New Alpha-New Rules (6 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

BOOK: New Alpha-New Rules
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Chapter 7

“Oh Harper, are
you busy? I have three dozen sandwiches to make and I hate slicing vegetables.
They’re wolves so shouldn’t they just eat meat for goodness sakes?” Cyndi wiped
her brow. She pushed a knife, tomatoes, and onions across the counter toward
Harper. She looked like a bigger version of Lucy. She had the same blonde hair
but shorter and the same dark chocolate eyes. She was tall and well-muscled
like a typical she-wolf. Just once Harper would like to meet another she-wolf
that was shorter than she was. Harper was average for a human not tall by their
standards either. She wondered what went wrong in her genetic code that made
her so short. Both of her parents towered over her and so did all of her
cousins. She was the shortest female in her pack and Bronson’s too.

She sliced the
onions expertly. The slices were all thin, and uniform. She tackled the
tomatoes next slicing them the same. “Hey you’re good help in the kitchen. You
can do all of my prep work.” Cindy grinned at her. “I’m shit with a knife.”
Harper laughed. Strong arms surrounded her then caged her close to the counter.

“How’s it going in
here? The boys are hungry.” Harper’s body came alive in that instant. The Alpha
had her trapped and his voice against her ear turned her on like never before.
“Is everything okay?” He murmured close making her shiver. He chuckled. “Your
room is almost finished. They’ve hung the drywall and finished it but you won’t
be able to paint until day after tomorrow. I forgot about the sanding and mudding.
You can sleep there tonight though, they’ll fetch you a bed after lunch.”

Harper deflated.
So, she wouldn’t sleep with him again. He didn’t want her to sleep with him? It
was probably a huge inconvenience having to share his bed with a stranger even
if he did like her. At least she thought he liked her. Maybe he liked all of
his females. Cindy said that he put them on a pedestal. “Hey, I can hear the
wheels spinning out of control.” He smoothed a hand over her hair. “What’s
turning around in there?”

“Shit Ryder, you
probably just confused her to bits. You claimed her publicly, slept with her
last night and now you’re sending her to her room.” He growled lightly. Cindy
cocked her head at him then dropped it and returned to spreading mayonnaise
over the slices of bread she had laid out in front of her. Harper worried her
bottom lip but said nothing. This she-wolf was psychic.

“That so?” Harper
fidgeted. “I don’t want to force you into my bed. Your room gives you a choice.
If you want to sleep with me by all means, do. I’ve staked my claim and I
haven’t changed my mind. I want you. I don’t think you’re ready for a mating
yet but if I’m wrong just say so and we can begin now.” His face was right next
to hers and she felt him smile against her cheek. Her skin flushed and she was
sure that she turned puce. “I love to watch your skin turn pink, it’s
beautiful.” He didn’t move away and she didn’t move either.

Cindy kept
spreading mayo and mustard glancing up nervously every so often. “Have I
cleared up any questions you may have had Harper.” His voice caressed her name
like no one’s before. It sounded so sexy on his lips and she wondered if he
said it like that when they did mate would make her climax. She was close now
and she had all of her clothes on. “I want to kiss you, do you object?” Cindy’s
eyes widened and a corner of her lips lifted slightly when Harper glanced up at
her. She shook her head. Ryder nuzzled her neck and kissed her throbbing pulse
there. “Easy girl.” He said against her damp skin. An electric sizzle raced
over her nerves and he kissed her cheek chastely then suddenly he was gone. She
let out a pent up breath.

“He’s pretty
intense.” Harper finally said after looking around and not seeing him.

“Yeah.” Cindy’s
brows climbed up her forehead. “I’ve never seen him like that, all sexy Alpha.
He’s always just been Ryder.” Her eyes widened then she sank her teeth into her
bottom lip. “I hope Mathew comes home for lunch.” Harper grinned at Cindy’s
flushed face. “I’d hate for him to miss out on my…state.” They both giggled
while Cindy fanned herself.

“He’s a good guy
though right? Ryder I mean.”

“The best honey.
The best. He’s been looking for a mate for a while, and no one fit the bill.
You’re the first he’s brought to the pack. None of them held his attention for
more than a few seconds.”

“How many? I mean,
were there a lot?” Harper had only been with one wolf, had only intended to be
with one during her life. Now, she hoped there was one more. She wasn’t sure
how she felt about a mate that had been with many. “I’ll bet there were a bunch
huh?” Harper looked around nervously.

