Patrick's Plight (5 page)

Read Patrick's Plight Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #ya, #glbt, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Patrick's Plight
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No one looked good wearing nothing but socks.

Not taking his eyes off the pretty boy in his bed, Vance removed the rest of his clothing. The admiration in Patrick’s eyes made Vance harder than ever. It didn’t hurt that Patrick’s erection grew longer as Vance approached.

Reaching out Vance wrapped a hand around Patrick’s shaft and gave it a few friendly pumps.

Patrick wiggled beneath Vance’s touch.

“Easy, don’t come yet, wait for me.” Vance didn’t want this part over before he got inside.

“I-I won’t,” Patrick gasped.

“Good.” Vance slid up until they were touching from chest to cock, their legs entangled.

Patrick tilted his chin to accept Vance’s kiss.

Vance sank into the embrace. He’d never had anyone so eager to accept him before. Most of the time, his lovers were trying to get a job or
“interview” with him. He took some of them up on their offer. After all, if they could pretend to enjoy it to get a job, they’d do well on film.

However, he never made it a condition of employment.

If he were interested in hiring Patrick, the boy would make a perfect bottom. Unfortunately, Patrick would never make it on film because Vance would strangle anyone who tried to touch the pretty boy.

Vance pressed kisses along Patrick’s neck, enjoying watching him squirm. He wished he’d brought cuffs. Nice fur-lined cuffs to keep Patrick in one spot while he explored his body, maybe next time. If things went like he hoped, there would definitely be another chance.

“Ready, honey?”


“Good. Put your hands over your head and leave them there,” Vance ordered.

Patrick immediately obeyed.

Vance scooped up a bit of whipped cream. Cool and sticky, he spread it across Patrick’s belly.

Patrick jolted beneath the frigid topping.

“Easy,” Vance soothed.

Patrick laughed. “You can say that because you’re not the plate.”

“I’ll warm you up,” he promised.

Vance lapped at the whipped cream, making
sure his breath brushed across Patrick’s bare skin with every lick.

“Oh my, oh dear, oh…fuck,” Patrick

whimpered, his head thrashing back and forth.

Vance let his teeth scrape across Patrick’s belly.

He smiled at the soft gasp.

“Like that, honey?” Vance asked.

“Yes.” Patrick sighed.

Vance dipped his fingers into the cream then dropped small dollops on Patrick’s nipples.

“Oh,” Patrick moaned.

Without hesitation, Vance dipped his head and bit at Patrick’s hard buds, sucking and pulling while Patrick moaned and groaned beneath Vance’s ministrations.

When he knew Patrick couldn’t take much more, Vance grabbed the lube. Popping the cap, he dripped it across his fingers. Once he had enough liquid, he pressed one finger inside Patrick while he made sure to get the rest of the whipped cream off his body.

“More,” Patrick insisted.

“Greedy,” Vance growled while he added another digit to join the first. He spread and twisted his fingers inside to loosen Patrick’s hole.

“You. Now.”

Vance slid his fingers out and tore open the foil square of the condom. He rolled on the protection and slathered more liquid to cover his cock.
“Turn around.”

Patrick obediently rolled onto his stomach and brought his knees beneath him, showing off his pretty pink hole. Yep, the view from the studio hadn’t lied. Patrick had a fine ass.

Vance must’ve paused longer than he thought because Patrick glared at him over his shoulder.

“Is there a problem?”

“Trust me, honey, there’s no problem with that ass,” Vance promised.

Taking Patrick at his word, Vance lined up and slowly worked his way inside. He paused when he felt Patrick snap around him. “Oh yes.”

When had he last found a man this tight? One of the problems with fucking porn stars was they were never as tight as Vance liked. “You feel amazing,” Vance praised.

Patrick arched beneath him, urging Vance on.

Never one to turn away an obvious invitation, Vance pumped into Patrick. Once he knew Patrick was relaxed enough, he took a tighter grip of Patrick’s hips, slid out, then slammed into him again. Pumping in and out, he savored the sensation of Patrick’s body trying to keep him inside.

