his face, and once he tumbled off his bicycle and snapped his arm in two. It had been a minor miracle that Ronnie hadn’t broken anything since they’d moved in together.

With Oliver’s medical bills, they didn’t need another one for the stack.

“Yeah maybe you’re right. Maybe stripping isn’t your thing.”

“I’ll think of something,” Ronnie promised.

“Even with your new snazzy job, we’ll never pay the bills on time.”

“We’ll think of something together,” Oliver said. “As always, together.”

“Together,” Ronnie and Patrick agreed.

Chapter Seven

atrick watched as one of the camera

P men/editors put together all the takes to make one smooth film. It had taken him two months to convince Vance to let him look at films of naked men and only because the others teased him mercilessly about it.

“I never realized it took so many takes to make a single scene,” Patrick confessed, his eyes locked on the screen.”

The cameraman man was an older guy who was nice yet not in skeevy way like Ross often came across as. He turned around, a smile on his slightly rounded face. “Yeah, most people don’t know how hard these guys work. They think that all they do is have sex then get paid.”

At one time, Patrick had been one of those people, too. Now he was ashamed of the way he’d just made assumptions before taking the time to educate himself. For the most part, they all treated Patrick great. Sure, he still had to deal with Ross, but Patrick just made a point of avoiding the jerk.

“What do you think?” Mark asked as walked in and took a seat beside Patrick.

After becoming friendly while waiting for their
interviews, they continued to hang out at work.

Patrick liked that Mark didn’t tower over him like some of the other guys. The way that Mark always had a joke at the ready was a nice thing, too. It was probably Mark’s caretaking skills from raising his siblings, but he always watched out for Patrick and helped when he had questions.

Tilting his head to the side as he examined a particularly inventive scene, Patrick replied, “You’re very flexible.”

Mark gave a devilish grin. “I’m the only one here who can suck his own dick.”

Patrick laughed. “It’s good to have talent.”

They all glanced back at the screen just in time to see Mark being bent in a position that would have made

“Damn, do you have a side job as a gymnast or something?”

“No,” Mark replied, his face perfectly serious.

“I’m actually a ninja. We have to be flexible in order to get into those all-black pajamas.”

Even though the joke made no sense, Patrick cracked up. Their laughter cut off abruptly when the door opened and Ross walked in. It was as if all the good humor evaporated from the room.

Even Mark grew tense, a small whimper slipping past his lips.

As usual, Ross had a sneer on his face and he directed the expression directly at Patrick. “What
are you doing in here? Trying to pick up some tips, so you don’t keep disappointing Vance?”

Patrick would have replied, but he couldn’t look away from Mark. The guy’s entire body shook, and droplets of sweat formed on his brow.

Patrick patted Mark’s hand sending him soothing vibes through his grip. Obviously, Ross didn’t save his asshole attitude exclusively for Patrick.

“Hey Mark, you need to go sign those forms I left out for you,” Patrick reminded him with a pointed look.

It was a lie, but Ross didn’t know that.

“Sorry, I’ll go take care of that right now,” Mark replied.

Shooting Patrick a grateful look, Mark shot to his feet and practically ran from the room. Patrick exchanged a concerned glance with the cameraman. He made a mental note to speak with Vance about the situation as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Vance was spending the day dealing with another business and leaving Patrick to deal with Ross alone. The ass had seniority over Patrick, and Ross wasn’t afraid of flexing that power. From some rumors around the studio, Ross did more than a few questionable things with the talent. Patrick didn’t have any proof, but as soon as he could get someone to talk, he’d take his concerns to Vance.

With a nod, Ross sent the cameraman from the
room. The man obeyed, but not before shooting a worried glance at Patrick.

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