“Nah, I can count
maybe five, there could be more but I don’t think so. I’m just glad the last
one is gone. Her name was Fiona or something. Ryder dallied with her for a while
and I thought he was going to ask her to come here with us but then he didn’t.
I guess he came to his senses. I glad she stayed there and I’m glad that you’re
here instead. You’re a lot nicer than she was and you don’t seem like a slut. I
heard she was doing half the men in town. Ryder could never find any proof but
where there’s smoke there’s fire.” Harper chuckled when Cindy waggled her

“No, I was never
that. I looked like one last night though. My friend Sidney dressed me and took
me out to that bar, she thought that I needed to get laid.”

“Ryder pretty much
offered. If that’s what you need…” Cindy giggled when Harper covered her face.
She was loading the sandwiches with cold cuts when Harper finally moved her
hands away. Harper followed with the vegetables she’d sliced. “I think it would
do him a lot of good too.” Cindy whispered conspiratorially.

“Harper?” Lucy
tugged on her tee shirt. “No onion or tomato please, just bologna.” Harper
smiled down at Lucy.

“Sure thing kid.”
Lucy grinned up at her then went to the table and sat down. Three other kids
ambled in and took seats around the table.

“Jasper, Kelly,
Justin,” Cindy called to them. “This is Harper.”

“Hey,” the three
of them echoed around the table without looking up. They all had smart phones
and their faces were buried in them.

“She’s mating
Ryder.” Three heads snapped up at once to study her. She gave them a wave.
Kelly scowled at her then gave her a look of open disgust. She heard Cindy
snicker behind her. Justin and Jasper elbowed each other. Harper turned back to

“What’s funny?”
Cindy’s face collapsed into utter joy.

“Well, Kelly’s
been telling people for the past few years now that she was mating Ryder. He’s
ignored her efforts because she is an infant next to him but her mother has fed
into this fantasy since Ryder had no mate. She’s a lazy wolf and hoped that if
her daughter mated Ryder it would secure her place as the queen of do nothing.
There’s no love lost between us if you haven’t guessed.” Harper turned back the

“He’s stated his
intentions but we’ve not agreed to a mating.” Harper looked Kelly in the eye.

“Kelly.” Ryder
strolled into the huge kitchen that suddenly seemed very small. “I am mating
Harper. I was never mating you no matter what you or your mother think. I don’t
want to see that look on your face again and I don’t want to hear of any ill
will or acts toward Harper. You and I were never happening, Harper or not. I
have no interest in a child. You should turn your thoughts to Lee, Jack, or

“Oh Ryder, don’t
be silly, you’ve just met that female. She won’t hold your interest just like
the rest of them.” A tall lithe she-wolf came in from the living room. Her hair
was long and straight, black as night, her heavily made up eyes were dark blue.
The lipstick she wore was dark cherry, almost brown and went unexpectedly well
with her tanned skin. She was beautiful and exotic, Harper thought. She turned
her gaze on Harper then visibly dismissed her. “I’m Nicole. You won’t be around
long so I don’t need to learn your name.” She said haughtily.

“Oh goodie, the
queen of lazy has arrived.” Cindy muttered behind her. “Don’t mind her.” Cindy
said. “Just ignore her like the rest of us.”

“Nicole.” Ryder
said sharply. “You may be excused from lunch. Anyone else that has an unkind
word for my mate may be excused as well.” The wolves that were in the attic
were filing in now and filling seats around the table. Two more wolves came in
the back door from the yard but Harper didn’t know them. “Will, take you mate
to your room.” The Alpha commanded. “Take lunch with you, you’ve worked hard
this morning. She’s not welcome at this meal.” Ryder said more to Nicole than
to Will. Cindy brought a plate with two sandwiches and some chips to him from
her place behind the counter. Harper watched Nicole flip her hair over her
shoulder and turn on one heel to leave.


“Mark my words.
She won’t be here long.” Ryder inhaled sharply. “Children, come.” She

“Mathew, this is
Harper. She is going to help you plan the garden, she grew up on a farm, and
she knows how to run the equipment.” Mathew came over and hugged her quickly.

“Welcome.” His
eyes twinkled much like his mate’s. “I’ll take all the help we can get. It’s
harder than it looks on television.”