“That’s it, baby,” he crooned.

Reaching around, Vance gripped Patrick’s cock.

He moved his hand in time with his hips.

Patrick gave a shout and liquid poured over Vance’s hand. The combination of Patrick tightening around him and the warm liquid send Vance over the edge.

He bit Patrick’s shoulder as he came. Lifting his mouth, he smiled at the mark.

He’d claimed him.

Patrick was his.

Chapter Five

fter a long, hot shower, Patrick stretched out A over the bed, a smile playing on his face.

To say sex with Vance was amazing would have been an understatement. The man was everything Patrick ever wanted in a guy and more. Sexy, tall, dominant, yet kind, Patrick just wanted to wrap himself around the guy and keep him forever.

Only, there was no forever when it came to one-night stands.

Throwing one arm over his face, Patrick let out a sigh. From the bathroom, the sound of the shower turning off reached his ears. In a few moments, Vance would be coming out, and then reality would once more come crashing down on Patrick’s shoulders.

Damn, I know it makes me sound like a bastard, but
I don’t know how much longer I can be the strong one
in our group. I’m so tired, so worn down, I just want to
be able to relax and be young, if for only a little while.

The door to the bathroom clicked open, and Vance came out, a white towel wrapped around his waist. The color contrasted so nicely with his tan skin that Patrick found himself drooling
despite the round of marathon sex they’d just finished.

“If you want, I can leave. I promise not to make things awkward,” Patrick said, averting his gaze.

He sat up, his heart sinking over the thought of never seeing Vance again. While Patrick didn’t believe in insta-love, he was a firm believer of insta-lust. So, he had no doubt that it would be a long time before he found anybody that could measure up to Vance.

Vance sat down next to Patrick. Reaching out, Vance cupped Patrick’s cheek, the gesture so gentle that it took all of Patrick’s self-control not to turn into the caress.

“I don’t want you to leave. That is, of course, unless you want to,” Vance replied.

Patrick glanced up from under his lashes.

“Sorry, I usually don’t do this kind of thing, so I’m really not up on my hookup etiquette.”

Fanning a thumb over Patrick’s cheek, Vance gave a gentle smile. “I already figured out that you haven’t been around much.”

Horror and shame slammed into Patrick as he realized the silent message behind those words.

Shit! Damn! Was he really that bad of a fuck? Sure, he may not have been around much, but he watched a ton of porn. That had to count for something…didn’t it?

Patrick’s mouth opened and closed a few times
before his brain finally caught up and words began to spill out, “I’m sorry if I wasn’t that good.

I haven’t had much practice.”

“You were perfect, don’t worry about it.” Vance gave Patrick a soft peck on the cheek. “Although, I do have to wonder why a guy with little experience would be trying to get in the porn business.”

Patrick stilled, his stomach dropping. “How did you know about that?”

“I’m the owner of the studio, and I saw your audition.”

Rage filled Patrick as he realized that he’d been duped in the worst way possible. Jerking away from Vance’s touch, Patrick snapped, “So, you decided to follow the guy you rejected and throw a pity fuck his way?”

Vance’s eyes grew dark. “It’s not like that at all.”

“Really, how so?”

Patrick began to look around for his clothes. He so wanted to get the frick out of the damn hotel room. While he may not have much, he did have pride, and he was damned if he’d let anybody play him for a fool.

“For one thing I never rejected you.”

Patrick got up, grabbed his jeans, and pulled them on with an angry jerk. “Are you kidding me?

You all but tossed me out the door. If I was that
unappealing, then why in the hell did you have sex with me? From your reaction at the audition, I’m shocked you were able to keep it up long enough to screw me.”

Looking around, Patrick found his t-shirt. It was in a ball, and when he picked it up, he found it was wrinkled to hell and back. He still put it on.

Since he planned on making a dramatic exit, there was no way he could pull out the iron or anything.