“Not really.”
Harper said quietly looking up at Ryder who was studying them. He didn’t like
that Mathew hugged her. That was clear. Harper grabbed a plate and filled it
with two sandwiches and some chips then brought it to Ryder. He smiled softly
at her and took it.

“Get yourself a plate
and join me.” Harper hurried back to the counter and took a sandwich with a few
chips. She didn’t want to eat more than was appropriate and she wasn’t sure
what a she-wolf sized portion was. Cindy slid past her and took the plate from
her hands.

“That’s Lucy’s
little sandwich, get another one honey.” Cindy said putting the plate in front
of her daughter. Cindy hurried back to the counter passing Harper again who had
not moved to where the meal was laid out and grabbed two more plates. She
handed one to Harper and kept the other. “Dig in boys.” Cindy called over her
shoulder getting out of the way. “Watch this.” Harper edged around to the backside
of the table and settled beside Ryder. The pack cleaned the counter of all
food. Cindy grinned and bit into her lunch. “See, get yours and get out of the
way or starve and get trampled all in one afternoon. Ryder chuckled biting into
his lunch.

“We aren’t that
bad.” Cindy harrumphed. Harper glanced up at him. “Eat sweet pea.” Mathew
settled beside his mate and leaned over to kiss her. She whispered something
against his ear and he drew back to look at her grinning.

“Hey Lee, want to
take Lucy for a tractor ride after lunch?” Lee grinned around his sandwich and
nodded, his green eyes twinkled. Harper watched. This pack was more giving than
Bronson’s pack. They seemed to be more understanding. She was not regretting
her decision so far. She hoped they would accept her. Ryder’s hand was at the
small of her back now.

“Eat.” He
whispered against her ear. She looked down at her untouched sandwich and lifted
it to her mouth. Taking too much would be less of an offense than not touching
the food that you took. Harper ate while absorbing the chatter around her. Lucy
took her plate to the trash then disappeared into the living room. Harper heard
cartoons from the TV a few seconds later.

Most of them were
working on Ryder’s space as they called it. They wanted to please him. That was
evident. Curtis had the most pleasing news at least it seemed that way.

“I think I have
the bathroom worked out for your attic Ry. Give me a couple of days and you
won’t have to share with the rest of us peasants.” Alan grabbed the chip bag.

“Problem though.”
Ryder raised an eyebrow and looked at him. It needs to go in her new bedroom.”

Curtis grimaced.
“She doesn’t need it though, you’re mating right?” Harper’s cheeks burned.
Everyone knew everyone else’s business in this pack and she wasn’t sure if she
was comfortable with that.

“I’m wiring,
almost done.” Alan said then stuffed his mouth full of chips. He sat back and
chewed then swallowed. “I’m putting in a bunch of outlets at the other end from
where your bed is set up too. I figure that’s where your office will go. Do you
want overhead lighting? Or something more…uh…romantic?” He glanced at Harper
who blushed more. She was waiting for spontaneous combustion.

“Overhead is fine
Alan, give me plenty of light because that side of the house is darker, no
sunshine. Who has worked out my porch?”

“Me!” Jack said

“Yeah, the kid
did, but you’re going to lose some closet space.” Lee told him. “You said that
you wanted it to face dawn, east.” Ryder nodded. “Well that puts us in your
closet, like six feet for a doorway but you’ll still have plenty for both of
you. Me and Jack can create an organizer and double the space you have by using
multiple rods and shelves.” Ryder sat back and thought about it while Harper
finished her sandwich.

“What do you think
darling, closet space or coffee while you watch the sunrise?” Harper nibbled
her lip. “You do you drink coffee, right?” She nodded.

“Give me the
porch. I want to watch the sunrise with my mate.” Ryder said and got up to
carry his paper plate to the trash. Curtis started laughing then the rest of
them joined in. “What’s up?” Ryder stalked back to the table and glared down at

“I don’t think
your mate wants that.” Curtis’ eyes twinkled and Harper giggled. Ryder hooked a
finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him.

“It’s awfully
early.” She mumbled. Ryder leaned over and kissed her lips. “I’m more of an
afternoon tea sort of girl.” She offered.

“We’ll see.” He
winked and let his fingertips trail over her cheek then looked up at the rest
of them who were watching. Ryder growled low and they found somewhere else to
look. “Get back to work.” They filed out of the kitchen silently. She noticed
that Cindy and Mathew were missing. 

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