Vance jumped to his feet and stormed over.

While he was still pissed, Patrick still found himself backpedaling. Vance was just so big, and the way his eyes were all stormy was kind of scary. The older man’s temple was even ticking a bit.

Patrick let out a soft gasp when his back slammed into the wall. He quickly eyed the door, dismayed to find that there was no way he’d be able to make a run for it. Towel or not, he had no doubt that Vance would give chase.

“What we just did was not a pity screw,” Vance said, his voice low and kind of growly.

Damn it, if it didn’t turn on Patrick, too. Which just showed that he’d finally lost all his marbles.

He must have missed one meal too many and destroyed too many brain cells as a result.

He still managed to flip back a scathing reply, “Really? So, do you always fuck your rejects? If so, what does that say about you? Don’t think for a
second that I don’t know that you screwed every one of the guys working for you.”

As much as it hurt to admit, Patrick knew that all those men were way better looking and more experienced than him. It was a wonder that Vance hadn’t laughed his ass off at Patrick’s attempts at seduction. Disgust filled Patrick as he thought back to all the things he’d said and done since they’d met at the coffee house. It all must have seemed so pathetic to Vance.

Bracing a hand on each side of Patrick, Vance leaned in until their faces were mere inches apart.

“Don’t you dare think for a second that what happened between us was anything but genuine on my part.”

Patrick tried to shove Vance away, only to find that the guy was built out of brick or something.

“You refused to hire me because I’m too ugly, yet you just fucked my brains out. What else am I’m supposed to think?”

“I couldn’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“Let other men touch you.”

Patrick let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, nice try.”

Vance pinched Patrick’s chin and forced him to meet his eyes. “It’s true. As soon as I saw you, I knew that there was no way I could watch as you filmed scene after scene. It just filled me with rage, and I wanted to punch something.”
Patrick snorted. “Nice try, but I don’t buy it.

There is no thing as love at first sight.”

“I never claimed there was. But, I do know that you attract me more than any other man I’ve ever met.”

Another laugh began to form on Patrick’s lips until the saw the intense, yet vulnerable, expression on Vance’s face. Holy shit in a bread basket! Vance was actually serious.

“After you kicked me out, how did you find me?” Patrick asked, the anger gone from his voice.

“I followed you.”

“Okay, that’s only slightly stalkerish.”

Vance lifted a dark brow. “I have to admit, it’s nothing I’ve done before. I usually find that I can take it or leave it when it comes to men. But, there’s something about you that’s different. I just wish I could figure out what in the hell it is.”

While the compliment felt great, Patrick had to face reality. “That’s nice, but it doesn’t help me pay my rent and bills.”

“What happened to your last job?”

“I guess the owners were infatuated with me, too. When I wouldn’t go down on my knees for them, they kicked me out.”

Vance tightened his grip in Patrick’s chin. “I’m nothing like them. I would never fire somebody for not having sex with me.”

Realizing that he’d hurt Vance’s feelings,
Patrick held up his hands. “Sorry, that came out wrong. I was just trying to make a joke.”

Vance feathered their lips together. “How about I help you out with that job problem? I need another PA and I think you would be perfect for it.”

Another PA?
Just how many do you already have?”


Patrick gaped at him. “Are you shitting me?

Why in the hell could you possibly need a third one? I get that you feel bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to make up some job just for me. I’ve made it this far on my own, I can handle this crappy situation I’m in now.”

“How?” Vance challenged.

Scrambling for an answer, Patrick came up with zilch. “I don’t know, yet. But, I’ll figure out something.”

Vance took Patrick by the hand and led him back to the bed. “Take the job. I promise you it’s real and not a handout. Since I own so many businesses, I always need more help.”

“Don’t you have managers for that?”

“Yes, but I still find myself needing an extra pair of hands all the time.”

Glancing down at Vance’s crotch, Patrick let out a nervous chuckle. “I bet you do.”

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